My high school textbook seems politically biased and factually incorrect.

Is this a bad textbook? Should it be replaced?

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You continue to use the inappropriate terminology, and you continue to be obstructionist and wrong.

It is the correct and accurate term, you fool. Your inability to understand the English language is one of your many shortcomings.
The term in context is inappropriate, and when you use concentration camp, you align yourself with the Nazis.
No matter how many times you post, you will still be wrong. I'm sorry English is such a mystery to you.
You have aligned yourselves with the Nazi and will always be wrong to use that term.
You’re confusing legal with illegal immigration.

There’s nothing ‘bias’ about it, just a statement of fact. The 14th Amendment affords all persons in the United States equal protection and due process rights, regardless immigration status, or lack thereof. See: Plyler v. Doe (1982).

To deny allegedly undocumented immigrants access to most public services, for example, simply because of their immigration status, is a violation of the Equal Protection Clause. There are also potential due process violations as well.

From what you’ve posted your textbook is both accurate and un-biased.

Okay, on the first statement it was in a context which talks about all immigrants, not just legal ones, but that set aside, only 9.8% of Latino LEGAL immigrants have a college degree, and 29% of white immigrants. My textbook was just plain wrong saying that most immigrants are well-educated.

On the next statement, you are wrong about the 14th amendment protecting illegals, as it specifically states it only applies to "citizens" which undocumented people are not. Regardless, it presents that "fact" as though everybody should support certain policies, and has no place in our public schools. I'm assuming you don't support teaching creationism in our schools? This is the same sort of deal.

Also, could you please give me your opinion on the statement about Al-Queada and the Taliban that neglects to mention religion as their main motive?

Is anyone else fascinated by the sight of a high school freshman taking apart two of the most arrogant liberal poseurs on the boards like cheap watches? :party:

Is anyone else fascinated by the sight of neocon whackjobs actually believing this is a high school freshmen, then giving the sock a slap on the back for 'taking apart' two posters who are handing this 'kid' his/her arse on a plate...
I hate to break it to some of you, but not everyone in the country has succumbed to your "grunting and pointing is enough" standards of education.

This is almost sig worthy in describing most neocon whackjobs on this board, including the ill-informed, ignorant, arrogant, twat that is the Cesspit....
Okay, on the first statement it was in a context which talks about all immigrants, not just legal ones, but that set aside, only 9.8% of Latino LEGAL immigrants have a college degree, and 29% of white immigrants. My textbook was just plain wrong saying that most immigrants are well-educated.

On the next statement, you are wrong about the 14th amendment protecting illegals, as it specifically states it only applies to "citizens" which undocumented people are not. Regardless, it presents that "fact" as though everybody should support certain policies, and has no place in our public schools. I'm assuming you don't support teaching creationism in our schools? This is the same sort of deal.

Also, could you please give me your opinion on the statement about Al-Queada and the Taliban that neglects to mention religion as their main motive?

Is anyone else fascinated by the sight of a high school freshman taking apart two of the most arrogant liberal poseurs on the boards like cheap watches? :party:

Is anyone else fascinated by the sight of neocon whackjobs actually believing this is a high school freshmen, then giving the sock a slap on the back for 'taking apart' two posters who are handing this 'kid' his/her arse on a plate...

Neo-con whackjobs are always fascinating, particularly with regard to their ability to be so consistently wrong.
Is anyone else fascinated by the sight of a high school freshman taking apart two of the most arrogant liberal poseurs on the boards like cheap watches? :party:

Is anyone else fascinated by the sight of neocon whackjobs actually believing this is a high school freshmen, then giving the sock a slap on the back for 'taking apart' two posters who are handing this 'kid' his/her arse on a plate...

Neo-con whackjobs are always fascinating, particularly with regard to their ability to be so consistently wrong.

They are consistently wrong in most things, but what is particularly chuckle-worthy in this thread is the likes of Cesspit rambling on about indoctrination of liberals, when if there is one political POV that is drowning in such, it's the neocon whackjobs like the Cesspit. It's comical...
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CeCi is fun to watch. Her sophomoric grasp of syntax and diction amuses me most. But give her credit: she is the girl whose gift keeps on giving.
Okay, on the first statement it was in a context which talks about all immigrants, not just legal ones, but that set aside, only 9.8% of Latino LEGAL immigrants have a college degree, and 29% of white immigrants. My textbook was just plain wrong saying that most immigrants are well-educated.

On the next statement, you are wrong about the 14th amendment protecting illegals, as it specifically states it only applies to "citizens" which undocumented people are not. Regardless, it presents that "fact" as though everybody should support certain policies, and has no place in our public schools. I'm assuming you don't support teaching creationism in our schools? This is the same sort of deal.

Also, could you please give me your opinion on the statement about Al-Queada and the Taliban that neglects to mention religion as their main motive?

Is anyone else fascinated by the sight of a high school freshman taking apart two of the most arrogant liberal poseurs on the boards like cheap watches? :party:

Is anyone else fascinated by the sight of neocon whackjobs actually believing this is a high school freshmen, then giving the sock a slap on the back for 'taking apart' two posters who are handing this 'kid' his/her arse on a plate...

I'm fascinated by the fact you don't think I'm 14. What, do you want a copy of my birth certificate?
I'm fascinated by the fact you don't think I'm 14. What, do you want a copy of my birth certificate?

You well could be, but there are few people I take at face value on the Internet. You are not one of them...

And no, I'm not a birfer. In saying that, I'm very surprised those that have taken to you (the likes of Cesspit etc) haven't asked for it. They don't seem to worry about asking for your POTUS's birth certificate...
Nah, Politicskid is an adult, of course.

PK was not particularly good at this, but, hey, it made for a fun Sunday.

And CeCi got to do her doosh act again, so she's happy.
I'm fascinated by the fact you don't think I'm 14. What, do you want a copy of my birth certificate?

You well could be, but there are few people I take at face value on the Internet. You are not one of them...

And no, I'm not a birfer. In saying that, I'm very surprised those that have taken to you (the likes of Cesspit etc) haven't asked for it. They don't seem to worry about asking for your POTUS's birth certificate...

A birfer? What's a birfer?

I don't blame you for not trusting everyone you meet on the Internet, but would you have preffered I'd have pretended to be an adult?
Use a dictionary, for starters to continue your "fascination" with the challenges of English.

I wasn't aware that the definition of "concentration camp" included anything about ovens, but please, continue. I'm alway fascinated to hear how the English-challenged among us have decided to rewrite the dictionary THIS week.

She is accurate in her use of English and you are not (again).

That is not to mention that I know I said, "English-challenged", while Jake mistakenly thought I said, "English". :eusa_whistle:
Did your teacher produce the video?
Do you know what a curriculum is and how it is made for your school?
Do you think "being green" is unpatriotic?

I think questioning your text books, and expanding your education beyond just what is taught is great. However you seem awfully convinced that you can't bring your questions to your class, and open a dialog with your teacher. That is where my confusion lies. If you have questions, or find inconsistencies in your text books, why do you assume your teacher would be unwilling to listsen?

No my teacher didn't produce the video. Basically, it was a persuasive clip that advocated for "green" energy use, but not the practical kind. You know, solar and wind, and heavily implied that we could run our day to day live off of just these sources, which is not the case.

And no, of course I don't think being green is unpatriotic! I simply think that it is a huge overstatement to say that it's the most patriotic thing you can do for your country. That virtually implies that being green should be your highest priority, which is very debatable.

I don't know, I might tell my teacher when the school year gets closer to the end. I just don't want to appear like I'm overreacting. Also, I know he has no control over what textbooks we use. He actually is a very good teacher, probably my favorite. Don't get me wrong. In fact, he got the school bored to allow my school to offer and him to teach the only freshman AP classes in Oregon! As it stands, I just don't want to waste his time.

Most of my professors were 'liberal' it's the nature of the beast in universities. However, high school teachers are a different breed in many cases. The best way to get a 'feel' if they'll harm your grade by an opposing point of view in an essay or debate is to talk to them 'outside' of class time. Professors often like a contrarian point of view, even if in discussion you sway the audience. It leads to better reviews for the teacher.

Well, a college professor is, presumably, more thoroughly educated in his subject than a high school teacher, and OUGHT to be more secure in his position and knowledge. Therefore, they can, again presumably, be more comfortable with the fact that a lively debate and exchange of ideas can only help their students to be better-educated.
I was quite accurate in stating CeCi is challenged in her use of English.

Observe her failings in diction and syntax. She is the gift who keeps on giving.
you are neither smart enough nor knowledgeable enough to have an opinion on what is 'biased'.

the text book isn't biased. you are.

and you should be sent to your room without supper.

now go study and learn something.

my son is a sophmore in a public high school and i'd whup him if he sounded as silly as you.

(although i do applaud your being political... even if you're still ignorant).

Okay...I'm not sure whether to be offended or think that you actually agree with me that they're is bias going on here. Tell me, specifically why am I wrong about these parts of my textbook being biased and incorrect?

because facts are facts.

you can draw whatever opinion you want to about those facts, but there can't be alternative facts.


i'd hope they're biased in favor of the truth. you should be biased in favor of facts, too.

i'm not trying to insult you. i'm pointing out that the idea that the textbooks are 'biased' is silly.

and facts don't always suit our political views.

or do you want to do the whole texas: let's make up our own history thing?



In other words

The bias of the books is the same as yours, and not based entirely on facts.

fdr was a tyrant, anyone that says otherwise is nothing less than a liar.
Is anyone else fascinated by the sight of a high school freshman taking apart two of the most arrogant liberal poseurs on the boards like cheap watches? :party:

Is anyone else fascinated by the sight of neocon whackjobs actually believing this is a high school freshmen, then giving the sock a slap on the back for 'taking apart' two posters who are handing this 'kid' his/her arse on a plate...

I'm fascinated by the fact you don't think I'm 14. What, do you want a copy of my birth certificate?

Fourteen-year-olds in LibWorld are required to be ignorant mall rats, speaking strictly in text-speech and wondering who can babysit their kids this Friday so they can go out partying with their Baby Mama/Daddy. Oh, and waiting impatiently for their food stamps to arrive.
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Possibly in the sense of 2b, but that is not what you meant.

Tyrant Definition of TYRANT 1 a : an absolute ruler unrestrained by law or constitution
b : a usurper of sovereignty 2 a : a ruler who exercises absolute power oppressively or brutally b : one resembling an oppressive ruler in the harsh use of authority or power

Okay...I'm not sure whether to be offended or think that you actually agree with me that they're is bias going on here. Tell me, specifically why am I wrong about these parts of my textbook being biased and incorrect?

because facts are facts.

you can draw whatever opinion you want to about those facts, but there can't be alternative facts.


i'd hope they're biased in favor of the truth. you should be biased in favor of facts, too.

i'm not trying to insult you. i'm pointing out that the idea that the textbooks are 'biased' is silly.

and facts don't always suit our political views.

or do you want to do the whole texas: let's make up our own history thing?



In other words

The bias of the books is the same as yours, and not based entirely on facts.

fdr was a tyrant, anyone that says otherwise is nothing less than a liar.

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