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My impression with certain so-called white people say that president Obama was an embarassment.

President Obama who endured fierce unAmerican right wing extremist attacks on his administration for eight grueling years but stayed the course.
Who Doesn't Get Called Out By The Opposition
'stayed the course'....
You Folks Can't Even Come Up With Your Own Lines
President Obama's administrtion saved the auto industry
Bush's Tarp Did
And The Recovery Trend Had Started
Before Obama Was Inaugurated
spared the economy from a second great depression
By Extending Bush's Tax Cuts
sustained the budget deficit at all time low
While Doubling The Debt...
all time low accomplishment
Slowest Recovery Evva
Obama ended the Iraq war
While Igniting The Entire Middle East
And The Rise Of ISIS
got Osama
No Forensic Evidence Has Been Released
Only Witness Accounts
serving according to U.S. Constitutional law.
noted among historians as one of the best presidents of U.S. history.
'Approval Rating' Popularity Is Meaningless
Pastor: When White Folks Say Obama Was an “Embarrassment”, Here’s What You Say
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My problems with Obama had nothing to do with race, nor skin color. He didn't like America. Why would he want to FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM something he loved, and respected? Also, he told me "You didn't build that!!!" Well, yes I did. My hard earned tax dollars built it moron.
In b4 OP realizes "Michelle" is a dude.




Yeah, we had a faggot-in-chief for 8 years. Muslim Brotherhood sleepovers at the White House and all. It was embarrassing.
President Obama who endured fierce unAmerican right wing extremist attacks on his administration for eight grueling years but stayed the course. Yet despite that, President Obama's administrtion saved the auto industry, spared the economy from a second great depression, spared the world of a terrible economic and strategic calamity and sustained the budget deficit at all time low accomplishment etc. Additionally President Obama ended the Iraq war, got Osama and Kadaffi. Therefore, it appears these bigot fools fail to realize the office of the U.S. Presidency does not limit one's so-called racial or perceived racial background from serving according to U.S. Constitutional law. As such President Obama through it all ended his two terms with a stellar over 60% approval rating among the majority of America and noted among historians as one of the best presidents of U.S. history. President Obama, my legitimate and constitutionally in compliance president until further notice:

Pastor: When White Folks Say Obama Was an “Embarrassment”, Here’s What You Say.

One of the common responses to criticism of Donald Trump by his voters is something along the lines “Obama was an embarrassment for 8 years.” One Christian pastor is calling out that notion.

John Pavlovitz has penned an open letter to those white Trump voters, informing them that no, in fact, they weren’t embarrassed by the former President:

Were you embarrassed by his lone and enduring twenty-five year marriage to a strong woman he’s never ceased to publicly praise, respect, or cherish?

Were you embarrassed by the way he lovingly and sweetly parented and protected his daughters?

Pavolovitz asked these, along with a lot of other relevant questions. Here is the entire post:

“I remember the day after the Election, a friend of mine who happens to be white, remarked on social media that he “finally wasn’t embarrassed of America and our President.”

I sprained my eyes rolling them and they have never fully recovered.

Since then I’ve heard this sentiment echoed by more white folks than I can count, especially in recent months; supposed relief at once again having a leader who instills pride.

Since I don’t have the time to ask each of the individually, I’ll ask here:

So, you were embarrassed for the past 8 years, huh?

source: washintondailywire
Here is what I was not EMBARRASSED but angered because of the evidently gross ignorance of this supposedly "educated" and intelligent person!
NO one unless an idiot would make such anti-business statements UNLESS they were truly anti-business.

Also Obama WAS AN ANGRY BLACK MAN and he admitted it! Want proof? He told us in 1995!

I don't care what you Obama haters have to say with your hater inspired fact free nonsense and lies. I know what President Obama did and it was good that made America great again and respected in the world. Now run with your all that winning hacked and rigged in Russian fool and puppet tRump.
He is a fucking commie. Commies come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. I hate all of them for one reason only. They are fucking commies. They do not share the same principle beliefs that I do. In fact, they must "re-educate" a person like me in order for their communist bullshit to "work" which it never has.

Get it?

Take your cries of RACISM and shove them up your neighbor's mule's ass.

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My only issues with Obama were:

-Playing the race card at every opportunity
-Adding $10 trillion to the debt
-Fast and Furious scandal of selling guns to Mexican drug lords
-Eric Holder being held in contempt of Congress in Fast and Furious investigation
-Spying on reporters using the CIA
-Delivering pallets of cash to Iran
-Using the IRS against political enemies
-Stalling on the Keystone Pipline studies
-NSAs Prism surveillance system that spies on Americans without warrants
-His expansion of government
-raising taxes
I don't care what you Obama haters have to say with your hater inspired fact free nonsense and lies. I know what President Obama did and it was good that made America great again and respected in the world. Now run with your all that winning hacked and rigged in Russian fool and puppet tRump.
Are you a Trump troll? I hope so because if you are not you are the best argument against the left that I've seen in a long while.

Either that or you're 8 years old.
President Obama who endured fierce unAmerican right wing extremist attacks on his administration for eight grueling years but stayed the course. Yet despite that, President Obama's administrtion saved the auto industry, spared the economy from a second great depression, spared the world of a terrible economic and strategic calamity and sustained the budget deficit at all time low accomplishment etc. Additionally President Obama ended the Iraq war, got Osama and Kadaffi. Therefore, it appears these bigot fools fail to realize the office of the U.S. Presidency does not limit one's so-called racial or perceived racial background from serving according to U.S. Constitutional law. As such President Obama through it all ended his two terms with a stellar over 60% approval rating among the majority of America and noted among historians as one of the best presidents of U.S. history. President Obama, my legitimate and constitutionally in compliance president until further notice:

Pastor: When White Folks Say Obama Was an “Embarrassment”, Here’s What You Say.

One of the common responses to criticism of Donald Trump by his voters is something along the lines “Obama was an embarrassment for 8 years.” One Christian pastor is calling out that notion.

John Pavlovitz has penned an open letter to those white Trump voters, informing them that no, in fact, they weren’t embarrassed by the former President:

Were you embarrassed by his lone and enduring twenty-five year marriage to a strong woman he’s never ceased to publicly praise, respect, or cherish?

Were you embarrassed by the way he lovingly and sweetly parented and protected his daughters?

Pavolovitz asked these, along with a lot of other relevant questions. Here is the entire post:

“I remember the day after the Election, a friend of mine who happens to be white, remarked on social media that he “finally wasn’t embarrassed of America and our President.”

I sprained my eyes rolling them and they have never fully recovered.

Since then I’ve heard this sentiment echoed by more white folks than I can count, especially in recent months; supposed relief at once again having a leader who instills pride.

Since I don’t have the time to ask each of the individually, I’ll ask here:

So, you were embarrassed for the past 8 years, huh?

source: washintondailywire
just what we need - wah-article to start the day.
FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION (Communism). You didn't build that!!! (more Communism). That's Obama.
For me “embarrassed” isn’t the right word. I just think he was a phony, and a globalist traitor / puppet. But I don’t single him out. I’m sure that 98% here will disagree, but in my opinion most of the presidents we’ve had in the last few decades have been phonies, and puppets for the most part.

But there were certain things about Obama that I really couldn’t stand, namely his arrogance, smugness, divisiveness and lies/hypocrisy. For example, claiming he was going to be the most “transparent” president and then being the exact opposite, to the extreme. Claiming to be a Democrat for the people, but being one of the most Wall Street presidents ever. Claiming to be against the wars but bombing the hell out of innocent people and being a warmonger. (These things go back to him being a globalist puppet) Also, his completely evil position on abortion, being more extreme than even NARAL. Actually, I could go on and on. So yeah, I wouldn’t say embarrassed… More like disgusted and angered.

Total phony as this excerpt from his 1995 autobiography shows... Obama was and IS an "angry black man" that used Tricks, deceit, and LIES to hide this!
President Obama's administrtion saved the auto industry, spared the economy from a second great depression, spared the world of a terrible economic and strategic calamity and sustained the budget deficit at all time low accomplishment etc. Additionally President Obama ended the Iraq war, got Osama and Kadaffi.

Not an embarrassment of course but the deficit was high. He merely followed the Bush Bug Out Plan in Iraq and didn't truly start to combat ISIS until they reached the outskirts of Erbil and began to make moves against it.(the oil capital of Kurdistan). The brutal murder of Qaddafi is not a feather in the cap of law and order, nor was the plan for post Qaddafi Libya.

Embarrassment? No. Plenty to criticize however.
I don't know about "embarrassment", a bit of a ridiculous statement. However the rest is a bit much. Americans give too much credit and blame to presidents. Particularly on economic matters. Obama didn't do squat dealing with the economic crisis. The fed pumped trillions into the system, something that would have happened regardless of who was in the oval office.

As far as Iraq, Obama didn't "end" the Iraq war, he walked away at a horrible moment. I can assure you the Iraqis didn't notice the "end" of the war. Don't get me wrong I was against the Iraq war from day one, however we pulled out at the worst possible moment. Libya is a clusterf##k. Libya today is a far worse problem than it was before Hillary's mindless statements.

It was mostly the Iraqis who ended the occupation. Without an immunity agreement for our troops no president would keep troops stationed there. For them it was the beginning of the next phase of their Civil War. France was the leading proponent for the action in Libya and frankly I think they have paid for it as has a lot of Europe.
I don't know about "embarrassment", a bit of a ridiculous statement. However the rest is a bit much. Americans give too much credit and blame to presidents. Particularly on economic matters. Obama didn't do squat dealing with the economic crisis. The fed pumped trillions into the system, something that would have happened regardless of who was in the oval office.

As far as Iraq, Obama didn't "end" the Iraq war, he walked away at a horrible moment. I can assure you the Iraqis didn't notice the "end" of the war. Don't get me wrong I was against the Iraq war from day one, however we pulled out at the worst possible moment. Libya is a clusterf##k. Libya today is a far worse problem than it was before Hillary's mindless statements.

Obama did not take us to a war that we never should have been and that caused thousands of Muslim and American lives. He got us out and the economy that Trump wants to take credits for was already in place by Obama. This is what Trump has done. .....
Hate and racist speech beget hate and racist acts and speech.
Since Trump took office and his hate speech toward anyone who does not agree with him and his racist speech against middle eastern, Afro-Americans and Hispanics and CNN and anyone who does not agree with him and give the ok for his supporters to act out their hate and racism. Hate an racism has been on the rise since he took office. He has done irreversible harm to this country that will never be repaired. He is not fit to run farm animals much less this great country. GOD help us until he is impeached or until he finishes his term.
Obungo set race relations back 50 years by using Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown's deaths for political purposes and putting police lives in danger. Inviting black lies matter to the White House was sick.

Did he invite BLM to the White House before or after their terroristic activity began...?

The really sad part is REgressives don’t care if he did invite domestic terrorists to the White House. They’re too afraid to criticize him bc that would make them RACIST in their puny, completely irrational minds.
President Obama who endured fierce unAmerican right wing extremist attacks on his administration for eight grueling years but stayed the course. Yet despite that, President Obama's administrtion saved the auto industry, spared the economy from a second great depression, spared the world of a terrible economic and strategic calamity and sustained the budget deficit at all time low accomplishment etc. Additionally President Obama ended the Iraq war, got Osama and Kadaffi. Therefore, it appears these bigot fools fail to realize the office of the U.S. Presidency does not limit one's so-called racial or perceived racial background from serving according to U.S. Constitutional law. As such President Obama through it all ended his two terms with a stellar over 60% approval rating among the majority of America and noted among historians as one of the best presidents of U.S. history. President Obama, my legitimate and constitutionally in compliance president until further notice:

Pastor: When White Folks Say Obama Was an “Embarrassment”, Here’s What You Say.

One of the common responses to criticism of Donald Trump by his voters is something along the lines “Obama was an embarrassment for 8 years.” One Christian pastor is calling out that notion.

John Pavlovitz has penned an open letter to those white Trump voters, informing them that no, in fact, they weren’t embarrassed by the former President:

Were you embarrassed by his lone and enduring twenty-five year marriage to a strong woman he’s never ceased to publicly praise, respect, or cherish?

Were you embarrassed by the way he lovingly and sweetly parented and protected his daughters?

Pavolovitz asked these, along with a lot of other relevant questions. Here is the entire post:

“I remember the day after the Election, a friend of mine who happens to be white, remarked on social media that he “finally wasn’t embarrassed of America and our President.”

I sprained my eyes rolling them and they have never fully recovered.

Since then I’ve heard this sentiment echoed by more white folks than I can count, especially in recent months; supposed relief at once again having a leader who instills pride.

Since I don’t have the time to ask each of the individually, I’ll ask here:

So, you were embarrassed for the past 8 years, huh?

source: washintondailywire

I don't care what you Obama haters have to say with your hater inspired fact free nonsense and lies. I know what President Obama did and it was good that made America great again and respected in the world. Now run with your all that winning hacked and rigged in Russian fool and puppet tRump.
The only good thing he did was to become the worst president ever, before Carter dies.

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