‘My life is over’: 21-year-old Charlottesville marcher whines

Yes, ruin his life, exile him form society, make sure he will never work again, cut him off from friends and family,


If your desire is to radicalize him.

So what do you suggest society do with white supremacist roaches like this young man?

Ignore them to death.

Watch them like hawks, punishing anyone who breaks the law, as an example to the others.

A couple years of that, and they will go the way of the Dodo bird.

Ignoring them is what caused WWII.
So it's obvious your a product of public education. . .


And you have the nerve to make fun of my intellect, when you don't even know the difference between 'your' and 'you're '
Thanks, migraine this morning, simple error. Of course I know the difference. I'm sure you have done that before as well. Sometimes I neglect to proof read, sue me.
This will soon happen to YOU (antifa supporters). I will see to it

Internet tough guy alert!

I don't think anyone is worried.

Most people think Nazis are shit.

Most people think those who oppose Nazis are good.

If you "out" people for opposing Nazis, it will cause everyone around them to say "Well done! Let me buy you a beer!". That's not particularly frightening.
Should these cowards lose their jobs if they rally as racist....I say no....99.99% of all hard working people in this country are racist...we just haven't got caught yet!!
Let this be a lesson to all the other Nazis in training that white supremacy will not be tolerated in this country.
The meme in you signature completely contradicts your post, that makes you a hypocrite.

Laughing at a white supremacist is going low?
Pushing them out of civil society for their free speech rights, and then applauding it, yeah, I'd say, that qualifies.. .

So when your ideology is based on hate and violence, society shouldn't treat you differently? He can have all the ideas and opinions he wants.

But when you're caught in a public protest where you proudly wear the badge of white supremacy, don't be surprised when no one wants to hire you.

Of course society should not treat you differently.

When you become like those that you abhor, you are no different than they are, that's just simple logic.

Let this be a lesson to all the other Nazis in training that white supremacy will not be tolerated in this country.

Freedom of speech to be protected only if it agrees with your twisted, hateful liberal views?
I find it reprehensible that
So what do you suggest society do with white supremacist roaches like this young man?

Ignore them to death.

Watch them like hawks, punishing anyone who breaks the law, as an example to the others.

A couple years of that, and they will go the way of the Dodo bird.

Ignoring them is what caused WWII.
So it's obvious your a product of public education. . .


And you have the nerve to make fun of my intellect, when you don't even know the difference between 'your' and 'you're '
Thanks, migraine this morning, simple error. Of course I know the difference. I'm sure you have done that before as well. Sometimes I neglect to proof read, sue me.

Yes I make mistakes all time. But I don't go around making smart ass comments to people about getting a public school education.
So what do you suggest society do with white supremacist roaches like this young man?
Execute the law on him when he breaks it and take his racism into account at sentencing.

We should probably have sentence guidelines for racists that commit violent crimes as well, but we must make sure it addresses racism by ANY race, not just whites.
He didn't commit any violent acts. Unless we've got violent thought acts.

If he's turned into a bomb maker, it's the best we could hope for. The making of REAL warriors.
He's 21-years-old and he's shocked that somebody had a camera and posted pictures online? Maybe he should stick to posting anonymously on Daily Stormer if he can't stand by his beliefs in the real world.
I find it reprehensible that
Ignore them to death.

Watch them like hawks, punishing anyone who breaks the law, as an example to the others.

A couple years of that, and they will go the way of the Dodo bird.

Ignoring them is what caused WWII.
So it's obvious your a product of public education. . .


And you have the nerve to make fun of my intellect, when you don't even know the difference between 'your' and 'you're '
Thanks, migraine this morning, simple error. Of course I know the difference. I'm sure you have done that before as well. Sometimes I neglect to proof read, sue me.

Yes I make mistakes all time. But I don't go around making smart ass comments to people about getting a public school education.
You were the one that claimed that the reason for WWII was ignoring Nazi rallies, not me.

Where else would you get such specious ideas, the TV?
21-year old kid has plenty of time to turn his life around and start thinking for himself.
Yes, ruin his life, exile him form society, make sure he will never work again, cut him off from friends and family,


If your desire is to radicalize him.

I think he did that.

Walking around and shouting is hardly radicalized.

RUin his life, and let him steep in the bitterness and bile for ten years, then we will see radical.

Perfect plan, if you want more hate and bloodshed.

Me? I would prefer less.
Yes, ruin his life, exile him form society, make sure he will never work again, cut him off from friends and family,


If your desire is to radicalize him.

I think he did that.

Walking around and shouting is hardly radicalized.

RUin his life, and let him steep in the bitterness and bile for ten years, then we will see radical.

Perfect plan, if you want more hate and bloodshed.

Me? I would prefer less.

He thought he'd be a hero, just the opposite. Behavior has consequences. I believe in tough love. He needs to suffer for awhile.
Do the math and keep in mind nazi's, KKK, white supremacist who feel being white is superior and those who are sick of being discriminated against for being normal and white are all different varieties and have different issues.

KKK an estimated 8,000 members, people that identify as white in the US 77%. Dumb asses calling for a race war or trying to overtop the majority white christian population of the country are totally idiots because of a few idiots.

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white in the US 77%

Is that right? The way the white supremacist act you'd think they were in the minority.

RUin his life, and let him steep in the bitterness and bile for ten years, then we will see radical.....

Also his choice. Let him step out of line, and throw him in the deepest, darkest hole.

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