‘My life is over’: 21-year-old Charlottesville marcher whines

Protesting the destruction of American History is now a crime?

Who's destroying American history? We're only destroying your whitewashing of history, your revisionist history where the empire of race-based-slavery is defined as the good guys.

You've got private slaver safespaces in various places. Build your white supremacist monuments there. Charge admission, if you'd like.
Good, stupid kid should have known better than to march with Nazis.

‘My life is over’: 21-year-old Charlottesville marcher whines over ‘outing’ by anti-fascist group

A 21-year-old Honeoye Falls, NY man was outed as a white supremacist after photos of him marching in Charlottesville, VA circulated online.

According to the Livingston County News, Jerrod Kuhn was filmed on Friday and Saturday last week by a BBC documentary crew as he carried a torch on the University of Virginia campus and chanted Nazi slogans and marched with the KKK and neo-Nazis the following day.

We may not like what he said while protesting, but all he did was peacefully protest, unless there is evidence he attacked someone.
I think what people are so upset about is that he was marching with, chanting with, and showing support for, two of the most hateful and vile of all domestic TERRORIST groups: the KKK and Nazis. And he traveled a long 500 miles to do it. This was not a 'casual' drive across town.

The Nazis if Germany in the 30' started as a very tiny group, too. And they were ignored. The rest is history. America cannot afford to ignore these terrorist crackpots. They have to be exposed in the clear light of day and, yes, identified for what they are.
Cool are you exposing the clintonians and obamites that help nazis get into power in the Ukraine?
Yes, ruin his life, exile him form society, make sure he will never work again, cut him off from friends and family,


If your desire is to radicalize him.

I think he did that.

Walking around and shouting is hardly radicalized.

RUin his life, and let him steep in the bitterness and bile for ten years, then we will see radical.

Perfect plan, if you want more hate and bloodshed.

Me? I would prefer less.
You don't know the future.

And you don't know everything, period.
Yes, ruin his life, exile him form society, make sure he will never work again, cut him off from friends and family,


If your desire is to radicalize him.

So what do you suggest society do with white supremacist roaches like this young man?

Did he break the law ?


Then society has no claim upon him.

What say he find out who the homos are that live in his area and out them to the anti gay group ?

That's a load of nonsense. Just because something isn't against the law, doesn't mean it is not morally wrong. Many employers have moral and ethical policies. Being a white supremacist would be against most employers policy. Especially if you work in retail. Its not good for business having a white supremacist working for you.
The point you miss is antifa is engaging in VIOLENCE wherever they go. You think America is on your side, but they are not.

You need to understand that, outside of your right-wing echo chambers, nobody falls for your conspiracy theories.

Are 'Antifa' and the 'Alt-Right' Equally Violent?
Over the past decade, extremists of every stripe have killed 372 Americans. 74 percent of those killings were committed by right wing extremists. Only 2 percent of those deaths were at the hands of left wing extremists.

This is the alt-right battle plan for violence at every event.
Announce an event that’s going to piss everyone who has common sense off, something so outrageous it’s going to piss 99 percent of the population off, then when someone gets on Twitter [and threatens them], send out a press release saying, “we can’t practice our free speech rights because of leftist violence.” Then show up anyway. They have canceled so many rallies that they showed up at anyway and still rallied. The “threat of leftist violence” means they need to wear body armor and bring weapons. If it’s an open carry state they’ll have [firearms]. If it’s not an open carry state they’ll bring firecrackers and sticks.

And then when someone… pushes them or spits on them, they’ll use that as an excuse to strike out. Then the leftists will strike out, and the media won’t know who’s who.

will do my part to expose you fascist for who you are. You will soon find yourselves in the same position as this fellow. Live by the sword, die by the sword. By whatever judgement you judge, YOU shall be judged.

So when people point out you're just making crap up and laugh at you, how will you respond?
Let this be a lesson to all the other Nazis in training that white supremacy will not be tolerated in this country.

What will you tolerate in this country?

Also will you support my right to fire any BLM members?

BLM isn't founded on black supremacy. Nazis are founded in hate and racism.

Now if a BLM was caught chanting hateful chants, then an employer has the right and should fire them.
That's a load of nonsense. Just because something isn't against the law, doesn't mean it is not morally wrong. Many employers have moral and ethical policies. Being a white supremacist would be against most employers policy. Especially if you work in retail. Its not good for business having a white supremacist working for you.
A White Supremacist as defined by who exactly?

According to you leftards, anyone that disagrees with you is a White Supremacist, lol.
Let this be a lesson to all the other Nazis in training that white supremacy will not be tolerated in this country.

What will you tolerate in this country?

Also will you support my right to fire any BLM members?

BLM isn't founded on black supremacy. Nazis are founded in hate and racism.

Now if a BLM was caught chanting hateful chants, then an employer has the right and should fire them.

So you are claiming members of the BLM have not done anything illegal or chanting hate?

Also when did free speech become illegal?

Who are you to determine what is legal or illegal when it come to speech?
That's a load of nonsense. Just because something isn't against the law, doesn't mean it is not morally wrong. Many employers have moral and ethical policies. Being a white supremacist would be against most employers policy. Especially if you work in retail. Its not good for business having a white supremacist working for you.
A White Supremacist as defined by who exactly?

According to you leftards, anyone that disagrees with you is a White Supremacist, lol.

If you choose to march alongside people who are wearing swastikas, give the Nazi salute and chant racist and anti semitic chants, then chances are you're a white supremacist.
Let this be a lesson to all the other Nazis in training that white supremacy will not be tolerated in this country.

What will you tolerate in this country?

Also will you support my right to fire any BLM members?

BLM isn't founded on black supremacy. Nazis are founded in hate and racism.

Now if a BLM was caught chanting hateful chants, then an employer has the right and should fire them.

So you are claiming members of the BLM have not done anything illegal or chanting hate?

Also when did free speech become illegal?

Who are you to determine what is legal or illegal when it come to speech?

I made no such claim. BLM in itself isn't a violent or hateful organization. Now with any group of people you're going to have bad apples. So I'm not going to say all BLM members have been angels. But white supremacy and Nazism itself is hateful. That's the difference.

Like I said before, just because something is legal doesn't mean it is morally correct. White supremacist may have the legal right to spread their hate but it doesn't mean employers have to hire them or put up with it. Most employers have a code of ethics that each employee must abide by. White supremacist would be against most employer's code of ethics.
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Yes, ruin his life, exile him form society, make sure he will never work again, cut him off from friends and family, perfect.

If your desire is to radicalize him.
Yeah, sure. Blame everyone else for "ruining" his life. It had absolutely nothing with the choices HE made.

And, from the article:

Other white supremacist marchers from Saturday’s deadly melee have made similar claims, like Washington State University College Republicans president James Allsup, who said, “They have no proof that I’m a racist” when confronted with photos of himself at the white supremacist rally.

Let's see, he travels 500 miles to hang out with, and supports the KKK and Nazis. He marches with them and is shown in the photos yelling and is obviously into the spirit of the thing. But, he's not a racist, dammit.

Sure...sure... whatever you say...

My point was not about blame but about results.

Nothing you said addresses that.

What is your goal with this shit?
My poijnt is that you are posting ONLY your opinion. You don't know, and can't know, what will happen to this clown in the future.

Yet you have the nerve to lecture those of us who disagree with you as if you have some insight into the eternal questions of Life, the Universe and, Everything. In a word, your Futurecasts, are a steaming crock of shit.
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Good, stupid kid should have known better than to march with Nazis.

‘My life is over’: 21-year-old Charlottesville marcher whines over ‘outing’ by anti-fascist group

A 21-year-old Honeoye Falls, NY man was outed as a white supremacist after photos of him marching in Charlottesville, VA circulated online.

According to the Livingston County News, Jerrod Kuhn was filmed on Friday and Saturday last week by a BBC documentary crew as he carried a torch on the University of Virginia campus and chanted Nazi slogans and marched with the KKK and neo-Nazis the following day.
Bwhahahaha! Kuhn is a Jew name. Not even anglicized. Some Nazi marching that had to be ... Whehehe.

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