My Light Bulb Moment Regarding The Debt Ceiling Standoff

As far as the debt ceiling goes, it's a hoax played on the rubes. It's a gimmick.

The Republicans had no problem raising the debt ceiling THREE TIMES while Trump was president, and did not demand any cuts in spending. In fact, they suspended the debt ceiling entirely while Trump was president. Again, with no demands for cuts in spending.

The only time Republicans howl about too much spending is when there is a Democrat in the White House. While a Republican is in the White House, they are perfectly fine with adding more to the debt than the Republican's predecessor.

And the New Right is somehow convinced the Republican party is fiscally responsible. Someday scientists are going to study how they could possibly be this stupid in the face of reality.
Strangely, Conservatives always fear monger about an eminent Recession whenever a Democrat is President

You did it for eight years under Obama

We don’t get Recessions until Republicans are running Government
No praying involved. Most all economists say we will have a recession.
Do you know how many times the tards on this forum have claimed we are in a recession the past two years?

They WISH the country to suffer when there is a Democrat in the White House. It's sickening.

You yourself have tried to claim we are in a recession when we weren't, dipshit.

If you keep claiming we are in a recession, sooner or later you will be right. Is that the plan?

Anyone who understands economics knows that raising interest rates almost always results in a recession. I started a topic about this on this forum a long time ago.

The question is how hard a landing it will be.

Raising interest rates is necessary to bring down inflation. Therefore, any resulting recession will be necessary.
It is interesting every time there is a Democratic president, the New Right gleefully prays for a recession. They have even been claiming we are in a recession when we aren't.

IF there is a recession, it is because the Fed is raising interest rates to control the inflation you have been whining about.

This is exactly what Paul Volker did during the Reagan administration to cool inflation, and it did lead to a recession. Reagan was put under a lot of pressure to get Volker to lower interest rates, but Reagan held firm, and the end result was a booming economy once inflation cooled.

The current inflation has nothing to do with Biden. It is because we have had several presidents before Biden who added $20 trillion of excess spending and because the Fed kept ZIRP and low interest rates too long.

The Fed also assumed inflation was "transitory" and took no action to step on the brakes until it was too late.

So you can take your partisan hack conspiracies and shove them back up your ass whence they came.

Piss off, Biden is spending as fast as he can and he isn't trying to stop any of it. God you're a whining crybaby. Joe is shit and you aren't man enough to admit it.
All this whining is exactly why we are in the fiscal mess we are in.

Americans are pain-intolerant and they want their government gifts to come at someone else's expense.

That's the new American motto: Gimme, gimme, gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it.

Inflation is causing pain. So the Fed is raising interest rates, and THAT is causing pain, and it may lead to a recession.

Nobody wants to pay the piper.
You're all confused about the situation. Those hamburgers have already been eaten,and now we need to pay for them.
Yes, and the plan submitted will slow down the number of hamburgers you eat next time.
Piss off, Biden is spending as fast as he can and he isn't trying to stop any of it. God you're a whining crybaby. Joe is shit and you aren't man enough to admit it.
Unlike you partisan hacks, I hold both parties accountable for their spending. The federal debt is my number one issue, far and above all others.

I am way ahead of you. Here is a topic I started over a year ago: Biden Smashes Trump's Record Budget

And here is what I said in Biden's first year:

Each president outspends the one before. Biden will take our debt to outer space.
What you hacks have yet to realize is that BOTH parties are spending us into oblivion. I'm so sick of this willful blindness.
Yes, and the plan submitted will slow down the number of hamburgers you eat next time.
Our country has been overeating, bigly. To the tune of $32 trillion of debt.

I would buy the fake conservatives' BULLSHIT if I heard them whining about spending when there is a Republican in the White House.

And yet they went completely radio silent while Trump was adding $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama.

Dead. Fucking. Silent.

And I gave them plenty of opportunity to say something. They would literally rather die than hold their own team accountable.

I am so sick of this willful blindness.
Unlike you partisan hacks, I hold both parties accountable for their spending. The federal debt is my number one issue, far and above all others.

I am way ahead of you. Here is a topic I started over a year ago: Biden Smashes Trump's Record Budget

And here is what I said in Biden's first year:

What you hacks have yet to realize is that BOTH parties are spending us into oblivion. I'm so sick of this willful blindness.

You haven't called Biden out for a thing, it is however comical that a hack like would call someone else one. I have called them ALL out you hack.
Our country has been overeating, bigly. To the tune of $32 trillion of debt.

I would buy the fake conservatives' BULLSHIT if I heard them whining about spending when there is a Republican in the White House.

And yet they went completely radio silent while Trump was adding $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama.

Dead. Fucking. Silent.

And I gave them plenty of opportunity to say something. They would literally rather die than hold their own team accountable.

I am so sick of this willful blindness.

Nope, I called him out. Nobody cares what you're sick of junior.
You haven't called Biden out for a thing, it is however comical that a hack like would call someone else one. I have called them ALL out you hack.
There's that willful blindness! I just showed you two examples.

You have some very misguided preconceptions about me which have literally blinded your dumb ass.
Dems talking about a clean anything is a misnomer.

If Chuckey will not bring the passed House Bill to the floor then it's all on him.....Thing is he knows it will have the 60 votes necessary for it to pass......Way too many dem senate seats they have to defend in '24 to risk it.

If McCarthy was smart he would insist against the gaggle of congress-critters Tater's handlers want to bring in A WEEK FROM NOW (yeah, a real emergency right) to cloud the issue.

Anyone but Tater and McCarthy is extraneous to the matter at hand.

The reason for the week delay is for the dems and their MSM lackeys to get their spin on.
Balancing the budget is very simple. I have provided a list of actions many, many times which could be taken which would not only balance the budget, they would provide a surplus which we could use to pay off the debt and lower tax rates for everyone.

These things are not being done because every single politician is owned by special interests who pay them NOT to do these things.

Those special interests work very hard to keep us peasants at each others throats so what needs to be done never gets done.

So keep on bleeving your party is the responsible and moral party, hacks. Don't ever hold your own team accountable. God forbid that should ever happen.
The Right will keep on blaming the poor, and the Left will keep blaming the rich.

And even as we go down the drain, we will still be at each others' throats.
The fed will just have to raise interest rates to double digits to create the revenue to pay the bills. No big thing.
The interest rate will need to go to 5 percent. Not double digits.

And only temporarily.

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