My Light Bulb Moment Regarding The Debt Ceiling Standoff

I've talked about spending less ever since coming to this forum until I was blue in the face.

The problem is the Right thinks we need to punish the poor, and the Left thinks we need to punish the rich.

Neither of them are correct.

What we need to do is level the playing field. Right now, the playing field is grossly tilted against everyone but a very few. We are damn near an oligarchy at this point.

We need to undo those things which are tilting the playing field and we will have a booming economy like never before.
I don't care about you. Why won't democrats talk about it?
In other words, you and the democrats want to destroy America.

You're actually supporting possibly not raising the debt limit, then you accuse others of trying to destroy America?


As Tonto said:

"This horse is stupid or this horse is just pretending to be stupid...I can't tell which"
Well, then let's do it so we can pass the debt ceiling. If Democrats agree to cut expenses then why not do it right now? Easy peasy.
Democrats will not agree to any spending cuts as part of a Debt Limit increase

If they do, Republicans will use Debt Limit bills to extort all the spending cuts they can’t get as part of the budget process
This has nothing to do with tards on this forum. Most all economists are expecting a recession.
Key word: Expecting.

You have claimed at least twice on this forum since Biden took office that we were already in one.

And it does not take a psychic to know that raising interest rates sometimes causes recessions.

Try not to be so happy about it.
I don't care about you. Why won't democrats talk about it?
Well, at least they are honest about their spending, unlike the Republicans who have somehow magically convinced you they don't overspend.

That's a real, honest-to-God, magic trick.
In other words, you and the democrats want to destroy America.

America is just a detail. Greed is good.

And in case you haven't noticed, Congress controls the purse strings. If they imposed this restriction on themselves than that is next-level American to actually stay within that debt limit. Tommy J.'s ghost would be proud for the first time in a hundred years
If they are going to discuss it then why not discuss it now and why submit a budget with zero cuts?
Under threat of defaulting on the debt? That's just nuts. If the right wants to negotiate, it can be done in a fair manner. Not while facing a treat to crash the economy.
Nice try, but if the GOP refuses to increase the debt limit (which they won't), and we go into a recession, the American people will know who caused it.
Yes they will, particularly when we have several democrats saying that Biden should talk and he won't.
the american people, in the united states, the people living here
Got it. Hostage is just another word that you don't understand, but sounds scary when you use it. Like woke, socialist, communist,
Democrats will not agree to any spending cuts as part of a Debt Limit increase

If they do, Republicans will use Debt Limit bills to extort all the spending cuts they can’t get as part of the budget process
That's because they refuse to do any spending cuts, ever. That's why they submitted a budget with zero spending cuts. They don't want to talk about it. Not now, not ever.
Key word: Expecting.

You have claimed at least twice on this forum since Biden took office that we were already in one.

And it does not take a psychic to know that raising interest rates sometimes causes recessions.

Try not to be so happy about it.
Many economists have said that it has already started, it just hasn't shown up in the figures yet because the figures lag real time. But, glad to see you finally admit that a recession will be here.
Well, at least they are honest about their spending, unlike the Republicans who have somehow magically convinced you they don't overspend.

That's a real, honest-to-God, magic trick.
So, you support spending with no cuts.

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