My Light Bulb Moment Regarding The Debt Ceiling Standoff

Under threat of defaulting on the debt? That's just nuts. If the right wants to negotiate, it can be done in a fair manner. Not while facing a treat to crash the economy.
If democrats are really willing to talk about cutting spending then why did they submit a budget with zero cuts?

If democrats are really willing to talk about cutting spending then why not do it now?
You guys absolutely refuse to cut spending, forcing us all to pay more for everything.
See? There's that magic trick I was just talking about.

"You guys". As if the GOP doesn't overspend.

How is it possible your brain has become so warped? I am honestly curious.
Democrats (and everyone else) know a recession is coming. It is unavoidable. Most all economists are predicting it. It has happened mostly due to Democratic policies. What is the best way Democrats can spin this? Let the debt ceiling debacle happen, the economy collapses into a recession, and boom - they try blaming the recession on the debt ceiling standoff with Republicans. Will it work?
This debt ceiling garbage is TRYING to cause a Recession.

These GOP nutbags think a bad economy helps them...
If you support cutting spending then you should be demanding that Biden and Congress reach an agreement. You don't. You defend Democrats refusing to even talk about it.
You are falling for the GOP's magic trick. I have pointed out several times the GOP overspends as much as the Democrats. But they only whine about overspending when they don't get to do it.

Don't be such a rube!

I will buy your bullshit when I see you being just as vicious in your attacks on the GOP for their overspending. Until then, you are just a credulous partisan hack.
That's because they refuse to do any spending cuts, ever. That's why they submitted a budget with zero spending cuts. They don't want to talk about it. Not now, not ever.
The place for spending cuts is in the FY24 budget.
Also the place for revenue increases

Something Republicans don’t want to talk about. Not now, not ever
Democrats are evil. It explains everything. Democrats have been engaged in an ORGASM of unconstitutional spending since the beginning of the pandemic. They used that pretext to steal the election with mail-in votes, and to try to steal every election going forward with give-aways and 10 million additional illegals, whom they will naturalize at their first opportunity.

If McCarthy can force the Democrats to slow the spending spree by holding the debt limit over their heads, so much the better.

Democrats have already started demagoguing the issue by misrepresenting the cuts that would be necessary to slow (not stop) the insane Democrat spending.

While Democrats are evil, Schumer is Satan. Sorry.
September 30, 2017. Debt ceiling suspended to March 2019. No spending limit! Republicans controlled both Houses of Congress and did not threaten to shut down the government.

March 1, 2019
. Debt ceiling reinstated and raised by over $2 trillion above current debt. Republicans controlled the Senate and did not threaten to shut down the government.

August 2, 2019.
Debt ceiling suspended to July 2021, well after the 2020 election. No spending limit! Republicans controlled the Senate and did not threaten to shut down the government.

All of this was on Trump's watch and BEFORE the pandemic.

And yet you rubes magically bleev the GOP is fiscally responsible!!!
I don't know what more I can do to show you rubes this current showdown is being put on as theater just for you.

And you fall for it every. Single. Fucking. Time.

Democrats are evil. It explains everything. Democrats have been engaged in an ORGASM of unconstitutional spending since the beginning of the pandemic. They used that pretext to steal the election with mail-in votes, and to try to steal every election going forward with give-aways and 10 million additional illegals, whom they will naturalize at their first opportunity.

If McCarthy can force the Democrats to slow the spending spree by holding the debt limit over their heads, so much the better.

Democrats have already started demagoguing the issue by misrepresenting the cuts that would be necessary to slow (not stop) the insane Democrat spending.

While Democrats are evil, Schumer is Satan. Sorry.
DGS49 just went all Crazy Train

Fits right in with Alt-Right Republicans intent on wrecking the economy if they don’t get their way.
The fact the Republicans actually SUSPENDED the debt ceiling while they were in power so they could have unlimited spending should tell you everything you need to know about how much they really care about the debt.

If that doesn't wake you magical thinkers up, nothing will.

THIS should be your light bulb moment!
If McCarthy can force the Democrats to slow the spending spree by holding the debt limit over their heads, so much the better.

I don't know what more I can do to show you rubes this current showdown is being put on as theater just for you.

And you fall for it every. Single. Fucking. Time.
They just keep gulping down the Kool Aid
No praying involved. Most all economists say we will have a recession.

Recessions are the order of things...
What is highly irresponsible is borrowing to continue a boom like Trump did... Trump increased borrowing from Obama time by 2.5% of GDP while having growth less than 2.5% generally.

Sorry but I didn't hear ye back then... No problem with that level of borrowing esentially for an unpaid tax cut...

Alll the time when we pointed this out we were being accused as having TDS or Trump was just owning the Libs..

Now those bills are coming in and the Debt Ceiling has to be raised to pay for these past financial mismanagement....
So what do you want so ye won't bankrupt the country, cut programs for the middle & poor class and let the rich keep the money...

The answer is NO... This scam is over now..
Recessions are the order of things...
What is highly irresponsible is borrowing to continue a boom like Trump did... Trump increased borrowing from Obama time by 2.5% of GDP while having growth less than 2.5% generally.

Sorry but I didn't hear ye back then... No problem with that level of borrowing esentially for an unpaid tax cut...

Alll the time when we pointed this out we were being accused as having TDS or Trump was just owning the Libs..

Now those bills are coming in and the Debt Ceiling has to be raised to pay for these past financial mismanagement....
So what do you want so ye won't bankrupt the country, cut programs for the middle & poor class and let the rich keep the money...

The answer is NO... This scam is over now..
Exactly. We told everyone that the very same Republicans who were running up the debt and raising the debt ceiling in the early years of the Trump Admin would become born again debt scolds when a Dem was in the White House and here they are doing exactly that.

They do it EVERY TIME

And they do it with a straight face.

Recessions always happen on a Republicans watch
As long as we don’t elect Republicans, we should be OK

If Republicans default on debt and we go into recession, They will once again take the blame.
Whistling past the graveyard? You do realize, don't you, that it's not been the Republicans' watch for years now? The next recession will be the democrats' fault and you can't make the case it's not.
See? There's that magic trick I was just talking about.

"You guys". As if the GOP doesn't overspend.

How is it possible your brain has become so warped? I am honestly curious.
The GOP IS talking about cutting spending. In fact, they passed a proposal.

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