My Light Bulb Moment Regarding The Debt Ceiling Standoff

Here's an idea. Pass a clean debt ceiling bill, and if what you predict happens, nobody can say it's because of your clean debt bill.
here’s a better idea, the demafasict stop acting like tyrants and stop holding the nation hostage.
Why don't we talk about spending less?
I've talked about spending less ever since coming to this forum until I was blue in the face.

The problem is the Right thinks we need to punish the poor, and the Left thinks we need to punish the rich.

Neither of them are correct.

What we need to do is level the playing field. Right now, the playing field is grossly tilted against everyone but a very few. We are damn near an oligarchy at this point.

We need to undo those things which are tilting the playing field and we will have a booming economy like never before.
here’s a better idea, the demafasict stop acting like tyrants and stop holding the nation hostage.
Yeah yeah yeah. It's always those other guys. Never your side.

What a good little submissive cuck you are.
why won’t the demafasict have a negotiation? they have refused, they are holding the nation hostage
During each of the three times the debt ceiling was raised under Trump, did the Republicans threaten to shut down the government if there were no spending cuts?


Don't be such a fucking rube.
Strangely, Conservatives always fear monger about an eminent Recession whenever a Democrat is President

You did it for eight years under Obama

We don’t get Recessions until Republicans are running Government
If they balanced the budget, there will be suffering somewhere or less for all involved. Of course, the corruption and stealing could take a hit. These deficits are not free. A slow death is occurring to our nation and a new empire is emerging to take our place.
September 30, 2017. Debt ceiling suspended to March 2019. No spending limit! Republicans controlled both Houses of Congress and did not threaten to shut down the government.

March 1, 2019. Debt ceiling reinstated and raised by over $2 trillion above current debt. Republicans controlled the Senate and did not threaten to shut down the government.

August 2, 2019. Debt ceiling suspended to July 2021, well after the 2020 election. No spending limit! Republicans controlled the Senate and did not threaten to shut down the government.

All of this was on Trump's watch and BEFORE the pandemic.

So you see, cucks, the GOP only whines about spending too much when there is a Democrat in the White House.

You are once again being massively hoaxed.

The debt ceiling is a gimmick. A political football used for extortion at the opposing party's convenience.
here’s a better idea, the demafasict stop acting like tyrants and stop holding the nation hostage.
Hostage? Who is being held, and where? Who is expected to pay the ransome? Do you know what a hostage is?
Gosh, $16 trillion added to the debt in 12 years, and interest rates kept too low for too long. Then an economic shock to the system resulting in suppressed demand, followed by a rapid recovery with a rapid rise in consumer demand.

My goodness. How did that cause inflation? derp derp derp It must be the new occupant's fault!
Hostage? Who is being held, and where? Who is expected to pay the ransome? Do you know what a hostage is?
The entire world economy is being held hostage by the House Republicans. If we default, the whole world implodes and our credit rating goes in the shitter.
During each of the three times the debt ceiling was raised under Trump, did the Republicans threaten to shut down the government if there were no spending cuts?


Don't be such a fucking rube.
nope they worked with the dems and passed a bipartisan bill. that’s what non-tyrants do…the opposite of what we are seeing today with the dems in the white house
September 30, 2017. Debt ceiling suspended to March 2019. No spending limit! Republicans controlled both Houses of Congress and did not threaten to shut down the government.

March 1, 2019. Debt ceiling reinstated and raised by over $2 trillion above current debt. Republicans controlled the Senate and did not threaten to shut down the government.

August 2, 2019. Debt ceiling suspended to July 2021, well after the 2020 election. No spending limit! Republicans controlled the Senate and did not threaten to shut down the government.

All of this was on Trump's watch and BEFORE the pandemic.

So you see, cucks, the GOP only whines about spending too much when there is a Democrat in the White House.

You are once again being massively hoaxed.

The debt ceiling is a gimmick. A political football used for extortion at the opposing party's convenience.
yes the GOP worked with the dems and passed a bipartisan bill in 2019. They weren’t tyrants holding rhe public hostage like xiden is doing now
LOL. Yeah, several banks have gone belly up so far due to rising interest rates, so let's double interest rates and have a real live run on banks ala the Great Depression.

Capitalism destroys one thing to create another. Can't have any of those pansy socialist policies. Survival of the fittest and all that.
Strangely, Conservatives always fear monger about an eminent Recession whenever a Democrat is President

You did it for eight years under Obama

We don’t get Recessions until Republicans are running Government
This has nothing at all to do with Republicans. Just about all economists are expecting a recession.
Do you know how many times the tards on this forum have claimed we are in a recession the past two years?

They WISH the country to suffer when there is a Democrat in the White House. It's sickening.

You yourself have tried to claim we are in a recession when we weren't, dipshit.

If you keep claiming we are in a recession, sooner or later you will be right. Is that the plan?

Anyone who understands economics knows that raising interest rates almost always results in a recession. I started a topic about this on this forum a long time ago.

The question is how hard a landing it will be.

Raising interest rates is necessary to bring down inflation. Therefore, any resulting recession will be necessary.
This has nothing to do with tards on this forum. Most all economists are expecting a recession.

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