My Little Ponies are Smarter than Progressives!


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
I'm sure the moonbats will start attacking the makers of My Little Pony. Resistance to their collectivist agenda is heating up. My Little Pony has a two part episode teaching children what the Marxist mentality really is. I hope parents everywhere have their children watch it.

Apparently, the makers of the show “My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic” feel that this social Marxism is beyond foul, and made a two-part episode to get that point across. Entertainment industry protocol be damned.

The message wasn’t subtle, either. It was a full-on direct strike against the so called “equality” movement that emanates from today’s academia-washed social-justice warriors, making references to everything from Stalin’s Russia to attacking today’s need to fit in.

(Plot Synopsis: )

“The Cutie Map, Parts 1 and 2” synopsis: The main-character ponies view a town on a magical map. Sensing it may have a problem that needs solving, the ponies travel to the town. It instantly gives the characters an uneasy feeling. All the ponies there have Stepford Wife smiles and are far too pleasant to one another. More than that, the defining pictures that adorn the flank of every pony in the MLP universe, called the “cutie mark,” were all replaced with a black equal sign.

Right off the bat, the ponies that inhabit the town make it clear that equality, not individualism, is the path to true happiness. They tell the main characters that they have given up the things that make them unique, because uniqueness causes animosity between ponies, and thus discord. The main characters meet the leader of the town, Starlight Glimmer, who soon takes them all up to a cave that holds all the cutie marks of the village inhabitants.

Springing a trap, Starlight Glimmer steals the cutie marks from the main characters, replacing their marks with the black equal sign. The main characters are quickly thrown in jail until they have properly resocialized into the correct kind of thinking. After one pony tricks the leader into thinking she has listened and believed, she secretly discovers that the leader hasn’t given up her own cutie mark.

After the leader has been exposed, the town revolts, reclaiming their cutie marks and thus their individuality. Using their reclaimed unique skills, they rescue the main characters’ marks and thus their powers, while chasing the villain into a mountain cave system, where they lose her. The show ends with the now-unique and fun-looking village having a party."

To children, this message is clear. It’s better to be yourself than to be the same as everyone else. What they won’t realize is that the show uses many references to the real world to do it.

My Little Pony To Children Marxism Is Not Magic
This sounds like the Little Pony Players performing a dramatization of "Harrison Bergeron"!

For instance, the first episode includes a song-and-dance number where the village sings about how great being the same is. During the song, the Pegasus “Rainbow Dash” flies in the air slightly above the others, and two other ponies guide her gently to the ground. This is very reminiscent of the story of Stalin showing a young leader how to keep his people under thumb by cutting taller stalks down to the same height as the others.

Other examples include loudspeaker propaganda with messages like “you’re no better than your friends” and “difference is frustration” blasting repeatedly throughout the village. People who deviate even slightly from imposed rules are thrown into jail for resocialization.

“Equal” is a word that is constantly thrown around during the two episodes, and the writers were clear to paint the word, and even the symbol, with a very sinister brush. A good baker is kept equal, so her muffins equal the deliciousness of muffins from the worst baker in town. The baker laments her muffin’s awful taste, but is glad that she’s no better than every other pony.

The real-life parallels go on, but the real crux of the message comes from the portrayal of the village’s leader, Starlight Glimmer, who personifies today’s social-justice warrior. Using fabricated issues as scare tactics, she keeps her fellow ponies in line with fear and guilt.

My Little Pony To Children Marxism Is Not Magic
taking your political cues from my little pony tho..I mean...Jesus

You moonbats have been teaching collectivist poppycock (i.e. Smurfs - little blue commies) to children for decades.

It's great to see the Little Pony Liberators combating the Evul Blue Ideology.

Democrats = Blue. Smurfs = Blue. Coninkidink? I think not.
For many conservatives, getting their political views from My Little Pony represents a big leap in intelligence and ethics. We should encourage more conservatives to switch from their current cult to the CultOfThePony.
Most inventions that drove humankind forward, were the work of progressive thinkers.

No. Those inventions were driven by Classical Liberal thinking - which is not at all similar to the Progressive ideology of today.
I'm sure the moonbats will start attacking the makers of My Little Pony. Resistance to their collectivist agenda is heating up. My Little Pony has a two part episode teaching children what the Marxist mentality really is. I hope parents everywhere have their children watch it.

Apparently, the makers of the show “My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic” feel that this social Marxism is beyond foul, and made a two-part episode to get that point across. Entertainment industry protocol be damned.

The message wasn’t subtle, either. It was a full-on direct strike against the so called “equality” movement that emanates from today’s academia-washed social-justice warriors, making references to everything from Stalin’s Russia to attacking today’s need to fit in.

(Plot Synopsis: )

“The Cutie Map, Parts 1 and 2” synopsis: The main-character ponies view a town on a magical map. Sensing it may have a problem that needs solving, the ponies travel to the town. It instantly gives the characters an uneasy feeling. All the ponies there have Stepford Wife smiles and are far too pleasant to one another. More than that, the defining pictures that adorn the flank of every pony in the MLP universe, called the “cutie mark,” were all replaced with a black equal sign.

Right off the bat, the ponies that inhabit the town make it clear that equality, not individualism, is the path to true happiness. They tell the main characters that they have given up the things that make them unique, because uniqueness causes animosity between ponies, and thus discord. The main characters meet the leader of the town, Starlight Glimmer, who soon takes them all up to a cave that holds all the cutie marks of the village inhabitants.

Springing a trap, Starlight Glimmer steals the cutie marks from the main characters, replacing their marks with the black equal sign. The main characters are quickly thrown in jail until they have properly resocialized into the correct kind of thinking. After one pony tricks the leader into thinking she has listened and believed, she secretly discovers that the leader hasn’t given up her own cutie mark.

After the leader has been exposed, the town revolts, reclaiming their cutie marks and thus their individuality. Using their reclaimed unique skills, they rescue the main characters’ marks and thus their powers, while chasing the villain into a mountain cave system, where they lose her. The show ends with the now-unique and fun-looking village having a party."

To children, this message is clear. It’s better to be yourself than to be the same as everyone else. What they won’t realize is that the show uses many references to the real world to do it.

My Little Pony To Children Marxism Is Not Magic
Diversity is the message. Live and let live, within boundaries. And they still have boundaries kiddos, or it wouldn't be a town.
No it's not, moron. It's all about EQUALITY, but co

One of the most telling moments of the show is when the main characters are imprisoned for social reconditioning. After a night in prison, Starlight Glimmer leads the gang out to the gathered villagers to pressure them into giving up their old life. The gang resists, and one pony, Applejack, says, “You can’t force no pony to be friends. It don’t work like that.”

This prompts the villain to tell the crowd, “It’s alright, everypony. This is a perfectly normal part of the equalization process for those who haven’t…quite seen the light yet.” She then has the ponies escorted back into jail after saying, “We’ll try again tomorrow once you”—at this point the camera switches to first-person perspective, as if Starlight Glimmer is talking directly to the viewer—“have had a bit more time to consider our philosophy.”

Starlight Glimmer is a controlling idealist who employs strict rules but follows none of them herself. This is very reminiscent of many of today’s radical feminists, who preach equality while they practice dominance. Her tactics go so far as to include forcing celebrities to promote her cause, organizing marches, and singling out for ridicule anyone who drifts too far out of bounds. She and her village live in a utopia, but it is her utopia.
"Right off the bat, the ponies that inhabit the town make it clear that equality, not individualism, is the path to true happiness."

liberals are all about individuality..."the federalist" author and his overly emotional ilk are a tad confused...
Wonder if Limbaugh's success in the realm of children's books hasn't emboldened others.
"Right off the bat, the ponies that inhabit the town make it clear that equality, not individualism, is the path to true happiness."

liberals are all about individuality..."the federalist" author and his overly emotional ilk are a tad confused...

I must respectfully disagree, hun. Today's Liberals (actually Progressives) are all about conformity.

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