My lukewarm "defense" of Hillary...and a challenge for Trump


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
I never liked Hillary all that much and I thought that she made a terrible candidate....and most of all, I dislike Hillary because her feelings of "entitlement" to the WH, ushered in the stain on our country that is Trump.

that stated, I'd like to remind Trump cult members that Hillary DID withstand her own highly partisan "inquisition" regarding Benghazi.......and I would seriously ask right wingers IF they think that the likes of Trump could withstand the same scrutiny that she did.

I guess we may find out when (not "if") the Mueller team subpoenas and grills this charlatan that currently occupies the oval office.

Here's a recap of Hillary's event when questioned by the House committee:

Republicans grilled former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton through nearly 11 hours Thursday in a long-awaited hearing of the House Benghazi committee that produced little if any new information, but ample partisan argument.

The hearing provided an extraordinary spectacle, starting in the morning and stretching well into the night, far longer than such sessions typically last even with multiple witnesses.

Through the lengthy session, Clinton maintained a relentlessly calm and smiling demeanor, showing few visible signs of fatigue other than a hoarse throat that began to develop in the 10th hour.

From her opening statement on, she sought to seize a rhetorical high ground above the partisan fray, reminding members of the panel that after attacks on diplomatic facilities during the administrations of Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush in which hundreds of Americans were killed, members of both parties "rose above politics" to examine what had gone wrong.

Benghazi hearing ends after extraordinary 11-hour grilling of Clinton
I never liked Hillary all that much and I thought that she made a terrible candidate....and most of all, I dislike Hillary because her feelings of "entitlement" to the WH, ushered in the stain on our country that is Trump.

that stated, I'd like to remind Trump cult members that Hillary DID withstand her own highly partisan "inquisition" regarding Benghazi.......and I would seriously ask right wingers IF they think that the likes of Trump could withstand the same scrutiny that she did.

I guess we may find out when (not "if") the Mueller team subpoenas and grills this charlatan that currently occupies the oval office.

Here's a recap of Hillary's event when questioned by the House committee:

Republicans grilled former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton through nearly 11 hours Thursday in a long-awaited hearing of the House Benghazi committee that produced little if any new information, but ample partisan argument.

The hearing provided an extraordinary spectacle, starting in the morning and stretching well into the night, far longer than such sessions typically last even with multiple witnesses.

Through the lengthy session, Clinton maintained a relentlessly calm and smiling demeanor, showing few visible signs of fatigue other than a hoarse throat that began to develop in the 10th hour.

From her opening statement on, she sought to seize a rhetorical high ground above the partisan fray, reminding members of the panel that after attacks on diplomatic facilities during the administrations of Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush in which hundreds of Americans were killed, members of both parties "rose above politics" to examine what had gone wrong.

Benghazi hearing ends after extraordinary 11-hour grilling of Clinton

She only survived because she had a justice department that was a wholly owned subsidiary of obama inc. That didn't arrest her for destroying 30,000 emails, and the server they were on, all while under subpoena. Etc. etc. etc. The level of corruption from the obummer admin is a stain that will remain on this country for decades.
She only survived because she had a justice department that was a wholly owned subsidiary of obama inc.

Could you EXACTLY spell out what the republican-led Benghazi committee (not the so-called Obama DOJ or FBI) ....decided after the 11 hours of Hillary's grilling?

Go on.......state it RIGHT here for all to see......
The level of corruption from the obummer admin is a stain that will remain on this country for decades

So, Westie.......WHAT WERE the republican House committee's findings after grilling Clinton for 11 hours....Could you enlighten us???
I never liked Hillary all that much and I thought that she made a terrible candidate....and most of all, I dislike Hillary because her feelings of "entitlement" to the WH, ushered in the stain on our country that is Trump.

that stated, I'd like to remind Trump cult members that Hillary DID withstand her own highly partisan "inquisition" regarding Benghazi.......and I would seriously ask right wingers IF they think that the likes of Trump could withstand the same scrutiny that she did.

I guess we may find out when (not "if") the Mueller team subpoenas and grills this charlatan that currently occupies the oval office.

Here's a recap of Hillary's event when questioned by the House committee:

Republicans grilled former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton through nearly 11 hours Thursday in a long-awaited hearing of the House Benghazi committee that produced little if any new information, but ample partisan argument.

The hearing provided an extraordinary spectacle, starting in the morning and stretching well into the night, far longer than such sessions typically last even with multiple witnesses.

Through the lengthy session, Clinton maintained a relentlessly calm and smiling demeanor, showing few visible signs of fatigue other than a hoarse throat that began to develop in the 10th hour.

From her opening statement on, she sought to seize a rhetorical high ground above the partisan fray, reminding members of the panel that after attacks on diplomatic facilities during the administrations of Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush in which hundreds of Americans were killed, members of both parties "rose above politics" to examine what had gone wrong.

Benghazi hearing ends after extraordinary 11-hour grilling of Clinton


1. Benghazi was not a criminal investigation. It was a Fact Finding investigation to ensure such a tragedy never happened again. The Mueller Witch Hunt is very much a Liberal criminal with no crime ever having been committed.

2. Benghazi was the reason for the Benghazi Investigation.

No crime was committed to warrant the need for the Mueller investigation. According to Democrats - based on who you listen to - the Mueller investigation stemmed from EITHER:

- A fake news report filled with Russian propaganda Hillary, Comey, and Obama illegally bought and used in a US election from a foreign agent / foreign ex-spy through a firm working for the Russians (Steele, the foreign agent, has been referred to the DOJ for prosecution for Perjury by the investigating House Intel Committee)


- A conversation overheard between a drunk, self-important, un-paid Trump campaign volunteer and a supposed Aussie diplomat in the bathroom of a British Pub.

If you are going to actually get to the facts being overlooked by the BS snowflakes pushing the fake narrative and attempt to salvage the Mueller Witch Hunt, you have to know and understand #2 extremely well. It totally destroys the liberal butt-hurt crusade Mueller is running.


She only survived because she had a justice department that was a wholly owned subsidiary of obama inc.

Could you EXACTLY spell out what the republican-led Benghazi committee (not the so-called Obama DOJ or FBI) ....decided after the 11 hours of Hillary's grilling?

Go on.......state it RIGHT here for all to see......

Based on the fact that she DESTROYED evidence, and the obummer admin refused to provide the witnesses that were requested, and in those cases where they did provide the asked for evidence, they took MONTHS to provide even the most basic of things, not much. But how about you addressing the obvious OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE that the obummer admin engaged in. How about that....
Libs please your own party threw Hillary under the bus in 2008 :eusa_hand:

true, which is the only part of the op i disagree with...

that public perception of hillary was literally slapped onto her by partisan haters..
Based on the fact that she DESTROYED evidence, and the obummer admin refused to provide the witnesses that were requested, and in those cases where they did provide the asked for evidence, they took MONTHS to provide even the most basic of things, not much. But how about you addressing the obvious OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE that the obummer admin engaged in. How about that....

that is parroted fake news...she did not break any rules or laws...

fact is, US SoS has the discretion to do what she did.

anyone who was sincerely so concerned with hillary leaking national security secrets wouldn't embrace wiki freaks in the next breath or excuse trump's obstruction of justice into russian espionage...
I never liked Hillary all that much and I thought that she made a terrible candidate....and most of all, I dislike Hillary because her feelings of "entitlement" to the WH, ushered in the stain on our country that is Trump.

that stated, I'd like to remind Trump cult members that Hillary DID withstand her own highly partisan "inquisition" regarding Benghazi.......and I would seriously ask right wingers IF they think that the likes of Trump could withstand the same scrutiny that she did.

I guess we may find out when (not "if") the Mueller team subpoenas and grills this charlatan that currently occupies the oval office.

Here's a recap of Hillary's event when questioned by the House committee:

Republicans grilled former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton through nearly 11 hours Thursday in a long-awaited hearing of the House Benghazi committee that produced little if any new information, but ample partisan argument.

The hearing provided an extraordinary spectacle, starting in the morning and stretching well into the night, far longer than such sessions typically last even with multiple witnesses.

Through the lengthy session, Clinton maintained a relentlessly calm and smiling demeanor, showing few visible signs of fatigue other than a hoarse throat that began to develop in the 10th hour.

From her opening statement on, she sought to seize a rhetorical high ground above the partisan fray, reminding members of the panel that after attacks on diplomatic facilities during the administrations of Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush in which hundreds of Americans were killed, members of both parties "rose above politics" to examine what had gone wrong.

Benghazi hearing ends after extraordinary 11-hour grilling of Clinton

11 hours of lies and deception. Wild bill taught her well.
Based on the fact that she DESTROYED evidence, and the obummer admin refused to provide the witnesses that were requested, and in those cases where they did provide the asked for evidence, they took MONTHS to provide even the most basic of things, not much. But how about you addressing the obvious OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE that the obummer admin engaged in. How about that....

that is parroted fake news...she did not break any rules or laws...

fact is, US SoS has the discretion to do what she did.

anyone who was sincerely so concerned with hillary leaking national security secrets wouldn't embrace wiki freaks in the next breath or excuse trump's obstruction of justice into russian espionage...

She destroyed official confidential govt emails, phones, and bleech bitted hard drives. Yes, she did break rules and laws.
But how about you addressing the obvious OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE that the obummer admin engaged in. How about that....

here, allow me to help you out........Although, usually, a special prosecutor is appointed by the DOJ.....such a prosecutor CAN be appointed by congress, as in the Teapot Dome scandal.

With congress FIRMLY in GOPer hands, why wasn't a special prosecutor appointed to get that Hillary???......................Answer that and you'll be just a bit less of an eternal hater of Obama and Clinton. ....Deal?
Feb. 1, 2013: Clinton serves her last day as secretary of state.

Oct. 28, 2014:
The State Department sends an official letter to Clinton’s staff requesting "emails related to their government work." Clinton’s lawyer, David Kendall, and aide Cheryl Mills oversaw the review of Clinton’s email archives to produce work-related documents to the department.

Dec. 5, 2014: Clinton’s team provides 55,000 pages of emails, or about 30,000 individual emails, to the State Department.

March 2, 2015: The New York Times breaks the story that Clinton used a personal email account while secretary of state.

March 4, 2015: The Benghazi committee issues a subpoena requiring Clinton to turn over all emails from her private server related to the incident in Libya.

^ benghazi was the witch hunt set-up to demonize and take down hillary's chance at the presidency.

there was a non stop fake news drip drip drip false PERCEPTION of wrong doing and people were "so sick" of "the clintons"

and trump is no genius, he just smelled the blood in the water and was in the right place at the right time.

the gilded charlatan shamelessly pandered to base fear and loathing and threw himself into the perfect storm of fake news.
Oct. 28, 2014: The State Department sends an official letter to Clinton’s staff requesting "emails related to their government work." Clinton’s lawyer, David Kendall, and aide Cheryl Mills oversaw the review of Clinton’s email archives to produce work-related documents to the department.

Dec. 5, 2014: Clinton’s team provides 55,000 pages of emails, or about 30,000 individual emails, to the State Department.

March 2, 2015: The New York Times breaks the story that Clinton used a personal email account while secretary of state.

March 4, 2015: The Benghazi committee issues a subpoena requiring Clinton to turn over all emails from her private server related to the incident in Libya.

^ benghazi was the witch hunt set-up to demonize and take down hillary's chance at the presidency.

there was a non stop fake news drip drip drip false PERCEPTION of wrong doing and people were "so sick" of "the clintons"

and trump is no genius, he just smelled the blood in the water and was in the right place at the right time.

the gilded charlatan shamelessly pandered to base fear and loathing and threw himself into the perfect storm of fake news.

and his uncle vlad was very pleased..........

The Hidden History of Trump’s First Trip to Moscow
Could you EXACTLY spell out what the republican-led Benghazi committee (not the so-called Obama DOJ or FBI) ....decided after the 11 hours of Hillary's grilling?

1. The Obama administration and State Department acknowledged they knew in advance about the pending attack on 9/11/12 AND about a call from an Al Qaeda leader for the assassination of Ambassador Stephens in retaliation for a Benghazi-born Al Qaeda leader killed a month earlier in an Obama drone assassination program strike.
- They were not prepared for the attack on 9/11/12

2. The Obama administration and State Department acknowledged they knew about the growing presence of Al Qaeda in Benghazi, knew about the growing terrorist attacks, knew about how more than 100 Al Qaeda had gathered in Benghazi a week before 9/11/12, how Al Qaeda had begun starting up NEW / MORE terrorist training camps there, and how Al Qaeda flags had begun being flown over Benghazi government buildings.
-- The State Department ignored all of those warning signs and left Americans in harm's way - THE WRONG CALL (as obvious by it's outcome)

3. The Obama administration and the State Department acknowledged they knew EVERY OTHER NATION who had people in Benghazi, due to all the things mentioned in points 1 and 2, PULLED THEIR PEOPLE OUT.
- Again, The State Department ignored all of those warning signs and left Americans in harm's way - THE WRONG CALL (as obvious by it's outcome)

4. The Obama administration and the State Department acknowledged they had hired an Al Qaeda-associated militia...TO PROTECT STEVENS AND THE OTHER AMERICANS FROM AL QAEDA. (WTF?) While they were hired to protect the Americans the compound was attacked twice, the final attack leaving a 4-foot hole in the compound wall. The militia NEVER got there in time to defend the compound. The last attack was 2 weeks before the final fatal attack on 9/11/12. At that time the Al Qaeda-associated militia quit, refusing to ('attempt' to) provide security any longer. 2 weeks later Al Qaeda attacked the compound, killing Stevens and 3 other Americans.
- The WH / State Departments acknowledged all of this. (The 1st 2 attacks leading up to 9/11/12 were 'tests' of the strength of the wall protecting the compound, of response times, and to see what type of defense they could expect).

5. The Obama administration and the State Department acknowledged Ambassador Stevens had repeatedly asked for additional security to protect the Americans in the compound, and Hillary / The State Department repeatedly denied them the additional security, EVEN AFTER STEVES WARNED IF THEY DID NOT HAVE THE ADDITIONAL SECURITY AND A FINAL, LARGER ATTACK OCCURRED ON 9/11/12 HE WOULD DIE. Instead of giving Stevens additional security as asked for, Hillary's State Department REFUSED / DENIED is requests - MORE THAN 50 REQUESTS. In her testimony before Congress HILLARY TESTIFIED THAT SHE THOUGHT STEVENS' REQUESTS FOR ADDITIONAL SECURITY WERE A JOKE - PART OF HIS SENSE OF HUMOR. (Again, WTF?!) She even LAUGHED about it. Hillary and her State Department not only denied those requests for additional security, after the 2 earlier attacks, after Stevens' warning, and knowing there was still a pending attack on 9/11/12, they REDUCED the size of Steven's security detail by TAKING AWAY members of his security detail.
- All of this proved to pretty much be a death sentence handed down to Ambassador Stevens and the other Americans killed in Benghazi.

6. KNOWING ALL OF THIS MENTIONED EARLIER, especially knowing there was a pending attack coming on 9/11/12, no effort was made by Hillary, her State Department, or the Obama administration to ensure there were forces standing by to come to the rescue of the Americans in Benghazi if the worst should happen on 9/11/12. They were ABANDONED.
- The State Department should have pulled them out as every other nation did. After making the decision not to, the State Department should have beefed up the security, especially after the 2 earlier attacks that exposed the compound's defensive weaknesses. Finally, after having decided to leave the American contingency in Benghazi knowing an attack was pending the State Department should have ensured forces were in place to rescue Ambassador Stevens and the Americans left in Benghazi in case they needed it on 9/11/12. THEY DID NOT!

7. The CIA on the ground notified the WH and State Department within an hour of the attack beginning on 9/11/12 that it was a terrorist attack....The lead Diplomats in Tripoli testified they notified the State Department and HILLARY HERSELF the attack was a terrorist attack within 30-45 minutes of it beginning....the CIA sent a report inside of an our to the WH and to Hillary - that report was modified 13 times, every reference to a terrorist attack stripped from it, before it was finally released....despite all of those notifications Hillary, Obama, Rice, etc concocted the BS story about the video...

8. Hillary Clinton herself e-mails the Ambassador of Turkey and told him, 'We KNOW the video had nothing to do with the attack - this was a terrorist attack'. She also sent her daughter that same message.

9. The Obama administration and State Department KNEW there was a call for a MIDDLE EAST-WIDE attack on 9/11/12 against US Embassies and compounds. On 9/11/12 22 US Embassies and compounds were attacked throughout the Middle East - 2 overrun, only 1 resulted in NEEDLESS American deaths: BENGHAZI

The Liberal media said NOTHING about the other attacks, and the Obama administration and State Department only declared the Benghazi compound attack was the result of the video.
-- Funny how that video was so offensive to Muslims that out od all the 22 attacks called for and perpetrated on 9/11/12, only the attack on the Benghazi compound was over the video. :p



The Benghazi hearings were not a CRIMINAL investigation like the seditious snowflakes / Democrats / FBI have made Mueller's investigation.

ALSO, Benghazi and the NEEDLESS deaths of 4 Americans were the reasons for the Benghazi hearings. After a year of multiple investigations and a criminal-led stacked Special Counsel Democrats / Mueller, and snowflakes can not prove a crime was ever committed warranting Mueller's Witch Hunt.

March 4, 2015: The Benghazi committee issues a
subpoena requiring Clinton to turn over all emails from her private server related to the incident in Libya.

FINALLY a butt-hurt snowflake is HONEST about why they are so pissed about the Benghazi hearings!

The request for documents related to Benghazi exposed all of Hillary's crimes ... and resulted in exposing Obama's, the DOJ's, and the FBI's as well.

Bwuhahaha :p
my posts about benghazi (since day one) are all lover this forum, if you care to be honest. :doubt:
my posts about benghazi (since day one) are all lover this forum, if you care to be honest. :doubt:
Then I apologize and thank you for being probably the only person to acknowledge the real reason Democrats / Liberals / Snowflakes hate the Benghazi hearings is that is was the 'string' that got pulled, exposing all the corruption, crime, and sedition Hillary, the FBI, the DOJ, and the Obama administration was into.
Based on the fact that she DESTROYED evidence, and the obummer admin refused to provide the witnesses that were requested, and in those cases where they did provide the asked for evidence, they took MONTHS to provide even the most basic of things, not much. But how about you addressing the obvious OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE that the obummer admin engaged in. How about that....

that is parroted fake news...she did not break any rules or laws...

fact is, US SoS has the discretion to do what she did.

anyone who was sincerely so concerned with hillary leaking national security secrets wouldn't embrace wiki freaks in the next breath or excuse trump's obstruction of justice into russian espionage...

Only if you're a brain dead shrilary sycophant. Hello there!:bye1: The fact remains that everything I posted is factual, unlike your hysterical bull poo.

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