My meager "defense" of Roy Moore.....

If the allegations are totally fabricated, why wouldn’t those people just say it happened within the statute of limitations?

Because they couldn't just publicly smear him, they would have to fill out police reports and testify under oath. You go to jail for not telling the truth in official proceedings, they get around all that like this. Like I said earlier, there's wasn't even a crime involved with 3 of the 4 accusers.

That’s a fair point I’ll admit; but there’s actually a really credible psychological reason why victims wait years or decades to make public allegations: embarrassment and shame.

Try this out: imagine you were raped by a guy just strong enough to submit you. There’s always a stronger guy than you. It could happen. Once it happened, would you tell friends, family, or even law enforcement right away? You would like to think you would, but actually picture yourself in that situation. How would you feel? Humiliated perhaps? Wouid you want your buddies to know you got raped?

The sob would disappear from the face of the earth, I actually know how to make that happen. BTW why would three of them freely date him and feel shame or embarrassment now? Coincidently one of the three is a commiecrat activist, the post failed to report that little fact.


Why don't you shut up you commie. Jerks like you are the reason women are reluctant to come out. This is the new Republican Party. We will support any slimy person as long as we win. The fact is any Republican in Alabama would win. The Republican Party needs to be destroyed. It has become one of the moneychangers that Jesus chased out of the temple.
Alabama is saying they would rather elect a child molestor than a Democrat

His accusers must offer proof of their contentions. They have offered absolutely no reason to believe them, and the timing is highly suspect.

As to your final statement, if that were true, they would have a valid point.
I am a liberal, and those fellow posters on here who either like or hate my posts, can attest to my leanings......

With that preface, I absolutely despise and have contempt for Roy Moore and would readily label him a hypocritical, right wing , slime bucket........HOWEVER, I cannot endorse the barrage of slander and libel heaped upon this guy based solely on the testimony of some women 40 years after the fact.

Moore has NOT been hiding for these last 4 decades and he has blustered his way into Alabaman politics ever since I can remember.....and NOT a peep upon these allegations has ever surfaced.

I hope Moore loses next month's election....BUT, he should lose because he is a scum bag and NOT based on allegations that should have been voiced many, many years ago.

Wow, I’m surprised nat. Some objectivity. Thank you. And this illustrates perfectly the problem when we ignore due process. I very much disagree with Hillary when she says “you have the right to be believed.” No, you have the right to be heard, and taken seriously, the rest should be left up to due process. Even if due process means that some guilty people get off clean, what’s worse than that is when innocent people can be destroyed because we didn’t give them due process. Now if there is anything at all we can take from the recent purge in Hollywood, that does seem to be turning into a witch hunt even though most/perhaps all of these guys are guilty, is that WE NEED TO ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO SPEAK OUT ASAP TO NIP THIS PROBLEM IN THE BUTT IMMEDIATELY. To much abuse has been carried out by the same bad actors for decades. We need to start teaching are kids not to be afraid or ashamed, despite what the abusers threaten them with, and speak out when something like this happens, and that the abusers have no real power, only if we give it to them. This will go a long way with our women and our kids in every aspect of society, not just in hollywood. I hope we can all agree on this and collectively make this effort.
That's why the challenger has picked up 11 points from last month and is tied 46-46 as of yesterday.

"Due Process" as in criminal action is not possible at this late date.

However, the Will of We The People is possible and will happen in the election next month.
Speaking of criminal is your hero Bob Menendez doing these days?

Should we bring up Foley or Craig????.....Don't change the subject and confirm that you're an asshole.
I am a liberal, and those fellow posters on here who either like or hate my posts, can attest to my leanings......

With that preface, I absolutely despise and have contempt for Roy Moore and would readily label him a hypocritical, right wing , slime bucket........HOWEVER, I cannot endorse the barrage of slander and libel heaped upon this guy based solely on the testimony of some women 40 years after the fact.

Moore has NOT been hiding for these last 4 decades and he has blustered his way into Alabaman politics ever since I can remember.....and NOT a peep upon these allegations has ever surfaced.

I hope Moore loses next month's election....BUT, he should lose because he is a scum bag and NOT based on allegations that should have been voiced many, many years ago.
How that the damage is done...
How many women have to come forward before they’re believed? Four obviously isn’t enough. 12 women came forward and confirmed Trump sexually assaulted them and he was still elected President. Dozens of women accused Harvey Weinstein over the years, that wasn’t enough.

50 women came forward and said Bill Cosby drugged and raped them. That wasn’t enough.

How many women does it take before the victims are believed? One man came forward and accused Kevin Spacey, just one man, and he lost his TV show, his career, and I doubt he’ll be working ever again.

So tell me how many women have to come forward to equal the accusations of one man?
How many women have to come forward before they’re believed? Four obviously isn’t enough. 12 women came forward and confirmed Trump sexually assaulted them and he was still elected President. Dozens of women accused Harvey Weinstein over the years, that wasn’t enough.

50 women came forward and said Bill Cosby drugged and raped them. That wasn’t enough.

How many women does it take before the victims are believed? One man came forward and accused Kevin Spacey, just one man, and he lost his TV show, his career, and I doubt he’ll be working ever again.

So tell me how many women have to come forward to equal the accusations of one man?

The glaring problem is all four conveniently just happened to all decide to come out at the same time.... what are the odds? LMAO

Freaking WAPO
Because they couldn't just publicly smear him, they would have to fill out police reports and testify under oath. You go to jail for not telling the truth in official proceedings, they get around all that like this. Like I said earlier, there's wasn't even a crime involved with 3 of the 4 accusers.

That’s a fair point I’ll admit; but there’s actually a really credible psychological reason why victims wait years or decades to make public allegations: embarrassment and shame.

Try this out: imagine you were raped by a guy just strong enough to submit you. There’s always a stronger guy than you. It could happen. Once it happened, would you tell friends, family, or even law enforcement right away? You would like to think you would, but actually picture yourself in that situation. How would you feel? Humiliated perhaps? Wouid you want your buddies to know you got raped?

The sob would disappear from the face of the earth, I actually know how to make that happen. BTW why would three of them freely date him and feel shame or embarrassment now? Coincidently one of the three is a commiecrat activist, the post failed to report that little fact.


Why don't you shut up you commie. Jerks like you are the reason women are reluctant to come out. This is the new Republican Party. We will support any slimy person as long as we win. The fact is any Republican in Alabama would win. The Republican Party needs to be destroyed. It has become one of the moneychangers that Jesus chased out of the temple.
Alabama is saying they would rather elect a child molestor than a Democrat

His accusers must offer proof of their contentions. They have offered absolutely no reason to believe them, and the timing is highly suspect.

As to your final statement, if that were true, they would have a valid point.
How is the timing against Weinstein, Spacey, Sheen, Louie CK, Dreyfus and a dozen others?

People are coming out of the woodwork to recount stories from decades ago

Moore just got caught up in it

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