My meager "defense" of Roy Moore.....

How many women have to come forward before they’re believed? Four obviously isn’t enough. 12 women came forward and confirmed Trump sexually assaulted them and he was still elected President. Dozens of women accused Harvey Weinstein over the years, that wasn’t enough.

50 women came forward and said Bill Cosby drugged and raped them. That wasn’t enough.

How many women does it take before the victims are believed? One man came forward and accused Kevin Spacey, just one man, and he lost his TV show, his career, and I doubt he’ll be working ever again.

So tell me how many women have to come forward to equal the accusations of one man?

The glaring problem is all four conveniently just happened to all decide to come out at the same time.... what are the odds? LMAO

Freaking WAPO
Media is being mean to me

Poor Snowflake
How many women have to come forward before they’re believed? Four obviously isn’t enough. 12 women came forward and confirmed Trump sexually assaulted them and he was still elected President. Dozens of women accused Harvey Weinstein over the years, that wasn’t enough.

50 women came forward and said Bill Cosby drugged and raped them. That wasn’t enough.

How many women does it take before the victims are believed? One man came forward and accused Kevin Spacey, just one man, and he lost his TV show, his career, and I doubt he’ll be working ever again.

So tell me how many women have to come forward to equal the accusations of one man?
There needs to be due process. And it doesn’t help when these alleged victims wait years upon years, or during say an election to air their grievances. It does not lend credence. I understand there can be a lot fear and shame that can come from speaking out, but we as a society need to fight that fear and shame, so that these victims can feel safe about coming out. But if we eliminate due process, it’s only a matter of time until the “purge” becomes a witch hunt, and now the “accusers” have all of the power to destroy/blackmail innocent people. That situation doesnt at all make the world a better place.
How is the timing against Weinstein, Spacey, Sheen, Louie CK, Dreyfus and a dozen others?

People are coming out of the woodwork to recount stories from decades ago

Moore just got caught up in it

YOu know what, this is kind of sounding like a witch hunt. Everyone is coming out and accusing everyone else of something no one considered a big deal at the time.
How many women have to come forward before they’re believed? Four obviously isn’t enough. 12 women came forward and confirmed Trump sexually assaulted them and he was still elected President. Dozens of women accused Harvey Weinstein over the years, that wasn’t enough.

50 women came forward and said Bill Cosby drugged and raped them. That wasn’t enough.

How many women does it take before the victims are believed? One man came forward and accused Kevin Spacey, just one man, and he lost his TV show, his career, and I doubt he’ll be working ever again.

So tell me how many women have to come forward to equal the accusations of one man?

The glaring problem is all four conveniently just happened to all decide to come out at the same time.... what are the odds? LMAO

Freaking WAPO
Media is being mean to me

Poor Snowflake

I dont give two shits about WAPO, loon. You all are too stupid to realize this was a coordinated smear's being exposed and you're still too stupid to grasp it
That's why the challenger has picked up 11 points from last month and is tied 46-46 as of yesterday.

"Due Process" as in criminal action is not possible at this late date.

However, the Will of We The People is possible and will happen in the election next month.

How do you know it's actually tied?
That's why the challenger has picked up 11 points from last month and is tied 46-46 as of yesterday.

"Due Process" as in criminal action is not possible at this late date.

However, the Will of We The People is possible and will happen in the election next month.

How do you know it's actually tied?

Polls....the same ones having Hitlery winning in a landslide LOL
How many women have to come forward before they’re believed? Four obviously isn’t enough. 12 women came forward and confirmed Trump sexually assaulted them and he was still elected President. Dozens of women accused Harvey Weinstein over the years, that wasn’t enough.

50 women came forward and said Bill Cosby drugged and raped them. That wasn’t enough.

How many women does it take before the victims are believed? One man came forward and accused Kevin Spacey, just one man, and he lost his TV show, his career, and I doubt he’ll be working ever again.

So tell me how many women have to come forward to equal the accusations of one man?

The glaring problem is all four conveniently just happened to all decide to come out at the same time.... what are the odds? LMAO

Freaking WAPO
Media is being mean to me

Poor Snowflake

I dont give two shits about WAPO, loon. You all are too stupid to realize this was a coordinated smear's being exposed and you're still too stupid to grasp it

This isn’t coordinated. This is a spontaneous uprising of victims who have been silent for decades. Who knew they wouldn’t be believed or who didn’t know what to do when it happened. Older, wiser, watching their abusers rise through the ranks.

This is like Anita Hill challenging Clarence Thomas’ nomination to the Supreme Court. Women haven’t gone back from that moment. We’re not going back from this one either.
How many women have to come forward before they’re believed? Four obviously isn’t enough. 12 women came forward and confirmed Trump sexually assaulted them and he was still elected President. Dozens of women accused Harvey Weinstein over the years, that wasn’t enough.

50 women came forward and said Bill Cosby drugged and raped them. That wasn’t enough.

How many women does it take before the victims are believed? One man came forward and accused Kevin Spacey, just one man, and he lost his TV show, his career, and I doubt he’ll be working ever again.

So tell me how many women have to come forward to equal the accusations of one man?

The glaring problem is all four conveniently just happened to all decide to come out at the same time.... what are the odds? LMAO

Freaking WAPO
Media is being mean to me

Poor Snowflake

I dont give two shits about WAPO, loon. You all are too stupid to realize this was a coordinated smear's being exposed and you're still too stupid to grasp it

This isn’t coordinated. This is a spontaneous uprising of victims who have been silent for decades. Who knew they wouldn’t be believed or who didn’t know what to do when it happened. Older, wiser, watching their abusers rise through the ranks.

This is like Anita Hill challenging Clarence Thomas’ nomination to the Supreme Court. Women haven’t gone back from that moment. We’re not going back from this one either.

You keep right on believing that will anyway no matter what comes out.

You're dismissed
I am a liberal, and those fellow posters on here who either like or hate my posts, can attest to my leanings......

With that preface, I absolutely despise and have contempt for Roy Moore and would readily label him a hypocritical, right wing , slime bucket........HOWEVER, I cannot endorse the barrage of slander and libel heaped upon this guy based solely on the testimony of some women 40 years after the fact.

Moore has NOT been hiding for these last 4 decades and he has blustered his way into Alabaman politics ever since I can remember.....and NOT a peep upon these allegations has ever surfaced.

I hope Moore loses next month's election....BUT, he should lose because he is a scum bag and NOT based on allegations that should have been voiced many, many years ago.
Very true

Molesting young girls is one of his better qualities

Has it been proven he molested anyone ?
A person is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, and evidence seems to be lacking here. This is a serious life-changing accusation, from a very very long time ago. We need dates, times, corroborating witnesses, etc, none of this "she said, he said, ask my friend because I told them what happened forty years ago" BS.

That something like this comes out at this point in his political career pings my bullshit detector big time.
Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law

In the court of public takes a lot less

And, it appears, you will utilize it even though it represents the tactics of those with no integrity.
It appears that being molested, or even claiming to have been has developed into a sort of badge of honor among certain social groups. You know who you are.

Anyone can say anything. Without proof, it's just talk.
How is the timing against Weinstein, Spacey, Sheen, Louie CK, Dreyfus and a dozen others?

People are coming out of the woodwork to recount stories from decades ago

Moore just got caught up in it

YOu know what, this is kind of sounding like a witch hunt. Everyone is coming out and accusing everyone else of something no one considered a big deal at the time.

They did consider it a big deal at the time. If they didn’t, their stories wouldn’t be so vividly recounted now. But they lacked the maturity to process or deal with it at the time. They didn’t know what to do or say. So they said nothing.

The 14 year old girl was involved in a child custody case in the judge’s court room. This was a powerful man who could throw you in jail. How was she going to call him a perv?
Totally irresponsible journalism from, where else, The Washington Bezos Post.
Wrong again, as usual.

“Using Bannon's logic that the whole Moore story was cooked up by the media to get Moore, you must also believe the following things:

* The Post convinced four women, who were willing to put their names forward publicly and risk the scrutiny that comes with that decision, to lie about their interactions with Moore when they were teenagers. The Post was able to do this despite the fact that the four women did not know one another. And they did not reach out to the Post in an effort to get their stories told.

* These women created detailed stories about how they met Moore, where he took them on dates and how he sought to make the relationship more romantic or sexual.

* That these women were motivated by political dislike for Moore (or Republicans) to make up these tales. (Worth noting: Leigh Corfman, the woman at the center of The Post story, voted for the Republican nominee in each of the last three elections -- including for Trump in 2016.) Or that they were paid somehow to do it. Or they just lied to lie. Or something.

* More than two dozen other people who helped corroborate the Post story were also in on this ruse. (The Post said it interviewed more than 30 people who said they knew Moore between 1977 and 1982, which is when these episodes allegedly took place.) That's a whole lot of people to organize into a grand scheme to lie about Moore's sexual misconduct.”

The 4 unbelievable things about Steve Bannon's conspiracy theory on Roy Moore - CNNPolitics

I don't know Roy Moore and I don't know Alabama politics.

However, it is strange that these women all decided to come forth at the same time. That does not happen without someone pushing them.

Also, I'd like to ask a question:

What is going on with the accusations against Trump by the 12 (or more women who came out against him)...fueled by the tape that was played of him showing him (in his own words) to be an incredible sexist ?

I assumed that was the end of his campaign. It wasn't. He was elected and where are these women now ? What is happening. If those allegations are not being follow up on (assuming there can be some legal action), then their decisions to come forth were NOTHING but politically motivated.

How can it be anything else.

I really hate to see this happen to any candidate Republican or Democrat because it can potentially be very effective (although it did not appear to derail Trump.....Trump was able to deflect things to Hillary with the help of others) and invites people to do shady things in the interest of victory.
How many women have to come forward before they’re believed? Four obviously isn’t enough. 12 women came forward and confirmed Trump sexually assaulted them and he was still elected President. Dozens of women accused Harvey Weinstein over the years, that wasn’t enough.

50 women came forward and said Bill Cosby drugged and raped them. That wasn’t enough.

How many women does it take before the victims are believed? One man came forward and accused Kevin Spacey, just one man, and he lost his TV show, his career, and I doubt he’ll be working ever again.

So tell me how many women have to come forward to equal the accusations of one man?

The glaring problem is all four conveniently just happened to all decide to come out at the same time.... what are the odds? LMAO

Freaking WAPO
Media is being mean to me

Poor Snowflake

I dont give two shits about WAPO, loon. You all are too stupid to realize this was a coordinated smear's being exposed and you're still too stupid to grasp it
Poor Snowflake

Somebody reported Creepy Uncle Roy
Totally irresponsible journalism from, where else, The Washington Bezos Post.
Wrong again, as usual.

“Using Bannon's logic that the whole Moore story was cooked up by the media to get Moore, you must also believe the following things:

* The Post convinced four women, who were willing to put their names forward publicly and risk the scrutiny that comes with that decision, to lie about their interactions with Moore when they were teenagers. The Post was able to do this despite the fact that the four women did not know one another. And they did not reach out to the Post in an effort to get their stories told.

* These women created detailed stories about how they met Moore, where he took them on dates and how he sought to make the relationship more romantic or sexual.

* That these women were motivated by political dislike for Moore (or Republicans) to make up these tales. (Worth noting: Leigh Corfman, the woman at the center of The Post story, voted for the Republican nominee in each of the last three elections -- including for Trump in 2016.) Or that they were paid somehow to do it. Or they just lied to lie. Or something.

* More than two dozen other people who helped corroborate the Post story were also in on this ruse. (The Post said it interviewed more than 30 people who said they knew Moore between 1977 and 1982, which is when these episodes allegedly took place.) That's a whole lot of people to organize into a grand scheme to lie about Moore's sexual misconduct.”

The 4 unbelievable things about Steve Bannon's conspiracy theory on Roy Moore - CNNPolitics

I don't know Roy Moore and I don't know Alabama politics.

However, it is strange that these women all decided to come forth at the same time. That does not happen without someone pushing them.

Also, I'd like to ask a question:

What is going on with the accusations against Trump by the 12 (or more women who came out against him)...fueled by the tape that was played of him showing him (in his own words) to be an incredible sexist ?

I assumed that was the end of his campaign. It wasn't. He was elected and where are these women now ? What is happening. If those allegations are not being follow up on (assuming there can be some legal action), then their decisions to come forth were NOTHING but politically motivated.

How can it be anything else.

I really hate to see this happen to any candidate Republican or Democrat because it can potentially be very effective (although it did not appear to derail Trump.....Trump was able to deflect things to Hillary with the help of others) and invites people to do shady things in the interest of victory.
The women didn't claim Trump broke the law

Only that he is a creep who can't keep his hands to himself
I mostly agree.

I did hear a decent argument as to the timing yesterday; no one really cared about Moore until he won the republican primary. Then WaPo sent reporters to sniff out his past ... and supposedly, it wasn't that difficult. Rumors of Moore's ephebophile-like conduct had apparently been swirling around for years, but the reporters were able to convince the women to go on the record after all those years.

What alarms me isn't the accusation. What alarms me is 1. that people are condemning him before they really have any of the details, and 2. Moore supporters are coming out with absolutely insane defenses of him. Like saying the accusers are guilty for keeping it quiet all those years and therefore Moore is a victim, and that Moore dating/molesting teenagers is okay because Mary was young too. Like, what the fuck?!!

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