My, my, my...B of A

we are not at war with 75 million republicans either.

Nobody is saying we are...except you idiots. This isn't a "wartime" law.
Meanwhile here you are supporting an illegal search with out probable cause of thousands of people who's only "crime" is being in DC on the 6th.

As pointed out in the OP's opening link, there is nothing illegal about it, but if you were in DC on January 6th, feel free to challenge it.
No law allows fishing.
Apparently y
ou are concerned. If you didn't do anything criminal while in DC, you have nothing to worry about. The guy that bought the 950,000 volt taser to bring with him to DC...HE should worry.


Define criminal.


Their US Online Privacy notice says:

With whom do we share your personal information?
We may share the personal information we collect from and about you online described in this Notice (and subject to other legal restrictions and notices you may have received depending on your relationship with us) with:
  • Affiliates and Subsidiaries of Bank of America, such as Merrill
  • Service Providers, Vendors and Third Party Providers who have contracts with Bank of America
  • Government Agencies as required by laws and regulations.

That would give the impression to a reasonable person that they would not share personal information unless it was requested by a lawful order or existing regulation.
Funny its ok to extrapolate confidential information on those deemed conservative now ”terrorists” and yet its not ok to extrapolate information from those supporting ANTIFA, BLM, and suspected terrorist sympathizers. The next thing you will be supporting is forcing Apple to unlock phones to access text messages and contact information of those deemed conservative in the name of national security. Rand Paul‘s concerns are becoming a reality aren’t they? Welcome to the world of 1984.
Not just conservatives...they have openly named Libertarians as targets also. Basically anyone not participating in their tribal politics.
Not just conservatives...they have openly named Libertarians as targets also. Basically anyone not participating in their tribal politics.
Or simply those participating in sedition and insurrection against the United States.

And I assume your just the person to determine who participated in the sedition and treason?
we are not at war with 75 million republicans either.

Nobody is saying we are...except you idiots. This isn't a "wartime" law.
Meanwhile here you are supporting an illegal search with out probable cause of thousands of people who's only "crime" is being in DC on the 6th.

As pointed out in the OP's opening link, there is nothing illegal about it, but if you were in DC on January 6th, feel free to challenge it.
No law allows fishing.
Apparently you are concerned. If you didn't do anything criminal while in DC, you have nothing to worry about. The guy that bought the 950,000 volt taser to bring with him to DC...HE should worry.
It’s apparent you fail to see the broad based ramifications of this act. So how many innocent, non participants, need to be hauled in by the FBI for questioning to see the error in your reasoning?
we are not at war with 75 million republicans either.

Nobody is saying we are...except you idiots. This isn't a "wartime" law.
Meanwhile here you are supporting an illegal search with out probable cause of thousands of people who's only "crime" is being in DC on the 6th.

As pointed out in the OP's opening link, there is nothing illegal about it, but if you were in DC on January 6th, feel free to challenge it.
No law allows fishing.
Apparently you are concerned. If you didn't do anything criminal while in DC, you have nothing to worry about. The guy that bought the 950,000 volt taser to bring with him to DC...HE should worry.
It’s apparent you fail to see the broad based ramifications of this act. So how many innocent, non participants, need to be hauled in by the FBI for questioning to see the error in your reasoning?

Lets see if any "innocent people" get " hauled in by the FBI" first shall we?

Do you have a problem with these laws being used to catch Islamic terrorists?
Funny its ok to extrapolate confidential information on those deemed conservative now ”terrorists” and yet its not ok to extrapolate information from those supporting ANTIFA, BLM, and suspected terrorist sympathizers. The next thing you will be supporting is forcing Apple to unlock phones to access text messages and contact information of those deemed conservative in the name of national security. Rand Paul‘s concerns are becoming a reality aren’t they? Welcome to the world of 1984.
Not just conservatives...they have openly named Libertarians as targets also. Basically anyone not participating in their tribal politics.
Not just conservatives...they have openly named Libertarians as targets also. Basically anyone not participating in their tribal politics.
Or simply those participating in sedition and insurrection against the United States.

And I assume your just the person to determine who participated in the sedition and treason?
And I assume your just the person to determine who participated in the sedition and treason?
Not at all. I assume, as should you, that the FBI and the DOJ make those determinations as they are investigating just that.
Hmmmm....I’ve got no problem with Bank of America or any other bank turning over information on terrorists.

So how does this work for you ass-wipes, if you buy a soda with a credit card you're now considered a terrorist? Fricken dumbass.

No. If you storm the capitol set on overturning the results of a free and fair election, you are a domestic terrorist and a criminal. That means banks have to turn over requested information to law enforcement. There is a 1970 law that allows it. Frickin' dumbass. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
If involved in a criminal proceeding, law enforcement agencies may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for a court order to have banks and other financial institutions turn over all information regarding any types of financial accounts. Fricken dumbass.

Great, let's see the court order.
Where, in the law, does it say they need one?

If one is required, why would you think it wasn't obtained?

Bank Secrecy Act" or "BSA") requires U.S. financial institutions to assist U.S. government agencies to detect and prevent money laundering. Specifically, the act requires financial institutions to keep records of cash purchases of negotiable instruments, file reports of cash transactions exceeding $10,000 (daily aggregate amount), and to report suspicious activity that might signify money laundering, tax evasion, or other criminal activities.

You fricken idiot.
I'm sorry, where in what you posted does it say a court order is required?

Don't give up your day job, Walmart wouldn't be the same without you.
At the request of the FBI, the country’s second-largest bank allegedly snooped through information of anyone making certain purchases in and around Washington before and after the riots, and handed over the information of 211 people.

Calls for Bank of America boycott grow after data given to FBI
I posted an article about this on someone's thread yesterday and of course the leftards pooh poohed it as usual.

We do business with BoA....come this week we won't.
B of A has always sold their customers down the government and IRS river....I can't understand how they have a single account.....
Funny its ok to extrapolate confidential information on those deemed conservative now ”terrorists” and yet its not ok to extrapolate information from those supporting ANTIFA, BLM, and suspected terrorist sympathizers. The next thing you will be supporting is forcing Apple to unlock phones to access text messages and contact information of those deemed conservative in the name of national security. Rand Paul‘s concerns are becoming a reality aren’t they? Welcome to the world of 1984.
Not just conservatives...they have openly named Libertarians as targets also. Basically anyone not participating in their tribal politics.
Not just conservatives...they have openly named Libertarians as targets also. Basically anyone not participating in their tribal politics.
Or simply those participating in sedition and insurrection against the United States.


That would be just about every congressperson, governor, mayor, and other supposed VIP, that refused to do their job, or supported, in quelling the burning, looting, and murdering, that's been going on for the last year or more.




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