My older daughter, a teacher, called me last night...

kaz ...four questions.

Does LL have a son who is a police officer?
Does LL have a firearm and a CC permit?
Does LL live in a big city or a suburban beach town?
Did LL grow up hunting and fishing in the woods or hanging out in the hood?

LL has all the attitudes and opinions of an inner city leftist who would squeal like a school girl and faint if LL ever saw a gun, much less touched one.

Whey would someone who has a CC permit possibly think that admins and teachers in schools could not use them safely? Why on earth would you have such a permit if you believed that? And if you did, how would shooting after shooting with no one shooting back not convince you that you're wrong?

Something is seriously wrong with what you claim

You don't think that there are many CC permit holders as well as LEO's who are oposed to teacher and other school personnel being armed?

Why are you so ignorant?

Opposed ...
You're an idiot.

Typo fool. Not the same.
But they are under communist rule..

So sad :(

Our children are dying and you are crying about communists. Cute.

I kind of think our children would rather die than live under communist rule don't ya think commrade?

I think you are like a child scared of the boogyman. We are in no jeopardy of becoming communist, stop letting our children die.

Tell that to the people in crimea where bill Clinton said the United States would defend..

Bill said no need for the people of Ukraine to have arms..

Bill said the US would defend the Ukraine..

And along came pussy Obama and looked the other way.


Crimea 'votes for Russia union'

I love when you squirm, you do know that Lil Kim in North Korea has a 100% approval rating in his country right?
Or we could have some gun control like other countries and make the problem rare rather than a regular happening.

We could also carpet bomb inner city neighborhoods and improve our poverty numbers.
But I am not really interested in that idea nor the one you posted ... :thup:

kaz ...four questions.

Does LL have a son who is a police officer?
Does LL have a firearm and a CC permit?
Does LL live in a big city or a suburban beach town?
Did LL grow up hunting and fishing in the woods or hanging out in the hood?

LL has all the attitudes and opinions of an inner city leftist who would squeal like a school girl and faint if LL ever saw a gun, much less touched one.

Whey would someone who has a CC permit possibly think that admins and teachers in schools could not use them safely? Why on earth would you have such a permit if you believed that? And if you did, how would shooting after shooting with no one shooting back not convince you that you're wrong?

Something is seriously wrong with what you claim

You don't think that there are many CC permit holders as well as LEO's who are oposed to teacher and other school personnel being armed?

Why are you so ignorant?

Opposed ...
You're an idiot.

Typo fool. Not the same.

Sure it is.
We both know the proper spelling.
We have to be realistic, we are not going to get rid of guns.
could we just calm down, & look for solutions than lower the number of deaths. if not that, at least solutions that help prevent the killing of children.
They do not have freedom of firearm ownership, you scare too easily.
People kill people firearms do not...
You just don't care at all that kids are being murdered in school. What the hell is wrong with you?
More frivolous gun laws will not save any kids, But the killing fields that are gun free zones will continue to kill kids, we have a bunch of dead kids as proof...
The absense of guns is the ONLY thing that will save them.
Said hitler... lol
Someone like you, so obsessed with guns, you must not have any kind of dick at all.

Yeah....and you wear make up which makes you a trollop.
I still wonder what makes guns so attractive to so many people? I can understand kids in the days of the old western movies, riding their pretend horses and shooting the rustlers with their pretend guns, but some stopped the pretense, and seemed able to leave that age behind them. I wonder if the NRA helps keep that age alive for some?

Gun nuts (male and female) have arrested development, psychologically speaking. As well, they have low self esteem and need a gun to make them feel strong and important. They are all very sick people. The NRA pushes gun culture on all of these vulnerable people.

Amateur hour......
.... uncharacteristically shaken after going through "shooter training" at school. She said all the female teachers were crying, a mess.

Shooter training.

"What it all boils down to, is that there's not much we can do, dad", she said. "They're going through and putting interior locks on classroom doors. Outside of that, you just have to hope the shooter doesn't find you."

I asked her about guns, and whether she supported the idea of giving teachers the option of having guns. "Hell yes," she said, and they had talked about that in training. She doesn't support it being mandatory, but definitely agreed that if some number of teachers did want to do it, it would help. She would do it.

So that was my Friday evening conversation with my daughter. They're usually a little different.

My guess is that the school will resist letting teachers arm themselves (those that actually own arms and are trained to use them) because lawyers have their heads up everyone's asses about fear of legal liability, even if they arm with the same ammo used by Marshalls aboard planes (won't go through walls) so as a result, NO ONE is willing to take action, take the initiative, or lead. If schools were smart, they would incorporate an intruder control system unknown to anyone but faculty that if a gunman enters the building, classrooms can be locked down and isolated while the intruder is restricted to a hallway, etc., long enough that he can be hit with a gas spray to immobilize or incapacitate him until authorities can arrive. It really isn't that hard if we can get the fucking lawyers out of everyone's asses.
One idea that the trainer brought up - so it must be circulating - was to have a gun in a locked safe in every classroom. The teachers shot that idea down (oops) for a variety of reasons, and I can understand that. But it seems to me that if there are a few employees willing to carry it could (could) make a difference.

It's insane that we're even having to talk about this, and it's indicative of a much larger problem.
The problem is the breakdown of the traditional American family, too late... we have already made the bed with fucked up political correctness/affirmative-action/socialism.
Unstable families is part of it. Too much emphasis on our RIGHTS but not the commensurate RESPONSIBILITIES to others is another part of it.

I wonder if a country where the government itself cannot agree on a thing or get anything done and does nothing but fight internally, where we suffer from rampant overcrowding, massive over-regulation, ever-conflicting standards, low wages, high-cost education, poor job market, high food prices, over-medication, and dishonesty in media has anything to do with destabilizing families?
That school was a gun-free zone. How could anyone get shot there?
That's just a stupid argument: a childish, ignorant, stupid argument. Can't you do something better with your brain? You'd look more intelligent if you just sat there drooling.

That's just a stupid argument: a childish, ignorant, stupid argument.

Isn't it your argument that banning guns can make us safe(r)?

Countries with strong gun control sure have lower homicide rates.

Does Mexico have strong gun control?
What about Jamaica? Brazil?

Is Mexico either economically or politically stable? Are they in a position to have strong gun control? No they are not. The UK is and they don't have a mass shooting problem.

Did you know that mehico has only one gun store and it's located on a military base?
Yet mehicans are being slaughtered wholesale.
Here is a classic example of a relative fallacy

Drownings in bath tubes 2010: slightly less than 100. School shooting victims year 2017: less than 30.

The drownings are accidental, Norman.
We have to be realistic, we are not going to get rid of guns.
could we just calm down, & look for solutions than lower the number of deaths. if not that, at least solutions that help prevent the killing of children.

"Calm down"? I wonder how easy that will be for the thousands of kids who will remember Valentines Day as the day of death, not love?

How about expanding your solution(s) to reducing the number of deaths of human beings innocently attending a movie, school, church, a concert or their place of business?

Q. What is the common denominator of most mass murders

A. A boy or man with a gun.

So, if we are to scapegoat the mentally ill, wouldn't it make more sense to scapegoat all boys over the age of 8, and deny all men their 2nd A. Rights?
We have to be realistic, we are not going to get rid of guns.
could we just calm down, & look for solutions than lower the number of deaths. if not that, at least solutions that help prevent the killing of children.

"Calm down"? I wonder how easy that will be for the thousands of kids who will remember Valentines Day as the day of death, not love?

How about expanding your solution(s) to reducing the number of deaths of human beings innocently attending a movie, school, church, a concert or their place of business?

Q. What is the common denominator of most mass murders

A. A boy or man with a gun.

So, if we are to scapegoat the mentally ill, wouldn't it make more sense to scapegoat all boys over the age of 8, and deny them their 2nd A. Rights?

It is not scapegoating to face the fact that these insane shooters are insane.

Profile the dangerously mentally ill and lock them up for their own safety and the safety of the community.
Well, I'll be danged, talk about timing...

Next Week, My School Will Have An 'Active Shooter' Drill. Here's What I'll Be Thinking. | HuffPost

At home, I will replay the drill. Did we get it accomplished quickly? Tightly? Efficiently? Are my children safe? Will they be safe?

Can I keep them safe?


How would I ever live with it if I lost one?

What about 17 of them?


Sounds like a whiny snowflake. Oh it's San Fran...Cali has strict gun laws, they'll be fine.
"Calm down"? I wonder how easy that will be for the thousands of kids who will remember Valentines Day as the day of death, not love?

How about expanding your solution(s) to reducing the number of deaths of human beings innocently attending a movie, school, church, a concert or their place of business?

Q. What is the common denominator of most mass murders

A. A boy or man with a gun.

So, if we are to scapegoat the mentally ill, wouldn't it make more sense to scapegoat all boys over the age of 8, and deny all men their 2nd A. Rights?

While you are specifying who you think shouldn't be allowed to practice their Constitutionally protected rights ...
Don't be shy and include any other classification or Constitutionally protected rights you would like to deny others ... Progressive fascist fuckwad ... :thup:

Ask your daughter what in the world attracted her to going through 4-5 years of college for what a teacher makes - to have to deal with this madness in the first place.

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