My older daughter, a teacher, called me last night...

I still wonder what makes guns so attractive to so many people? I can understand kids in the days of the old western movies, riding their pretend horses and shooting the rustlers with their pretend guns, but some stopped the pretense, and seemed able to leave that age behind them. I wonder if the NRA helps keep that age alive for some?

Gun nuts (male and female) have arrested development, psychologically speaking. As well, they have low self esteem and need a gun to make them feel strong and important. They are all very sick people. The NRA pushes gun culture on all of these vulnerable people.

None of that is true.
LOL Oh yes it is.

No it isn't.
You are buying into false anti - gun propaganda.
98% of teachers don’t want guns in their classrooms.
There are too many variables where they will do much more harm than good.

You're going to need to explain yourself on this one.

When you say "teachers don’t want guns in their classrooms." At first glance, that's a "no shit Sherlock", of course teachers don't want guns in their classrooms.

But if you mean teachers don't want to have the gun themselves, while it's true a majority of teachers do not want to carry in the classroom, it's nowhere near 98%.
Another classic use of an OVERWHELMING STATISTICAL NUMBER to manipulate their pathetic sheep.

They are all a part of that NINETY NINE PERCENT don't you know?

I mean 97 PERCENT OF SCIENTISTS insist Florida will be gone in 2013 and NYC will be gone in 2016 if we dont buy CARBON CREDITS from Gore's company.

OVERWHELMING STATS. Remember this. Stats are like bikinis. What they reveal is SUGGESTIVE. What they conceal is VITAL.
Nearly every mass shooting incident in the last twenty years, and multiple other instances of suicide and isolated shootings all share one thing in common, and it's not the weapons used.

The overwhelming evidence points to the signal largest common factor in all of these incidents is the fact that all of the perpetrators were either actively taking powerful psychotropic drugs or had been at some point in the immediate past before they committed their crimes.

Multiple credible scientific studies going back more than a decade, as well as internal documents from certain pharmaceutical companies that suppressed the information show that SSRI drugs ( Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors ) have well known, but unreported side effects, including but not limited to suicide and other violent behavior. One need only Google relevant key words or phrases to see for is one popular site that has documented over 4500 " Mainstream Media " reported cases from around the World of aberrant or violent behavior by those taking these powerful drugs.
Every Mass Shooting Shares 1 Thing In Common, NOT Guns

So stupid.

Even if the garbage that you just claimed is true, they clearly have guns in common as well. So they have at least two things in common. You can't be that stupid.

They all have cocks too. Didja think of that one, genius?
No, you thought of cocks, Who is, Brenda Spencer ?
One in every 4 teachers in a school packing is insane, Dumbass.

It's your numbers ... You don't trust the teachers ... :dunno:
Why in the hell would you send your child into a classroom with a teacher you don't trust ... Dumbass.

Teachers are not trained to be armed protectors. That's what the police are trained for. I trust teachers to educate children. Otherwise they are just ordinary people, and I would never put them in the role of an armed protector. I have taught for 30 years and know teachers well: most of them are not people I would trust with a gun. Just like I don't trust most of you gun nuts with one. Guns are something only professionals should be in control of.

So your saying teachers are idiots?
Maybe I should have started this thread in the CDZ.

You need a safe space?

Anyway, to the point, I can't see how arming teachers is going to do any good.

Columbine they had armed guard, it didn't do any good.
VA Tech they had an armed security force. Didn't do any good.
Ft. Hood was a military base, all those weapons didn't do much good- twice.

More guns just lead to more confusion. If you are a cop, and you are responding to an "Active Shooter" scenario, and someone rounds the corner packing a gun, are you going to wait to figure out if that's a teacher or the "Active Shooter"?

Since our politicians won't stand up the NRA, we are just going to have to accept this sort of things as part of life.

Ft. Hood was a military base, all those weapons didn't do much good- twice.

That post is so fucking ignorant even for you Joe
One in every 4 teachers in a school packing is insane, Dumbass.

It's your numbers ... You don't trust the teachers ... :dunno:
Why in the hell would you send your child into a classroom with a teacher you don't trust ... Dumbass.

Teachers are not trained to be armed protectors. That's what the police are trained for. I trust teachers to educate children. Otherwise they are just ordinary people, and I would never put them in the role of an armed protector. I have taught for 30 years and know teachers well: most of them are not people I would trust with a gun. Just like I don't trust most of you gun nuts with one. Guns are something only professionals should be in control of.

So your saying teachers are idiots?

She just missed the simple fact that everyone is ordinary until they receive training ... :thup:
That says more about her than the teachers she is attempting to actually speak for.

Countries with strong gun control don't have this problem. Where is your soul?

Where's your brain?

What a stupid answer. The shooter was shooting freely because of YOUR LAWS. And you want more laws to make the shooter even more safe. And you ask where MY soul is? What a dumb ass

Again, this isn't a problem in countries with gun control. When was the last school shooting in the UK?
Nearly every mass shooting incident in the last twenty years, and multiple other instances of suicide and isolated shootings all share one thing in common, and it's not the weapons used.

The overwhelming evidence points to the signal largest common factor in all of these incidents is the fact that all of the perpetrators were either actively taking powerful psychotropic drugs or had been at some point in the immediate past before they committed their crimes.

Multiple credible scientific studies going back more than a decade, as well as internal documents from certain pharmaceutical companies that suppressed the information show that SSRI drugs ( Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors ) have well known, but unreported side effects, including but not limited to suicide and other violent behavior. One need only Google relevant key words or phrases to see for is one popular site that has documented over 4500 " Mainstream Media " reported cases from around the World of aberrant or violent behavior by those taking these powerful drugs.
Every Mass Shooting Shares 1 Thing In Common, NOT Guns

So stupid.

Even if the garbage that you just claimed is true, they clearly have guns in common as well. So they have at least two things in common. You can't be that stupid.

They all have cocks too. Didja think of that one, genius?
No, you thought of cocks, Who is, Brenda Spencer ?

Oh! You got me! You found one! You are awesome!
Yes gun laws like in countries where they don't have mass shootings. I hardly call that frivolous.

Do they have drugs in those unnamed countries? Drugs are illegal here and we have lots of drugs. You want drugs and don't know where to get them? Ask a high schooler, they'll get them for you

Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.

We will never remove guns from America, it is to tied into the Constitution and culture.

We need to focus on training on teachers catching behaviors, we need parent involved with their children and not coddling them but helping them to become responsible for their lives and where they are at in life.

These countries have not removed all guns. We can have guns, but do we need guns for mass killing? Do we need AR15's with 30 round magazines? Have you noticed that mass killings have increased now that high capacity magazines are everywhere?

Ah, so we make them illegal and then they disappear! Poof!

You haven't explained two things:

1) Why your plan has been tried to remove drugs by making them illegal and it hasn't worked at all

2) Why you say that and still demand an open southern border where guns can be freely brought in like drugs are now.

Well? "brain" (sic)?

The plain works in many countries, no need to prove. It has worked here. We heavily regulated machine guns and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.

I've never demanded an open border.
One in every 4 teachers in a school packing is insane, Dumbass.

It's your numbers ... You don't trust the teachers ... :dunno:
Why in the hell would you send your child into a classroom with a teacher you don't trust ... Dumbass.

Teachers are not trained to be armed protectors. That's what the police are trained for. I trust teachers to educate children. Otherwise they are just ordinary people, and I would never put them in the role of an armed protector. I have taught for 30 years and know teachers well: most of them are not people I would trust with a gun. Just like I don't trust most of you gun nuts with one. Guns are something only professionals should be in control of.

So your saying teachers are idiots?


These countries have not removed all guns. We can have guns, but do we need guns for mass killing? Do we need AR15's with 30 round magazines? Have you noticed that mass killings have increased now that high capacity magazines are everywhere?
Quit lying you pussy, it’s all about total firearm confiscation. It always has been, anybody can see right through progressives on this matter...

Yes that is one of the boogymen you use while our children are actually being killed.

The countries I speak of all have legal gun ownership. They are not however flooded with guns for mass killing.
They do not have freedom of firearm ownership, you scare too easily.
People kill people firearms do not...

Look at all the other damage done. Our law enforcement are shot at a rate not seen in countries with strong gun control. We lose over one a week typically. Because of this they also shoot a lot of people. This causes distrust of the police and leads to higher crime rates, including our higher homicide rates. There is a whole lot of death associated with too many guns, we lose hundreds just in accidental shootings.
Almost 33 thousand people have died from medical errors So far this year. Where is the out reach for this criminal behavior? There are much bigger fish to fry than what you speak of, take your pick…
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America

How many people would have died without medical help?
Nearly every mass shooting incident in the last twenty years, and multiple other instances of suicide and isolated shootings all share one thing in common, and it's not the weapons used.

The overwhelming evidence points to the signal largest common factor in all of these incidents is the fact that all of the perpetrators were either actively taking powerful psychotropic drugs or had been at some point in the immediate past before they committed their crimes.

Multiple credible scientific studies going back more than a decade, as well as internal documents from certain pharmaceutical companies that suppressed the information show that SSRI drugs ( Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors ) have well known, but unreported side effects, including but not limited to suicide and other violent behavior. One need only Google relevant key words or phrases to see for is one popular site that has documented over 4500 " Mainstream Media " reported cases from around the World of aberrant or violent behavior by those taking these powerful drugs.
Every Mass Shooting Shares 1 Thing In Common, NOT Guns

Do they use these drugs in countries that don't have a mass shooting problem?
Also keep in mind the types of guns have really changed. 30 years ago everyone didn't have high capacity magazines. Now we are littered with them. When I was a kid cops were still using revolvers. Flood a country with guns for mass killing and you get more mass killing. We had the sense to heavily regulate machine guns.

There were far fewer shootings. All your argument boils down to is putting the genie back in the bottle. The trend at all the places that you mentioned is the same as here. You're trying to swim upstream with no indication it will work.

And in fact, shooting after shooting is showing why that is evil, it IS working to disarm honest citizens. How do you look at 17 dead and not think oh your God, maybe some people need to be armed? Where is your soul, man?

That doesn't respond to the types of guns at all. Weren't mass shootings when everyone had a musket. Now we have lots of guns for mass killings and we have lots of mass killings.

Countries with strong gun control don't have this problem. Where is your soul? There was an armed off duty cop at Orlando. He was outgunned and so many died. Again, we have lots of guns for mass killing. Lot of guns in Vegas, but they couldn't stop him. More mass killing guns. These guys were all armed and look how many died:
2016 shooting of Dallas police officers - Wikipedia

Countries with strong gun control don't have a mass shooting problem.
"Where is your soul?"

Exactly. Where is the soul of the pro-gun person? Children are massacred in school and they just don't care. They are sick, soulless people.

That school was a gun-free zone. How could anyone get shot there?
That's just a stupid argument: a childish, ignorant, stupid argument. Can't you do something better with your brain? You'd look more intelligent if you just sat there drooling.

That's just a stupid argument: a childish, ignorant, stupid argument.

Isn't it your argument that banning guns can make us safe(r)?
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Countries with strong gun control don't have this problem. Where is your soul?

Where's your brain?

What a stupid answer. The shooter was shooting freely because of YOUR LAWS. And you want more laws to make the shooter even more safe. And you ask where MY soul is? What a dumb ass

Again, this isn't a problem in countries with gun control. When was the last school shooting in the UK?

Ask that to the folks in Crimea who are now under Communist rule.

Only if they had guns.. to fight back..
Let just make the police be teachers then. Because it's usually the same type of person the applies for those jobs...

Let's not make anyone do anything like that ... That's what authoritarian tyrants do ... :thup:
You really do have difficulty understanding simple concepts like freedom don't you?

The post you quote specifically addressed the fact that teachers are generally not the type to be aggressive.
Those reviewed after the first two sessions of training were most often shocked and disheartened by the information they were receiving.
You have to actually want to protect the children in your classroom before any training is successful ... And it does require a change in your response.

More importantly ... One of the things they do early in the training (after some exposure) ...
Is ask the teacher if they think they could actually pull the trigger on another human being.

If the answer is "No" or "I don't know" ... They don't go any further in the training.
If you don't know what you are prepared to do ... Then a firearm is not a suitable option.


Or we could have some gun control like other countries and make the problem rare rather than a regular happening.
My former neighbor told my wife the plumber she hired told her his son knew a guy who went to the shooting range every Saturday with his dad, and there he met a former Army Ranger (Ret.) who was a friend of his dad and was employed as a custodian at the Jr. Hi School where my neighbors daughter went to school, and she told the plumber's son who went with his dad to fix the leaky toilet in my neighbors house that the former Army Ranger always carried a gun on that job.
There were far fewer shootings. All your argument boils down to is putting the genie back in the bottle. The trend at all the places that you mentioned is the same as here. You're trying to swim upstream with no indication it will work.

And in fact, shooting after shooting is showing why that is evil, it IS working to disarm honest citizens. How do you look at 17 dead and not think oh your God, maybe some people need to be armed? Where is your soul, man?

That doesn't respond to the types of guns at all. Weren't mass shootings when everyone had a musket. Now we have lots of guns for mass killings and we have lots of mass killings.

Countries with strong gun control don't have this problem. Where is your soul? There was an armed off duty cop at Orlando. He was outgunned and so many died. Again, we have lots of guns for mass killing. Lot of guns in Vegas, but they couldn't stop him. More mass killing guns. These guys were all armed and look how many died:
2016 shooting of Dallas police officers - Wikipedia

Countries with strong gun control don't have a mass shooting problem.
"Where is your soul?"

Exactly. Where is the soul of the pro-gun person? Children are massacred in school and they just don't care. They are sick, soulless people.

That school was a gun-free zone. How could anyone get shot there?
That's just a stupid argument: a childish, ignorant, stupid argument. Can't you do something better with your brain? You'd look more intelligent if you just sat there drooling.

That's just a stupid argument: a childish, ignorant, stupid argument.

Isn't it your argument that banning guns can make us safe(r)?

Countries with strong gun control sure have lower homicide rates.
My former neighbor told my wife the plumber she hired told her his son knew a guy who went to the shooting range every Saturday with his dad, and there he met a former Army Ranger (Ret.) who was a friend of his dad and was employed as a custodian at the Jr. Hi School where my neighbors daughter went to school, and she told the plumber's son who went with his dad to fix the leaky toilet in my neighbors house that the former Army Ranger always carried a gun on that job.
Good for him.
That doesn't respond to the types of guns at all. Weren't mass shootings when everyone had a musket. Now we have lots of guns for mass killings and we have lots of mass killings.

Countries with strong gun control don't have this problem. Where is your soul? There was an armed off duty cop at Orlando. He was outgunned and so many died. Again, we have lots of guns for mass killing. Lot of guns in Vegas, but they couldn't stop him. More mass killing guns. These guys were all armed and look how many died:
2016 shooting of Dallas police officers - Wikipedia

Countries with strong gun control don't have a mass shooting problem.
"Where is your soul?"

Exactly. Where is the soul of the pro-gun person? Children are massacred in school and they just don't care. They are sick, soulless people.

That school was a gun-free zone. How could anyone get shot there?
That's just a stupid argument: a childish, ignorant, stupid argument. Can't you do something better with your brain? You'd look more intelligent if you just sat there drooling.

That's just a stupid argument: a childish, ignorant, stupid argument.

Isn't it your argument that banning guns can make us safe(r)?

Countries with strong gun control sure have lower homicide rates.

Does Mexico have strong gun control?
What about Jamaica? Brazil?

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