My older daughter, a teacher, called me last night...

This is a military style pistol.
Should it be banned as well?
View attachment 178305
Oh....only in hollyweird do you shoot one handed.
/——-/ I just heard on Rush that the school had security cameras running but were on 20 minute delay which confused police responders. No reason given for the delay. Maybe the NRA forced the school to do that.
Oh well, must be true if Oxy Rush says so.
/——/ I added Rush’s name knowing full well it would trigger one of you libtards. So predictable. Now you can apologize:
As I said...must be true if Oxy Rush says so.

Doubling down on the stupid I see.....

"You have this wonderful research tool right in front of you and you still manage to look like a moron.
Security footage from school massacre scene was on 26-minute delay - CNN"
/—-/ The tard is embarrassed that he was caught red handed attacking the messenger and because it was Rush dismisses the message.
This is a military style pistol.
Should it be banned as well?
Yes, it should be effectively banned, as with all other handguns, in order to lower the firearm homicide rate in the US. Nearly half of all US homicides are committed with handguns. Effectively banned means stringent requirements must be met to possess such a class of weapon.
This is a military style pistol.
Should it be banned as well?
Yes, it should be effectively banned, as with all other handguns, in order to lower the firearm homicide rate in the US. Nearly half of all US homicides are committed with handguns. Effectively banned means stringent requirements must be met to possess such a class of weapon.

Good luck with that....
/——-/ I just heard on Rush that the school had security cameras running but were on 20 minute delay which confused police responders. No reason given for the delay. Maybe the NRA forced the school to do that.
Oh well, must be true if Oxy Rush says so.
/——/ I added Rush’s name knowing full well it would trigger one of you libtards. So predictable. Now you can apologize:
As I said...must be true if Oxy Rush says so.

Doubling down on the stupid I see.....

"You have this wonderful research tool right in front of you and you still manage to look like a moron.
Security footage from school massacre scene was on 26-minute delay - CNN"
/—-/ The tard is embarrassed that he was caught red handed attacking the messenger and because it was Rush dismisses the message.

Thats a she who wishes she was a he.
That the rest of the developed world has found how to reduce firearm homicide rates and public massacre rates makes no impression whatsoever on US gun nuts, who don't even appreciate the sacrifice school kids make in laying down their lives for easy access to hand guns and military style semi automatics.

How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless gun nut.
One idea that the trainer brought up - so it must be circulating - was to have a gun in a locked safe in every classroom. The teachers shot that idea down (oops) for a variety of reasons, and I can understand that. But it seems to me that if there are a few employees willing to carry it could (could) make a difference.

It's insane that we're even having to talk about this, and it's indicative of a much larger problem.

that is not really a good idea

only those who want to and have been fully trained for should handle the weapon

as for a plan every classroom should have an escape window operable from the inside

kids should be taught to " get out of there " now instead of "locking yourself in a build" with an active shooter

Yeah, that will work great on a school that has no windows period! My first school had no windows except in entrances and hallways. I am sure you have about $30 million laying around to build a new school.

Also, are you familiar with the school shooting that happened when a student shot other students leaving school from a wooded area near the school?

The procedure is to run, hide, and fight. First, run away and get behind a locked door or out of the building. If you cannot run, you hide. If you cannot hide or are found, fight!


Yeah, that will work great on a school that has no windows period!

well thanks for the absolutes arnt you just a fucking genius

you would have to design your own plan by the looks of your fucking smart mouth that should be easy for you to do

I just so happened to design the plan for the high school where I taught for 4 years because I was the only veteran on the faculty!

Guess how many windows my classroom has this year? None.

Last year? None.

The previous 4 years? None.

The year prior? It had 2 small windows and I was located on the second floor. It was about 25 feet to the ground.

How about 4 years in another two schools? There were windows all along one wall and they were 6 feet off the floor, on the second floor looking out at a closed courtyard.

I had really nice windows when I taught on an Army post. The school was built in 1957 and was torn down the next year. The new school? No windows.
sure cool guy --LOL

Yeah, the truth is cool.
I think a reasonable person would admit that there are pros and cons for allowing teachers to carry. Obvious pros and cons. So I wonder what other ideas we could toss out, instead of the standard personal attacks, and name calling 'n stuff.

According to the internet (so it must be true), there are about 106,000 schools of all levels in America. Let's say paying, arming and equipping two full time guards costs $300,000 per year. That would total $31,800,000,000. If I'm counting my zeroes correctly, that's $32 billion.

Or we could allow school districts to make their own decisions about individual school security and allot them $300,000 annually per school. This might include guards, special lock systems, cool tech 'n cameras, who knows, I don't know shit about this. $32 billion. $500,000 per school would be $53 billion. I do like the idea of letting school boards decide, as there would be direct, local planning & accountability for everything.

Then we get some sober, reasonable Democrat and Republican congresspeople (assuming we can find them) and lock them in a room with no shower privileges until they come out with a list of improved regulations with which they can all agree. None of them would be allowed to sprint to the teevee cameras to spew their bullshit. The ideas that come out are a group effort, and they're all responsible for them. Maybe a 10% tax on gun sales to help pay for school safety. That would contribute about $3 billion to the plan I mention above. Maybe bring our troops home from various shitholes around the world. How much would that save?

How about that for a start? I'd vote for it.

You cannot tax a constitutional right, dumb ass!
That the rest of the developed world has found how to reduce firearm homicide rates and public massacre rates makes no impression whatsoever on US gun nuts, who don't even appreciate the sacrifice school kids make in laying down their lives for easy access to hand guns and military style semi automatics.

How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless gun nut.
/——-/ What a load of horseshyt

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