My Open Letter to Harry's Shave Club

Eric Arthur Blair

Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2015
Dear Harry's Shave Club...I was in my local Walgreens drug store last week because I was told they were vaccinating people there and it turns out they were but I had to register online.
So before leaving the store I wandered around a bit and saw they were selling your Harry's Shave Club razors and I had heard good things so I picked up one and it turns out the razors are indeed very good.

However yesterday I discovered political commentator Michael Knowles (who should lose his cigar) had your sponsorship of his show pulled by you because he had the temerity to insist that biologically speaking, males are males and females are females. Pretending there is no difference is a lie and about as anti science as one can get.

Get woke and go broke as they say, and hopefully that will apply to your product as well for censoring Knowles' right to his opinion, denying biological facts and adding your little bit to our blacklisting cancel culture which in no way helps our society.

I will not buy your product again and would have returned the razor I already bought but lost my receipt and, as I said, it is a good razor admittedly.
Presumably you knew about Knowles before you decided to sponsor his program so I can only assume a small group of woke extortionists convinced you to drop Knowles like a sack of radioactive waste but caving in to blacklisting pressure has only made me decide to drop you instead.

I don't know how many trannies shave their stubbly beards with Harry's products but you've thrown in your lot with the wrong group as far as I'm concerned and there are many razor companies out there but only two genders and you've made a bad business decision by making up my mind for me.
Sincerely...A Former Customer
Dear Harry's Shave Club...I was in my local Walgreens drug store last week because I was told they were vaccinating people there and it turns out they were but I had to register online.
So before leaving the store I wandered around a bit and saw they were selling your Harry's Shave Club razors and I had heard good things so I picked up one and it turns out the razors are indeed very good.

However yesterday I discovered political commentator Michael Knowles (who should lose his cigar) had your sponsorship of his show pulled by you because he had the temerity to insist that biologically speaking, males are males and females are females. Pretending there is no difference is a lie and about as anti science as one can get.

Get woke and go broke as they say, and hopefully that will apply to your product as well for censoring Knowles' right to his opinion, denying biological facts and adding your little bit to our blacklisting cancel culture which in no way helps our society.

I will not buy your product again and would have returned the razor I already bought but lost my receipt and, as I said, it is a good razor admittedly.
Presumably you knew about Knowles before you decided to sponsor his program so I can only assume a small group of woke extortionists convinced you to drop Knowles like a sack of radioactive waste but caving in to blacklisting pressure has only made me decide to drop you instead.

I don't know how many trannies shave their stubbly beards with Harry's products but you've thrown in your lot with the wrong group as far as I'm concerned and there are many razor companies out there but only two genders and you've made a bad business decision by making up my mind for me.
Sincerely...A Former Customer
Why dont you post the email address for Harry’s and we can all contact them?
Why dont you post the email address for Harry’s and we can all contact them?
You have Google, I presume.
I chose not to send an email as it's easier to ignore than an open letter that many might respond to.
I would not assume that they monitor US Message Board
I wouldn't assume that either. Or that they will give a rat's ass whether one or one hundred people
contact them. But in the time it took you to respond to me you could have better put your energy to
use contacting Harry's.
I couldn't find an email address per se when I looked. Maybe you will have more luck.
But in the time it took you to respond to me you could have better put your energy to
use contacting Harry's.
I was thinking of the time it took you to write that opinion

and how much more powerful your opinion would be if you made it easy for others go contact Harry’s

but I was assuming that you had contacted Harry’s
I looked on Harry's website and saw this founders' note (emphases mine):

We started Harry’s seven years ago with one simple premise: Every man deserves a quality shave at a fair price. We’ve grown quite a bit since then, but that guiding principle hasn’t changed. Today we have a whole range of grooming essentials made using feedback from guys like you. We’re happy you’re here, and can’t wait to hear what you think.​

Harry's | Quality Men's Grooming & Shave Supplies at

Very interesting choice of words for a couple of woke blokes.
Dear Harry's Shave Club...I was in my local Walgreens drug store last week because I was told they were vaccinating people there and it turns out they were but I had to register online.
So before leaving the store I wandered around a bit and saw they were selling your Harry's Shave Club razors and I had heard good things so I picked up one and it turns out the razors are indeed very good.

However yesterday I discovered political commentator Michael Knowles (who should lose his cigar) had your sponsorship of his show pulled by you because he had the temerity to insist that biologically speaking, males are males and females are females. Pretending there is no difference is a lie and about as anti science as one can get.

Get woke and go broke as they say, and hopefully that will apply to your product as well for censoring Knowles' right to his opinion, denying biological facts and adding your little bit to our blacklisting cancel culture which in no way helps our society.

I will not buy your product again and would have returned the razor I already bought but lost my receipt and, as I said, it is a good razor admittedly.
Presumably you knew about Knowles before you decided to sponsor his program so I can only assume a small group of woke extortionists convinced you to drop Knowles like a sack of radioactive waste but caving in to blacklisting pressure has only made me decide to drop you instead.

I don't know how many trannies shave their stubbly beards with Harry's products but you've thrown in your lot with the wrong group as far as I'm concerned and there are many razor companies out there but only two genders and you've made a bad business decision by making up my mind for me.
Sincerely...A Former Customer
Did you cry? :laugh:
Btw: what you wrote was excellent

can I send it to Harrys while giving you credit?
But of course! I hoped that might happen when I took the time to write my little open letter.
As an aside my daughter in Germany wanted me to write a birthday message to my son in law (who is the video game business, btw) so I wrote him a small email telling him to compare himself to all the long lived
creatures in the world (Sequoias, tortoises, eels whales, etc.) if he was feeling a little depressed about aging.

She liked it and said I should write more. Years ago when I wrote a Harry Potter knock off manuscript
for my three kids (Ellis Apple and the Possibility Machine) and they were all unimpressed. Or maybe
I was hoping a bigger reaction (ok, I was hoping for a bigger reaction).
So I said screw it and put that ambition away.
I'm not one of those people who HAS to write but I do enjoy the creative process sometimes.
And dealing with the low IQ cretins at USMB tends to kill that urge too.
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