My Prez Has Lost His Way...

promiscuity...destruction of the family..spiritual faith
worker drones...the elite...happy pills...trite entertainment and media...we are well on our way to a brave new world

Mechanical wombs intentionally retarding 'gammas' while genetically engineering 'alphas'? Did you miss that entirely in the book?
No but perhaps you are misting this world you are in

htps://The Pros and Cons of Artificial Womb Technology - YouTube

Univerasl employment? Sleep conditioning? The universal use of hallucinogenics for 'holidays'?

Antidepressant Use Up 400 Percent in US Psych Central News

These are all massive themes in the book. And modern society doesn't reflect any of them. And China's certainly doesn't.
China s Brave New World
And none of that has a thing to do with the 'New World Order'. You've got your fiction mixed up.
it is not fiction the future is now

That's premature birth care for children born too early. Not an 'artificial womb'. And there's no intentional developmental retardation for the purpose of creating a developmentally disabled working class.

Face it, your 'brave new world' analogy is just awful.

the technology is being worked on right now

promiscuity...destruction of the family..spiritual faith
worker drones...the elite...happy pills...trite entertainment and media...we are well on our way to a brave new world

Mechanical wombs intentionally retarding 'gammas' while genetically engineering 'alphas'? Did you miss that entirely in the book?
No but perhaps you are misting this world you are in

htps://The Pros and Cons of Artificial Womb Technology - YouTube

Univerasl employment? Sleep conditioning? The universal use of hallucinogenics for 'holidays'?

Antidepressant Use Up 400 Percent in US Psych Central News

These are all massive themes in the book. And modern society doesn't reflect any of them. And China's certainly doesn't.
China s Brave New World
And none of that has a thing to do with the 'New World Order'. You've got your fiction mixed up.
it is not fiction the future is now

That's premature birth care for children born too early. Not an 'artificial womb'. And there's no intentional developmental retardation for the purpose of creating a developmentally disabled working class.

Face it, your 'brave new world' analogy is just awful.

the technology is being worked on right now

Oh great. A brand new batshit conspiracy.
promiscuity...destruction of the family..spiritual faith
worker drones...the elite...happy pills...trite entertainment and media...we are well on our way to a brave new world

Mechanical wombs intentionally retarding 'gammas' while genetically engineering 'alphas'? Did you miss that entirely in the book?
No but perhaps you are misting this world you are in

htps://The Pros and Cons of Artificial Womb Technology - YouTube

Univerasl employment? Sleep conditioning? The universal use of hallucinogenics for 'holidays'?

Antidepressant Use Up 400 Percent in US Psych Central News

These are all massive themes in the book. And modern society doesn't reflect any of them. And China's certainly doesn't.
China s Brave New World
And none of that has a thing to do with the 'New World Order'. You've got your fiction mixed up.
it is not fiction the future is now

That's premature birth care for children born too early. Not an 'artificial womb'. And there's no intentional developmental retardation for the purpose of creating a developmentally disabled working class.

Face it, your 'brave new world' analogy is just awful.

the technology is being worked on right now

Oh great. A brand new batshit conspiracy.

I think you would make a good drink your flouride
... and has been reduced to a bitter, petty, vindictive lame duck. Forget his many failures (as our Mideast embassies close) but rather note his increasing desperation and isolation. His final 21 months will see fellow Dems awkwardly distancing themselves from him and his policies in an attempt to save their own political skins. I'm not convinced we will survive those months.
BTW ... Hillary is a politically "dead man walking" and hardcore socialist Liz Warren will not survive scrutiny. Repubs certainly have their probs but the White House is theirs to lose in '16. Sorry kids.
He's playing golf for a couple of years. Don't worry, he can handle it, the hard part is over.

You mean the worst part may be over and I would not complain if he spent his remaining term on the golf course where he is unlikely to do any more damage to my country.
best rant ever...this is truly the was made a year before 9/11 if you have not heard it its worth a listen

Alex Jones? Yeah, you're definitely confusing the 'New World Order' with 'Brave New World'. As Huxley's 'negative utopia' has almost nothing to do with the NWO fantasy.

Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” is largely about what we got — a consumerist, post-God happyland in which people readily stave off aging, jet away on exotic vacations and procreate via test tubes. They have access to “Feelies” similar to IMAX 3-D movies, no-strings-attached sex, anti-anxiety pills and abortion on demand. They also venerate a dead high-tech genius, saying “Ford help him” in honor of Henry Ford just as today we practically murmur “In Jobs We Trust.”

Brave New World is Here New York Post


Almost everyone in Brave New World dies at 60. That's not 'staving off old age'. And most of the vacations were hallucinations caused by soma. And 'abortion on demand' has almost nothing to do with the book. Virtually every person born was made in mechanical wombs, with their future determined through the use of intentional chemical retardation of fetuses to create a developmentally disabled worker class.

None of which exists now...

I don't know about that. Eots certainly seems like a developmentally disabled worker type.
promiscuity...destruction of the family..spiritual faith
worker drones...the elite...happy pills...trite entertainment and media...we are well on our way to a brave new world
That sermon has been preached since at least the 19th Century.
promiscuity...destruction of the family..spiritual faith
worker drones...the elite...happy pills...trite entertainment and media...we are well on our way to a brave new world

Mechanical wombs intentionally retarding 'gammas' while genetically engineering 'alphas'? Did you miss that entirely in the book?
No but perhaps you are misting this world you are in

htps://The Pros and Cons of Artificial Womb Technology - YouTube

Univerasl employment? Sleep conditioning? The universal use of hallucinogenics for 'holidays'?

Antidepressant Use Up 400 Percent in US Psych Central News

These are all massive themes in the book. And modern society doesn't reflect any of them. And China's certainly doesn't.
China s Brave New World
And none of that has a thing to do with the 'New World Order'. You've got your fiction mixed up.
it is not fiction the future is now

That's premature birth care for children born too early. Not an 'artificial womb'. And there's no intentional developmental retardation for the purpose of creating a developmentally disabled working class.

Face it, your 'brave new world' analogy is just awful.

As a hardcore (the-Jooos-did-it) conspiracy theorist, Eots is genetically unable to face anything which conflicts with his "developmentally disabled" view of life or isn't to be found on an obscure YouTube. In fact, one could call him a YouTube baby.
Last edited:
... and has been reduced to a bitter, petty, vindictive lame duck. Forget his many failures (as our Mideast embassies close) but rather note his increasing desperation and isolation. His final 21 months will see fellow Dems awkwardly distancing themselves from him and his policies in an attempt to save their own political skins. I'm not convinced we will survive those months.
BTW ... Hillary is a politically "dead man walking" and hardcore socialist Liz Warren will not survive scrutiny. Repubs certainly have their probs but the White House is theirs to lose in '16. Sorry kids.
It was theirs to lose in 2012, and they lost it. Sorry kid.

It's tough to beat an incumbent Prez unless he FUBARs but 2012 is the past and the 2016 election is just 20 months away. The crumbling of the Dems could mean a clean sweep for the Repubs ... all three "houses."

There are no artificial wombs. There are no feelies. There is no intentional chemical retardation of fetuses to create a developmentally disabled work force. There are no universal drug induced hallucinatory 'vacations'. Virtually every major theme and plot point of Brave New World doesn't exist. With the themes you've cited (abortion on demand) almost utterly unmentioned in the book.

You got 'Brave New World' and the 'New World Order' confused. And now you're scrambling to polish a turd rather than admit your mistake.
... and has been reduced to a bitter, petty, vindictive lame duck. Forget his many failures (as our Mideast embassies close) but rather note his increasing desperation and isolation. His final 21 months will see fellow Dems awkwardly distancing themselves from him and his policies in an attempt to save their own political skins. I'm not convinced we will survive those months.
BTW ... Hillary is a politically "dead man walking" and hardcore socialist Liz Warren will not survive scrutiny. Repubs certainly have their probs but the White House is theirs to lose in '16. Sorry kids.
It was theirs to lose in 2012, and they lost it. Sorry kid.

It's tough to beat an incumbent Prez unless he FUBARs but 2012 is the past and the 2016 election is just 20 months away. The crumbling of the Dems could mean a clean sweep for the Repubs ... all three "houses."

Didn't you make similar predictions in 2012?
best rant ever...this is truly the was made a year before 9/11 if you have not heard it its worth a listen

Alex Jones? Yeah, you're definitely confusing the 'New World Order' with 'Brave New World'. As Huxley's 'negative utopia' has almost nothing to do with the NWO fantasy.

Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” is largely about what we got — a consumerist, post-God happyland in which people readily stave off aging, jet away on exotic vacations and procreate via test tubes. They have access to “Feelies” similar to IMAX 3-D movies, no-strings-attached sex, anti-anxiety pills and abortion on demand. They also venerate a dead high-tech genius, saying “Ford help him” in honor of Henry Ford just as today we practically murmur “In Jobs We Trust.”

Brave New World is Here New York Post


Almost everyone in Brave New World dies at 60. That's not 'staving off old age'. And most of the vacations were hallucinations caused by soma. And 'abortion on demand' has almost nothing to do with the book. Virtually every person born was made in mechanical wombs, with their future determined through the use of intentional chemical retardation of fetuses to create a developmentally disabled worker class.

None of which exists now...

I don't know about that. Eots certainly seems like a developmentally disabled worker type.

No I think That would be the idiot that would scream conspiracy theory when told fluoride causes lower IQ
or policy advisers like Kissinger,Zbigniew Brzezinski
etc have not seem china as a template for the future

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