My proposal for dividing the country

There are so many things I disagree with when it comes to the Dems

Yet there are never any you can think of

Affirmative action and abortion are two that I have mentioned on here frequently. Maybe not to you, but I have done so.

OK, well, assuming you mean you're against them both, that is more a Republican position. But they are also two common ones that Democrats will respond with as you did to "How are you not a Democrat" then never bring up in a debate on those subjects. Are you Catholic?

No. Athiest. I wouldn't have a clue who brings up what in any debate. I find the whole left/right thing very much a US stance
There are so many things I disagree with when it comes to the Dems

Yet there are never any you can think of

Affirmative action and abortion are two that I have mentioned on here frequently. Maybe not to you, but I have done so.

OK, well, assuming you mean you're against them both, that is more a Republican position. But they are also two common ones that Democrats will respond with as you did to "How are you not a Democrat" then never bring up in a debate on those subjects. Are you Catholic?

No. Athiest. I wouldn't have a clue who brings up what in any debate. I find the whole left/right thing very much a US stance

And yet you constantly enter the debate and always on the side of the left. I think the lady doth protest ... too much ...
Country 1: Southern California, Las Vegas, the California coast up through the Bay Area, Hawaii, western Oregon and western Washington

Country 2: New England, New York City, Long Island, Westchester, New Jersey, Philadelphia and far east Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, DC, Northern Virginia, Detroit and Chicago

Country 3: The rest from Country 1 to Country 2 and Alaska

We divide the debt by population

We distribute military assets by population

Each of the three new Countries have a Constitutional convention which decides whether to adapt, modify or replace the Constitution.

There is a one year transition with no internal borders meaning you can move wherever you want on the division date. After that it's fine, you just need to follow the immigration laws of the country you are moving to.

And we go from there!
I don't give a crap.
Yet you vote for people who only think Christianity and Judaism are separate from government and they vastly overdo that separation

I'm not sure where you get that idea. The people I have voted for think all religion should be seperate from government. I can't think of one policy or statement that indicates otherwise.

You actually seriously don't see any difference between how the left treats religions? You get harder and harder for me to take seriously

You're constantly telling me what I think instead of listening to what I say.

Do I think the left goes nutzo on Christians? I think their zeal to divorce christian religion from the public sphere is an example of their own brand of intolerance. All the other religions are ok, but not Christianity. They go to far and it gets ridiculous (such as banning Christmas displays and openly insulting Christians).

But that doesn't mean they tolerate the incursion of ANY religion into the government whether it's biblical or tora or sharia. The right on the other hand seems to think that only Islam needs to be specifically banned from the public sphere and, in some cases, even the private one. Our constitution protects us from both religious excess and religious persecutin - we should trust it to continue to do so while allowing for freedom of religion and not give in to fear.

You certainly made it sound like you don't see how they are treated any differently. And I see nothing the left does to limit Muslims regarding government, you have some sort of separation in your mind that isn't coming out in practice.

And you're full of shit, I don't see anyone on the right pushing government religion, give examples.

I'll give you one on the left. The left is silent to liberal judges referencing Shiria law in rulings. A simple Google query will show you that

Note after making the accusation, you couldn't back it up

Sure I can. First point: I don't see anyone on the right pushing government religion, give examples.

If you mean "government religion" in the sense of Sharia in some Muslim majority countries - then I haven't made the claim those on the right are pushing government religion, so why should I give examples?

There are those on the right who are trying insert their religious principles into the legal system. This most commonly comes out in same sex marriage and abortion arguments.

As to "liberal judges" referencing Sharia in rulings - that's pretty ignorant. Ignorant because it assumes things which are not true.

First - that the judges are "liberal".

Second - that "referencing" Sharia means what you seem to think.

Laws regarding how we work with international entities and people are complicated because we have to take into account the laws of the other countries. This comes out usually in contracts, marriage and divorce. In some countries, those laws are religiously based. This is an old and long standing legal tradition.

American courts using foreign law that incorporates religious law

I know exactly what case you will likely use to claim "Sharia" in American courts. It's the one where a judge allowed an immigrant to claim cultural norms of his original country as the reason he beat his wife. What you ignore is - it was one judge, and the ruling was over turned.

So where exactly is the "left" - or ANYONE - trying to force Sharia into our system of law?

No leftist would tolerate that any more than they would tolerate the right's attempt to insert their religion into our system of law. What is it you expect "the left" to limit Muslims from doing that is actually occurring?
Country 1: Southern California, Las Vegas, the California coast up through the Bay Area, Hawaii, western Oregon and western Washington

Country 2: New England, New York City, Long Island, Westchester, New Jersey, Philadelphia and far east Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, DC, Northern Virginia, Detroit and Chicago

Country 3: The rest from Country 1 to Country 2 and Alaska

We divide the debt by population

We distribute military assets by population

Each of the three new Countries have a Constitutional convention which decides whether to adapt, modify or replace the Constitution.

There is a one year transition with no internal borders meaning you can move wherever you want on the division date. After that it's fine, you just need to follow the immigration laws of the country you are moving to.

And we go from there!

Country 1 and 2 will have no need for a constitution. In their enlightenment and tolerance, they will willingly submit to sharia law.
Obama will be ruled "President for life."
Country 1: Southern California, Las Vegas, the California coast up through the Bay Area, Hawaii, western Oregon and western Washington

Country 2: New England, New York City, Long Island, Westchester, New Jersey, Philadelphia and far east Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, DC, Northern Virginia, Detroit and Chicago

Country 3: The rest from Country 1 to Country 2 and Alaska

We divide the debt by population

We distribute military assets by population

Each of the three new Countries have a Constitutional convention which decides whether to adapt, modify or replace the Constitution.

There is a one year transition with no internal borders meaning you can move wherever you want on the division date. After that it's fine, you just need to follow the immigration laws of the country you are moving to.

And we go from there!
I don't give a crap.

So riddle me this, Batman. Why do you go into a clearly marked thread and announce that you don't "give a crap?" Why on earth would you do that? Here's how you effectively say that. You don't click on a link ... with a clearly marked title ... and say you don't give a crap.

So Shirley, actually you care intensely because you bothered to do that. Tuck in your panties and pull down your dress and be a man, pussy
I'm not sure where you get that idea. The people I have voted for think all religion should be seperate from government. I can't think of one policy or statement that indicates otherwise.

You actually seriously don't see any difference between how the left treats religions? You get harder and harder for me to take seriously

You're constantly telling me what I think instead of listening to what I say.

Do I think the left goes nutzo on Christians? I think their zeal to divorce christian religion from the public sphere is an example of their own brand of intolerance. All the other religions are ok, but not Christianity. They go to far and it gets ridiculous (such as banning Christmas displays and openly insulting Christians).

But that doesn't mean they tolerate the incursion of ANY religion into the government whether it's biblical or tora or sharia. The right on the other hand seems to think that only Islam needs to be specifically banned from the public sphere and, in some cases, even the private one. Our constitution protects us from both religious excess and religious persecutin - we should trust it to continue to do so while allowing for freedom of religion and not give in to fear.

You certainly made it sound like you don't see how they are treated any differently. And I see nothing the left does to limit Muslims regarding government, you have some sort of separation in your mind that isn't coming out in practice.

And you're full of shit, I don't see anyone on the right pushing government religion, give examples.

I'll give you one on the left. The left is silent to liberal judges referencing Shiria law in rulings. A simple Google query will show you that

Note after making the accusation, you couldn't back it up

Sure I can. First point: I don't see anyone on the right pushing government religion, give examples.

If you mean "government religion" in the sense of Sharia in some Muslim majority countries - then I haven't made the claim those on the right are pushing government religion, so why should I give examples?

There are those on the right who are trying insert their religious principles into the legal system. This most commonly comes out in same sex marriage and abortion arguments.

As to "liberal judges" referencing Sharia in rulings - that's pretty ignorant. Ignorant because it assumes things which are not true.

First - that the judges are "liberal".

Second - that "referencing" Sharia means what you seem to think.

Laws regarding how we work with international entities and people are complicated because we have to take into account the laws of the other countries. This comes out usually in contracts, marriage and divorce. In some countries, those laws are religiously based. This is an old and long standing legal tradition.

American courts using foreign law that incorporates religious law

I know exactly what case you will likely use to claim "Sharia" in American courts. It's the one where a judge allowed an immigrant to claim cultural norms of his original country as the reason he beat his wife. What you ignore is - it was one judge, and the ruling was over turned.

So where exactly is the "left" - or ANYONE - trying to force Sharia into our system of law?

No leftist would tolerate that any more than they would tolerate the right's attempt to insert their religion into our system of law. What is it you expect "the left" to limit Muslims from doing that is actually occurring?

Note you didn't give a specific example of a Christian law that is being implemented, not one, not any. Exactly as I said
Country 1: Southern California, Las Vegas, the California coast up through the Bay Area, Hawaii, western Oregon and western Washington

Fuck you.........

I appreciate your passion for your home town. But seriously, are you claiming Las Vegas wouldn't go with the Left coast? Serious question, maybe I'm wrong. If so tell me, just be real
Country 1: Southern California, Las Vegas, the California coast up through the Bay Area, Hawaii, western Oregon and western Washington

Fuck you.........

I appreciate your passion for your home town. But seriously, are you claiming Las Vegas wouldn't go with the Left coast? Serious question, maybe I'm wrong. If so tell me, just be real

While Clark County is Democratic leaning for sure, at the present time they are no where near as bat shit crazy as California Democrats.

It's also not my home town. I'm a transplant from Boston and I had enough of that lunacy there.
You actually seriously don't see any difference between how the left treats religions? You get harder and harder for me to take seriously

You're constantly telling me what I think instead of listening to what I say.

Do I think the left goes nutzo on Christians? I think their zeal to divorce christian religion from the public sphere is an example of their own brand of intolerance. All the other religions are ok, but not Christianity. They go to far and it gets ridiculous (such as banning Christmas displays and openly insulting Christians).

But that doesn't mean they tolerate the incursion of ANY religion into the government whether it's biblical or tora or sharia. The right on the other hand seems to think that only Islam needs to be specifically banned from the public sphere and, in some cases, even the private one. Our constitution protects us from both religious excess and religious persecutin - we should trust it to continue to do so while allowing for freedom of religion and not give in to fear.

You certainly made it sound like you don't see how they are treated any differently. And I see nothing the left does to limit Muslims regarding government, you have some sort of separation in your mind that isn't coming out in practice.

And you're full of shit, I don't see anyone on the right pushing government religion, give examples.

I'll give you one on the left. The left is silent to liberal judges referencing Shiria law in rulings. A simple Google query will show you that

Note after making the accusation, you couldn't back it up

Sure I can. First point: I don't see anyone on the right pushing government religion, give examples.

If you mean "government religion" in the sense of Sharia in some Muslim majority countries - then I haven't made the claim those on the right are pushing government religion, so why should I give examples?

There are those on the right who are trying insert their religious principles into the legal system. This most commonly comes out in same sex marriage and abortion arguments.

As to "liberal judges" referencing Sharia in rulings - that's pretty ignorant. Ignorant because it assumes things which are not true.

First - that the judges are "liberal".

Second - that "referencing" Sharia means what you seem to think.

Laws regarding how we work with international entities and people are complicated because we have to take into account the laws of the other countries. This comes out usually in contracts, marriage and divorce. In some countries, those laws are religiously based. This is an old and long standing legal tradition.

American courts using foreign law that incorporates religious law

I know exactly what case you will likely use to claim "Sharia" in American courts. It's the one where a judge allowed an immigrant to claim cultural norms of his original country as the reason he beat his wife. What you ignore is - it was one judge, and the ruling was over turned.

So where exactly is the "left" - or ANYONE - trying to force Sharia into our system of law?

No leftist would tolerate that any more than they would tolerate the right's attempt to insert their religion into our system of law. What is it you expect "the left" to limit Muslims from doing that is actually occurring?

Note you didn't give a specific example of a Christian law that is being implemented, not one, not any. Exactly as I said

Geez, can't you even read Kaz?

Seriously dude?

If you mean "government religion" in the sense of Sharia in some Muslim majority countries - then I haven't made the claim those on the right are pushing government religion, so why should I give examples?

You're very unclear about what you want. So now you want an example of a Christian law being implemented. Well, right here we have the right trying to push an anti-sodomy law: Michigan Senate Passes Bill Saying Sodomy Is A Felony Punishable By 15 Years in Prison
Country 1: Southern California, Las Vegas, the California coast up through the Bay Area, Hawaii, western Oregon and western Washington

Fuck you.........

I appreciate your passion for your home town. But seriously, are you claiming Las Vegas wouldn't go with the Left coast? Serious question, maybe I'm wrong. If so tell me, just be real

While Clark County is Democratic leaning for sure, at the present time they are no where near as bat shit crazy as California Democrats.

It's also not my home town. I'm a transplant from Boston and I had enough of that lunacy there.

I spent a lot of time around the Reno area. They consider you bat shit left crazy, LOL. Boston is an interesting city, I worked there many years. Overall they're very left, it's hard to peg them though
You're constantly telling me what I think instead of listening to what I say.

Do I think the left goes nutzo on Christians? I think their zeal to divorce christian religion from the public sphere is an example of their own brand of intolerance. All the other religions are ok, but not Christianity. They go to far and it gets ridiculous (such as banning Christmas displays and openly insulting Christians).

But that doesn't mean they tolerate the incursion of ANY religion into the government whether it's biblical or tora or sharia. The right on the other hand seems to think that only Islam needs to be specifically banned from the public sphere and, in some cases, even the private one. Our constitution protects us from both religious excess and religious persecutin - we should trust it to continue to do so while allowing for freedom of religion and not give in to fear.

You certainly made it sound like you don't see how they are treated any differently. And I see nothing the left does to limit Muslims regarding government, you have some sort of separation in your mind that isn't coming out in practice.

And you're full of shit, I don't see anyone on the right pushing government religion, give examples.

I'll give you one on the left. The left is silent to liberal judges referencing Shiria law in rulings. A simple Google query will show you that

Note after making the accusation, you couldn't back it up

Sure I can. First point: I don't see anyone on the right pushing government religion, give examples.

If you mean "government religion" in the sense of Sharia in some Muslim majority countries - then I haven't made the claim those on the right are pushing government religion, so why should I give examples?

There are those on the right who are trying insert their religious principles into the legal system. This most commonly comes out in same sex marriage and abortion arguments.

As to "liberal judges" referencing Sharia in rulings - that's pretty ignorant. Ignorant because it assumes things which are not true.

First - that the judges are "liberal".

Second - that "referencing" Sharia means what you seem to think.

Laws regarding how we work with international entities and people are complicated because we have to take into account the laws of the other countries. This comes out usually in contracts, marriage and divorce. In some countries, those laws are religiously based. This is an old and long standing legal tradition.

American courts using foreign law that incorporates religious law

I know exactly what case you will likely use to claim "Sharia" in American courts. It's the one where a judge allowed an immigrant to claim cultural norms of his original country as the reason he beat his wife. What you ignore is - it was one judge, and the ruling was over turned.

So where exactly is the "left" - or ANYONE - trying to force Sharia into our system of law?

No leftist would tolerate that any more than they would tolerate the right's attempt to insert their religion into our system of law. What is it you expect "the left" to limit Muslims from doing that is actually occurring?

Note you didn't give a specific example of a Christian law that is being implemented, not one, not any. Exactly as I said

Geez, can't you even read Kaz?

Seriously dude?

If you mean "government religion" in the sense of Sharia in some Muslim majority countries - then I haven't made the claim those on the right are pushing government religion, so why should I give examples?

You're very unclear about what you want. So now you want an example of a Christian law being implemented. Well, right here we have the right trying to push an anti-sodomy law: Michigan Senate Passes Bill Saying Sodomy Is A Felony Punishable By 15 Years in Prison

I want you to show specific examples of how Christian bigots are instilling Christianity, which is what I am saying is a bull shit stupid claim on your part, in the law. How is that possibly unclear to you?
You certainly made it sound like you don't see how they are treated any differently. And I see nothing the left does to limit Muslims regarding government, you have some sort of separation in your mind that isn't coming out in practice.

And you're full of shit, I don't see anyone on the right pushing government religion, give examples.

I'll give you one on the left. The left is silent to liberal judges referencing Shiria law in rulings. A simple Google query will show you that

Note after making the accusation, you couldn't back it up

Sure I can. First point: I don't see anyone on the right pushing government religion, give examples.

If you mean "government religion" in the sense of Sharia in some Muslim majority countries - then I haven't made the claim those on the right are pushing government religion, so why should I give examples?

There are those on the right who are trying insert their religious principles into the legal system. This most commonly comes out in same sex marriage and abortion arguments.

As to "liberal judges" referencing Sharia in rulings - that's pretty ignorant. Ignorant because it assumes things which are not true.

First - that the judges are "liberal".

Second - that "referencing" Sharia means what you seem to think.

Laws regarding how we work with international entities and people are complicated because we have to take into account the laws of the other countries. This comes out usually in contracts, marriage and divorce. In some countries, those laws are religiously based. This is an old and long standing legal tradition.

American courts using foreign law that incorporates religious law

I know exactly what case you will likely use to claim "Sharia" in American courts. It's the one where a judge allowed an immigrant to claim cultural norms of his original country as the reason he beat his wife. What you ignore is - it was one judge, and the ruling was over turned.

So where exactly is the "left" - or ANYONE - trying to force Sharia into our system of law?

No leftist would tolerate that any more than they would tolerate the right's attempt to insert their religion into our system of law. What is it you expect "the left" to limit Muslims from doing that is actually occurring?

Note you didn't give a specific example of a Christian law that is being implemented, not one, not any. Exactly as I said

Geez, can't you even read Kaz?

Seriously dude?

If you mean "government religion" in the sense of Sharia in some Muslim majority countries - then I haven't made the claim those on the right are pushing government religion, so why should I give examples?

You're very unclear about what you want. So now you want an example of a Christian law being implemented. Well, right here we have the right trying to push an anti-sodomy law: Michigan Senate Passes Bill Saying Sodomy Is A Felony Punishable By 15 Years in Prison

I want you to show specific examples of how Christian bigots are instilling Christianity, which is what I am saying is a bull shit stupid claim on your part, in the law. How is that possibly unclear to you?

Anti-same sex marriage legislation.
What's unclear kaz is why exactly you are pushing this argument because it doesn't seem based on what I say. Leftists oppose any religion in government - sometimes to unreasonable extremes. Your claim seems to be that leftists support the inclusion of Sharia into our government . I said we should trust in the Constitution...which has, after all, endured over 200 years, with a huge case load of legal precedents supporting the seperation of religion and government. Then you start demanding I provide examples of Christians inserting Christian law. I hadn't been making that argument but - whatever. Anti-sodomy laws are heavily religious based and could constitute and example of some Christian groups attempting to "instill" Christianity.

In the end though, it won't pass Constitutional muster - just like any attempt to instill Sharia law. I can't find any examples of Muslims attempting to instill Islam into our code of laws either.
Note after making the accusation, you couldn't back it up

Sure I can. First point: I don't see anyone on the right pushing government religion, give examples.

If you mean "government religion" in the sense of Sharia in some Muslim majority countries - then I haven't made the claim those on the right are pushing government religion, so why should I give examples?

There are those on the right who are trying insert their religious principles into the legal system. This most commonly comes out in same sex marriage and abortion arguments.

As to "liberal judges" referencing Sharia in rulings - that's pretty ignorant. Ignorant because it assumes things which are not true.

First - that the judges are "liberal".

Second - that "referencing" Sharia means what you seem to think.

Laws regarding how we work with international entities and people are complicated because we have to take into account the laws of the other countries. This comes out usually in contracts, marriage and divorce. In some countries, those laws are religiously based. This is an old and long standing legal tradition.

American courts using foreign law that incorporates religious law

I know exactly what case you will likely use to claim "Sharia" in American courts. It's the one where a judge allowed an immigrant to claim cultural norms of his original country as the reason he beat his wife. What you ignore is - it was one judge, and the ruling was over turned.

So where exactly is the "left" - or ANYONE - trying to force Sharia into our system of law?

No leftist would tolerate that any more than they would tolerate the right's attempt to insert their religion into our system of law. What is it you expect "the left" to limit Muslims from doing that is actually occurring?

Note you didn't give a specific example of a Christian law that is being implemented, not one, not any. Exactly as I said

Geez, can't you even read Kaz?

Seriously dude?

If you mean "government religion" in the sense of Sharia in some Muslim majority countries - then I haven't made the claim those on the right are pushing government religion, so why should I give examples?

You're very unclear about what you want. So now you want an example of a Christian law being implemented. Well, right here we have the right trying to push an anti-sodomy law: Michigan Senate Passes Bill Saying Sodomy Is A Felony Punishable By 15 Years in Prison

I want you to show specific examples of how Christian bigots are instilling Christianity, which is what I am saying is a bull shit stupid claim on your part, in the law. How is that possibly unclear to you?

Anti-same sex marriage legislation.
OMG, hysteria! Freak out! Gays can't live their own lives because they can't get government perks for butt fucking someone. OMG, OMG OMG ...

My point exactly, you lost, go sit in the back of the bus
Sure I can. First point: I don't see anyone on the right pushing government religion, give examples.

If you mean "government religion" in the sense of Sharia in some Muslim majority countries - then I haven't made the claim those on the right are pushing government religion, so why should I give examples?

There are those on the right who are trying insert their religious principles into the legal system. This most commonly comes out in same sex marriage and abortion arguments.

As to "liberal judges" referencing Sharia in rulings - that's pretty ignorant. Ignorant because it assumes things which are not true.

First - that the judges are "liberal".

Second - that "referencing" Sharia means what you seem to think.

Laws regarding how we work with international entities and people are complicated because we have to take into account the laws of the other countries. This comes out usually in contracts, marriage and divorce. In some countries, those laws are religiously based. This is an old and long standing legal tradition.

American courts using foreign law that incorporates religious law

I know exactly what case you will likely use to claim "Sharia" in American courts. It's the one where a judge allowed an immigrant to claim cultural norms of his original country as the reason he beat his wife. What you ignore is - it was one judge, and the ruling was over turned.

So where exactly is the "left" - or ANYONE - trying to force Sharia into our system of law?

No leftist would tolerate that any more than they would tolerate the right's attempt to insert their religion into our system of law. What is it you expect "the left" to limit Muslims from doing that is actually occurring?

Note you didn't give a specific example of a Christian law that is being implemented, not one, not any. Exactly as I said

Geez, can't you even read Kaz?

Seriously dude?

If you mean "government religion" in the sense of Sharia in some Muslim majority countries - then I haven't made the claim those on the right are pushing government religion, so why should I give examples?

You're very unclear about what you want. So now you want an example of a Christian law being implemented. Well, right here we have the right trying to push an anti-sodomy law: Michigan Senate Passes Bill Saying Sodomy Is A Felony Punishable By 15 Years in Prison

I want you to show specific examples of how Christian bigots are instilling Christianity, which is what I am saying is a bull shit stupid claim on your part, in the law. How is that possibly unclear to you?

Anti-same sex marriage legislation.
OMG, hysteria! Freak out! Gays can't live their own lives because they can't get government perks for butt fucking someone. OMG, OMG OMG ...

My point exactly, you lost, go sit in the back of the bus

Calm down. You sound over excited. It's a valid example. Can you come up with any examples of Muslims instilling Sharia into our laws?
Note you didn't give a specific example of a Christian law that is being implemented, not one, not any. Exactly as I said

Geez, can't you even read Kaz?

Seriously dude?

If you mean "government religion" in the sense of Sharia in some Muslim majority countries - then I haven't made the claim those on the right are pushing government religion, so why should I give examples?

You're very unclear about what you want. So now you want an example of a Christian law being implemented. Well, right here we have the right trying to push an anti-sodomy law: Michigan Senate Passes Bill Saying Sodomy Is A Felony Punishable By 15 Years in Prison

I want you to show specific examples of how Christian bigots are instilling Christianity, which is what I am saying is a bull shit stupid claim on your part, in the law. How is that possibly unclear to you?

Anti-same sex marriage legislation.
OMG, hysteria! Freak out! Gays can't live their own lives because they can't get government perks for butt fucking someone. OMG, OMG OMG ...

My point exactly, you lost, go sit in the back of the bus

Calm down. You sound over excited. It's a valid example. Can you come up with any examples of Muslims instilling Sharia into our laws?

LOL, you don't get sarcasm. Of course you don't. Comic. Laws, no. But liberal judges considering Shiria law in court cases, yes.

Shariah in American Courts: The Expanding Incursion of Islamic Law in the U.S. Legal System

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