Zone1 My religion has gone through many changes in the last few months

Did you. Must not have had any words of your own. My words don't work with scenario by another. I guess I should be flattered you thought they would...
a person can be Catholic without being a Christian (or at least not Christian enough for it to really count in the End)

It seems I can say that about SO many "catholics" I know
Worship was set up by God himself --TRUE Catholicism--and to do it some other way is to go against God.
Edited version of my post

A person can be Catholic without being a Christian (or at least not Christian enough for it to really count in the End)

It seems I can say that about SO many "catholics" I know
So I have learned all that I have learned and most people don't even care.. no interest in a Church that claims, and has for centuries to be the One True Church

set up by Christ himself

Right back at you. In the mean time, the Bible says what it says.
yes, it does

and the Church says what it says... The Church is a little hard to find but it can be found... and the Church produced the Bible, not the other way around
yes, it does

and the Church says what it says... The Church is a little hard to find but it can be found... and the Church produced the Bible, not the other way around

And that first church was founded 50 days after the resurrection at the first Pentecost, not by Jesus during his lifetime.
With all due respect,.. no. He never said that and the Bible doesn't either.
That's funny, the Bible says it to me... guess we have different Bibles. Well, mine goes back to St Jerome and because he did not INTERPRET Scripture when he was transcribing it into a different language (though tempted to do so, so as to be clear and concise), this means that the Douay Rheims Bible is a word for word version based on the ORIGINAL languages of Christ (Hebrew and Aramaic).

Protestants don't see Catholic stuff in any Bible at all... they have been brainwashed by Protestant pastors/parents...etc to see only... what they want you to see. Catholicism is all over the place in the Bible, both New and Old T.
get out of the rcc. youve been warned. if you dont youre not going to heaven like you think;

You aren't God... hate to break it to you. And if what I say is true, that the CC was founded by Christ himself (I do not speak of the Vatican which is not Catholic anymore), then it is YOU who are not going to Heaven
I have often had the thought/feeling that what I go through (even the horrendous, hellish stuff), everyone will have to go through in order to get to Heaven some day (I don't refer to my circumstances but: what I go through spiritually, with Jesus.) As the Word says God is no respecter of persons.

Hence the importance of my experiences in Christ's Church (and He only founded ONE)
So I have learned all that I have learned and most people don't even care.. no interest in a Church that claims, and has for centuries to be the One True Church

set up by Christ himself

It's not weird to me because you are an apostate and full of shit.
With all due respect,.. no. He never said that and the Bible doesn't either.
The Bible never said that a man named Trump would become president but he did

I guess not all truth can be put into a book

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