"My son has a better chance returning home from war than my daughter does coming home from school"

False equivalency yet again from Missouri Mike.

Posters have no 1st Amendment rights at USMB.
I didn’t say USMB did I? How about you pay attention. I said the Internet. You’d still be able to yell at the clouds so is it really infringing on your speech?
USMB is on the internet, snowflake. Stand up for what you believe instead of running.
Ok, I have a few minutes to deal with you now.

First of all USMB is a private message board they can limit your posting all they want and it's not infringing on your 1A rights. They aren't the government and you have no right to say anything here. Just like a cafe saying no guns allowed is in violation of my 2A rights.

What you're wanting is the government to tell me what kind of gun I can have because after all there are other government approved firearms they will graciously allow me to have. This is like the government deciding you don't really need internet news or message boards, after all you can read their approved news papers or watch their approved news channels so your 1A rights are intact so what's the problem?

Are you getting the gist of the point yet or do I need to continue?
Good, you agree that the USMB can limit posting as it wishes.

The government has the right, per SCOTUS and case law, to regulate certain weapons, yes.
False equivalency yet again from Missouri Mike.

Posters have no 1st Amendment rights at USMB.
I didn’t say USMB did I? How about you pay attention. I said the Internet. You’d still be able to yell at the clouds so is it really infringing on your speech?
USMB is on the internet, snowflake. Stand up for what you believe instead of running.
Fuck you’re an idiot. Let me try to simplify this for you. Actually I don’t have time right now. Stew in your stupid for a while and I’ll come back and set you straight later.
Mike, you think you are mainstream, when in fact you are way out in the far right. You can yell all you want, which changes nothing.

A high school student body walked out today.

How many will tomorrow?

How many on the proposed walk out and general strike on March 24th.

If you are either part of the solution, or you will be ignored in reality land.
1- I'm more mainstream than you think. Run this shit right up till election time and see how many seats you lose.

2- So what?

3- Who cares.

4- Again, who cares.

So your solution is for kids to walk out of school? I think that's a fantastic idea. Mark them absent and move on. It will change nothing out here in reality land. Only an idiot bases his opinions on what high school students have to say about something. Especially the ones dumb enough to think walking out of class is a legitimate point.
I care about a safe America.

Only idiots want to 'confiscate' guns.

Those kids who are 18 will vote, their older siblings and friends will vote, and their parents and relatives and their friends will vote.

They won't vote the way you hope, Mike.
If all the sudden you couldn't buy an AR-15, what would you lose? Would you feel your second amendment rights would be eroded?
One more question, if you actually believe your headline. Do you think your son has a better chance because he’s sent in there armed to the teeth with several of his equally armed buddies? Is that why his chances are better than your disarmed daughter in a school shooting? If she and her friends were armed do you think maybe their chances of survival would get better as well?

Ding! Ding! Ding!

We have a winner.

Plus...when your Son is at his Base Camp, resting or whatever, Sentries
guard all the entrances. When a stranger approaches...armed...he doesn't
get to stroll right on in the Camp. Those Guards waste him before he
gets to the wire.

Or if they get intel of a group plotting to hit them...they sent a unit out
to strike first.

And probably the most important reason why your son is more likely to
return home is because he relies on other soldiers to protect him...not the
I care about a safe America.

Only idiots want to 'confiscate' guns.

Those kids who are 18 will vote, their older siblings and friends will vote, and their parents and relatives and their friends will vote.

They won't vote the way you hope, Mike.
My kids will vote, their friends and relatives will too. And all of them learned to shoot and got their first gun on their 12th birthday. You don't have a lock on voting.
If all the sudden you couldn't buy an AR-15, what would you lose? Would you feel your second amendment rights would be eroded?
One more question, if you actually believe your headline. Do you think your son has a better chance because he’s sent in there armed to the teeth with several of his equally armed buddies? Is that why his chances are better than your disarmed daughter in a school shooting? If she and her friends were armed do you think maybe their chances of survival would get better as well?

Ding! Ding! Ding!

We have a winner.

Plus...when your Son is at his Base Camp, resting or whatever, Sentries
guard all the entrances. When a stranger approaches...armed...he doesn't
get to stroll right on in the Camp. Those Guards waste him before he
gets to the wire.

Or if they get intel of a group plotting to hit them...they sent a unit out
to strike first.

And probably the most important reason why your son is more likely to
return home is because he relies on other soldiers to protect him...not the
It's amazing what training and a firearm can do for your safety.
If all the sudden you couldn't buy an AR-15, what would you lose? Would you feel your second amendment rights would be eroded?
It makes no difference since there are other .223 semiautomatic rifles on the market.

Banning the AR frame semiautomatic is like banning a sports car because it's pained black and has tinted windows
Your son has a better chance of returning home from war than getting shot in a drive by, or a flash rob mob, or a home invasion while sleeping in his bed or a carjacking, or in a knock out game, or getting pushed in front of a train or getting bombed because the FBI let someone go again.

The world is a dangerous place. Arm yourself.
If all the sudden you couldn't buy an AR-15, what would you lose? Would you feel your second amendment rights would be eroded?

As a conservative and an NRA member, I have no issue with banning ARs. The problem however will not go away, because the gun has never been the problem. It’s a societal issue, and banning guns will not stop criminals who want to kill. People who want to kill will find a way. Do you think the cartels in Mexico would have any issue with smuggling banned guns. Heroine is illegal and they smuggle it here because there is a market.
Speak for yourself I have no intention on giving up my AR-15.
To the OP....Your son has a better chance of returning from war than your daughter from school because all of your son's comrades are ARMED!!!
If all the sudden you couldn't buy an AR-15, what would you lose? Would you feel your second amendment rights would be eroded?

Any American who wants an AR-15 probably already has one or more. They are highly durable and will probably last several lifetimes. It is highly unlikely that there is any law that could be conceived that would significantly reduce the number of AR-15s in America. Nor would doing so make any serious difference because there a great many other weapons that are more or at least equally dangerous. Personally I would consider the weapon in the hands of the Marine sniper below to be far more deadly and it is nothing more or less the an average deer rifle that would be remain legal under all proposed banns.

If all the sudden you couldn't buy an AR-15, what would you lose? Would you feel your second amendment rights would be eroded?

And yet, we only see about 20 dead every year of school shootings. That's one out of several million. She has a better chance of killing herself on the bathtub, than her daughter not coming home because of a shooting.

Most of the shootings are not done with an AR, so obviously we should ban ALL the guns then...

Yet we should legalize all drugs because only 100 times more people die to that shit every year.

The liberal logic is beyond bounds. When are they going to admit that they just hate America and guns? Which is what this is really about. Caring about kids? For single motherhood. Incredible...

Fuck these whack-jobs and their comical lies.
If all the sudden you couldn't buy an AR-15, what would you lose? Would you feel your second amendment rights would be eroded?
Maybe you and your Progressive friends can move to North Korea, you'll feel at home: no guns, no carbon footprint, single payer healthcare, universal income and the government spies on political opponents
If all the sudden you couldn't buy an AR-15, what would you lose?
The ability to exercise my right to buy an AR-15 without fear of government reprisals if I happen to want one.

Would you feel your second amendment rights would be eroded?
Yes, wouldn't you? Why should law abiding, peaceful citizens be barred from buying an AR-15? Is there some reason that only criminals and government should have them?
You have no constitutional right "to want." You do have a right to own and bear arms in scope of the Constitution and case law.

Hillary would have fixed that. You Progressives were one SCOTUS vote away from eliminating the Second Amendment.

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