"My son has a better chance returning home from war than my daughter does coming home from school"

If all the sudden you couldn't buy an AR-15, what would you lose? Would you feel your second amendment rights would be eroded?

Yes, they would be eroded, and what is worse, it would have zero effect on school shootings. A 9mm semi-auto pistol might be the next weapon used, and then the loons would want to ban them.

It is sad indeed, when an entire segment of our public cannot imagine any solution to a school shooting beyond restricting guns.
About 38,000 automobile fatalities up 15% in three years. Blame the AAA or the little reptile in the Geico commercials? Why not?
If all the sudden you couldn't buy an AR-15, what would you lose?
The ability to exercise my right to buy an AR-15 without fear of government reprisals if I happen to want one.

Would you feel your second amendment rights would be eroded?
Yes, wouldn't you? Why should law abiding, peaceful citizens be barred from buying an AR-15? Is there some reason that only criminals and government should have them?
You have no constitutional right "to want." You do have a right to own and bear arms in scope of the Constitution and case law.

You've gone cuckoo JS. What happened?
Nov 8th 2016 happened.
If all the sudden you couldn't buy an AR-15, what would you lose? Would you feel your second amendment rights would be eroded?

As a conservative and an NRA member, I have no issue with banning ARs. The problem however will not go away, because the gun has never been the problem. It’s a societal issue, and banning guns will not stop criminals who want to kill. People who want to kill will find a way. Do you think the cartels in Mexico would have any issue with smuggling banned guns. Heroine is illegal and they smuggle it here because there is a market.
Florida had 3,174 deaths by automobile in 2016. U.S. Military casualties were around 4. Do the math.
If all the sudden you couldn't buy an AR-15, what would you lose? Would you feel your second amendment rights would be eroded?

The plan of anti-civil rights activists is to slowly erode our civil rights.
If all the sudden you couldn't buy an AR-15, what would you lose? Would you feel your second amendment rights would be eroded?

They'd lose their seepy blanket.

If all the sudden you couldn't buy an AR-15, what would you lose? Would you feel your second amendment rights would be eroded?

YES!!! Then again I feel they've already been eroded by the 1934 machine un ban and other State/Federal regulations.
Sharpen a butter knife, TroglocratsRdumb.

You first, cocksucker. Nice to see you play outside the clean debate zone, fucktard.
You are a ball less cuck snowflake. We are in politics, and you are no tuffy, snuffy. :)

Big words from a small pathetic liar.
You got outed again and now you pout.

you've done nothing of the sort. You are one of the most untrusted posters on this board.
If all the sudden you couldn't buy an AR-15, what would you lose?
The ability to exercise my right to buy an AR-15 without fear of government reprisals if I happen to want one.

Would you feel your second amendment rights would be eroded?
Yes, wouldn't you? Why should law abiding, peaceful citizens be barred from buying an AR-15? Is there some reason that only criminals and government should have them?
You have no constitutional right "to want." You do have a right to own and bear arms in scope of the Constitution and case law.
You've gone cuckoo JS. What happened?
You can 'feel' all you want, LBT, but the Constitution and federal case law count, not your feelings.
Sharpen a butter knife, TroglocratsRdumb.

You first, cocksucker. Nice to see you play outside the clean debate zone, fucktard.
You are a ball less cuck snowflake. We are in politics, and you are no tuffy, snuffy. :)

Big words from a small pathetic liar.
You got outed again and now you pout.

you've done nothing of the sort. You are one of the most untrusted posters on this board.
Of course you are pouting, because you are one of the most laughed at posters outside of the libertarian and alt right wings on the Board. Tis what is, poseur.
If all the sudden you couldn't buy an AR-15, what would you lose? Would you feel your second amendment rights would be eroded?
If we took away your internet posting privileges, what would you lose? Would you feel your first amendment rights were eroded.

in China, a mentally ill man stabbed 23 children. no one died. it couldn't be clearer that guns kill people, other objects don't!

You fucking tarded bro?
If all the sudden you couldn't buy an AR-15, what would you lose? Would you feel your second amendment rights would be eroded?
The nuts would just switch to a different weapon to kill with. Then the other nuts would demand to ban those weapons too.
Yep, For example, it seems to me a sawed off shotgun or two semi automatic handguns would have been just as bad or worse since it was close range. :dunno:
You first, cocksucker. Nice to see you play outside the clean debate zone, fucktard.
You are a ball less cuck snowflake. We are in politics, and you are no tuffy, snuffy. :)

Big words from a small pathetic liar.
You got outed again and now you pout.

you've done nothing of the sort. You are one of the most untrusted posters on this board.
Of course you are pouting, because you are one of the most laughed at posters outside of the libertarian and alt right wings on the Board. Tis what is, poseur.

Got any proof of that, dipshit?

And just using my statement as a retort is grade school level rebutting, if even that.

Try harder.

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