My Take Away from the Convention this week...

At some point tonight I finally realized just how much our president touches others without our knowledge. There was one personal story after another from people who are not celebrities, nor important people from all over the world. Maybe he is pardoning a prisoner who was helping other prisoners or bringing back our citizens who were hostages in foreign countries. And it doesn't make the news.

He cares. He really cares for everyone. Such a great president!
My take away is quite different. I understand that people can be uninformed about politics, although less so if you are inclined to post on a forum like this, but the slightest knowledge of the last three years should expose this convention as a sham.

You have Haley touting taking down a Confederate flag down as sign of progress on race relations while the person she's endorsing screams doing so is cancel culture.

You have Melania talking about coming together while other people at the same time are screaming that electing Biden would lead to violence.

You have Ludlow speaking about COVID like it's a thing of the past.

You have Pence talking about law and order when Trump himself is named as an unindited co-conspirator and a bucket load of close associates have met with serious legal trouble.

You have a president who's made railing against immigration a policy goal all of a sudden holding a naturalisation ceremony.

For the life of me I don't understand how an observer no matter how partisan can take away anything coherent without getting whiplash. How do you separate the last 3 years proven policy from the picture they are painting now?
At some point tonight I finally realized just how much our president touches others without our knowledge. There was one personal story after another from people who are not celebrities, nor important people from all over the world. Maybe he is pardoning a prisoner who was helping other prisoners or bringing back our citizens who were hostages in foreign countries. And it doesn't make the news.

He cares. He really cares for everyone. Such a great president!
OH, Pulease. I have enjoyed the RNC, because I haven't watched 5 minutes of it. Saw stats that said their were 29% less viewers of it than in 2016 and it is easy to understand why.
That's interesting. You didn't watch any part of the convention, but have an opinion on it? Sounds like Democrat sheeple.
Nope. Independent, but voting with them for Biden this year. My mind is and was made up before either convention, so I did not feel a need to sit through a propaganda show and like I said, appereantly 29% of the views from 2016 found no reason to watch in 2020, either. Don't feel bad or have hard feeling towards me. The only thing I watched of the DNC was the acceptance speech. I didn't need a feel good experience from them either. I'm just not the squishy type.
You're the uninformed Democrat party pawn type.
Your the trumper believe anything even when proven a lie sheep type.
Blah, blah, blah, cry, cry, cry, loser.
At some point tonight I finally realized just how much our president touches others without our knowledge. There was one personal story after another from people who are not celebrities, nor important people from all over the world. Maybe he is pardoning a prisoner who was helping other prisoners or bringing back our citizens who were hostages in foreign countries. And it doesn't make the news.

He cares. He really cares for everyone. Such a great president!
OH, Pulease. I have enjoyed the RNC, because I haven't watched 5 minutes of it. Saw stats that said their were 29% less viewers of it than in 2016 and it is easy to understand why.
That's interesting. You didn't watch any part of the convention, but have an opinion on it? Sounds like Democrat sheeple.

It's the perk of being a Democrat. They tell you what to think and the talking points and you just have to think it and say it

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