My Two Cents Regarding People Who Think Islam Is Intolerant.


Jun 12, 2009
[ame=]YouTube - Islam = Intolerant?[/ame]

Just putting it out there.

And yes, I do realize that 10 minutes is not two cents.
YouTube - Islam = Intolerant?

Just putting it out there.

And yes, I do realize that 10 minutes is not two cents.

It is very Tolerant as long as you are Muslim. Ask a christian living in Iran how tolerant they are of them, or a gay person in Saudi?

They tolerate the things they want to tolerate and are intolerant of those things they do not want to Tolerate. :)
YouTube - Islam = Intolerant?

Just putting it out there.

And yes, I do realize that 10 minutes is not two cents.

It is very Tolerant as long as you are Muslim. Ask a christian living in Iran how tolerant they are of them, or a gay person in Saudi?

They tolerate the things they want to tolerate and are intolerant of those things they do not want to Tolerate. :)

Kinda like close-minded right-wing Christians, right?
YouTube - Islam = Intolerant?

Just putting it out there.

And yes, I do realize that 10 minutes is not two cents.

It is very Tolerant as long as you are Muslim. Ask a christian living in Iran how tolerant they are of them, or a gay person in Saudi?

They tolerate the things they want to tolerate and are intolerant of those things they do not want to Tolerate. :)

So...we want to model our "tolerance" on their "tolerance"?
Americans are forced by law to be tolerant of all religions. That does not mean the have to accept every religion with open arms. Just because you do not want something to happen and you speak out against it does not mean that if it happens you will not tolerate it. Acceptance and tolerance are not the same thing. When you accept something there is no strings attached you are good to go but if you tolerate something you do not necessarily care for it.

If the mosque goes up it will test the tolerance of those against it. I am willing to bet that 99.999999 percent of the right wing Christians will be tolerant. Those who are not will be punished by judicial system.

I highly doubt that you would get that kind of tolerance in Iran. I would like to know of a Christian based country currently (not in the dark ages) that would be as intolerant.
1. It's not a mosque. It's a community center with a swimming pool, gym, book store, restaurant and a prayer room. It's a multicultural center which means it is not restricted to Muslims.

2. It's not at ground zero. It's two blocks away. You can't even see it from ground zero.

3. Many 911 victims such as the 9/11 Parents & Families of Firefighters & WTC Victims and others, support the building of the center at this location.

4. Many of the people killed in the attach were Muslims. There is a shrine planned in the center to honor those killed in the attack.

5. If the builders of the mosque would decide to build it elsewhere, there is no guarantee that they won't be harassed for still being to close to ground zero, or close to a Christian church, or across the street from 911 victims home, or whatever..

It will be a miracle if the opposition to the center does not inspire some nut to burn a mosque or a kill a few innocent people, something the terrorist would love to see.

1. It's not a mosque. It's a community center with a swimming pool, gym, book store, restaurant and a prayer room. It's a multicultural center which means it is not restricted to Muslims.

2. It's not at ground zero. It's two blocks away. You can't even see it from ground zero.

3. Many 911 victims such as the 9/11 Parents & Families of Firefighters & WTC Victims and others, support the building of the center at this location.

4. Many of the people killed in the attach were Muslims. There is a shrine planned in the center to honor those killed in the attack.

5. If the builders of the mosque would decide to build it elsewhere, there is no guarantee that they won't be harassed for still being to close to ground zero, or close to a Christian church, or across the street from 911 victims home, or whatever..

It will be a miracle if the opposition to the center does not inspire some nut to burn a mosque or a kill a few innocent people, something the terrorist would love to see.

1. I always knew about that it wasn't a mosque in the truest sense. It just seems that "Muslim Community Center That Has a Prayer Room", I guess, is too much to say. I really wish I could grab the people's attention with that lengthy title. Unfortunately, the American public is so used to calling it a mosque that I must refer it as that. It's imbued into their mind, and I unfortunately can't change that.

2. It's still a tad bit near. Mind you, I'm really against any sort of religious building being built near Ground Zero. I don't think any religion should do it RIGHT NOW (I do understand there are centers of religion within range of Ground Zero, but they were built before 9/11, so it's okay). I'm Jewish, and I'd be against the idea of adding a synagogue near Ground Zero. However, though I'm against it, I wouldn't (and won't) be like one of these right-wingers and Christians who are protesting and are trying to limit the rights of the Muslims against the mosque/community center. It's not right.

3. That's very good for them.

4. I'm for a monument being built to honor the victims of Ground Zero. I think that's what we really need; just a giant monument.

5. It's because these right-wingers are ridiculous. Again, I, like them, don't think the mosque should be built near Ground Zero, but they're actually trying to take away the religious rights of the Muslims, and I think that's much, much, much, much, MUCH more wrong.
YouTube - Islam = Intolerant?

Just putting it out there.

And yes, I do realize that 10 minutes is not two cents.

It is very Tolerant as long as you are Muslim. Ask a christian living in Iran how tolerant they are of them, or a gay person in Saudi?

They tolerate the things they want to tolerate and are intolerant of those things they do not want to Tolerate. :)

Kinda like close-minded right-wing Christians, right?

Exactly like them yes.
1. It's not a mosque. It's a community center with a swimming pool, gym, book store, restaurant and a prayer room. It's a multicultural center which means it is not restricted to Muslims.

2. It's not at ground zero. It's two blocks away. You can't even see it from ground zero.

3. Many 911 victims such as the 9/11 Parents & Families of Firefighters & WTC Victims and others, support the building of the center at this location.

4. Many of the people killed in the attach were Muslims. There is a shrine planned in the center to honor those killed in the attack.

5. If the builders of the mosque would decide to build it elsewhere, there is no guarantee that they won't be harassed for still being to close to ground zero, or close to a Christian church, or across the street from 911 victims home, or whatever..

It will be a miracle if the opposition to the center does not inspire some nut to burn a mosque or a kill a few innocent people, something the terrorist would love to see.

Are you serious???

1: You contradicted yourself with number 5. Anyway everything I have read (grant it I have not read everything)states that it will have a mosque inside.

2: That is a mater of perspective. Some people feel that ground zero is not only the area of the towers but also any building that suffered damage. This build supposedly had one of the planes landing gear. (I did not read that in an article so I am not sure on that).

3: Not all of the families support it. You have some on both sides just like you do in America. You even have 9/11 families that said they could careless what they do. I have also seen numerous Muslims who have spoke out against building at that particular location.

4: It is true that Muslims did die in the attack. The victims of faith were the majority Christians. It is also true that everyone of the attackers were Muslim.

5: You are correct. It does not guaranty anything. If the developer would have decided to move at the first sign of opposition not nearly as much negative attention would have been given to this situation.

I am sure you are correct that some idiot will try to damage the building if it goes up. I am also sure if it goes up it will have a very good security system. I am sure that the idiot who tries to do something to the build will be caught and punished in our judicial system.

Both sides present compelling arguments on whether to build it or not. The problem is that few people take time to see things from another point of view.
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YouTube - Islam = Intolerant?

Just putting it out there.

And yes, I do realize that 10 minutes is not two cents.

It is very Tolerant as long as you are Muslim. Ask a christian living in Iran how tolerant they are of them, or a gay person in Saudi?

They tolerate the things they want to tolerate and are intolerant of those things they do not want to Tolerate. :)

So...we want to model our "tolerance" on their "tolerance"?

Please do not put words in my mouth. I was simply pointing out they are not as tolerant as some want us to think. They want us to be very tolerant of them, yet in most Muslim Nations if you are not a Muslim then tolerance is the last thing you experience.

Of course I do not think we should base our tolerance on how tolerant they are, but at the same time we should not lie to ourselves and tell ourselves that they are super tolerant themselves, Because almost every example of a majority Muslim Society we have is NOT VERY TOLERANT!

How can you call a people, who in almost every case where they get to run the show. Murder people who are not Muslim, or who are gay. Stone women to death for alleged adultery, and force women to live as second class citizens a very tolerant people?
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Americans are forced by law to be tolerant of all religions. That does not mean the have to accept every religion with open arms. Just because you do not want something to happen and you speak out against it does not mean that if it happens you will not tolerate it. Acceptance and tolerance are not the same thing. When you accept something there is no strings attached you are good to go but if you tolerate something you do not necessarily care for it.

If the mosque goes up it will test the tolerance of those against it. I am willing to bet that 99.999999 percent of the right wing Christians will be tolerant. Those who are not will be punished by judicial system.

I highly doubt that you would get that kind of tolerance in Iran. I would like to know of a Christian based country currently (not in the dark ages) that would be as intolerant.

You actually believe that these Christians are just so tolerant of these Muslims? They are NOW going against the law and trying to take away the Muslims' religious freedoms. How is that any tolerant? And I guarantee you that the Muslims will still get the bullshit if they move their mosque. People have to realize these Muslims are not the assholes that the Republicans make them out to be.
YouTube - Islam = Intolerant?

Just putting it out there.

And yes, I do realize that 10 minutes is not two cents.

It is very Tolerant as long as you are Muslim. Ask a christian living in Iran how tolerant they are of them, or a gay person in Saudi?

They tolerate the things they want to tolerate and are intolerant of those things they do not want to Tolerate. :)

So...we want to model our "tolerance" on their "tolerance"?

Tolerance of intolerance is a crime.
Islamic "scripture" proves Islam is only tolerant of Islam and those who are subservient to Islam , the later only at the pleasure of muslims .
Oh just fuck you swamp ass
Americans are forced by law to be tolerant of all religions. That does not mean the have to accept every religion with open arms. Just because you do not want something to happen and you speak out against it does not mean that if it happens you will not tolerate it. Acceptance and tolerance are not the same thing. When you accept something there is no strings attached you are good to go but if you tolerate something you do not necessarily care for it.

If the mosque goes up it will test the tolerance of those against it. I am willing to bet that 99.999999 percent of the right wing Christians will be tolerant. Those who are not will be punished by judicial system.

I highly doubt that you would get that kind of tolerance in Iran. I would like to know of a Christian based country currently (not in the dark ages) that would be as intolerant.

You actually believe that these Christians are just so tolerant of these Muslims? They are NOW going against the law and trying to take away the Muslims' religious freedoms. How is that any tolerant? And I guarantee you that the Muslims will still get the bullshit if they move their mosque. People have to realize these Muslims are not the assholes that the Republicans make them out to be.

How are they going against the law???? Tolerance is not saying I love you it is allowing something to happen whether you want it to or not.

Funding is what has stopped this so far, not intolerant Christians.

You really need to look at what tolerance is. I think you have confused with acceptance.

You can quote any idiot out there but when you do keep in mind that just because they get in front of the camera that they do not represent everyone in the group.

Whenever you voice you opposition to a situation does not mean you are not being tolerant it means you are not being accepting.
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Islam the religion of peace.....I remember reading quite a few stories about the Taliban cutting off the ears and noses of young men who had shaved their beards...this happened early on in the war in Afghanistan....Then thee is the cover of Time magazine I believe or maybe it was Newsweek that showed a picture of a young lady who....well the wonderful people of Islam cut off her nose...for what reason you ask.well she must have done something really bad...maybe took the last piece of curry goat at the dinner table.How about the young lady that was caught talking to some guy who was not her husband or family member....oh yeh they buried her up to her neck in the center of town and one by one the townspeople picked up a rock and threw it at her head until....well she was like dead or something....Oh yeh Islam the religion of Peace....
YouTube - Islam = Intolerant?

Just putting it out there.

And yes, I do realize that 10 minutes is not two cents.

It is very Tolerant as long as you are Muslim. Ask a christian living in Iran how tolerant they are of them, or a gay person in Saudi?

They tolerate the things they want to tolerate and are intolerant of those things they do not want to Tolerate. :)

Kinda like close-minded right-wing Christians, right?

Kinda like close-minded any type. Christian, Muslim, Atheist, secularist, wingnut, liberal, straight, gay, etc ad infinitum.
1. It's not a mosque. It's a community center with a swimming pool, gym, book store, restaurant and a prayer room. It's a multicultural center which means it is not restricted to Muslims.

2. It's not at ground zero. It's two blocks away. You can't even see it from ground zero.

3. Many 911 victims such as the 9/11 Parents & Families of Firefighters & WTC Victims and others, support the building of the center at this location.

4. Many of the people killed in the attach were Muslims. There is a shrine planned in the center to honor those killed in the attack.

5. If the builders of the mosque would decide to build it elsewhere, there is no guarantee that they won't be harassed for still being to close to ground zero, or close to a Christian church, or across the street from 911 victims home, or whatever..

It will be a miracle if the opposition to the center does not inspire some nut to burn a mosque or a kill a few innocent people, something the terrorist would love to see.

Are you serious???

1: You contradicted yourself with number 5. Anyway everything I have read (grant it I have not read everything)states that it will have a mosque inside.

2: That is a mater of perspective. Some people feel that ground zero is not only the area of the towers but also any building that suffered damage. This build supposedly had one of the planes landing gear. (I did not read that in an article so I am not sure on that).

3: Not all of the families support it. You have some on both sides just like you do in America. You even have 9/11 families that said they could careless what they do. I have also seen numerous Muslims who have spoke out against building at that particular location.

4: It is true that Muslims did die in the attack. The victims of faith were the majority Christians. It is also true that everyone of the attackers were Muslim.

5: You are correct. It does not guaranty anything. If the developer would have decided to move at the first sign of opposition not nearly as much negative attention would have been given to this situation.

I am sure you are correct that some idiot will try to damage the building if it goes up. I am also sure if it goes up it will have a very good security system. I am sure that the idiot who tries to do something to the build will be caught and punished in our judicial system.

Both sides present compelling arguments on whether to build it or not. The problem is that few people take time to see things from another point of view.
I forget and call it a mosque because everyone else does, but it's not a mosque. According to the builders it is multicultural center. The only reason to call it a mosque is because it has a prayer room, which you will find in buildings all over the city which makes the whole issue pretty damn silly.

This story has legs because the right wing saw this as a way to capitalize on anti-Muslim sentiments. The left jumped in hoping play the religious tolerance card. The day after the elections, this story will start to die. By the end of the year, it will be as dead Obama's vacation story. No one outside of a smalll group of New Yorkers will care where they build it.
1. It's not a mosque. It's a community center with a swimming pool, gym, book store, restaurant and a prayer room. It's a multicultural center which means it is not restricted to Muslims.

2. It's not at ground zero. It's two blocks away. You can't even see it from ground zero.

3. Many 911 victims such as the 9/11 Parents & Families of Firefighters & WTC Victims and others, support the building of the center at this location.

4. Many of the people killed in the attach were Muslims. There is a shrine planned in the center to honor those killed in the attack.

5. If the builders of the mosque would decide to build it elsewhere, there is no guarantee that they won't be harassed for still being to close to ground zero, or close to a Christian church, or across the street from 911 victims home, or whatever..

It will be a miracle if the opposition to the center does not inspire some nut to burn a mosque or a kill a few innocent people, something the terrorist would love to see.

Are you serious???

1: You contradicted yourself with number 5. Anyway everything I have read (grant it I have not read everything)states that it will have a mosque inside.

2: That is a mater of perspective. Some people feel that ground zero is not only the area of the towers but also any building that suffered damage. This build supposedly had one of the planes landing gear. (I did not read that in an article so I am not sure on that).

3: Not all of the families support it. You have some on both sides just like you do in America. You even have 9/11 families that said they could careless what they do. I have also seen numerous Muslims who have spoke out against building at that particular location.

4: It is true that Muslims did die in the attack. The victims of faith were the majority Christians. It is also true that everyone of the attackers were Muslim.

5: You are correct. It does not guaranty anything. If the developer would have decided to move at the first sign of opposition not nearly as much negative attention would have been given to this situation.

I am sure you are correct that some idiot will try to damage the building if it goes up. I am also sure if it goes up it will have a very good security system. I am sure that the idiot who tries to do something to the build will be caught and punished in our judicial system.

Both sides present compelling arguments on whether to build it or not. The problem is that few people take time to see things from another point of view.
I forget and call it a mosque because everyone else does, but it's not a mosque. According to the builders it is multicultural center. The only reason to call it a mosque is because it has a prayer room, which you will find in buildings all over the city which makes the whole issue pretty damn silly.

This story has legs because the right wing saw this as a way to capitalize on anti-Muslim sentiments. The left jumped in hoping play the religious tolerance card. The day after the elections, this story will start to die. By the end of the year, it will be as dead Obama's vacation story. No one outside of a smalll group of New Yorkers will care where they build it.

Ok, it is not a mosque. I will give you that. So the best argument for building this was they had a 1st Amendment right to is no longer valid. Also that kind of takes away from this thread about being intolerant about other religions. So now it is just a community center that everyone is invited to. You just won the argument for those opposed.

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