My View of Donald Trump

Don't you bootlicking sycophants ever get tired of posting and regurgitating the same crap over and over and over?!??

The man is a spoiled and selfish undisciplined man-child who has no business being in that position.
The voters say he belongs where he is and they outnumber you.

He did not win the popular vote, so I was go easy on any assertions about "the voters."

Another lib who doesn’t understand the way we elect our president...public education.

I know how it goes. The orange whore's "election" pointed out the great flaw in the system.

What flaw? It worked as it was supposed to.
He loves America?
By downplaying a virus and allowing it to kill 200k americans?
Only an idiot would think that Trump "allowed" a virus to kill Americans. It's killing people everywhere on the planet, that's why they call it a pandemic in the first place, you mentally stunted jackass.

And Trump was proven to be correct when he played down the WHO's scary sounding statistics. Their stats showed a preliminary mortality rate of 3.4% for those infected with the virus. Trump "played down" that number because they were skewed by the fact that most people who were tested showed COVID 19 symptoms were getting tested. Logic dictates that if you are only testing sick people, you'll get a mortality stat that is significantly skewed on the high side.

Trump had the wisdom and prescience to know that the "if it bleeds it leads" sensationalist fake news media would jump on those skewed preliminary stats without providing proper context to make the SARS CoV-2 betacoronavirus seem much deadlier than it actually is, thus panicking people.

Trump said that his hunch, informed by epidemiologists, was that the actual mortality rate was less than 1% and explained his reasoning. And the Democrats and their fake news media jumped all over it, even accusing Trump of spreading misinformation.

Well, it turns out that Trump's prediction was correct. We now know that the mortality rate for people who get infected is actually less than 1% according the the CDC. How did Trump know that? Is Trump psychic? Of course not, unlike you TDS afflicted morons, he just has a scientific logical mind.

Stick that in your bong and smoke it.
Trump said doesnt mean is a gospel he is a certified moron.
Never took the virus seriously
Refuse to follow scientists re commendations
Didnt wanna wear s mask
Encouraged his minions to not lockdown and isolate
He technically helped spead thr virus which resulted in deaths.

I'm 100% if he did the opposite you would still back him up :).
He loves America?
By downplaying a virus and allowing it to kill 200k americans?
Only an idiot would think that Trump "allowed" a virus to kill Americans. It's killing people everywhere on the planet, that's why they call it a pandemic in the first place, you mentally stunted jackass.

And Trump was proven to be correct when he played down the WHO's scary sounding statistics. Their stats showed a preliminary mortality rate of 3.4% for those infected with the virus. Trump "played down" that number because they were skewed by the fact that most people who were tested showed COVID 19 symptoms were getting tested. Logic dictates that if you are only testing sick people, you'll get a mortality stat that is significantly skewed on the high side.

Trump had the wisdom and prescience to know that the "if it bleeds it leads" sensationalist fake news media would jump on those skewed preliminary stats without providing proper context to make the SARS CoV-2 betacoronavirus seem much deadlier than it actually is, thus panicking people.

Trump said that his hunch, informed by epidemiologists, was that the actual mortality rate was less than 1% and explained his reasoning. And the Democrats and their fake news media jumped all over it, even accusing Trump of spreading misinformation.

Well, it turns out that Trump's prediction was correct. We now know that the mortality rate for people who get infected is actually less than 1% according the the CDC. How did Trump know that? Is Trump psychic? Of course not, unlike you TDS afflicted morons, he just has a scientific logical mind.

Stick that in your bong and smoke it.
Trump said doesnt mean is a gospel he is a certified moron.
Never took the virus seriously
Refuse to follow scientists re commendations
Didnt wanna wear s mask
Encouraged his minions to not lockdown and isolate
He technically helped spead thr virus which resulted in deaths.

I'm 100% if he did the opposite you would still back him up :).

You don't like the man, doesn't mean he is a "moron"..

He absolutely took the virus seriously. His first actions were within a couple of days hearing of the virus, he shut down travel from China, which saved lives...

This thing is an economy destroyer...he shut down the country for a period of time, and look what his reward for acting was, you people blame him for the recession that the virus caused...

He didn't "help spread the virus" , now, THAT is moronic.

Yes, we stand behind our President...oh my...
He loves America?
By downplaying a virus and allowing it to kill 200k americans?
Only an idiot would think that Trump "allowed" a virus to kill Americans. It's killing people everywhere on the planet, that's why they call it a pandemic in the first place, you mentally stunted jackass.

And Trump was proven to be correct when he played down the WHO's scary sounding statistics. Their stats showed a preliminary mortality rate of 3.4% for those infected with the virus. Trump "played down" that number because they were skewed by the fact that most people who were tested showed COVID 19 symptoms were getting tested. Logic dictates that if you are only testing sick people, you'll get a mortality stat that is significantly skewed on the high side.

Trump had the wisdom and prescience to know that the "if it bleeds it leads" sensationalist fake news media would jump on those skewed preliminary stats without providing proper context to make the SARS CoV-2 betacoronavirus seem much deadlier than it actually is, thus panicking people.

Trump said that his hunch, informed by epidemiologists, was that the actual mortality rate was less than 1% and explained his reasoning. And the Democrats and their fake news media jumped all over it, even accusing Trump of spreading misinformation.

Well, it turns out that Trump's prediction was correct. We now know that the mortality rate for people who get infected is actually less than 1% according the the CDC. How did Trump know that? Is Trump psychic? Of course not, unlike you TDS afflicted morons, he just has a scientific logical mind.

Stick that in your bong and smoke it.
Trump said doesnt mean is a gospel he is a certified moron.
Never took the virus seriously
Refuse to follow scientists re commendations
Didnt wanna wear s mask
Encouraged his minions to not lockdown and isolate
He technically helped spead thr virus which resulted in deaths.

I'm 100% if he did the opposite you would still back him up :).

You don't like the man, doesn't mean he is a "moron"..

He absolutely took the virus seriously. His first actions were within a couple of days hearing of the virus, he shut down travel from China, which saved lives...

This thing is an economy destroyer...he shut down the country for a period of time, and look what his reward for acting was, you people blame him for the recession that the virus caused...

He didn't "help spread the virus" , now, THAT is moronic.

Yes, we stand behind our President...oh my...
He acted slowly, he called it a hoax, he said it will go away when it gets warm, it is like regular flu....stop lying to yourself.

Just till recently he decided to put a mask on and not in many events that he a president of the most advanced country, scientists tell you to practice distance amd wear a mask but he goes against their recommendations if that's not moronic I dont know what is.
Trump Isn't perfect

He can be irritable and he's not always diplomatic. However, he's smart, he's dedicated to that job and he loves America. That's enough for me.

Yep. We're lucky he's both thin skinned and capable. He wants to be the greatest POTUS all-time, and by many measurables he is. He's as dedicated as anyone we could hope for. He loses I'm moving to the country, just need to wrap up a project next year.

To a PROG he's the great divider so they riot and threaten country. He's racist because they say so, and he lies. He also killed 200K COVID, though Biden thinks 200M. Somehow they no longer mention lies since the debate, I wonder why that would be Biden?

Everything PROG is a lie.
He loves America?
By downplaying a virus and allowing it to kill 200k americans?
Only an idiot would think that Trump "allowed" a virus to kill Americans. It's killing people everywhere on the planet, that's why they call it a pandemic in the first place, you mentally stunted jackass.

And Trump was proven to be correct when he played down the WHO's scary sounding statistics. Their stats showed a preliminary mortality rate of 3.4% for those infected with the virus. Trump "played down" that number because they were skewed by the fact that most people who were tested showed COVID 19 symptoms were getting tested. Logic dictates that if you are only testing sick people, you'll get a mortality stat that is significantly skewed on the high side.

Trump had the wisdom and prescience to know that the "if it bleeds it leads" sensationalist fake news media would jump on those skewed preliminary stats without providing proper context to make the SARS CoV-2 betacoronavirus seem much deadlier than it actually is, thus panicking people.

Trump said that his hunch, informed by epidemiologists, was that the actual mortality rate was less than 1% and explained his reasoning. And the Democrats and their fake news media jumped all over it, even accusing Trump of spreading misinformation.

Well, it turns out that Trump's prediction was correct. We now know that the mortality rate for people who get infected is actually less than 1% according the the CDC. How did Trump know that? Is Trump psychic? Of course not, unlike you TDS afflicted morons, he just has a scientific logical mind.

Stick that in your bong and smoke it.
Trump said doesnt mean is a gospel he is a certified moron.
Never took the virus seriously
Refuse to follow scientists re commendations
Didnt wanna wear s mask
Encouraged his minions to not lockdown and isolate
He technically helped spead thr virus which resulted in deaths.

I'm 100% if he did the opposite you would still back him up :).

You don't like the man, doesn't mean he is a "moron"..

He absolutely took the virus seriously. His first actions were within a couple of days hearing of the virus, he shut down travel from China, which saved lives...

This thing is an economy destroyer...he shut down the country for a period of time, and look what his reward for acting was, you people blame him for the recession that the virus caused...

He didn't "help spread the virus" , now, THAT is moronic.

Yes, we stand behind our President...oh my...
He acted slowly, he called it a hoax, he said it will go away when it gets warm, it is like regular flu....stop lying to yourself.

Just till recently he decided to put a mask on and not in many events that he a president of the most advanced country, scientists tell you to practice distance amd wear a mask but he goes against their recommendations if that's not moronic I dont know what is.

Isn‘t it great that we live in a free country, where you can make your own personal decisions? And no, he didn’t “act slowly”... That’s lib propaganda.
He loves America?
By downplaying a virus and allowing it to kill 200k americans?
Only an idiot would think that Trump "allowed" a virus to kill Americans. It's killing people everywhere on the planet, that's why they call it a pandemic in the first place, you mentally stunted jackass.

And Trump was proven to be correct when he played down the WHO's scary sounding statistics. Their stats showed a preliminary mortality rate of 3.4% for those infected with the virus. Trump "played down" that number because they were skewed by the fact that most people who were tested showed COVID 19 symptoms were getting tested. Logic dictates that if you are only testing sick people, you'll get a mortality stat that is significantly skewed on the high side.

Trump had the wisdom and prescience to know that the "if it bleeds it leads" sensationalist fake news media would jump on those skewed preliminary stats without providing proper context to make the SARS CoV-2 betacoronavirus seem much deadlier than it actually is, thus panicking people.

Trump said that his hunch, informed by epidemiologists, was that the actual mortality rate was less than 1% and explained his reasoning. And the Democrats and their fake news media jumped all over it, even accusing Trump of spreading misinformation.

Well, it turns out that Trump's prediction was correct. We now know that the mortality rate for people who get infected is actually less than 1% according the the CDC. How did Trump know that? Is Trump psychic? Of course not, unlike you TDS afflicted morons, he just has a scientific logical mind.

Stick that in your bong and smoke it.
Trump said doesnt mean is a gospel he is a certified moron.
Never took the virus seriously
Refuse to follow scientists re commendations
Didnt wanna wear s mask
Encouraged his minions to not lockdown and isolate
He technically helped spead thr virus which resulted in deaths.

I'm 100% if he did the opposite you would still back him up :).

You don't like the man, doesn't mean he is a "moron"..

He absolutely took the virus seriously. His first actions were within a couple of days hearing of the virus, he shut down travel from China, which saved lives...

This thing is an economy destroyer...he shut down the country for a period of time, and look what his reward for acting was, you people blame him for the recession that the virus caused...

He didn't "help spread the virus" , now, THAT is moronic.

Yes, we stand behind our President...oh my...
He acted slowly, he called it a hoax, he said it will go away when it gets warm, it is like regular flu....stop lying to yourself.

Just till recently he decided to put a mask on and not in many events that he a president of the most advanced country, scientists tell you to practice distance amd wear a mask but he goes against their recommendations if that's not moronic I dont know what is.

Isn‘t it great that we live in a free country, where you can make your own personal decisions? And no, he didn’t “act slowly”... That’s lib propaganda.
He did otherwise we wouldnt have 200k deaths.
He loves America?
By downplaying a virus and allowing it to kill 200k americans?
Only an idiot would think that Trump "allowed" a virus to kill Americans. It's killing people everywhere on the planet, that's why they call it a pandemic in the first place, you mentally stunted jackass.

And Trump was proven to be correct when he played down the WHO's scary sounding statistics. Their stats showed a preliminary mortality rate of 3.4% for those infected with the virus. Trump "played down" that number because they were skewed by the fact that most people who were tested showed COVID 19 symptoms were getting tested. Logic dictates that if you are only testing sick people, you'll get a mortality stat that is significantly skewed on the high side.

Trump had the wisdom and prescience to know that the "if it bleeds it leads" sensationalist fake news media would jump on those skewed preliminary stats without providing proper context to make the SARS CoV-2 betacoronavirus seem much deadlier than it actually is, thus panicking people.

Trump said that his hunch, informed by epidemiologists, was that the actual mortality rate was less than 1% and explained his reasoning. And the Democrats and their fake news media jumped all over it, even accusing Trump of spreading misinformation.

Well, it turns out that Trump's prediction was correct. We now know that the mortality rate for people who get infected is actually less than 1% according the the CDC. How did Trump know that? Is Trump psychic? Of course not, unlike you TDS afflicted morons, he just has a scientific logical mind.

Stick that in your bong and smoke it.
Trump said doesnt mean is a gospel he is a certified moron.
Never took the virus seriously
Refuse to follow scientists re commendations
Didnt wanna wear s mask
Encouraged his minions to not lockdown and isolate
He technically helped spead thr virus which resulted in deaths.

I'm 100% if he did the opposite you would still back him up :).

You don't like the man, doesn't mean he is a "moron"..

He absolutely took the virus seriously. His first actions were within a couple of days hearing of the virus, he shut down travel from China, which saved lives...

This thing is an economy destroyer...he shut down the country for a period of time, and look what his reward for acting was, you people blame him for the recession that the virus caused...

He didn't "help spread the virus" , now, THAT is moronic.

Yes, we stand behind our President...oh my...
He acted slowly, he called it a hoax, he said it will go away when it gets warm, it is like regular flu....stop lying to yourself.

Just till recently he decided to put a mask on and not in many events that he a president of the most advanced country, scientists tell you to practice distance amd wear a mask but he goes against their recommendations if that's not moronic I dont know what is.

Isn‘t it great that we live in a free country, where you can make your own personal decisions? And no, he didn’t “act slowly”... That’s lib propaganda.
He did otherwise we wouldnt have 200k deaths.

Nonsense...Without his actions the toll could be much higher...
He loves America?
By downplaying a virus and allowing it to kill 200k americans?
Only an idiot would think that Trump "allowed" a virus to kill Americans. It's killing people everywhere on the planet, that's why they call it a pandemic in the first place, you mentally stunted jackass.

And Trump was proven to be correct when he played down the WHO's scary sounding statistics. Their stats showed a preliminary mortality rate of 3.4% for those infected with the virus. Trump "played down" that number because they were skewed by the fact that most people who were tested showed COVID 19 symptoms were getting tested. Logic dictates that if you are only testing sick people, you'll get a mortality stat that is significantly skewed on the high side.

Trump had the wisdom and prescience to know that the "if it bleeds it leads" sensationalist fake news media would jump on those skewed preliminary stats without providing proper context to make the SARS CoV-2 betacoronavirus seem much deadlier than it actually is, thus panicking people.

Trump said that his hunch, informed by epidemiologists, was that the actual mortality rate was less than 1% and explained his reasoning. And the Democrats and their fake news media jumped all over it, even accusing Trump of spreading misinformation.

Well, it turns out that Trump's prediction was correct. We now know that the mortality rate for people who get infected is actually less than 1% according the the CDC. How did Trump know that? Is Trump psychic? Of course not, unlike you TDS afflicted morons, he just has a scientific logical mind.

Stick that in your bong and smoke it.
Trump said doesnt mean is a gospel he is a certified moron.
Never took the virus seriously
Refuse to follow scientists re commendations
Didnt wanna wear s mask
Encouraged his minions to not lockdown and isolate
He technically helped spead thr virus which resulted in deaths.

I'm 100% if he did the opposite you would still back him up :).

You don't like the man, doesn't mean he is a "moron"..

He absolutely took the virus seriously. His first actions were within a couple of days hearing of the virus, he shut down travel from China, which saved lives...

This thing is an economy destroyer...he shut down the country for a period of time, and look what his reward for acting was, you people blame him for the recession that the virus caused...

He didn't "help spread the virus" , now, THAT is moronic.

Yes, we stand behind our President...oh my...
He acted slowly, he called it a hoax, he said it will go away when it gets warm, it is like regular flu....stop lying to yourself.

Just till recently he decided to put a mask on and not in many events that he a president of the most advanced country, scientists tell you to practice distance amd wear a mask but he goes against their recommendations if that's not moronic I dont know what is.

Isn‘t it great that we live in a free country, where you can make your own personal decisions? And no, he didn’t “act slowly”... That’s lib propaganda.
He did otherwise we wouldnt have 200k deaths.

Nonsense...Without his actions the toll could be much higher...
Pohahahaha keep lying to yourself.
He himself did t wanna wear a mask and didnt wanna close down businesses , and didnt wanna stop his talkies. He even infected his own slaves around him. Wake up.
Trump Isn't perfect

He can be irritable and he's not always diplomatic. However, he's smart, he's dedicated to that job and he loves America. That's enough for me.
He loves America?
By downplaying a virus and allowing it to kill 200k americans? By dividing americans? By putting doubts about the justice system? Election system. Or by mocking POWs?
Got anything other than lefty bumper sticker talking points?
Don't you bootlicking sycophants ever get tired of posting and regurgitating the same crap over and over and over?!??

The man is a spoiled and selfish undisciplined man-child who has no business being in that position.
Do you?
He loves America?
By downplaying a virus and allowing it to kill 200k americans?
Only an idiot would think that Trump "allowed" a virus to kill Americans. It's killing people everywhere on the planet, that's why they call it a pandemic in the first place, you mentally stunted jackass.

And Trump was proven to be correct when he played down the WHO's scary sounding statistics. Their stats showed a preliminary mortality rate of 3.4% for those infected with the virus. Trump "played down" that number because they were skewed by the fact that most people who were tested showed COVID 19 symptoms were getting tested. Logic dictates that if you are only testing sick people, you'll get a mortality stat that is significantly skewed on the high side.

Trump had the wisdom and prescience to know that the "if it bleeds it leads" sensationalist fake news media would jump on those skewed preliminary stats without providing proper context to make the SARS CoV-2 betacoronavirus seem much deadlier than it actually is, thus panicking people.

Trump said that his hunch, informed by epidemiologists, was that the actual mortality rate was less than 1% and explained his reasoning. And the Democrats and their fake news media jumped all over it, even accusing Trump of spreading misinformation.

Well, it turns out that Trump's prediction was correct. We now know that the mortality rate for people who get infected is actually less than 1% according the the CDC. How did Trump know that? Is Trump psychic? Of course not, unlike you TDS afflicted morons, he just has a scientific logical mind.

Stick that in your bong and smoke it.
Trump said doesnt mean is a gospel he is a certified moron.
Never took the virus seriously
Refuse to follow scientists re commendations
Didnt wanna wear s mask
Encouraged his minions to not lockdown and isolate
He technically helped spead thr virus which resulted in deaths.

I'm 100% if he did the opposite you would still back him up :).

You don't like the man, doesn't mean he is a "moron"..

He absolutely took the virus seriously. His first actions were within a couple of days hearing of the virus, he shut down travel from China, which saved lives...

This thing is an economy destroyer...he shut down the country for a period of time, and look what his reward for acting was, you people blame him for the recession that the virus caused...

He didn't "help spread the virus" , now, THAT is moronic.

Yes, we stand behind our President...oh my...
He acted slowly, he called it a hoax, he said it will go away when it gets warm, it is like regular flu....stop lying to yourself.

Just till recently he decided to put a mask on and not in many events that he a president of the most advanced country, scientists tell you to practice distance amd wear a mask but he goes against their recommendations if that's not moronic I dont know what is.

Isn‘t it great that we live in a free country, where you can make your own personal decisions? And no, he didn’t “act slowly”... That’s lib propaganda.
He did otherwise we wouldnt have 200k deaths.

Nonsense...Without his actions the toll could be much higher...
Pohahahaha keep lying to yourself.
He himself did t wanna wear a mask and didnt wanna close down businesses , and didnt wanna stop his talkies. He even infected his own slaves around him. Wake up.

Wow, what vitriol...get bent douchbag.
He loves America?
By downplaying a virus and allowing it to kill 200k americans?
Only an idiot would think that Trump "allowed" a virus to kill Americans. It's killing people everywhere on the planet, that's why they call it a pandemic in the first place, you mentally stunted jackass.

And Trump was proven to be correct when he played down the WHO's scary sounding statistics. Their stats showed a preliminary mortality rate of 3.4% for those infected with the virus. Trump "played down" that number because they were skewed by the fact that most people who were tested showed COVID 19 symptoms were getting tested. Logic dictates that if you are only testing sick people, you'll get a mortality stat that is significantly skewed on the high side.

Trump had the wisdom and prescience to know that the "if it bleeds it leads" sensationalist fake news media would jump on those skewed preliminary stats without providing proper context to make the SARS CoV-2 betacoronavirus seem much deadlier than it actually is, thus panicking people.

Trump said that his hunch, informed by epidemiologists, was that the actual mortality rate was less than 1% and explained his reasoning. And the Democrats and their fake news media jumped all over it, even accusing Trump of spreading misinformation.

Well, it turns out that Trump's prediction was correct. We now know that the mortality rate for people who get infected is actually less than 1% according the the CDC. How did Trump know that? Is Trump psychic? Of course not, unlike you TDS afflicted morons, he just has a scientific logical mind.

Stick that in your bong and smoke it.
Trump said doesnt mean is a gospel he is a certified moron.
Never took the virus seriously
Refuse to follow scientists re commendations
Didnt wanna wear s mask
Encouraged his minions to not lockdown and isolate
He technically helped spead thr virus which resulted in deaths.

I'm 100% if he did the opposite you would still back him up :).

You don't like the man, doesn't mean he is a "moron"..

He absolutely took the virus seriously. His first actions were within a couple of days hearing of the virus, he shut down travel from China, which saved lives...

This thing is an economy destroyer...he shut down the country for a period of time, and look what his reward for acting was, you people blame him for the recession that the virus caused...

He didn't "help spread the virus" , now, THAT is moronic.

Yes, we stand behind our President...oh my...
He acted slowly, he called it a hoax, he said it will go away when it gets warm, it is like regular flu....stop lying to yourself.

Just till recently he decided to put a mask on and not in many events that he a president of the most advanced country, scientists tell you to practice distance amd wear a mask but he goes against their recommendations if that's not moronic I dont know what is.

Isn‘t it great that we live in a free country, where you can make your own personal decisions? And no, he didn’t “act slowly”... That’s lib propaganda.
He did otherwise we wouldnt have 200k deaths.

Nonsense...Without his actions the toll could be much higher...
Pohahahaha keep lying to yourself.
He himself did t wanna wear a mask and didnt wanna close down businesses , and didnt wanna stop his talkies. He even infected his own slaves around him. Wake up.
You don’t know how they got infected or by whom. I guess diahrea of the mouth is all you have to offer?
Trump Isn't perfect

He can be irritable and he's not always diplomatic. However, he's smart, he's dedicated to that job and he loves America. That's enough for me.
He loves America?
By downplaying a virus and allowing it to kill 200k americans? By dividing americans? By putting doubts about the justice system? Election system. Or by mocking POWs?

He acted as best he could, right now we have record virus numbers in Ontario. That's right, record numbers.

That is not the fault of Western governments, it's the fault of the Communist Government of China. What good would it do for Trump to spread fear?

Why not show the same outrage for Cuomo. I'd argue he had more to do with the issues in NY than Trump did. Trump gave everyone what they asked for. Even delivered a ship for a hospital that wasn't used. This virus has been politicized, and it's politicized against the WRONG governments.

Not only has it been politicized, I'm almost ready to believe it was engineered with the help of leftwing actors and released last winter after impeachment failed knowing it would wreck the US economy so they'd have an excuse to shut everything down, hide Joe in the basement away from bad press, and blame it all on Donald.

Notice that no one important in the DNC has suffered due to Covid!
And none of the rioters, lefty service goers that packed like sardines into multiple memorials over the last several months etc... awfully convenient.
Trump Isn't perfect

He can be irritable and he's not always diplomatic. However, he's smart, he's dedicated to that job and he loves America. That's enough for me.
He loves America?
By downplaying a virus and allowing it to kill 200k americans? By dividing americans? By putting doubts about the justice system? Election system. Or by mocking POWs?

He acted as best he could, right now we have record virus numbers in Ontario. That's right, record numbers.

That is not the fault of Western governments, it's the fault of the Communist Government of China. What good would it do for Trump to spread fear?

Why not show the same outrage for Cuomo. I'd argue he had more to do with the issues in NY than Trump did. Trump gave everyone what they asked for. Even delivered a ship for a hospital that wasn't used. This virus has been politicized, and it's politicized against the WRONG governments.

Not only has it been politicized, I'm almost ready to believe it was engineered with the help of leftwing actors and released last winter after impeachment failed knowing it would wreck the US economy so they'd have an excuse to shut everything down, hide Joe in the basement away from bad press, and blame it all on Donald.

Notice that no one important in the DNC has suffered due to Covid!
And none of the rioters, lefty service goers that packed like sardines into multiple memorials over the last several months etc... awfully convenient.
I'm against that too.

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