My View of Donald Trump

Don't you bootlicking sycophants ever get tired of posting and regurgitating the same crap over and over and over?!??

The man is a spoiled and selfish undisciplined man-child who has no business being in that position.
The voters say he belongs where he is and they outnumber you.

He did not win the popular vote, so I was go easy on any assertions about "the voters."
The Constitution provides that the Electoral College shall represent the voters, just as each Senator represents his own constituents. The USA is a representative republic, not a direct democracy.
If you have not read the entire Constitution, you're really missing out.
Trump Isn't perfect

He can be irritable and he's not always diplomatic. However, he's smart, he's dedicated to that job and he loves America. That's enough for me.

In other words, Trump is an Alpha male. He needs to win / dominate every situation. That and his love for America are the ideal qualities anyone would want in a leader.
Trump Isn't perfect

He can be irritable and he's not always diplomatic. However, he's smart, he's dedicated to that job and he loves America. That's enough for me.

In other words, Trump is an Alpha male. He needs to win / dominate every situation. That and his love for America are the ideal qualities anyone would want in a leader.
I understand Trump because we have so much in common. Born 6 months apart, both of us are businessmen from the big cities back East. Both are very patriotic and very conservative in matters of Economics. We even have the same social outlook. I want a strong military and oppose abortion just as he does. He wants what I want. It's that simple.
Trump Isn't perfect

He can be irritable and he's not always diplomatic. However, he's smart, he's dedicated to that job and he loves America. That's enough for me.
He loves America?
By downplaying a virus and allowing it to kill 200k americans? By dividing americans? By putting doubts about the justice system? Election system. Or by mocking POWs?

He acted as best he could, right now we have record virus numbers in Ontario. That's right, record numbers.

That is not the fault of Western governments, it's the fault of the Communist Government of China. What good would it do for Trump to spread fear?

Why not show the same outrage for Cuomo. I'd argue he had more to do with the issues in NY than Trump did. Trump gave everyone what they asked for. Even delivered a ship for a hospital that wasn't used. This virus has been politicized, and it's politicized against the WRONG governments.

Not only has it been politicized, I'm almost ready to believe it was engineered with the help of leftwing actors and released last winter after impeachment failed knowing it would wreck the US economy so they'd have an excuse to shut everything down, hide Joe in the basement away from bad press, and blame it all on Donald.

Notice that no one important in the DNC has suffered due to Covid!
Don't you bootlicking sycophants ever get tired of posting and regurgitating the same crap over and over and over?!??

The man is a spoiled and selfish undisciplined man-child who has no business being in that position.
The voters say he belongs where he is and they outnumber you.

He did not win the popular vote, so I was go easy on any assertions about "the voters."
The Constitution provides that the Electoral College shall represent the voters, just as each Senator represents his own constituents. The USA is a representative republic, not a direct democracy.
If you have not read the entire Constitution, you're really missing out.

Yes, I've read it and survived courses in it. Now we know that there is a problem with the electoral college, as it apparently does not represent the voters as planned. trump does not represent the choice of the American people.
Don't you bootlicking sycophants ever get tired of posting and regurgitating the same crap over and over and over?!??

The man is a spoiled and selfish undisciplined man-child who has no business being in that position.
The voters say he belongs where he is and they outnumber you.

He did not win the popular vote, so I was go easy on any assertions about "the voters."
The Constitution provides that the Electoral College shall represent the voters, just as each Senator represents his own constituents. The USA is a representative republic, not a direct democracy.
If you have not read the entire Constitution, you're really missing out.

Yes, I've read it and survived courses in it. Now we know that there is a problem with the electoral college, as it apparently does not represent the voters as planned. trump does not represent the choice of the American people.
Abandoning the EC would require a Constitutional amendment, That needs 2/3 approval of both houses of Congress and ratification by 3/4 of the state legislatures. Lots of Americans like it, so what you want will never happen. Trump certainly represents me and millions of others.
Trump Isn't perfect

He can be irritable and he's not always diplomatic. However, he's smart, he's dedicated to that job and he loves America. That's enough for me.

In other words, Trump is an Alpha male. He needs to win / dominate every situation. That and his love for America are the ideal qualities anyone would want in a leader.
I understand Trump because we have so much in common. Born 6 months apart, both of us are businessmen from the big cities back East. Both are very patriotic and very conservative in matters of Economics. We even have the same social outlook. I want a strong military and oppose abortion just as he does. He wants what I want. It's that simple.

Did you pay $750 in federal income taxes 3 years ago too? I bet you feel real stupid because you paid more than he did.
Don't you bootlicking sycophants ever get tired of posting and regurgitating the same crap over and over and over?!??

The man is a spoiled and selfish undisciplined man-child who has no business being in that position.
The voters say he belongs where he is and they outnumber you.

He did not win the popular vote, so I was go easy on any assertions about "the voters."
The Constitution provides that the Electoral College shall represent the voters, just as each Senator represents his own constituents. The USA is a representative republic, not a direct democracy.
If you have not read the entire Constitution, you're really missing out.

Yes, I've read it and survived courses in it. Now we know that there is a problem with the electoral college, as it apparently does not represent the voters as planned. trump does not represent the choice of the American people.

Trump doesn't represent a few square miles of the nation in LA, San Fran, Chicago, NYC and Boston. He represents the other 90% of the country.

The only thing wrong with the electoral college is that we need to split California up into TWO states.

He loves America?
By downplaying a virus and allowing it to kill 200k americans?
Only an idiot would think that Trump "allowed" a virus to kill Americans. It's killing people everywhere on the planet, that's why they call it a pandemic in the first place, you mentally stunted jackass.

And Trump was proven to be correct when he played down the WHO's scary sounding statistics. Their stats showed a preliminary mortality rate of 3.4% for those infected with the virus. Trump "played down" that number because they were skewed by the fact that most people who were tested showed COVID 19 symptoms were getting tested. Logic dictates that if you are only testing sick people, you'll get a mortality stat that is significantly skewed on the high side.

Trump had the wisdom and prescience to know that the "if it bleeds it leads" sensationalist fake news media would jump on those skewed preliminary stats without providing proper context to make the SARS CoV-2 betacoronavirus seem much deadlier than it actually is, thus panicking people.

Trump said that his hunch, informed by epidemiologists, was that the actual mortality rate was less than 1% and explained his reasoning. And the Democrats and their fake news media jumped all over it, even accusing Trump of spreading misinformation.

Well, it turns out that Trump's prediction was correct. We now know that the mortality rate for people who get infected is actually less than 1% according the the CDC. How did Trump know that? Is Trump psychic? Of course not, unlike you TDS afflicted morons, he just has a scientific logical mind.

Stick that in your bong and smoke it.
Trump Isn't perfect

He can be irritable and he's not always diplomatic. However, he's smart, he's dedicated to that job and he loves America. That's enough for me.

When faced with having his cheap crap made in America and having it made in China, he chose China. He does not favor American workers.
He often doesn't start his day until late in the morning; spends an inordinate amount of time golfing, and mocks American heroes. He is not dedicated and doesn't love this country.

Don't you bootlicking sycophants ever get tired of posting and regurgitating the same crap over and over and over?!??

The man is a spoiled and selfish undisciplined man-child who has no business being in that position.
The voters say he belongs where he is and they outnumber you.

He did not win the popular vote, so I was go easy on any assertions about "the voters."

Another lib who doesn’t understand the way we elect our president...public education.
Just think - if American enterprise weren't so heavily taxed and regulated - if it were truly free and competitive the way Trump wishes it were, then he, like anyone else, would want their goods made here and not in China.
Trump Isn't perfect

He can be irritable and he's not always diplomatic. However, he's smart, he's dedicated to that job and he loves America. That's enough for me.

Yup. That's how I see it as well. Its more than enough for me.
Trump Isn't perfect

He can be irritable and he's not always diplomatic. However, he's smart, he's dedicated to that job and he loves America. That's enough for me.

He's dedicated to doing anything to secure a second term but not to the job of POTUS.
Trump Isn't perfect

He can be irritable and he's not always diplomatic. However, he's smart, he's dedicated to that job and he loves America. That's enough for me.

When faced with having his cheap crap made in America and having it made in China, he chose China. He does not favor American workers.
He often doesn't start his day until late in the morning; spends an inordinate amount of time golfing, and mocks American heroes. He is not dedicated and doesn't love this country.

Well I'd have to call that a lie. I thought you were against his trade war with China??

If he's in a trade war with China I doubt he would buy from them.

Oh and he does love the military and the country. I guess you forgot before covid UE was the lowest its been in 50 years and we had jobs all across the country. Not to mention a great economy all with Trump at the helm. Kinda puts the lie to you're, He doesn't love this country.
Trump Isn't perfect

He can be irritable and he's not always diplomatic. However, he's smart, he's dedicated to that job and he loves America. That's enough for me.

When faced with having his cheap crap made in America and having it made in China, he chose China. He does not favor American workers.
He often doesn't start his day until late in the morning; spends an inordinate amount of time golfing, and mocks American heroes. He is not dedicated and doesn't love this country.

Well I'd have to call that a lie. I thought you were against his trade war with China??
I am.

If he's in a trade war with China I doubt he would buy from them.
Feel free to doubt all you want.

The fact of the matter is that he could have had his cheap crapolla made anywhere and it wouldn't have broken him to pay Americans to make the neckties or suits. Instead, he chose to employ the Chinese to do it. He's a globalist who doesn't love the nation any more or any less than any other globalist.

Oh and he does love the military and the country.
Only the ones who were not captured. He said so.

I guess you forgot before covid UE was the lowest its been in 50 years and we had jobs all across the country. Not to mention a great economy all with Trump at the helm. Kinda puts the lie to you're, He doesn't love this country.

Amazing what $6.6T in deficit spending can do.

Don't you bootlicking sycophants ever get tired of posting and regurgitating the same crap over and over and over?!??

The man is a spoiled and selfish undisciplined man-child who has no business being in that position.
The voters say he belongs where he is and they outnumber you.

He did not win the popular vote, so I was go easy on any assertions about "the voters."

Another lib who doesn’t understand the way we elect our president...public education.

I know how it goes. The orange whore's "election" pointed out the great flaw in the system.
Trump Isn't perfect

He can be irritable and he's not always diplomatic. However, he's smart, he's dedicated to that job and he loves America. That's enough for me.
Huge deficits, giant bailouts, riots, recession, most covid deaths.... no thanks. Doesn’t sound smart to me.
Don't you bootlicking sycophants ever get tired of posting and regurgitating the same crap over and over and over?!??

The man is a spoiled and selfish undisciplined man-child who has no business being in that position.
Dude, you support a senile pedo that threatens to fight people.

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