My wife says she’d welcome legislation that would forbid women from voting.

My wife, a highly educated, very successful woman with a Poly Sci degree often says she’d happily give up her right to vote if such legislation would keep all women from voting. She’ll candidly tell anyone that women voters are and will be responsible for the destruction and degradation of our republic.
Why do you think she feels this way?

For this thread and if possible, I’d like to waive my right to ‘protection of family’ per USMB guidelines.

Our founders never intended for everybody to vote. That right was added later on. Our founders knew how a right for everybody to vote would eventually end up. Now our elections have turned into a popularity contest for many.
My wife, a highly educated, very successful woman with a Poly Sci degree often says she’d happily give up her right to vote if such legislation would keep all women from voting. She’ll candidly tell anyone that women voters are and will be responsible for the destruction and degradation of our republic.
Why do you think she feels this way?

For this thread and if possible, I’d like to waive my right to ‘protection of family’ per USMB guidelines.

Your wife seems to be very odd and apparently is on some self-hate trip. People don't vote with their genitals. It sounds like she doesn't believe in democracy. No one can claim that women are responsible for the likes of trump, pence, mcconnell, barr, graham, falwell, abbott, and all of the other men who have been endeavoring to destroy and degrade our republic. Ask her to explain them.
My wife, a highly educated, very successful woman with a Poly Sci degree often says she’d happily give up her right to vote if such legislation would keep all women from voting. She’ll candidly tell anyone that women voters are and will be responsible for the destruction and degradation of our republic.
Why do you think she feels this way?

For this thread and if possible, I’d like to waive my right to ‘protection of family’ per USMB guidelines.

Your wife seems to be very odd and apparently is on some self-hate trip. People don't vote with their genitals. It sounds like she doesn't believe in democracy. No one can claim that women are responsible for the likes of trump, pence, mcconnell, barr, graham, falwell, abbott, and all of the other men who have been endeavoring to destroy and degrade our republic. Ask her to explain them.

Women are responsible for nothing becuase they've never held any power

What is your point?

That works in an argument about who is more immoral not who should lead lol.

Like I as an Indian can say in recent history Indians have been more moral than colonialist whites. That is not an argument for me to lead or even have any input on politics in the west. That's an argument I throw out when I want to shame some one.

A huge part of the problem with modern America is the "feminization" of our society, which involves abandoning simple enlightenment values and lionization of victims. Disgusting weakness. Also why black and latino men will probably majority vote republican in the future.
Many women think with their emotions not their head. But so do many men. Evidenced here on usmb.

This has been more of a problem in the last couple of decades. Men have stopped being men. They are metro-sexual wimps who are controlled by their emotions rather than pragmatism. The WW2 generation is rolling over in their graves at these skinny jean wearing, namby-pamby "men" who are scared of dying from global warming or a virus that has a 99% cure rate. I don't have to tell you these "men" voted for Biden/Harris.
My wife, a highly educated, very successful woman with a Poly Sci degree often says she’d happily give up her right to vote if such legislation would keep all women from voting. She’ll candidly tell anyone that women voters are and will be responsible for the destruction and degradation of our republic.
Why do you think she feels this way?

For this thread and if possible, I’d like to waive my right to ‘protection of family’ per USMB guidelines.

Your wife seems to be very odd and apparently is on some self-hate trip. People don't vote with their genitals. It sounds like she doesn't believe in democracy. No one can claim that women are responsible for the likes of trump, pence, mcconnell, barr, graham, falwell, abbott, and all of the other men who have been endeavoring to destroy and degrade our republic. Ask her to explain them.

You must love you some Harris. You realize how she got to where she is, right? People may not vote with their genitals, but they most certainly matter.
Many women think with their emotions not their head. But so do many men. Evidenced here on usmb.

This has been more of a problem in the last couple of decades. Men have stopped being men. They are metro-sexual wimps who are controlled by their emotions rather than pragmatism. The WW2 generation is rolling over in their graves at these skinny jean wearing, namby-pamby "men" who are scared of dying from global warming or a virus that has a 99% cure rate. I don't have to tell you these "men" voted for Biden/Harris.

We are living in a society where men are wearing dresses and you can get more time in jail for beating your dog than beating your wife. What should we expect?
My wife, a highly educated, very successful woman with a Poly Sci degree often says she’d happily give up her right to vote if such legislation would keep all women from voting. She’ll candidly tell anyone that women voters are and will be responsible for the destruction and degradation of our republic.
Why do you think she feels this way?

For this thread and if possible, I’d like to waive my right to ‘protection of family’ per USMB guidelines.
I think she feels that way because like you she is mentally deranged and consumed by a racist and nationalist ideology. With all due respect
My wife, a highly educated, very successful woman with a Poly Sci degree often says she’d happily give up her right to vote if such legislation would keep all women from voting. She’ll candidly tell anyone that women voters are and will be responsible for the destruction and degradation of our republic.
Why do you think she feels this way?

For this thread and if possible, I’d like to waive my right to ‘protection of family’ per USMB guidelines.

Your wife is an ignorant, partisan nut and so are you. I don't know why you would even THINK about posting this embarrassing garbage about taking voting rights away from half of the adults in this country.

Trump lost in large part because women don't like his deplorable antics and so you are now thinking about making voting illegal for women. Pathetic.
I think we should take the right to vote away from 90% of the adults in this country. Most of them are too stupid to vote.

It's kinda ironic you think that considering that most on this site consider you a total dunce.

You even entertaining wholesale voting restrictions like that is just more proof that you are just that.
Trump lost in large part because women don't like his deplorable antics and so you are now thinking about making voting illegal for women. Pathetic.
That’s kinda the point...
She looks at things with the utmost simplicity.
Allow emotional, needy fools to vote on societal issues or sustain a thriving, prosperous, traditional America....She’s convinced we can’t have both.
He agrees that women voted based not on policy but on Trump's deplorable antics, and insists that women vote.

He's living proof that even moonbat men vote their emotions.
My wife, a highly educated, very successful woman with a Poly Sci degree often says she’d happily give up her right to vote if such legislation would keep all women from voting. She’ll candidly tell anyone that women voters are and will be responsible for the destruction and degradation of our republic.
Why do you think she feels this way?

For this thread and if possible, I’d like to waive my right to ‘protection of family’ per USMB guidelines.

Stop playing dress up and believing the words are coming from your "wife's" mouth. We know they are yours. :auiqs.jpg:

Do you think only women should be allowed to vote so we don't have so many wars? What about taking men's votes away?
My wife, a highly educated, very successful woman with a Poly Sci degree often says she’d happily give up her right to vote if such legislation would keep all women from voting. She’ll candidly tell anyone that women voters are and will be responsible for the destruction and degradation of our republic.
Why do you think she feels this way?

For this thread and if possible, I’d like to waive my right to ‘protection of family’ per USMB guidelines.

Your wife is an ignorant, partisan nut and so are you. I don't know why you would even THINK about posting this embarrassing garbage about taking voting rights away from half of the adults in this country.

Trump lost in large part because women don't like his deplorable antics and so you are now thinking about making voting illegal for women. Pathetic.
I think we should take the right to vote away from 90% of the adults in this country. Most of them are too stupid to vote.

It's kinda ironic you think that considering that most on this site consider you a total dunce.

You even entertaining wholesale voting restrictions like that is just more proof that you are just that.

That you actually believe you speak for "most on this site" makes you a total dunce
Your wife is an ignorant, partisan nut and so are you. I don't know why you would even THINK about posting this embarrassing garbage about taking voting rights away from half of the adults in this country.

Trump lost in large part because women don't like his deplorable antics and so you are now thinking about making voting illegal for women. Pathetic.

You don't even realize you are making his point for him. They didn't like his deplorable antics. Forget about what he did for the economy. Forget about his success on our southern border. Forget about a new median income high before the virus. Forget about his ability to tame North Korea by making attempts to get along with them. His deplorable antics are why they voted against him, and put in a person with dementia that's part of an FBI money laundering investigation.

What he did for economy? Did you just seriously say that horseshit? This after how Trump has presided over making America First on pandemic spreading and deaths?

Deficits are at their highest level since WWII, QE as far as the eye can see, record number of people sitting on unemployment wondering when they are going to get evicted, bussiness croacking left and right, economy is on the brink of relapse right back into a deep recession without EVEN MORE hardcore deficit spending.

This is what you consider an achievement while you talk about someone having voting disqualifying opinions just because they don't have a dick?

Last edited:
Your wife is an ignorant, partisan nut and so are you. I don't know why you would even THINK about posting this embarrassing garbage about taking voting rights away from half of the adults in this country.

Trump lost in large part because women don't like his deplorable antics and so you are now thinking about making voting illegal for women. Pathetic.

You don't even realize you are making his point for him. They didn't like his deplorable antics. Forget about what he did for the economy. Forget about his success on our southern border. Forget about a new median income high before the virus. Forget about his ability to tame North Korea by making attempts to get along with them. His deplorable antics are why they voted against him, and put in a person with dementia that's part of an FBI money laundering investigation.

What he did for economy? Did you just seriously say that horseshit? This after how Trump has presided over making America First on pandemic spreading and deaths?

Deficits are at their highest level since WWII and economy is on the brink of relapse right back into a deep recession without EVEN MORE hardcore deficit spending.

This is what you consider an achievement?

Insane. and then you talk about someone having voting disqualifying opinions just because they don't have a dick?

Blaming Trump for a virus makes you as big a dick as that sounds
What he did for economy? Did you just seriously say that horseshit? This after how Trump has presided over making America First on pandemic spreading and deaths?

Deficits are at their highest level since WWII and economy is on the brink of relapse right back into a deep recession without EVEN MORE hardcore deficit spending.

This is what you consider an achievement?

Insane. and then you talk about someone having voting disqualifying opinions just because they don't have a dick?

Blaming Trump for a virus makes you as big a dick as that sounds
I'm telling you, he's as emotional as a woman.

Emotions are the reason the Communists win elections.
What he did for economy? Did you just seriously say that horseshit? This after how Trump has presided over making America First on pandemic spreading and deaths?

Deficits are at their highest level since WWII and economy is on the brink of relapse right back into a deep recession without EVEN MORE hardcore deficit spending.

This is what you consider an achievement?

Insane. and then you talk about someone having voting disqualifying opinions just because they don't have a dick?

Blaming Trump for a virus makes you as big a dick as that sounds
I'm telling you, he's as emotional as a woman.

Emotions are the reason the Communists win elections.

Emotions and violence
Your wife is an ignorant, partisan nut and so are you. I don't know why you would even THINK about posting this embarrassing garbage about taking voting rights away from half of the adults in this country.

Trump lost in large part because women don't like his deplorable antics and so you are now thinking about making voting illegal for women. Pathetic.

You don't even realize you are making his point for him. They didn't like his deplorable antics. Forget about what he did for the economy. Forget about his success on our southern border. Forget about a new median income high before the virus. Forget about his ability to tame North Korea by making attempts to get along with them. His deplorable antics are why they voted against him, and put in a person with dementia that's part of an FBI money laundering investigation.

What he did for economy? Did you just seriously say that horseshit? This after how Trump has presided over making America First on pandemic spreading and deaths?

Deficits are at their highest level since WWII and economy is on the brink of relapse right back into a deep recession without EVEN MORE hardcore deficit spending.

This is what you consider an achievement?

Insane. and then you talk about someone having voting disqualifying opinions just because they don't have a dick?

Blaming Trump for a virus makes you as big a dick as that sounds

I'm blaming him for his leadership during this pandemic. It's hard to imagine anyone else fucking it up as bad as he did.

It's hard to imagine ANYONE not being able to even grab the low hanging fruit of simply listening, and amplifying his medical advisors.
Hard to imagine anyone spreading for half a year lunatic magical thinking that Covid-19 will disapear like magic.
Hard to imagine anyone not having ANY coherent national plan to deal with it.
Hard to imagine anyone publicly comparing Covid-19 to flu, while privately talking about how it's far more contagious and deadly.
Hard to imagine anyone consistently contradicting his own CDC guidelines.
Hard to imagine anyone politicizing everything down to even simple mask wearing.
Hard to imagine anyone going all in on completely unproven drugs and standing before America talking about maybe trying to treat this infection with cleaning supplies.
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Your wife is an ignorant, partisan nut and so are you. I don't know why you would even THINK about posting this embarrassing garbage about taking voting rights away from half of the adults in this country.

Trump lost in large part because women don't like his deplorable antics and so you are now thinking about making voting illegal for women. Pathetic.

You don't even realize you are making his point for him. They didn't like his deplorable antics. Forget about what he did for the economy. Forget about his success on our southern border. Forget about a new median income high before the virus. Forget about his ability to tame North Korea by making attempts to get along with them. His deplorable antics are why they voted against him, and put in a person with dementia that's part of an FBI money laundering investigation.

What he did for economy? Did you just seriously say that horseshit? This after how Trump has presided over making America First on pandemic spreading and deaths?

Deficits are at their highest level since WWII and economy is on the brink of relapse right back into a deep recession without EVEN MORE hardcore deficit spending.

This is what you consider an achievement?

Insane. and then you talk about someone having voting disqualifying opinions just because they don't have a dick?

Blaming Trump for a virus makes you as big a dick as that sounds

I'm blaming him for his leadership during this pandemic. It's hard to imagine anyone else fucking it up as bad as he did.

It's hard to imagine ANYONE not being able to even grab the low hanging fruit of simply listening, and amplifying his medical advisors.
Hard to imagine anyone spreading for half a year lunatic magical thinking that Covid-19 will disapear like magic.
Hard to imagine anyone not having ANY coherent national plan to deal with it.
Hard to imagine anyone consistently contradicting his own CDC guidelines.
Hard to imagine anyone politicizing everything down to even simple mask wearing.

Bull shit, you're blaming Trump for the virus.

Most of the deaths were in blue States where Democrat governors call the shot. You know that, liar.

Democrats had no solutions at the time. In fact they were worse, like Biden calling Trump a racist for travel bans.

And Europe is shut down again. But for you it's just Trump, Trump, Trump.

You couldn't any more clearly be blaming him for the virus
My wife, a highly educated, very successful woman with a Poly Sci degree often says she’d happily give up her right to vote if such legislation would keep all women from voting. She’ll candidly tell anyone that women voters are and will be responsible for the destruction and degradation of our republic.
Why do you think she feels this way?

For this thread and if possible, I’d like to waive my right to ‘protection of family’ per USMB guidelines.
I think she feels that way because like you she is mentally deranged and consumed by a racist and nationalist ideology. With all due respect
Do you mean that her ideologies align with those of our founders?
She believes that as we deviate further from our founding principles and framework that we become a degraded nation...Do you always change course when you've found a formula that works perfectly?

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