MyPillow CEO Says Aggressive Poke Led To Attack Claim

His pillows are known for the leading cause of death in nursing homes.
I understand they are also very popular with the Mob.

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Left wing CEO's are preventing conservatives from exercising their 1st Amendment rights every day in Google and Youtube and other blogs but that's OK for the left while they worry about what the Pillow guy has to say. You gotta scratch your head sometimes about how long lefties can maintain such a level of hatred even when they won the freaking election. Is it about buyers remorse?
Left wing CEO's are preventing conservatives from exercising their 1st Amendment rights every day in Google and Youtube and other blogs but that's OK for the left while they worry about what the Pillow guy has to say. You gotta scratch your head sometimes about how long lefties can maintain such a level of hatred even when they won the freaking election. Is it about buyers remorse?
I think it's just the nature of the beast. They are self loathers and are compelled to drag everyone down to their level. Every liberal democrat I've ever known despises him/herself. The self-degredation and self-mutilation make that self loathing very obvious.

I don't know if I ever knew who said it originally, but I love the quote about hate being the poison one drinks hoping that the other person will die.
So it would be perfectly okay with you if a stranger were to walk up and put their hands on you? Good to know. We'll remember this about you.
Of course I would. I'm not really proud of it, but when I was younger, I gladly paid a stranger to put her hands on me.
Left wing CEO's are preventing conservatives from exercising their 1st Amendment rights every day in Google and Youtube and other blogs but that's OK for the left while they worry about what the Pillow guy has to say. You gotta scratch your head sometimes about how long lefties can maintain such a level of hatred even when they won the freaking election. Is it about buyers remorse?
You don't know what 1st ammendment rights are. CEOs don't have the ability to prevent anybody from exercizing their 1st amendment rghts.
You don't know what 1st ammendment rights are. CEOs don't have the ability to prevent anybody from exercizing their 1st amendment rghts.
Your spell checker might be on the fritz. History indicates that lefties seem to depend on the S.C. decision that gave them the right to shit on Old Glory but dialog about masks and covid vaccinations is another issue.
Your spell checker might be on the fritz. History indicates that lefties seem to depend on the S.C. decision that gave them the right to shit on Old Glory but dialog about masks and covid vaccinations is another issue.
Really? please tell me more. What exactly does the 1st guarantee?
"maintain such a level of hatred"
Ah, that is a sad misread of the perception of PillowBoy.

Folks---at least my avatar ----don't 'hate' PillowBoy.

Far from it. That's like saying someone 'hates' Mr. Magoo, or more apt, 'hates' Wiley Coyote.

Mike is the moke who has the the piano hangin' on a rope over his head.

Everybody knows that friggin' piano ain't stayin' up there forever.

Who can hate that cartoonish entertainment? That sense of anticipation?

Attacked by a finger poke from a one of the Duped & Snookered who wanted a selfie?
And when he whined about it on stage, and an audience on live-stream.......he said it still hurt!

Who could hate a bozo like that?

Plus, it's entertainment to know that there are legions of the Duped & Snookered who believe the guy has the goods!

Ah, that is a sad misread of the perception of PillowBoy.

Folks---at least my avatar ----don't 'hate' PillowBoy.

Far from it. That's like saying someone 'hates' Mr. Magoo, or more apt, 'hates' Wiley Coyote.

Mike is the moke who has the the piano hangin' on a rope over his head.

Everybody knows that friggin' piano ain't stayin' up there forever.

Who can hate that cartoonish entertainment? That sense of anticipation?

Attacked by a finger poke from a one of the Duped & Snookered who wanted a selfie?
And when he whined about it on stage, and an audience on live-stream.......he said it still hurt!

Who could hate a bozo like that?

Plus, it's entertainment to know that there are legions of the Duped & Snookered who believe the guy has the goods!

I would probably agree with you if I thought he was really stupid enough to believe the stuff he says, instead of some scum who cares more about selling pillows than about our country.
"....if I thought he was really stupid enough to believe the stuff he says..."

Well, in one of last week's editions of WaPo the opinion column that offered a take on PillowBoy suggested ...hinted? ..... that PB really does believe it.
And is simply being scammed for his own money, and the money that the Duped & Snookered send him to 'stop-the-steal'.

Recognized grifters are in his inner-circle of 'advisers':
(from last week's WaPo)

"The original source of the data, Dennis L. Montgomery, had supposedly suffered a stroke as the symposium began......Montgomery initially came forward with the supposed packet captures after he spun a conspiracy theory that tools used by the CIA were being used to influence U.S. elections.

(Montgomery has been accused of conning the Pentagon out of millions by claiming he could find secret Al Qaeda messaging hidden within Al Jazeera news broadcasts. The Pentagon couldn't find any.)

Before becoming Lindell’s lead “cyber expert,” (Josh) Merritt had been pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell’s secret “military intelligence expert” in her “Kraken” lawsuits alleging foreign actors had used Dominion voting machines to steal votes from Trump. Merritt, known as “Spyder” in Powell’s court filings, is an information technology consultant and an Army veteran. However, he never completed an entry-level training course for military intelligence and was not an intelligence analyst. All of the Powell cases he offered expert testimony to were tossed out of court."


So, this may very well be a pedestrian version of 'The Sting'. Not that PillowBoy is Newman or Redford-like. Rather PBoy is the mark, the pigeon. The pigeon who leads a whole flock of even dumber pigeons to the squab cook-out.

It could be a tale of the conman being conned.


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