Mystery of Falling Birds?

How can this be a mystery?

An autopsie would tell us the cause of death.


IF it's something they test for, as far as a poison or contaminant. Then they still have to go back and locate the source.

Are they testing them for signs of localized methane, carbon monoxide or other gas poisoning from a geological source?

I've never heard of any disease this localized and specific, not to mention quick enough to wipe out an entire flock in the space of a couple hours, but if they exist are they including them in the tests?

How much time and money are they willing to spend? Or does "they all developed blunt force trauma and internal damage by magic in the air and fell to the ground, which did not harm them" work for their budget? :rolleyes:

I can guarantee there's a rational, tinfoil free explanation here. Just wish we knew what it was. Still the only common denominator I've been able to find looking at the maps is new natural gas exploration or drilling - for both events in Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee and Kentucky. Haven't looked up the others yet. But if that's the culprit, why the timing? Makes no sense.

There is a logical reason but you and most have been programed to disbelieve and deny it.
How can this be a mystery?

An autopsie would tell us the cause of death.


IF it's something they test for, as far as a poison or contaminant. Then they still have to go back and locate the source.

Are they testing them for signs of localized methane, carbon monoxide or other gas poisoning from a geological source?

I've never heard of any disease this localized and specific, not to mention quick enough to wipe out an entire flock in the space of a couple hours, but if they exist are they including them in the tests?

How much time and money are they willing to spend? Or does "they all developed blunt force trauma and internal damage by magic in the air and fell to the ground, which did not harm them" work for their budget? :rolleyes:

I can guarantee there's a rational, tinfoil free explanation here. Just wish we knew what it was. Still the only common denominator I've been able to find looking at the maps is new natural gas exploration or drilling - for both events in Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee and Kentucky. Haven't looked up the others yet. But if that's the culprit, why the timing? Makes no sense.

There is a logical reason but you and most have been programed to disbelieve and deny it.

All right, bigreb. You're on.

Come up with a theory that explains why only these species in these pinpointed, dispersed geographical locations both inside and outside the US were affected. Please elaborate as to how whatever it is that was done affected only these particular species in only these particular tiny areas ranging from a block or two to 1 mile by 1/2 mile, over a period of approximately 72 hours, and be sure to add what was used to kill targeted species this quickly but leave everything and everyone else in the areas unharmed.

As for the fish kill in the Arkansas, please also elaborate how a 20-mile stretch of river was covered with dead bottom dwelling fish but sport fish were not touched. Also explain the location where the kill began, at a dam near Ozark, and how much of the river was directly affected by the source of disease or contamination and how much was the river carrying contaminants and/or corpses east. Which is something I haven't seen on any reports, so nobody seems to know how large the actual source of contamination was. It could also have been very small - or not.

Marine fish kills are quite common and often have easily identifiable sources and/or historical precedent, such as the kill in Maryland, so you can leave those out for now. Any that turn up to be unprecedented or without reasonable explanation can be added in later.

If you can find something that explains it all without relying on the murder of a man for "whistle blowing" who was dead before any of it happened or widespread airplane releases of chemical weapons that, amazingly, affected nothing else or any other stuff that leaves the facts out of it, I'm game.
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IF it's something they test for, as far as a poison or contaminant. Then they still have to go back and locate the source.

Are they testing them for signs of localized methane, carbon monoxide or other gas poisoning from a geological source?

I've never heard of any disease this localized and specific, not to mention quick enough to wipe out an entire flock in the space of a couple hours, but if they exist are they including them in the tests?

How much time and money are they willing to spend? Or does "they all developed blunt force trauma and internal damage by magic in the air and fell to the ground, which did not harm them" work for their budget? :rolleyes:

I can guarantee there's a rational, tinfoil free explanation here. Just wish we knew what it was. Still the only common denominator I've been able to find looking at the maps is new natural gas exploration or drilling - for both events in Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee and Kentucky. Haven't looked up the others yet. But if that's the culprit, why the timing? Makes no sense.

There is a logical reason but you and most have been programed to disbelieve and deny it.

All right, bigreb. You're on.

Come up with a theory that explains why only these species in these pinpointed, dispersed geographical locations both inside and outside the US were affected. Please elaborate as to how whatever it is that was done affected only these particular species in only these particular tiny areas ranging from a block or two to 1 mile by 1/2 mile, over a period of approximately 72 hours, and be sure to add what was used to kill targeted species this quickly but leave everything and everyone else in the areas unharmed.

As for the fish kill in the Arkansas, please also elaborate how a 20-mile stretch of river was covered with dead bottom dwelling fish but sport fish were not touched. Also explain the location where the kill began, at a dam near Ozark, and how much of the river was directly affected by the source of disease or contamination and how much was the river carrying contaminants and/or corpses east. Which is something I haven't seen on any reports, so nobody seems to know how large the actual source of contamination was. It could also have been very small - or not.

Marine fish kills are quite common and often have easily identifiable sources and/or historical precedent, such as the kill in Maryland, so you can leave those out for now. Any that turn up to be unprecedented or without reasonable explanation can be added in later.

If you can find something that explains it all without relying on the murder of a man for "whistle blowing" who was dead before any of it happened or widespread airplane releases of chemical weapons that, amazingly, affected nothing else or any other stuff that leaves the facts out of it, I'm game.

From your tone and manner in your post I decline to say. Find out for yourself.
There is a logical reason but you and most have been programed to disbelieve and deny it.

All right, bigreb. You're on.

Come up with a theory that explains why only these species in these pinpointed, dispersed geographical locations both inside and outside the US were affected. Please elaborate as to how whatever it is that was done affected only these particular species in only these particular tiny areas ranging from a block or two to 1 mile by 1/2 mile, over a period of approximately 72 hours, and be sure to add what was used to kill targeted species this quickly but leave everything and everyone else in the areas unharmed.

As for the fish kill in the Arkansas, please also elaborate how a 20-mile stretch of river was covered with dead bottom dwelling fish but sport fish were not touched. Also explain the location where the kill began, at a dam near Ozark, and how much of the river was directly affected by the source of disease or contamination and how much was the river carrying contaminants and/or corpses east. Which is something I haven't seen on any reports, so nobody seems to know how large the actual source of contamination was. It could also have been very small - or not.

Marine fish kills are quite common and often have easily identifiable sources and/or historical precedent, such as the kill in Maryland, so you can leave those out for now. Any that turn up to be unprecedented or without reasonable explanation can be added in later.

If you can find something that explains it all without relying on the murder of a man for "whistle blowing" who was dead before any of it happened or widespread airplane releases of chemical weapons that, amazingly, affected nothing else or any other stuff that leaves the facts out of it, I'm game.

From your tone and manner in your post I decline to say. Find out for yourself.

Have it your way.

I am looking for myself. Like I said, so far I can find only one common denominator and that still leaves the question of synchronicity. So I'm as stumped as anybody else as to why only there, why only those and the biggest question: why only then.

Can't ignore the facts, but nothing I've seen so far addresses them all.
All right, bigreb. You're on.

Come up with a theory that explains why only these species in these pinpointed, dispersed geographical locations both inside and outside the US were affected. Please elaborate as to how whatever it is that was done affected only these particular species in only these particular tiny areas ranging from a block or two to 1 mile by 1/2 mile, over a period of approximately 72 hours, and be sure to add what was used to kill targeted species this quickly but leave everything and everyone else in the areas unharmed.

As for the fish kill in the Arkansas, please also elaborate how a 20-mile stretch of river was covered with dead bottom dwelling fish but sport fish were not touched. Also explain the location where the kill began, at a dam near Ozark, and how much of the river was directly affected by the source of disease or contamination and how much was the river carrying contaminants and/or corpses east. Which is something I haven't seen on any reports, so nobody seems to know how large the actual source of contamination was. It could also have been very small - or not.

Marine fish kills are quite common and often have easily identifiable sources and/or historical precedent, such as the kill in Maryland, so you can leave those out for now. Any that turn up to be unprecedented or without reasonable explanation can be added in later.

If you can find something that explains it all without relying on the murder of a man for "whistle blowing" who was dead before any of it happened or widespread airplane releases of chemical weapons that, amazingly, affected nothing else or any other stuff that leaves the facts out of it, I'm game.

From your tone and manner in your post I decline to say. Find out for yourself.

Have it your way.

I am looking for myself. Like I said, so far I can find only one common denominator and that still leaves the question of synchronicity. So I'm as stumped as anybody else as to why only there, why only those and the biggest question: why only then.

Can't ignore the facts, but nothing I've seen so far addresses them all.

Don't you find the murder of John Wheeler and the timing of his death strange?
Sounds plausible:

Officials also speculated that fireworks shot by New Year's revelers in the area might have caused severe stress in the birds. Rowe said Sunday there was evidence that large fireworks may have played a role.

"Initial examinations of a few of the dead birds showed trauma. Whether or not this trauma was from the force of hitting the ground when they fell or from something that contacted them in the air, we don't know," Rowe said.

But it could also be the many lights in cities confused the heck out of them and they died of exhaustion.

Beebe is not a city. well to someone From Ark, it is, but in reality it isn't.

If it was fireworks then this would happen WAY more often
Ark is full of swamps.

Miners used birds to test for gas.

Swamps put out gas.

That's my shot in the dark.
From your tone and manner in your post I decline to say. Find out for yourself.

Have it your way.

I am looking for myself. Like I said, so far I can find only one common denominator and that still leaves the question of synchronicity. So I'm as stumped as anybody else as to why only there, why only those and the biggest question: why only then.

Can't ignore the facts, but nothing I've seen so far addresses them all.

Don't you find the murder of John Wheeler and the timing of his death strange?

Who doesn't find the murder itself strange? But the real question is do I find it strange in relation to this particular issue. And the answer to that is no. I see no evidence of any link and the timeline laid out doesn't fit. Nor does the rest of the theory explain the localized effects, the species specific effects, the timing or the widely dispersed pattern. What's the common denominator?
Ark is full of swamps.

Miners used birds to test for gas.

Swamps put out gas.

That's my shot in the dark.

If I had to bet I'd still go with methane poisoning. I keep going back to all of these being in areas producing natural gas, which is almost entirely methane. Birds are sensitive to it, which is as you point out why they were used in mines. Drum fish are bottom dwellers, and would be in closest contact with the likely source of gas releases seeping up from the bed. And gas releases can be very localized and brief, a "burp" if you will. ;)

If it were just Arkansas, earthquake activity might explain two releases at about the same time in the same general area. But there were no earthquakes in TX, LA, KY, TN, or any of the other areas. So the question I still have is, why all those different places all at the same time? :dunno:
Have it your way.

I am looking for myself. Like I said, so far I can find only one common denominator and that still leaves the question of synchronicity. So I'm as stumped as anybody else as to why only there, why only those and the biggest question: why only then.

Can't ignore the facts, but nothing I've seen so far addresses them all.

Don't you find the murder of John Wheeler and the timing of his death strange?

Who doesn't find the murder itself strange? But the real question is do I find it strange in relation to this particular issue. And the answer to that is no. I see no evidence of any link and the timeline laid out doesn't fit. Nor does the rest of the theory explain the localized effects, the species specific effects, the timing or the widely dispersed pattern. What's the common denominator?

OK then thats settled. I have heard that the government had Iraq’s Phosgene poisonous gas stockpiled and some of it was used in testing done in Arkansas. It is also claimed that the Phosgene was to be shipped to be used there. Wheeler because of his position knew about it and the rest is history.

Here's a link.

Top US Official Murdered After Arkansas Weapons Test Causes Mass Death |

Not saying it's true but....
Don't you find the murder of John Wheeler and the timing of his death strange?

Who doesn't find the murder itself strange? But the real question is do I find it strange in relation to this particular issue. And the answer to that is no. I see no evidence of any link and the timeline laid out doesn't fit. Nor does the rest of the theory explain the localized effects, the species specific effects, the timing or the widely dispersed pattern. What's the common denominator?

OK then thats settled. I have heard that the government had Iraq’s Phosgene poisonous gas stockpiled and some of it was used in testing done in Arkansas. It is also claimed that the Phosgene was to be shipped to be used there. Wheeler because of his position knew about it and the rest is history.

Here's a link.

Top US Official Murdered After Arkansas Weapons Test Causes Mass Death |

Not saying it's true but....

Assuming it happened as your link says it did, how does it explain the bird kills that happened at the same time in other places not sharing a common water supply, not downwind and not linked by any other natural means of disbursal? TX, LA, TN, KY, and the real headscratcher in Sweden. And why did it only affect one flock, or one species, in one small area of each place and not others?

I suppose there's nothing but common sense indicating there's probably a link between most or all of the events, but if there isn't then what? Was there a similar occurrence at each site? It just leaves too many holes for me.
Who doesn't find the murder itself strange? But the real question is do I find it strange in relation to this particular issue. And the answer to that is no. I see no evidence of any link and the timeline laid out doesn't fit. Nor does the rest of the theory explain the localized effects, the species specific effects, the timing or the widely dispersed pattern. What's the common denominator?

OK then thats settled. I have heard that the government had Iraq’s Phosgene poisonous gas stockpiled and some of it was used in testing done in Arkansas. It is also claimed that the Phosgene was to be shipped to be used there. Wheeler because of his position knew about it and the rest is history.

Here's a link.

Top US Official Murdered After Arkansas Weapons Test Causes Mass Death |

Not saying it's true but....

Assuming it happened as your link says it did, how does it explain the bird kills that happened at the same time in other places not sharing a common water supply, not downwind and not linked by any other natural means of disbursal? TX, LA, TN, KY, and the real headscratcher in Sweden. And why did it only affect one flock, or one species, in one small area of each place and not others?

I suppose there's nothing but common sense indicating there's probably a link between most or all of the events, but if there isn't then what? Was there a similar occurrence at each site? It just leaves too many holes for me.

I don't know. If this is man made it's on a global scale. In about a week or so I suspect the UN will cliam this is the effects of climate change.
OK then thats settled. I have heard that the government had Iraq’s Phosgene poisonous gas stockpiled and some of it was used in testing done in Arkansas. It is also claimed that the Phosgene was to be shipped to be used there. Wheeler because of his position knew about it and the rest is history.

Here's a link.

Top US Official Murdered After Arkansas Weapons Test Causes Mass Death |

Not saying it's true but....

Assuming it happened as your link says it did, how does it explain the bird kills that happened at the same time in other places not sharing a common water supply, not downwind and not linked by any other natural means of disbursal? TX, LA, TN, KY, and the real headscratcher in Sweden. And why did it only affect one flock, or one species, in one small area of each place and not others?

I suppose there's nothing but common sense indicating there's probably a link between most or all of the events, but if there isn't then what? Was there a similar occurrence at each site? It just leaves too many holes for me.

I don't know. If this is man made it's on a global scale. In about a week or so I suspect the UN will cliam this is the effects of climate change.

That's no worse than "they all developed blunt force trauma, internal bruising and blood clots from some unknown something or other BEFORE they fell to the ground." :rolleyes:
Assuming it happened as your link says it did, how does it explain the bird kills that happened at the same time in other places not sharing a common water supply, not downwind and not linked by any other natural means of disbursal? TX, LA, TN, KY, and the real headscratcher in Sweden. And why did it only affect one flock, or one species, in one small area of each place and not others?

I suppose there's nothing but common sense indicating there's probably a link between most or all of the events, but if there isn't then what? Was there a similar occurrence at each site? It just leaves too many holes for me.

I don't know. If this is man made it's on a global scale. In about a week or so I suspect the UN will cliam this is the effects of climate change.

That's no worse than "they all developed blunt force trauma, internal bruising and blood clots from some unknown something or other BEFORE they fell to the ground." :rolleyes:

Not exactly my point. When I said on a global scale what I meant to imply was that to create global acceptance of climate change there has to be a crisis to force people to accept the agenda. This could very well be it.
Given the present fights concerning types of natural gas drilling and the environmental people, would the report of methane poisoning be allowed out, if that was found to be the case? Even if the methane release was triggered by an earthquake, and not man's activities.
I don't know. If this is man made it's on a global scale. In about a week or so I suspect the UN will cliam this is the effects of climate change.

That's no worse than "they all developed blunt force trauma, internal bruising and blood clots from some unknown something or other BEFORE they fell to the ground." :rolleyes:

Not exactly my point. When I said on a global scale what I meant to imply was that to create global acceptance of climate change there has to be a crisis to force people to accept the agenda. This could very well be it.

Lordy, lordy, put on the little tin hat, watch for black helicopters and sing praises to Joe McCarthy.:eek::cuckoo::cuckoo::lol:
Given the present fights concerning types of natural gas drilling and the environmental people, would the report of methane poisoning be allowed out, if that was found to be the case? Even if the methane release was triggered by an earthquake, and not man's activities.

Rocks this is happening everywhere whats the chances of methane gases leaking everyw where at around the same time?
That's no worse than "they all developed blunt force trauma, internal bruising and blood clots from some unknown something or other BEFORE they fell to the ground." :rolleyes:

Not exactly my point. When I said on a global scale what I meant to imply was that to create global acceptance of climate change there has to be a crisis to force people to accept the agenda. This could very well be it.

Lordy, lordy, put on the little tin hat, watch for black helicopters and sing praises to Joe McCarthy.:eek::cuckoo::cuckoo::lol:

OK what ever You read one post and now it's :cuckoo:
Catt this is why I did not want to discuss it. Remeber my first post to you?
Ark is full of swamps.

Miners used birds to test for gas.

Swamps put out gas.

That's my shot in the dark.

If I had to bet I'd still go with methane poisoning. I keep going back to all of these being in areas producing natural gas, which is almost entirely methane. Birds are sensitive to it, which is as you point out why they were used in mines. Drum fish are bottom dwellers, and would be in closest contact with the likely source of gas releases seeping up from the bed. And gas releases can be very localized and brief, a "burp" if you will. ;)

If it were just Arkansas, earthquake activity might explain two releases at about the same time in the same general area. But there were no earthquakes in TX, LA, KY, TN, or any of the other areas. So the question I still have is, why all those different places all at the same time? :dunno:

It may have just been a subtle shift of something that was a long time coming. like that burp.

There was a story on the Discovery channel, where they found a herd of dead bison, turns out one of the vents put out enough co2 for long enough to kill them.

Bad things happen all the time, Ark just got the eventual double whammy.


Or it's the end of days and everyone dies 12/23/12.

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