Mystery Virus on the Rise in China and the CDC

Only Trumpers: 1. Can’t distinguish facts from conspiracy theories; and 2. will buy into Chinese government statistics.

An "estimate" from someone in London is so very not a "fact." If you are presenting this blue-ski-ing as "fact," this is a conspiracy theory.
But everytime we go to a Chinese restaurant, a lot of the staff are clearly right off the boat, can't speak a word of English.

I guess you have a word of English --- "OK." Whatever you do, don't tell me what the other one means! :eusa_shifty:
Here's a hint.
If you bothered to read the link, it is 1,700 and counting. It has spread to other nations now.

No, it is NOT 1700 and counting!!!!! The total number of people known to have the disease is 50, and only two have died. Your high figure is something pulled out of the air by some idiot in London, saying there "might be" lot of people they somehow don't know about.

This thread belongs in Conspiracy Theories.
From the link:

‘There have been nearly 50 confirmed cases of the new coronavirus, but UK experts estimate a figure nearer 1,700.”

Only Trumpers: 1. Can’t distinguish facts from conspiracy theories; and 2. will buy into Chinese government statistics.
How did they estimate, not being in China?
The virus from China appears to be related to SARS.

New Chinese virus 'will have infected hundreds'

The CDC is on the case.

The problem is Donald Dumbass has been at war cutting the CDC budget.

President’s budget would hinder US public health progress: Huge cuts proposed

When the Ebola virus was spreading in Africa, Obama was on it and contained its spread.

Donald Dumbass is squatting on the Oval Office toilet counting his flushes.

Obama did not contain anything and the Ebola virus made it here... It was the U.N. and WHO that contained it and not your dream boy...
Try again:

Citing security threat, Obama expands U.S. role fighting Ebola

Though I find it interesting that Trumpers praise the UN and international organizations like WHO when it suits them.

As I wrote, Obama took action, Trump has his fat ass glued to the Oval Office toilet.

As Old Lady pointed out I am not a Trumpster and Obama expanded our role after cases started to come here.

Also China is a Super Power and what would you like Trump to do or enforce a country that is part of the U.N. Security Council?

China would have to request assistance first before anything can be done on our end and you are blaming Trump for China failure.

Blame Trump for his stupidity and not for everything you wish to blame him for.
The virus from China appears to be related to SARS.

New Chinese virus 'will have infected hundreds'

The CDC is on the case.

The problem is Donald Dumbass has been at war cutting the CDC budget.

President’s budget would hinder US public health progress: Huge cuts proposed

When the Ebola virus was spreading in Africa, Obama was on it and contained its spread.

Donald Dumbass is squatting on the Oval Office toilet counting his flushes.

Obama did not contain anything and the Ebola virus made it here... It was the U.N. and WHO that contained it and not your dream boy...
The UN and W.H.O. are evil globalist organizations that do nothing but try to destroy America and our way of life....they are the ones who sent ebola here in order to do just that!!

You think they contained it?? typical liberal media robot


Trolling is a lost art on you...
The virus from China appears to be related to SARS.

New Chinese virus 'will have infected hundreds'

The CDC is on the case.

The problem is Donald Dumbass has been at war cutting the CDC budget.

President’s budget would hinder US public health progress: Huge cuts proposed

When the Ebola virus was spreading in Africa, Obama was on it and contained its spread.

Donald Dumbass is squatting on the Oval Office toilet counting his flushes.


The virus from China appears to be related to SARS.

New Chinese virus 'will have infected hundreds'

The CDC is on the case.

The problem is Donald Dumbass has been at war cutting the CDC budget.

President’s budget would hinder US public health progress: Huge cuts proposed

When the Ebola virus was spreading in Africa, Obama was on it and contained its spread.

Donald Dumbass is squatting on the Oval Office toilet counting his flushes.


Wow, that is the most intelligent comment I have seen posted by a Trumper today. Congratulations.
I trust the CDC to handle it in the same way I trusted them to handle the ebola trust in the competence of the scientists at the CDC doesn't change based on who is president....the CDC professionals do their job the same way they have always have, professionally.....

Its the Trumpers who like to pick and choose when they want to rely on science or not...

I just think its funny when trumpers were hyping up the ebola crisis just like I will find it funny if any anti-trumpers try to hype this up...

As Trump said...."We do have a plan, and we think it’s going to be handled very well,” the president told reporters. “I think China’s in very good shape also.”

Trump says US has coronavirus 'totally under control'

When Trump says "we" he is talking about the CDC -- if you think anyone is seeking direction from Trump on this, you are delusional....
I trust the CDC to handle it in the same way I trusted them to handle the ebola trust in the competence of the scientists at the CDC doesn't changed based on who is president....

I just think its funny when trumpers were hyping up the ebola crisis just like I will find it funny if any anti-trumpers try to hype this us....

As Trump said...."We do have a plan, and we think it’s going to be handled very well,” the president told reporters. “I think China’s in very good shape also.”

Trump says US has coronavirus 'totally under control'

When Trump says "we" he is talking about the CDC -- if you think anyone is seeking direction from Trump on this, you are delusional....
Trump is no Obama. Obama knew how to handle a crisis like this. Trump is like whirling dervish and has no idea what the hell to do. As a matter of fact, Trump has attempted to gut the CDC. Probably because he has a "big brain" and knows more than the doctors.
I trust the CDC to handle it in the same way I trusted them to handle the ebola trust in the competence of the scientists at the CDC doesn't changed based on who is president....

I just think its funny when trumpers were hyping up the ebola crisis just like I will find it funny if any anti-trumpers try to hype this us....

As Trump said...."We do have a plan, and we think it’s going to be handled very well,” the president told reporters. “I think China’s in very good shape also.”

Trump says US has coronavirus 'totally under control'

When Trump says "we" he is talking about the CDC -- if you think anyone is seeking direction from Trump on this, you are delusional....
Trump is no Obama. Obama knew how to handle a crisis like this. Trump is like whirling dervish and has no idea what the hell to do. As a matter of fact, Trump has attempted to gut the CDC. Probably because he has a "big brain" and knows more than the doctors.
Like I said...if you think ANYONE is awaiting direction from Trump on this, you are delusional....

This is how it works.....Trump is told about this crisis....then Trump is told what to say about it....the end....

Trump could care less to do anything else about it -- he just wants to know when he can take credit for the work other people have done...the same type of people he will later attack as "Deep State" when it suits him....

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