N. Korea abruptly cancels talks with S. Korea, USA summit in question....

Well, today on the news, it was announced that North Korea has abruptly stopped talks with S. Korea, and now it's being said that the summit talks with Trump are in jeopardy.

Apparently, Un is pissed that we went ahead with our joint military exercises with S. Korea.

Still think Trump deserves the Nobel peace prize?

North Korea cancels high-level talks with the South

Lol, you Dims just pray that Trump fails to wihn peace over in Korea so you can do your fantasy impeachment unimpeded, lololololol.

Your hate-America-first mask is finally coming off.

NK has nothing to do with the fact that the trump family is a criminal organization.
If they are criminals, why don't you present your evidence to the police so they can be arrested and sent to prison?
I've been saying all along that in normal politics, you have negotiations first and THEN you have the summit.

Trump wants the summit first, which of course is retarded.

And now we see failure. Trump is used to failure. Look at all the bankruptcies.

Somehow, Trump will insist it's the Democrat's fault.

Actually...I think the summit will be held....without the promise from Kim to denuke the Korean peninsula....trump has too much invested in this to back out now.

It will be his "day in the sun"
Well, today on the news, it was announced that North Korea has abruptly stopped talks with S. Korea, and now it's being said that the summit talks with Trump are in jeopardy.

Apparently, Un is pissed that we went ahead with our joint military exercises with S. Korea.

Still think Trump deserves the Nobel peace prize?

North Korea cancels high-level talks with the South

Lol, you Dims just pray that Trump fails to wihn peace over in Korea so you can do your fantasy impeachment unimpeded, lololololol.

Your hate-America-first mask is finally coming off.

NK has nothing to do with the fact that the trump family is a criminal organization.
If they are criminals, why don't you present your evidence to the police so they can be arrested and sent to prison?

Mueller is crossing Ts and dotting I's now. What will the Great Leader do if his son and son in law are indicted?
Well, today on the news, it was announced that North Korea has abruptly stopped talks with S. Korea, and now it's being said that the summit talks with Trump are in jeopardy.

Apparently, Un is pissed that we went ahead with our joint military exercises with S. Korea.

Still think Trump deserves the Nobel peace prize?

North Korea cancels high-level talks with the South

Lol, you Dims just pray that Trump fails to wihn peace over in Korea so you can do your fantasy impeachment unimpeded, lololololol.

Your hate-America-first mask is finally coming off.

NK has nothing to do with the fact that the trump family is a criminal organization.
If they are criminals, why don't you present your evidence to the police so they can be arrested and sent to prison?

Mueller is crossing Ts and dotting I's now. What will the Great Leader do if his son and son in law are indicted?
Your silly pipe dreams make me giggle. :laugh:
Well, today on the news, it was announced that North Korea has abruptly stopped talks with S. Korea, and now it's being said that the summit talks with Trump are in jeopardy.

Apparently, Un is pissed that we went ahead with our joint military exercises with S. Korea.

Still think Trump deserves the Nobel peace prize?

North Korea cancels high-level talks with the South

Lol, you Dims just pray that Trump fails to wihn peace over in Korea so you can do your fantasy impeachment unimpeded, lololololol.

Your hate-America-first mask is finally coming off.

NK has nothing to do with the fact that the trump family is a criminal organization.
If they are criminals, why don't you present your evidence to the police so they can be arrested and sent to prison?

Mueller is crossing Ts and dotting I's now. What will the Great Leader do if his son and son in law are indicted?
Your silly pipe dreams make me giggle. :laugh:

M U E L L E R.....will find the truth unless your Great Leader fires him first.
Lol, you Dims just pray that Trump fails to wihn peace over in Korea so you can do your fantasy impeachment unimpeded, lololololol.

Your hate-America-first mask is finally coming off.

NK has nothing to do with the fact that the trump family is a criminal organization.
If they are criminals, why don't you present your evidence to the police so they can be arrested and sent to prison?

Mueller is crossing Ts and dotting I's now. What will the Great Leader do if his son and son in law are indicted?
Your silly pipe dreams make me giggle. :laugh:

M U E L L E R.....will find the truth unless your Great Leader fires him first.
Well, today on the news, it was announced that North Korea has abruptly stopped talks with S. Korea, and now it's being said that the summit talks with Trump are in jeopardy.

Apparently, Un is pissed that we went ahead with our joint military exercises with S. Korea.

Still think Trump deserves the Nobel peace prize?

North Korea cancels high-level talks with the South
The really ducked up thing about the situation is people like yourself are glad this is happening.

Actually, no, I'm not, because if Trump screws this up, it could result in another war, which I am never in favor of. Been in 4 different war zones, and each one wasn't my favorite place to be.

The reason I brought this up is to tell the Trump supporters that yeah, you can listen to what Trump SAYS he's going to do, but you'd be better off waiting for him to actually DO something other than talk before you guys start nominating him for the Nobel peace prize. There are several on here who have basically said as much. And, anyone with half a brain would have known that getting N. Korea to give up the weapons they have already developed is a non starter. No, I don't think that Trump has a snowball's chance in hell of getting the Korean peninsula "denuclearized".

Besides, does ANYONE other than those in power in N. Korea know how much nuclear material they have weaponized? Do we know where their missiles are located? Chances are that nobody knows other than N. Korea, and they ain't gonna tell us exactly what they have.

And.................getting them to agree to nuclear inspections is gonna be harder to do than the deal with Iran was.

I'm just saying that you Trump supporters need to pay attention to what he actually does, rather than praise him for what he says he MIGHT do.
How is he being "played"? It's the NORK's desire that we pull all forces out of South Korea.
It has been North Korea's desire for face to face talks with the US for decades. Trump cunningly forced talks on them by agreeing...

Talk is only nothing but talk. The North Koreans real objective is a complete pullout of US military resources in South Korea, and a unified Korea under North Korean rule. It was only because Trump stood up to them and the sanctions that they realized it wasn't going to happen.

The fact that they objected to our joint military exercises in South Korea, is a testament to their real motives. So if they balk at the opportunity to join the rest of the world, Trump will only tighten the screws some more.
Actually, no, I'm not, because if Trump screws this up, it could result in another war, which I am never in favor of.

Since no peace agreement was ever signed, it wouldn't be another war. It would be a continuation of the Korean conflict from 1953.

Actually...I think the summit will be held....without the promise from Kim to denuke the Korean peninsula....trump has too much invested in this to back out now.

It will be his "day in the sun"

Um, this isn't about Trump. He didn't call for this meeting, Kim Jung Badhair did. Trump's just playing along.
Actually, no, I'm not, because if Trump screws this up, it could result in another war, which I am never in favor of.

Since no peace agreement was ever signed, it wouldn't be another war. It would be a continuation of the Korean conflict from 1953.

Actually...I think the summit will be held....without the promise from Kim to denuke the Korean peninsula....trump has too much invested in this to back out now.

It will be his "day in the sun"

Um, this isn't about Trump. He didn't call for this meeting, Kim Jung Badhair did. Trump's just playing along.

Dude.....................if we got involved in this and started throwing bombs at N. Korea, in my mind, it would be another war for the US.
Well, today on the news, it was announced that North Korea has abruptly stopped talks with S. Korea, and now it's being said that the summit talks with Trump are in jeopardy.

Apparently, Un is pissed that we went ahead with our joint military exercises with S. Korea.

Still think Trump deserves the Nobel peace prize?

North Korea cancels high-level talks with the South
Yes, if Obama can get it for doing nothing, at least Trump should get it for trying something

Well, today on the news, it was announced that North Korea has abruptly stopped talks with S. Korea, and now it's being said that the summit talks with Trump are in jeopardy.

Apparently, Un is pissed that we went ahead with our joint military exercises with S. Korea.

Still think Trump deserves the Nobel peace prize?

North Korea cancels high-level talks with the South
Yes, if Obama can get it for doing nothing, at least Trump should get it for trying something


Trump hasn't done squat yet, other than tell his followers that he is going to talk to Un. N. Korea is kinda sketchy about whether or not they will talk to Trump. Trump has to talk to Un before I will give him credit for anything.
Well, today on the news, it was announced that North Korea has abruptly stopped talks with S. Korea, and now it's being said that the summit talks with Trump are in jeopardy.

Apparently, Un is pissed that we went ahead with our joint military exercises with S. Korea.

Still think Trump deserves the Nobel peace prize?

North Korea cancels high-level talks with the South
Yes, if Obama can get it for doing nothing, at least Trump should get it for trying something


Trump hasn't done squat yet, other than tell his followers that he is going to talk to Un. N. Korea is kinda sketchy about whether or not they will talk to Trump. Trump has to talk to Un before I will give him credit for anything.

He got 3 Americans released without having to pay for them

EDIT- The UN is not in America's interest

Well, today on the news, it was announced that North Korea has abruptly stopped talks with S. Korea, and now it's being said that the summit talks with Trump are in jeopardy.

Apparently, Un is pissed that we went ahead with our joint military exercises with S. Korea.

Still think Trump deserves the Nobel peace prize?

North Korea cancels high-level talks with the South
Yes, if Obama can get it for doing nothing, at least Trump should get it for trying something


Trump hasn't done squat yet, other than tell his followers that he is going to talk to Un. N. Korea is kinda sketchy about whether or not they will talk to Trump. Trump has to talk to Un before I will give him credit for anything.

He got 3 Americans released without having to pay for them

EDIT- The UN is not in America's interest


Hey, I do give him credit for getting those 3 hostages back.

Denuclearization of N. Korea? Not so much. He's only talked about meeting with him, he hasn't done it yet, N. Korea still has their missiles and nuclear material, and now, it looks like the talks aren't going to happen.

But, you Trumpkins keep believing your cult leader. He's "winning" so much it hurts. /sarcasm.
Bottom line....Bolton with his Libya comparison screwed the goose. He should be fired now!

Kim has said he will never give up his nukes
So...tell me why trump still wants to meet with him.

Even if Kim does accept a plan...denuking NK will take decades....they will drag it out and find every loophole they can.
Bottom line....Bolton with his Libya comparison screwed the goose. He should be fired now!

Kim has said he will never give up his nukes
So...tell me why trump still wants to meet with him.

Even if Kim does accept a plan...denuking NK will take decades....they will drag it out and find every loophole they can.

Everything you just said is true. But with that being said, why do so many Trump supporters say that Trump deserves the Nobel, and has denuclearized N. Korea?

They are just parroting what Trump says he wants to do, and believing it has already happened.

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