N. Korea abruptly cancels talks with S. Korea, USA summit in question....

Quit being an idiot. Kim is smart and not naive. Trump has not, and is unable, to drive Kim into a cage. KIm has nukes, and Japan and South Korea do not want him provoked.

Your memory must be really, really short. Have you already forgotten how you people on the left came totally unglued when Trump called Kim a "pretty smart cookie", a few months ago?

What's changed?
Quit being an idiot. Kim is smart and not naive. Trump has not, and is unable, to drive Kim into a cage. KIm has nukes, and Japan and South Korea do not want him provoked.

Your memory must be really, really short. Have you already forgotten how you people on the left came totally unglued when Trump called Kim a "pretty smart cookie", a few months ago? What's changed?
Who did that? You once again reveal you don't get the narrative.
Trump wants a summit. Been playing the Big Summit Reality Show. May not get it.

Now let's review the rules.

Number One: Kim will not give up his nukes.

Number Two: Refer to one in case of any questions of what the Norks will do.

I enjoyed the three Team Spirit exercises in which I participated. They were much more 'fun' than Reforger in Europe.

At age 12?
Thank you for admitting your ad hom proves that you can't argue facts.

Kim played Trump and Moon. Obvious.
Trump said in the past, the US has been played like a fiddle.
Then Trump said, we are not going to be played.

Ahh, I can hear the music.

Well, today on the news, it was announced that North Korea has abruptly stopped talks with S. Korea, and now it's being said that the summit talks with Trump are in jeopardy.

Apparently, Un is pissed that we went ahead with our joint military exercises with S. Korea.

Still think Trump deserves the Nobel peace prize?

North Korea cancels high-level talks with the South

It's so predictable. So, so, predictable. Everyone was saying how great Trump was, except those people who were saying it'd all turn out in the predictable way......

It wouldn't hurt people to do ten minutes research to find out how damn predictable it was always going to be.
I've been saying all along that in normal politics, you have negotiations first and THEN you have the summit.

Trump wants the summit first, which of course is retarded.

And now we see failure. Trump is used to failure. Look at all the bankruptcies.

Somehow, Trump will insist it's the Democrat's fault.
Kim wants the US and South Korea to cancel the pre scheduled joint military exercise...that demand may be adhered to...I'm sure talks are on going right now...

I tend to agree. ^^

Whoever thought of still doing these joint military exercises just as peace talks are resuming...well....is not the the sharpest tool in the shed.

As a sign of meaning well towards the other country, you know, do not do the military exercises. Is not brain surgery,

Everybody wants peace, so lets go about it the smart way, not like a bull in a china shop.
Well, today on the news, it was announced that North Korea has abruptly stopped talks with S. Korea, and now it's being said that the summit talks with Trump are in jeopardy.

Apparently, Un is pissed that we went ahead with our joint military exercises with S. Korea.

Still think Trump deserves the Nobel peace prize?

North Korea cancels high-level talks with the South
The really ducked up thing about the situation is people like yourself are glad this is happening.
This will work out...NK has no other options...what are they going to do? launch a nuke at us? Kim knows his cold war with the US will outlast him unless he ends it...
This will work out...NK has no other options...what are they going to do? launch a nuke at us? Kim knows his cold war with the US will outlast him unless he ends it...

If everybody knows how to act and be diplomatic....yes ,it will work out! :thup:
I would think someone would have read the many. many time NK has pulled stunts like this over the years.

It seems when Kim mentioned Lybia and the fate of the leader there after he gave up nuke....he was signaling to trump that it ain't gonna happen...

I really think the Lybian issues combined with trump nixing the Iranian deal placed a lot of doubt in Kim's mind...just more NK games.
Well, today on the news, it was announced that North Korea has abruptly stopped talks with S. Korea, and now it's being said that the summit talks with Trump are in jeopardy.

Apparently, Un is pissed that we went ahead with our joint military exercises with S. Korea.

Still think Trump deserves the Nobel peace prize?

North Korea cancels high-level talks with the South

Lol, you Dims just pray that Trump fails to wihn peace over in Korea so you can do your fantasy impeachment unimpeded, lololololol.

Your hate-America-first mask is finally coming off.

NK has nothing to do with the fact that the trump family is a criminal organization.
Well, today on the news, it was announced that North Korea has abruptly stopped talks with S. Korea, and now it's being said that the summit talks with Trump are in jeopardy.

Apparently, Un is pissed that we went ahead with our joint military exercises with S. Korea.

Still think Trump deserves the Nobel peace prize?

North Korea cancels high-level talks with the South
Dunno...... But this is one of many threads on dis here subject and I tink it's pretty pathetic.
Well, today on the news, it was announced that North Korea has abruptly stopped talks with S. Korea, and now it's being said that the summit talks with Trump are in jeopardy.

Apparently, Un is pissed that we went ahead with our joint military exercises with S. Korea.

Still think Trump deserves the Nobel peace prize?

North Korea cancels high-level talks with the South
Dunno...... But this is one of many threads on dis here subject and I tink it's pretty pathetic.

The Fat Lady may never sing....
How is he being "played"? It's the NORK's desire that we pull all forces out of South Korea.
It has been North Korea's desire for face to face talks with the US for decades. Trump cunningly forced talks on them by agreeing...

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