N Korea calls Obama a monkey - I agree

They can call him anything they want but it sure looks like a NEENER NANNY BOOBOO response...and pretty idiotic on their part. Then again, NK has a Baby Huey as a leader, so....

Neener back at 'em.

Bush did some damage too.....a lot of damage.....were you one of the dipshits that voted for him the second time around?...

This counter argument of "somebody else did it" is pathetic and about on the same level as the childish schoolyard banter of "Johnny did it".

Every president in my life time has done damage to this country. Obama has done more than anybody else that I ever heard of. He is the most corrupt and incompetent person to ever hold that job. If you voted for him you were an idiot.

I stopped voting for Republicans and bad government ten years ago because at the end of the day they aren't that much better than the Democrats so your little crap about tying to deflect from Obama's corruption and incompetency was wasted on me.

It is really a sad state of affairs when the leader of a country like North Korea gets it right in characterizing the President of the US.

I stopped voting for Republicans and bad government ten years ago because at the end of the day they aren't that much better than the Democrats so your little crap about tying to deflect from Obama's corruption and incompetency was wasted on me.

your not going to pull a dottie and start crying and go tell the mods how fucked i am and then when that fails put me on ignore ....are ya?....

Conservatism is MILES better than Liberalism; rhinos in Congress.. not so much, but still better.
Sometimes even the North Koreans get it right. I agree with them but with a little different twist. To me Obama has always been George Soros's little trained monkey.

Of course comparing Obama to a monkey is insulting monkey's, isn't it?

"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest," an unidentified spokesman at the commission's policy department said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.
North Korea calls Obama a monkey in latest hacking salvo - Telegraph

So conservatives are siding with a bigoted regime that tortures, starves, and murders its own citizens so it can maintain the largest army on the planet, eh? Well, that falls right in with the right wing's mantra of everything for the military, and nothing for the poor lazy bums living on the street because it's all their fault. How pathetic is that?
You know, I'm not crazy about Obama or his policies. I wasn't crazy about "W" and his policies either. I never acted like a little brat and called them names. That's where I come from, I'm an educated adult
I find people who post like the post above ^ to be not exactly mental giants and immature.
And then this poster's hate is so deep that he agrees with someone who would love to destroy America.
I sure hope Flash doesn't lie and try to tell us he/she is a patriot.
the above ^ is the opinion of a self claimed educated adult, i do not think so, most educated adults are not so fucking pompous as this poster who claims the OP is hateful, if anyone is hateful it most certainly is Mr. educated adult, people are not allowed opinions according to Mr. educated adult, that is all i see the OP doing expressing an OPINION !!

He isn't a monkey. Neither was Bush despite what some claimed.

if I happened to agree with n Korea about anything, I would seriously rethink my position.

I do agree with this, peanut gallery aside. Obama doesn't imprison thousands of dissidents for opposing the State. He doesn't execute thousands a year, force people into cruel poverty and destitution. He doesn't bring his people to the point of starvation so the international community is forced to intervene. He doesn't shoot missiles over Japan to provoke them, and he won't have the power to command grief when he dies, people being terrified not to cry.

There's just no comparison. North Korea is an evil, despotic regime any insult they render cannot possibly tarnish any American president.
You know, I'm not crazy about Obama or his policies. I wasn't crazy about "W" and his policies either. I never acted like a little brat and called them names. That's where I come from, I'm an educated adult
I find people who post like the post above ^ to be not exactly mental giants and immature.
And then this poster's hate is so deep that he agrees with someone who would love to destroy America.
I sure hope Flash doesn't lie and try to tell us he/she is a patriot.

It is really an indictment on the sorriness of Obama when the North Koreans get it right about him.

A real American patriot would never have voted the shithead into office. He has done much more damage to this country than any foreign adversary.

You are a very stupid little man. You should fit right in here, plenty of your type around.
you mean like people who are devoted to Marx, the commie ?? :up:
Sometimes even the North Koreans get it right. I agree with them but with a little different twist. To me Obama has always been George Soros's little trained monkey.
Great, so move there you little worthless asswipe.
why do liberscum always hate free speech when what is said, they do not agree with and tell someone to move to NorK.

you always remind me that liberfools are nothing but huge walking :asshole:S

thank you ! :lmao:
Hey wildpussyman. You are a fucked up individual. I mean really fucked up. Why don't you call that leader of N Korea and tell him you wanna suck his dick. So you could show Obama just how much you hate him. That will really get to Obama. The fact an American citizen (you are American aren't you?) hates an American President so much that you want to suck the dick of a dictator who wants to see American destroyed.

Fuck you dude.
Sometimes even the North Koreans get it right. I agree with them but with a little different twist. To me Obama has always been George Soros's little trained monkey.

Of course comparing Obama to a monkey is insulting monkey's, isn't it?

"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest," an unidentified spokesman at the commission's policy department said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.
North Korea calls Obama a monkey in latest hacking salvo - Telegraph

Flash, you are a white monkey.

You do as the North Koreans.

Monkey see, monkedy do.
What country do live in then because in my country we have only one President, whether you like him or not.

I live in a country where idiots elected a lying piece of shit like Obama.

Obama doesn't represent America. He represents a coalition of all the despicable Libtard special interest groups in America, that unfortunately had the numbers to elect him.

I don't have to accept a corrupt and incompetent moron like Obama just because a bunch of greedy dumbass Moon Bats elected him.

He doesn't represent America at all. He represents the greedy shitheads in this country like the union pukes, welfare queens, queers, environmental wackos, Feminazis, abortionists, illegals, anti gun nuts, socialists and stupid college kids that haven't got their heads out of their asses yet. .
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So conservatives are siding with a bigoted regime that tortures, starves, and murders its own citizens so it can maintain the largest army on the planet, eh? Well, that falls right in with the right wing's mantra of everything for the military, and nothing for the poor lazy bums living on the street because it's all their fault. How pathetic is that?

So Libtards are siding with Obama to support a bigoted regime that tortures, starves and murders it own citizens when Obama recognizes the Castro regime? Interesting

Kim Jong Un may be a prick but he got it right on one thing. Sometimes even an old blind hog will find an acorn.
So conservatives are siding with a bigoted regime that tortures, starves, and murders its own citizens so it can maintain the largest army on the planet, eh? Well, that falls right in with the right wing's mantra of everything for the military, and nothing for the poor lazy bums living on the street because it's all their fault. How pathetic is that?

So Libtards are siding with Obama to support a bigoted regime that tortures, starves and murders it own citizens when Obama recognizes the Castro regime? Interesting

Kim Jong Un may be a prick but he got it right on one thing. Sometimes even an old blind hog will find an acorn.
Dude, you can morally justify your intent, but you're still just a turd inna toilet bowl...as far as significance in relation to reality...
Sometimes even the North Koreans get it right. I agree with them but with a little different twist. To me Obama has always been George Soros's little trained monkey.

Of course comparing Obama to a monkey is insulting monkey's, isn't it?

"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest," an unidentified spokesman at the commission's policy department said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.
North Korea calls Obama a monkey in latest hacking salvo - Telegraph

I disagree, to say a totalitarian government/leader who abuses their own countrymen ever gets anything right is just foolish. Obama, by far, may not be perfect but he is the US's imperfect leader. Don't take sides with those who have absolutely no regard for freedom.
What country do live in then because in my country we have only one President, whether you like him or not.

I live in a country where idiots elected a lying piece of shit like Obama.

Obama doesn't represent America. He represents a coalition of all the despicable Libtard special interest groups in America, that unfortunately had the numbers to elect him.

I don't have to accept a corrupt and incompetent moron like Obama just because a bunch of greedy dumbass Moon Bats elected him.

He doesn't represent America at all. He represents the greedy shitheads in this country like the union pukes, welfare queens, queers, environmental wackos, Feminazis, abortionists, illegals, anti gun nuts, socialists and stupid college kids that haven't got their heads out of their asses yet. .
I live in a country where idiots elected a lying piece of shit like Obama.

so what else is new?....every politician we elect are probably lying pieces of shit.....Obama doesnt corner the market on lying....
Where is Race Hustler, Inc. on this one? North Korea calls President Obama a chimp and they are silent? Are the race hustlers afraid of N. Korea, appeasing them, or are the Race Hustlers standing down on command from their handlers?
As many times as the left called Dubya a monkey, them pretending to be AGHAST :ack-1: about what some gook calls Hussein is hilarious. We're all monkeys with car keys in the end if you believe in evolution. I believe in God and couldn't care less if He is indeed a huge APE.... as long as he scares Satan and helps me through life, who cares? :dunno:
Sometimes even the North Koreans get it right. I agree with them but with a little different twist. To me Obama has always been George Soros's little trained monkey.
Great, so move there you little worthless asswipe.
why do liberscum always hate free speech when what is said, they do not agree with and tell someone to move to NorK.

you always remind me that liberfools are nothing but huge walking :asshole:S

thank you ! :lmao:

Holy shit.....this one is really fucking stupid.

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