N Korea calls Obama a monkey - I agree

Sometimes even the North Koreans get it right. I agree with them but with a little different twist. To me Obama has always been George Soros's little trained monkey.

Of course comparing Obama to a monkey is insulting monkey's, isn't it?

"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest," an unidentified spokesman at the commission's policy department said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.
North Korea calls Obama a monkey in latest hacking salvo - Telegraph
I've always thought of him more as a BABOON than a monkey myself.

You never actually thought about it at all.
But we sure are lucky to live in a country where even the very stupidest of people like yourself can have their say. Isn't freedom great.....you have the liberty to express your most idiotic thoughts.

Living in a country where a coalition of all the despicable greedy shitheads can get enough support to elect a corrupt and incompetent asshole like Obama is a great indictment on how bad this country is.

Based on this description I can't really tell which party you're talking about.
He isn't a monkey. Neither was Bush despite what some claimed.

if I happened to agree with n Korea about anything, I would seriously rethink my position.

That pudgy little pigeon who rules N. Korea is good at lip service and he knows what to say to get a rise out of people.
To the eyes of many Asians, blacks are indeed not much more than monkeys. The Vietnamese in the Czech Republic certainly think so.

That's OK, here in America we regard Czechs as the one's who rolled over for the Nazis rather than fight. That was right before they became collaborators, many Czechs served with distinction in the Wehrmacht. An easy transition for them after centuries of Hapsburg rule.
To the eyes of many Asians, blacks are indeed not much more than monkeys. The Vietnamese in the Czech Republic certainly think so.

That's OK, here in America we regard Czechs as the one's who rolled over for the Nazis rather than fight. That was right before they became collaborators, many Czechs served with distinction in the Wehrmacht. An easy transition for them after centuries of Hapsburg rule.
Link? And what the fuck does that have to do with Vietnamese, or most east Asians thinking blacks are sub-human?
Sometimes even the North Koreans get it right. I agree with them but with a little different twist. To me Obama has always been George Soros's little trained monkey.

Of course comparing Obama to a monkey is insulting monkey's, isn't it?

"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest," an unidentified spokesman at the commission's policy department said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.
North Korea calls Obama a monkey in latest hacking salvo - Telegraph
It's always revealing to see righties side with our enemies.
The left got a real kick when Hugo Chavez called Bush a dog here on American soil.

Doesn't mean we have to stoop to that level
To the eyes of many Asians, blacks are indeed not much more than monkeys. The Vietnamese in the Czech Republic certainly think so.

That's OK, here in America we regard Czechs as the one's who rolled over for the Nazis rather than fight. That was right before they became collaborators, many Czechs served with distinction in the Wehrmacht. An easy transition for them after centuries of Hapsburg rule.
Link? And what the fuck does that have to do with Vietnamese, or most east Asians thinking blacks are sub-human?

You're the one who mentioned the Czech Republic......remember now? I'm sorry you're so ignorant of your own history.
You're the one who mentioned the Czech Republic......remember now? I'm sorry you're so ignorant of your own history.
I am not Czech and only mentioned the image of blacks among the Vietnamese community here. I've little doubt that the same image is constant among east-Asians, and indeed much of the rest of the world. It is true of the Czechs also, but not as much.
By the way chief......what's up with your avatar? Is that someone you admire or maybe a close relative?
I was inspired. Do you have a problem with that?

Very interesting, do tell....what was the source of your inspiration?

I was thinking of something more on the order of a brain tumor, but you could be right.....it might just be because of bad breath.
Very interesting, do tell....what was the source of your inspiration?
Sure, Al Sharpton. A great American and leader of your ilk. Why do you ask?

I was just curious about the significance of your avatar. I thought maybe you'd just chosen one at random, you know, like you didn't really think about it first.
No,it was completely at random, as was the signature below which could have been the work of anyone with his articulation, or yours.
Dude, I don't know how to say this nicely, but you are retarded. I'm sorry, but someone had to say it. Everybody including the libs know supporting Obama was the biggest sin in their liberal bible and it is enough to damn them for eternity. If they know this then everybody knows this. You should be scratching your head right now saying he has a point. If not, then live in denial, but keep it to yourself, because no one believes your shit, because it's like I said it's, "retarded."

God will show you the way.
Your God I wouldn't bother to piss on if he was on fire. Clear now Christian?

You wont be pissing on him. You'll never get that opportunity. However, you can piss on satan, but that will be like putting out a supernova fire with your small dick, I mean bladder. Oops, sorry about that.
Neither of us will ever meet either one. They don't exist. Just the dreams of scared children like you from long ago.

Scared of not having a chance at the afterlife? You bet. However, if you don't believe in an afterlife, then what's the point of you being alive? You aren't really a beaming light of hope or a very good example are you? In fact, you sound like someone who is alone or surrounded by dicks.
God supposedly gives you life, and then you scream But I Want Eternal Life! What a bunch of fucking whiny babies you Christians are. You get the Gift of Life but that isn't enough for you, oh no, you want more, you want ETERNITY.

Live your goddamned life as best as you can and then do the world a favor and die instead of demanded a free and easy Ticket to Heaven. It's you who shouldn't be alive because The Glory awaits you. This is all I get, period, so get the fuck out of my way and take your Afterlife and God with you.

None of that is why or the meaning of why we believe in heaven and the reason why most Christians turn to Christ and get baptized isn't because we think we deserve anything. In fact, we turn to Christ, because we've done MANY wrong things in our life that were unforgivable by our fellow man and according to ourselves, things that will haunt us till the day we die, but we put our faith in Christ, who teaches nothing, but love, and who suffered worse than we ever did by choice for even the worst of the worst and by man that didn't know what they were doing, to open up a gateway for us to go to heaven through him and by being loving, humbled, and showing we care for EVERYBODY including our enemy's. When you hit rock bottom which you know you have because man will abandon you and you are left with nothing, but God never will. Even if you don't believe in God, which I didn't at first I hit rock bottom so hard and suffered so much that I didn't care whether I believed in him I prayed and begged for someone to help me, something happened in that moment where I felt hope, and it got me through that day, but didn't know where it was coming from, and trust me this world doesn't bring hope, because the situation I was in there was no room for it. It took someone to gradually talk about Christ with me and now I was a little more open to it, then I went to church one day and read a scripture,

"If anyone's work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire. Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple."

1 Corinthians 3:15-17

I've lost everything before, and all my hard work poof gone, and that was my rock bottom. I read this verse above and it got me thinking about is there a God? So, I went to my familys church for a second time and the sermon was on this verse,

"When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom."
Proverbs 11:2

When you have a lot like I did you become prideful and do or not do things you should or shouldn't and it consumes every part of you. My rock bottom was so bad I was humiliated by every man or woman around me. Not only that, but my hole was much bigger than what any man could fix. After that sermon I no longer believed in coincidences. I felt like I had a purpose. I didn't know what that purpose was, but I felt like I was here for a reason, and as I continued to try out church each bible verse and sermon kept relating to me one after another, and then as I became a Christian a couple years later my father lost everything, and I realized my purpose. It was to help my father get out of it and not suffer like I did by sharing the word of God and by doing the physical things and work to get him back on his feat by showing love. Then it turned to me helping many others financially. I was humbled and God gave me back my wealth when it was impossible. Doors started opening up that I never even saw before, and I was looking believe me. At first I thought I was finished. All hope gone.

I in no way expect you to understand this with you being so angry. Just remember this when you hit rock bottom and everybody abandons you, which they will. Guaranteed.
Very interesting, do tell....what was the source of your inspiration?
Sure, Al Sharpton. A great American and leader of your ilk. Why do you ask?

I was just curious about the significance of your avatar. I thought maybe you'd just chosen one at random, you know, like you didn't really think about it first.
No,it was completely at random, as was the signature below which could have been the work of anyone with his articulation, or yours.

You don't seem to be articulating your way through this very well......but I do see how the avatar represents you.

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