N Korea calls Obama a monkey - I agree

Sometimes even the North Koreans get it right. I agree with them but with a little different twist. To me Obama has always been George Soros's little trained monkey.

Of course comparing Obama to a monkey is insulting monkey's, isn't it?

"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest," an unidentified spokesman at the commission's policy department said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.
North Korea calls Obama a monkey in latest hacking salvo - Telegraph

Of course you do......what else can a racist piece of dog shit say.

why is calling Obama a monkey racist when calling bush one wasn't?

Are you completely serious? Are you kidding or what? Even if you ignore the obvious historic context your question fails to meet the minimum threshold for even a superficial equivalency.

in other words your too intellectually lazy and lack the integrity to have a real discussion or be consistent on the topic so you've decided to dismiss me and pretend you're somehow superior. Typical
Sometimes even the North Koreans get it right. I agree with them but with a little different twist. To me Obama has always been George Soros's little trained monkey.

Of course comparing Obama to a monkey is insulting monkey's, isn't it?

"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest," an unidentified spokesman at the commission's policy department said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.
North Korea calls Obama a monkey in latest hacking salvo - Telegraph

Of course you do......what else can a racist piece of dog shit say.

why is calling Obama a monkey racist when calling bush one wasn't?

Are you completely serious? Are you kidding or what? Even if you ignore the obvious historic context your question fails to meet the minimum threshold for even a superficial equivalency.

in other words your too intellectually lazy and lack the integrity to have a real discussion or be consistent on the topic so you've decided to dismiss me and pretend you're somehow superior. Typical

You're the one who's dishonest by even suggesting that there's some equivalency there.
Sometimes even the North Koreans get it right. I agree with them but with a little different twist. To me Obama has always been George Soros's little trained monkey.

Of course comparing Obama to a monkey is insulting monkey's, isn't it?

"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest," an unidentified spokesman at the commission's policy department said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.
North Korea calls Obama a monkey in latest hacking salvo - Telegraph
I've always thought of him more as a BABOON than a monkey myself.

You never actually thought about it at all.
Actually, a red assed baboon.
Sometimes even the North Koreans get it right. I agree with them but with a little different twist. To me Obama has always been George Soros's little trained monkey.

Of course comparing Obama to a monkey is insulting monkey's, isn't it?

"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest," an unidentified spokesman at the commission's policy department said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.
North Korea calls Obama a monkey in latest hacking salvo - Telegraph
I've always thought of him more as a BABOON than a monkey myself.

You never actually thought about it at all.
Actually, a red assed baboon.

You are as predictable as a force of nature; much like water always seeks it's own level you seem to have found yours.
Sometimes even the North Koreans get it right. I agree with them but with a little different twist. To me Obama has always been George Soros's little trained monkey.

Of course comparing Obama to a monkey is insulting monkey's, isn't it?

"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest," an unidentified spokesman at the commission's policy department said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.
North Korea calls Obama a monkey in latest hacking salvo - Telegraph
I've always thought of him more as a BABOON than a monkey myself.

You never actually thought about it at all.
Actually, a red assed baboon.

You are as predictable as a force of nature; much like water always seeks it's own level you seem to have found yours.
I am your superior, sorry.
Sometimes even the North Koreans get it right. I agree with them but with a little different twist. To me Obama has always been George Soros's little trained monkey.

Of course comparing Obama to a monkey is insulting monkey's, isn't it?

"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest," an unidentified spokesman at the commission's policy department said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.
North Korea calls Obama a monkey in latest hacking salvo - Telegraph

Of course you do......what else can a racist piece of dog shit say.

why is calling Obama a monkey racist when calling bush one wasn't?

Are you completely serious? Are you kidding or what? Even if you ignore the obvious historic context your question fails to meet the minimum threshold for even a superficial equivalency.

in other words your too intellectually lazy and lack the integrity to have a real discussion or be consistent on the topic so you've decided to dismiss me and pretend you're somehow superior. Typical

Let's have a real discussion then Mr Mod......let's see if you can. Let's start by seeing if you can answer some questions honestly.

Is there an historic context to the term "monkey" when referring to black folks?
Sometimes even the North Koreans get it right. I agree with them but with a little different twist. To me Obama has always been George Soros's little trained monkey.

Of course comparing Obama to a monkey is insulting monkey's, isn't it?

"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest," an unidentified spokesman at the commission's policy department said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.
North Korea calls Obama a monkey in latest hacking salvo - Telegraph
I've always thought of him more as a BABOON than a monkey myself.

You never actually thought about it at all.
Actually, a red assed baboon.

You are as predictable as a force of nature; much like water always seeks it's own level you seem to have found yours.
I am your superior, sorry.

I'm sure you think so.
When North Korea is on your side of racist thinking, you're not going to win any minorities to your party.
Sometimes even the North Koreans get it right. I agree with them but with a little different twist. To me Obama has always been George Soros's little trained monkey.

Of course comparing Obama to a monkey is insulting monkey's, isn't it?

"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest," an unidentified spokesman at the commission's policy department said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.
North Korea calls Obama a monkey in latest hacking salvo - Telegraph

I disagree, to say a totalitarian government/leader who abuses their own countrymen ever gets anything right is just foolish. Obama, by far, may not be perfect but he is the US's imperfect leader. Don't take sides with those who have absolutely no regard for freedom.

I agree. We don't need to take n Korea or obamas side
Sometimes even the North Koreans get it right. I agree with them but with a little different twist. To me Obama has always been George Soros's little trained monkey.

Of course comparing Obama to a monkey is insulting monkey's, isn't it?

"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest," an unidentified spokesman at the commission's policy department said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.
North Korea calls Obama a monkey in latest hacking salvo - Telegraph

I disagree, to say a totalitarian government/leader who abuses their own countrymen ever gets anything right is just foolish. Obama, by far, may not be perfect but he is the US's imperfect leader. Don't take sides with those who have absolutely no regard for freedom.

I agree. We don't need to take n Korea or obamas side

What's Obama's side on this issue?
I love it when conservatives compare Obama to a monkey

Really funny when they pretend it's not racist too.

Yes.......after calling Obama an ape they follow with....some of my best friends are negroes
Sometimes even the North Koreans get it right. I agree with them but with a little different twist. To me Obama has always been George Soros's little trained monkey.

Of course comparing Obama to a monkey is insulting monkey's, isn't it?

"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest," an unidentified spokesman at the commission's policy department said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.
North Korea calls Obama a monkey in latest hacking salvo - Telegraph
I've always thought of him more as a BABOON than a monkey myself.

Hey wildpussyman. You are a fucked up individual. I mean really fucked up. Why don't you call that leader of N Korea and tell him you wanna suck his dick. So you could show Obama just how much you hate him. That will really get to Obama. The fact an American citizen (you are American aren't you?) hates an American President so much that you want to suck the dick of a dictator who wants to see American destroyed.

Fuck you dude.

Dennis Rodman already sucked his dick and he's black. Are you saying blacks are queers?

I always wondered what those two were doing and why he kept going back there...
Where is Race Hustler, Inc. on this one? North Korea calls President Obama a chimp and they are silent? Are the race hustlers afraid of N. Korea, appeasing them, or are the Race Hustlers standing down on command from their handlers?

What the fuck are you babbling about?

for someone who seems to think he knows alot you don't seem to understand basic English. He's talking about Jackson and sharpton and the others who make themselves rich by stirring up racism real or imagined.
Where is Race Hustler, Inc. on this one? North Korea calls President Obama a chimp and they are silent? Are the race hustlers afraid of N. Korea, appeasing them, or are the Race Hustlers standing down on command from their handlers?

What the fuck are you babbling about?

for someone who seems to think he knows alot you don't seem to understand basic English. He's talking about Jackson and sharpton and the others who make themselves rich by stirring up racism real or imagined.

Basic English? No doubt you can find the definitions for those terms in your political newspeak dictionary.
Sometimes even the North Koreans get it right. I agree with them but with a little different twist. To me Obama has always been George Soros's little trained monkey.

Of course comparing Obama to a monkey is insulting monkey's, isn't it?

"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest," an unidentified spokesman at the commission's policy department said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.
North Korea calls Obama a monkey in latest hacking salvo - Telegraph
Damn, the Right has a crush on Putin and now they're getting behind Kim Jong Un.
So conservatives are siding with a bigoted regime that tortures, starves, and murders its own citizens so it can maintain the largest army on the planet, eh? Well, that falls right in with the right wing's mantra of everything for the military, and nothing for the poor lazy bums living on the street because it's all their fault. How pathetic is that?

So Libtards are siding with Obama to support a bigoted regime that tortures, starves and murders it own citizens when Obama recognizes the Castro regime? Interesting

Kim Jong Un may be a prick but he got it right on one thing. Sometimes even an old blind hog will find an acorn.

How is What Obama is doing with Cuba any different than what Nixon did with China? How long is the right wing in this country going to insist that we continue sanctions that don't work against Cuba, have never worked, particularly when we are the only country that enforces them while everyone else ignores them? By the way, to compare Cuba with North Korea is just dumb. Congratulations.

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