N***R Sensor!! Why??

I would like some feedback. I recently started employment as a manger at a company. I currently train at one location and then will be working at another location in a couple weeks. I am half African American and half Puerto Rican. I noticed some alarming things at work with one of the employees and wanted to know if I am overreacting, which I don't think I am. The manager hired her sibling (Hispanic) against the advice of the company. This sibling likes to make racist comments like black people are lazy, ghetto, and she hopes that they don't hire anymore of them to work at the store. Now keep in mind she said this to me with the assumption that I am not African American because I am very light toned with curly hair and don't appear to be African American at all. This is what truly appalled me though. She thinks it's funny to reenact a part of a movie. See the clip here.


She actually has an African American employee pulled back to go back through the front door, as if the door has a sensor to detect African American people, and then when the employee walks through she says "Niggah", just like in the clip. For one, why is she even using that word? Second, why is this movie clip so funny that she has to reenact it at work?

Now I found this really offensive and disturbing and I don't find it funny at all. Other employees says that she makes all kinds of jokes and has made this joke before. I brought it up to the manager, the sibling, in an e-mail and I never received a response. Since I didn't get a response after repeated follow up attempts, (we worked different shifts) I brought it up to my manager who is the manager of us both. I felt that is was unacceptable workplace behavior and no African American person should ever have to enter the store and be recognized by a fake sensor just so that they can be called a "Niggah"!

Man up and grow a pair and don't let silly a word get the best of you.

You claim to be a manager and can't even spell the word manager. SMH

Well at least as a manager I knew that workplace discrimination and hostility was a huge issue and alerted the proper persons of this immediately. Manager does not stand for perfect human so if you are telling me that you have never misspelled a word in your entire life then I would say you are full of it. You are more than welcome to apply for the position if you feel that you are a fit for management.

I am glad Lonestar toddled into this thread. He is the type of racist tramps with which we get have fun from time to time.

Sorry, Just read you were talking to them and thanks! Yes I agree that we shouldn't allow this type of behavior and we should really learn to accept people more in this society, if we can.
Good on you. Don't let folks like her, or Lonestar and such, victimize victims. That's what bullies do.

She needs to go find another job.
I would like some feedback. I recently started employment as a manger at a company. I currently train at one location and then will be working at another location in a couple weeks. I am half African American and half Puerto Rican. I noticed some alarming things at work with one of the employees and wanted to know if I am overreacting, which I don't think I am. The manager hired her sibling (Hispanic) against the advice of the company. This sibling likes to make racist comments like black people are lazy, ghetto, and she hopes that they don't hire anymore of them to work at the store. Now keep in mind she said this to me with the assumption that I am not African American because I am very light toned with curly hair and don't appear to be African American at all. This is what truly appalled me though. She thinks it's funny to reenact a part of a movie. See the clip here.


She actually has an African American employee pulled back to go back through the front door, as if the door has a sensor to detect African American people, and then when the employee walks through she says "Niggah", just like in the clip. For one, why is she even using that word? Second, why is this movie clip so funny that she has to reenact it at work?

Now I found this really offensive and disturbing and I don't find it funny at all. Other employees says that she makes all kinds of jokes and has made this joke before. I brought it up to the manager, the sibling, in an e-mail and I never received a response. Since I didn't get a response after repeated follow up attempts, (we worked different shifts) I brought it up to my manager who is the manager of us both. I felt that is was unacceptable workplace behavior and no African American person should ever have to enter the store and be recognized by a fake sensor just so that they can be called a "Niggah"!

Sue, sue, sue.

Hostile workplace, get the money.

Only thing that teaches them.

Just like the liberal welfare people to want to sue and take money for "emotional damages"
I would like some feedback. I recently started employment as a manger at a company. I currently train at one location and then will be working at another location in a couple weeks. I am half African American and half Puerto Rican. I noticed some alarming things at work with one of the employees and wanted to know if I am overreacting, which I don't think I am. The manager hired her sibling (Hispanic) against the advice of the company. This sibling likes to make racist comments like black people are lazy, ghetto, and she hopes that they don't hire anymore of them to work at the store. Now keep in mind she said this to me with the assumption that I am not African American because I am very light toned with curly hair and don't appear to be African American at all. This is what truly appalled me though. She thinks it's funny to reenact a part of a movie. See the clip here.


She actually has an African American employee pulled back to go back through the front door, as if the door has a sensor to detect African American people, and then when the employee walks through she says "Niggah", just like in the clip. For one, why is she even using that word? Second, why is this movie clip so funny that she has to reenact it at work?

Now I found this really offensive and disturbing and I don't find it funny at all. Other employees says that she makes all kinds of jokes and has made this joke before. I brought it up to the manager, the sibling, in an e-mail and I never received a response. Since I didn't get a response after repeated follow up attempts, (we worked different shifts) I brought it up to my manager who is the manager of us both. I felt that is was unacceptable workplace behavior and no African American person should ever have to enter the store and be recognized by a fake sensor just so that they can be called a "Niggah"!

Sue, sue, sue.

Hostile workplace, get the money.

Only thing that teaches them.

Just like the liberal welfare people to want to sue and take money for "emotional damages"

So then you CAN understand why I wanted to prevent a lawsuit. Let's not let them or anyone else take any company money by winning a lawsuit. I think you are done here.
Good on you. Don't let folks like her, or Lonestar and such, victimize victims. That's what bullies do.

She needs to go find another job.

Yeah it's sad. At the end of the day, these bullies are trying to be silly. They know good and well the "n" word shouldn't be used at work. This is a no brainer situation here and no company would allow it.
We did not. We sent the Lonestars and the Supermans on down the roads, and since that part of the world is small we were able to handle discourage later phone calls about possible employments of these clods.

Either they clean up their acts, or they don't get to work with or sit down with the quality
We did not. We sent the Lonestars and the Supermans on down the roads, and since that part of the world is small we were able to handle discourage later phone calls about possible employments of these clods.

Either they clean up their acts, or they don't get to work with or sit down with the quality
Me saying you should handle things on a personal level suddenly makes me some crazy racist. I would say the same about any issue that doesn't threaten immediate harm/violence. Personally I would always give someone a fair shot at fixing their behavior.
We did not. We sent the Lonestars and the Supermans on down the roads, and since that part of the world is small we were able to handle discourage later phone calls about possible employments of these clods.

Either they clean up their acts, or they don't get to work with or sit down with the quality
Me saying you should handle things on a personal level suddenly makes me some crazy racist. I would say the same about any issue that doesn't threaten immediate harm/violence. Personally I would always give someone a fair shot at fixing their behavior.
She gets a fair shot when HR calls her in. She apologizes, show contrition, finds the other worker and says "I am so sorry, I will never do that again to anybody," and she goes back to HR and asks how to get right.
We did not. We sent the Lonestars and the Supermans on down the roads, and since that part of the world is small we were able to handle discourage later phone calls about possible employments of these clods.

Either they clean up their acts, or they don't get to work with or sit down with the quality
Me saying you should handle things on a personal level suddenly makes me some crazy racist. I would say the same about any issue that doesn't threaten immediate harm/violence. Personally I would always give someone a fair shot at fixing their behavior.
She gets a fair shot when HR calls her in. She apologizes, show contrition, finds the other worker and says "I am so sorry, I will never do that again to anybody," and she goes back to HR and asks how to get right.
See that's the problem with liberals vs me. I look at others as family and would rather be a friend to strangers then immediately run it through the stupid process. If everyone always helped each other out and did what you would want them to do for you then the US would be a better place. Instead people get butt hurt and want revenge. Do you know how this other woman grew up? Do you know her personal struggles of why she could demonstrate this kind of behavior? Maybe she has lots of other tough issues she's dealing with or was just raised with this kind of behavior being acceptable.
One, you would not know a liberal if she ran up and bit you on your dick.

Two, you probably, based on your postings on this board, do not look at others as your family.

Three, she was wrong, and she will have the opportunity to make things right.
One, you would not know a liberal if she ran up and bit you on your dick.

Two, you probably, based on your postings on this board, do not look at others as your family.

Three, she was wrong, and she will have the opportunity to make things right.
One, I know what a liberal is but want to make generalizations to criticize liberals.
Two, you laughably thinking everything I write on an online message board reflects my actual beliefs or actions is a joke.
Three, I agree she was wrong but this kind of handling situations is part of the decay of feeling part of society in this country. Going above people's heads to solve problems like this is common throughout society and shows a clear lack of caring and respect for other individuals around you. This creates divides and an overall lack of understanding from all parties involved. An attempt should always be made to reconcile things between parties before needing someone else to do it for you unless violence is at play.
We did not. We sent the Lonestars and the Supermans on down the roads, and since that part of the world is small we were able to handle discourage later phone calls about possible employments of these clods.

Either they clean up their acts, or they don't get to work with or sit down with the quality
Me saying you should handle things on a personal level suddenly makes me some crazy racist. I would say the same about any issue that doesn't threaten immediate harm/violence. Personally I would always give someone a fair shot at fixing their behavior.
She gets a fair shot when HR calls her in. She apologizes, show contrition, finds the other worker and says "I am so sorry, I will never do that again to anybody," and she goes back to HR and asks how to get right.
See that's the problem with liberals vs me. I look at others as family and would rather be a friend to strangers then immediately run it through the stupid process. If everyone always helped each other out and did what you would want them to do for you then the US would be a better place. Instead people get butt hurt and want revenge. Do you know how this other woman grew up? Do you know her personal struggles of why she could demonstrate this kind of behavior? Maybe she has lots of other tough issues she's dealing with or was just raised with this kind of behavior being acceptable.

Well actually, to clarify, she stated that she grew up around Black people and is really cool with them. Now this contradicts her clearly saying that she thinks black people are stupid, lazy, and should not ever be hired to work at the store. So to answer your questions about her, she is clearly a great deceiver and quite mentally ill. She is very aware of what she is doing and has no reason to call a person a "niggah" as they walk through the door. Furthermore, how she was brought up is IRRELEVANT to the workplace. It is not the company's job to act as a therapist. If she has issues then she needs to get help before she decides to act unprofessional on her job. Her behavior was unprofessional no matter how you talk about it.
We did not. We sent the Lonestars and the Supermans on down the roads, and since that part of the world is small we were able to handle discourage later phone calls about possible employments of these clods.

Either they clean up their acts, or they don't get to work with or sit down with the quality
Me saying you should handle things on a personal level suddenly makes me some crazy racist. I would say the same about any issue that doesn't threaten immediate harm/violence. Personally I would always give someone a fair shot at fixing their behavior.
She gets a fair shot when HR calls her in. She apologizes, show contrition, finds the other worker and says "I am so sorry, I will never do that again to anybody," and she goes back to HR and asks how to get right.

And to your point, she came back to work upset that she was even told to stop using that work during work. She doesn't see the big deal, she stated. Also, she ignored myself, and other employees afterwards because she could not believe that anyone would dare correct her behavior. She clearly cannot get herself to act professionally on the job. I think the company should get rid of her if she keeps this up, but that is up to the company. I personally, would have fired her if she were my employee. Now the other issue here is that I had to step up and be the true manager. This woman is known by other employees to be racist on a regular basis. If her manager allows this and cannot handle this employee, then shame on the manager. I stepped in because her own manager failed to do the job.
One, you would not know a liberal if she ran up and bit you on your dick.

Two, you probably, based on your postings on this board, do not look at others as your family.

Three, she was wrong, and she will have the opportunity to make things right.
One, I know what a liberal is but want to make generalizations to criticize liberals.
Two, you laughably thinking everything I write on an online message board reflects my actual beliefs or actions is a joke.
Three, I agree she was wrong but this kind of handling situations is part of the decay of feeling part of society in this country. Going above people's heads to solve problems like this is common throughout society and shows a clear lack of caring and respect for other individuals around you. This creates divides and an overall lack of understanding from all parties involved. An attempt should always be made to reconcile things between parties before needing someone else to do it for you unless violence is at play.

No you are wrong. She is a store associate. Practically everyone is above her head. As managers, we are higher up on the chain of command and must handle all issues where we see fit. Had I went to the VP of sales, I would agree with you. I went to my own manager to handle the issue which is not far up at all. A store associate has no authority to have someone not go over their head. If they violate company policy, which she did, they will be taken care of in the manner the company sees fit, period. Per the company policy, all managers must report this type of behavior or they themselves shall be fired. Please just stop it already.
One, you would not know a liberal if she ran up and bit you on your dick.

Two, you probably, based on your postings on this board, do not look at others as your family.

Three, she was wrong, and she will have the opportunity to make things right.
One, I know what a liberal is but want to make generalizations to criticize liberals.
Two, you laughably thinking everything I write on an online message board reflects my actual beliefs or actions is a joke.
Three, I agree she was wrong but this kind of handling situations is part of the decay of feeling part of society in this country. Going above people's heads to solve problems like this is common throughout society and shows a clear lack of caring and respect for other individuals around you. This creates divides and an overall lack of understanding from all parties involved. An attempt should always be made to reconcile things between parties before needing someone else to do it for you unless violence is at play.

No you are wrong. She is a store associate. Practically everyone is above her head. As managers, we are higher up on the chain of command and must handle all issues where we see fit. Had I went to the VP of sales, I would agree with you. I went to my own manager to handle the issue which is not far up at all. A store associate has no authority to have someone not go over their head. If they violate company policy, which she did, they will be taken care of in the manner the company sees fit, period. Per the company policy, all managers must report this type of behavior or they themselves shall be fired. Please just stop it already.
It's not about authority. It's about courtesy.
I wouldn't do it to someone else for any issue and I don't expect them to do it to me. It's about doing it adult to adult imo. If that fails then go to authority to fix it. There's nothing saying anyone has to do this but to me it's the right thing to do.
One, you would not know a liberal if she ran up and bit you on your dick.

Two, you probably, based on your postings on this board, do not look at others as your family.

Three, she was wrong, and she will have the opportunity to make things right.
One, I know what a liberal is but want to make generalizations to criticize liberals.
Two, you laughably thinking everything I write on an online message board reflects my actual beliefs or actions is a joke.
Three, I agree she was wrong but this kind of handling situations is part of the decay of feeling part of society in this country. Going above people's heads to solve problems like this is common throughout society and shows a clear lack of caring and respect for other individuals around you. This creates divides and an overall lack of understanding from all parties involved. An attempt should always be made to reconcile things between parties before needing someone else to do it for you unless violence is at play.

No you are wrong. She is a store associate. Practically everyone is above her head. As managers, we are higher up on the chain of command and must handle all issues where we see fit. Had I went to the VP of sales, I would agree with you. I went to my own manager to handle the issue which is not far up at all. A store associate has no authority to have someone not go over their head. If they violate company policy, which she did, they will be taken care of in the manner the company sees fit, period. Per the company policy, all managers must report this type of behavior or they themselves shall be fired. Please just stop it already.
It's not about authority. It's about courtesy.
I wouldn't do it to someone else for any issue and I don't expect them to do it to me. It's about doing it adult to adult imo. If that fails then go to authority to fix it. There's nothing saying anyone has to do this but to me it's the right thing to do.

It's all about authority here. She is coming to work ignoring people and not following the instruction of a company manager. She was told to return to work and to change her attitude and she continues to act unprofessionally. She violated the company policy and she was told that. Furthermore you said that a Manager in a company should not go above a store associate's head. That is complete bologna. Any manager that sees a subordinate violating the company policy should do something about it period. It's called doing their job. She has a HISTORY of making these jokes and comments on a REGULAR basis. Many employees gave statements attesting to this. What is so hard for you to understand that she was dealt with the way she should have been? You really are making no sense at all here. Even the company does not agree with you, no one does.
One, you would not know a liberal if she ran up and bit you on your dick.

Two, you probably, based on your postings on this board, do not look at others as your family.

Three, she was wrong, and she will have the opportunity to make things right.
One, I know what a liberal is but want to make generalizations to criticize liberals.
Two, you laughably thinking everything I write on an online message board reflects my actual beliefs or actions is a joke.
Three, I agree she was wrong but this kind of handling situations is part of the decay of feeling part of society in this country. Going above people's heads to solve problems like this is common throughout society and shows a clear lack of caring and respect for other individuals around you. This creates divides and an overall lack of understanding from all parties involved. An attempt should always be made to reconcile things between parties before needing someone else to do it for you unless violence is at play.

No you are wrong. She is a store associate. Practically everyone is above her head. As managers, we are higher up on the chain of command and must handle all issues where we see fit. Had I went to the VP of sales, I would agree with you. I went to my own manager to handle the issue which is not far up at all. A store associate has no authority to have someone not go over their head. If they violate company policy, which she did, they will be taken care of in the manner the company sees fit, period. Per the company policy, all managers must report this type of behavior or they themselves shall be fired. Please just stop it already.
It's not about authority. It's about courtesy.
I wouldn't do it to someone else for any issue and I don't expect them to do it to me. It's about doing it adult to adult imo. If that fails then go to authority to fix it. There's nothing saying anyone has to do this but to me it's the right thing to do.

It's all about authority here. She is coming to work ignoring people and not following the instruction of a company manager. She was told to return to work and to change her attitude and she continues to act unprofessionally. She violated the company policy and she was told that. Furthermore you said that a Manager in a company should not go above a store associate's head. That is complete bologna. Any manager that sees a subordinate violating the company policy should do something about it period. It's called doing their job. She has a HISTORY of making these jokes and comments on a REGULAR basis. Many employees gave statements attesting to this. What is so hard for you to understand that she was dealt with the way she should have been? You really are making no sense at all here. Even the company does not agree with you, no one does.
I'm saying if you're a manager what keeps you from talking to her yourself? How is that so crazy of an option? You can end things right there. If she doesn't listen then just say you let her know and she ignored you. That's my version of handling a situation. I prefer that method used with me so I use it with other people. If it has been a continued problem and she has been warned then sure she should just get fired at that point. I don't believe in suddenly collaborating a case against someone with multiple sources if she was never given a warning. Two strikes and your out though. In my experience the person with the problem going straight to the person they have a problem with has always been the best option.
Welcome to the board but prepare yourself for some really racist scum who post here. Just remember that most people are decent and despise racism.
Good example of the pot calling the kettle black. Can you comprehend the fact even if you hate your own race, you are a racist nonetheless.
One, you would not know a liberal if she ran up and bit you on your dick.

Two, you probably, based on your postings on this board, do not look at others as your family.

Three, she was wrong, and she will have the opportunity to make things right.
One, I know what a liberal is but want to make generalizations to criticize liberals.
Two, you laughably thinking everything I write on an online message board reflects my actual beliefs or actions is a joke.
Three, I agree she was wrong but this kind of handling situations is part of the decay of feeling part of society in this country. Going above people's heads to solve problems like this is common throughout society and shows a clear lack of caring and respect for other individuals around you. This creates divides and an overall lack of understanding from all parties involved. An attempt should always be made to reconcile things between parties before needing someone else to do it for you unless violence is at play.

No you are wrong. She is a store associate. Practically everyone is above her head. As managers, we are higher up on the chain of command and must handle all issues where we see fit. Had I went to the VP of sales, I would agree with you. I went to my own manager to handle the issue which is not far up at all. A store associate has no authority to have someone not go over their head. If they violate company policy, which she did, they will be taken care of in the manner the company sees fit, period. Per the company policy, all managers must report this type of behavior or they themselves shall be fired. Please just stop it already.
It's not about authority. It's about courtesy.
I wouldn't do it to someone else for any issue and I don't expect them to do it to me. It's about doing it adult to adult imo. If that fails then go to authority to fix it. There's nothing saying anyone has to do this but to me it's the right thing to do.

It's all about authority here. She is coming to work ignoring people and not following the instruction of a company manager. She was told to return to work and to change her attitude and she continues to act unprofessionally. She violated the company policy and she was told that. Furthermore you said that a Manager in a company should not go above a store associate's head. That is complete bologna. Any manager that sees a subordinate violating the company policy should do something about it period. It's called doing their job. She has a HISTORY of making these jokes and comments on a REGULAR basis. Many employees gave statements attesting to this. What is so hard for you to understand that she was dealt with the way she should have been? You really are making no sense at all here. Even the company does not agree with you, no one does.
I'm saying if you're a manager what keeps you from talking to her yourself? How is that so crazy of an option? You can end things right there. If she doesn't listen then just say you let her know and she ignored you. That's my version of handling a situation. I prefer that method used with me so I use it with other people. If it has been a continued problem and she has been warned then sure she should just get fired at that point. I don't believe in suddenly collaborating a case against someone with multiple sources if she was never given a warning. Two strikes and your out though. In my experience the person with the problem going straight to the person they have a problem with has always been the best option.

I went to HER manager, she is not my employee. She has been with the company for quite some time and has had many employees dislike her jokes. As I stated, I just started the job so no I was not going to start trouble being new with the company. She is given plenty of warning as she is not even fired. I did go to her that I didn't agree with the things she says at work. Her manager is her sister who did nothing. That in itself is a conflict. I went to my boss when several attempts to reach out to the manager were completely ignored. Like I said, if she had been my direct employee and it had been at my store, I would have handled her very seriously. How would you like it if another manager came in your store and starting "handling" your employees? I went to the woman's boss immediately which was the respectful thing to do. Her manager chose to ignore me, and the two are sisters. The conflict is clear that the two sisters are standing by each other. That in itself is a failure. If this were a court case, the judge would be recused. Why would I continue to handle things with her manager sister who is clearly ignoring me, and furthermore is biased towards the situation? It makes no sense. At the end of the day, when you are an employee you are expected to follow the rules and policy, or face the consequences. You are too busy trying to "work things out" with employees while potential lawsuits are in the making. When it comes to matters like this, there is no time to play games. Had the employee been out of uniform and I went to tell on her then I would completely agree with you. Her behavior is a SERIOUS matter and "working things out" with her is not an option. Her behavior was to be ceased immediately, period. If she does not like following the company policy and treating others with respect then she needs to find another job.
I would like some feedback. I recently started employment as a manger at a company. I currently train at one location and then will be working at another location in a couple weeks. I am half African American and half Puerto Rican. I noticed some alarming things at work with one of the employees and wanted to know if I am overreacting, which I don't think I am. The manager hired her sibling (Hispanic) against the advice of the company. This sibling likes to make racist comments like black people are lazy, ghetto, and she hopes that they don't hire anymore of them to work at the store. Now keep in mind she said this to me with the assumption that I am not African American because I am very light toned with curly hair and don't appear to be African American at all. This is what truly appalled me though. She thinks it's funny to reenact a part of a movie. See the clip here.


She actually has an African American employee pulled back to go back through the front door, as if the door has a sensor to detect African American people, and then when the employee walks through she says "Niggah", just like in the clip. For one, why is she even using that word? Second, why is this movie clip so funny that she has to reenact it at work?

Now I found this really offensive and disturbing and I don't find it funny at all. Other employees says that she makes all kinds of jokes and has made this joke before. I brought it up to the manager, the sibling, in an e-mail and I never received a response. Since I didn't get a response after repeated follow up attempts, (we worked different shifts) I brought it up to my manager who is the manager of us both. I felt that is was unacceptable workplace behavior and no African American person should ever have to enter the store and be recognized by a fake sensor just so that they can be called a "Niggah"!

Sue, sue, sue.

Hostile workplace, get the money.

Only thing that teaches them.

Just like the liberal welfare people to want to sue and take money for "emotional damages"

I am a little more liberal than Hermann Goering.

One does not have to be a liberal to believe no person should be subjected to insults as a condition of employment, or to realize a good lawsuit is all that cures some idiots of idiocy.

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