N***R Sensor!! Why??

Send video of her antics to HR, anonymously if you can.

Thank you. The entire store is laced in cameras so she is already on camera, which is precisely why she had no defense when they approached her about it. It's a shame that someone would be so racist that they would even do this on camera and not even care.
Grow a pair and don't cry over a harmless word... Once again the commie anti racist police enforcement come in to save the poor sensitive adult.
I would like some feedback. I recently started employment as a manger at a company. I currently train at one location and then will be working at another location in a couple weeks. I am half African American and half Puerto Rican. I noticed some alarming things at work with one of the employees and wanted to know if I am overreacting, which I don't think I am. The manager hired her sibling (Hispanic) against the advice of the company. This sibling likes to make racist comments like black people are lazy, ghetto, and she hopes that they don't hire anymore of them to work at the store. Now keep in mind she said this to me with the assumption that I am not African American because I am very light toned with curly hair and don't appear to be African American at all. This is what truly appalled me though. She thinks it's funny to reenact a part of a movie. See the clip here.


She actually has an African American employee pulled back to go back through the front door, as if the door has a sensor to detect African American people, and then when the employee walks through she says "Niggah", just like in the clip. For one, why is she even using that word? Second, why is this movie clip so funny that she has to reenact it at work?

Now I found this really offensive and disturbing and I don't find it funny at all. Other employees says that she makes all kinds of jokes and has made this joke before. I brought it up to the manager, the sibling, in an e-mail and I never received a response. Since I didn't get a response after repeated follow up attempts, (we worked different shifts) I brought it up to my manager who is the manager of us both. I felt that is was unacceptable workplace behavior and no African American person should ever have to enter the store and be recognized by a fake sensor just so that they can be called a "Niggah"!

Man up and grow a pair and don't let silly a word get the best of you.

You claim to be a manager and can't even spell the word manager. SMH

Well at least as a manager I knew that workplace discrimination and hostility was a huge issue and alerted the proper persons of this immediately. Manager does not stand for perfect human so if you are telling me that you have never misspelled a word in your entire life then I would say you are full of it. You are more than welcome to apply for the position if you feel that you are a fit for management.
Grow a pair and don't cry over a harmless word... Once again the commie anti racist police enforcement come in to save the poor sensitive adult.

Actually, I just tried to save the company of a potential litigation, which is, after all, one of the manager's responsibilities. Do you have a problem with the fact that I want to prevent workplace discrimination and hostility? Using derogatory communication at work puts the company at risk for litigation and should never be tolerated.
Grow a pair and don't cry over a harmless word... Once again the commie anti racist police enforcement come in to save the poor sensitive adult.
You are the type of guy we got rid of in our places of business in East Texas and west Louisiana. Had no trouble getting rid of your type.
I would like some feedback. I recently started employment as a manger at a company. I currently train at one location and then will be working at another location in a couple weeks. I am half African American and half Puerto Rican. I noticed some alarming things at work with one of the employees and wanted to know if I am overreacting, which I don't think I am. The manager hired her sibling (Hispanic) against the advice of the company. This sibling likes to make racist comments like black people are lazy, ghetto, and she hopes that they don't hire anymore of them to work at the store. Now keep in mind she said this to me with the assumption that I am not African American because I am very light toned with curly hair and don't appear to be African American at all. This is what truly appalled me though. She thinks it's funny to reenact a part of a movie. See the clip here.


She actually has an African American employee pulled back to go back through the front door, as if the door has a sensor to detect African American people, and then when the employee walks through she says "Niggah", just like in the clip. For one, why is she even using that word? Second, why is this movie clip so funny that she has to reenact it at work?

Now I found this really offensive and disturbing and I don't find it funny at all. Other employees says that she makes all kinds of jokes and has made this joke before. I brought it up to the manager, the sibling, in an e-mail and I never received a response. Since I didn't get a response after repeated follow up attempts, (we worked different shifts) I brought it up to my manager who is the manager of us both. I felt that is was unacceptable workplace behavior and no African American person should ever have to enter the store and be recognized by a fake sensor just so that they can be called a "Niggah"!

Man up and grow a pair and don't let silly a word get the best of you.

You claim to be a manager and can't even spell the word manager. SMH

Well at least as a manager I knew that workplace discrimination and hostility was a huge issue and alerted the proper persons of this immediately. Manager does not stand for perfect human so if you are telling me that you have never misspelled a word in your entire life then I would say you are full of it. You are more than welcome to apply for the position if you feel that you are a fit for management.

I am glad Lonestar toddled into this thread. He is the type of racist tramps with which we get have fun from time to time.
Grow a pair and don't cry over a harmless word... Once again the commie anti racist police enforcement come in to save the poor sensitive adult.

Actually, I just tried to save the company of a potential litigation, which is, after all, one of the manager's responsibilities. Do you have a problem with the fact that I want to prevent workplace discrimination and hostility? Using derogatory communication at work puts the company at risk for litigation and should never be tolerated.
I didn't read every single thing posted but did you at least confront her personally first?
Grow a pair and don't cry over a harmless word... Once again the commie anti racist police enforcement come in to save the poor sensitive adult.
You are the type of guy we got rid of in our places of business in East Texas and west Louisiana. Had no trouble getting rid of your type.
What makes me the type of guy? I believe at solving problems at the lowest level possible and being really insensitive. People whine too much.
Grow a pair and don't cry over a harmless word... Once again the commie anti racist police enforcement come in to save the poor sensitive adult.

Actually, I just tried to save the company of a potential litigation, which is, after all, one of the manager's responsibilities. Do you have a problem with the fact that I want to prevent workplace discrimination and hostility? Using derogatory communication at work puts the company at risk for litigation and should never be tolerated.
I didn't read every single thing posted but did you at least confront her personally first?
Why? This is a HR problem, not a personality problem. Your ilk try to "solve problems" one to one so you can bully. Not allowed, son.
Grow a pair and don't cry over a harmless word... Once again the commie anti racist police enforcement come in to save the poor sensitive adult.

Actually, I just tried to save the company of a potential litigation, which is, after all, one of the manager's responsibilities. Do you have a problem with the fact that I want to prevent workplace discrimination and hostility? Using derogatory communication at work puts the company at risk for litigation and should never be tolerated.
I didn't read every single thing posted but did you at least confront her personally first?
Why? This is a HR problem, not a personality problem.

Store managers handle all of the HR functions as well. This is listed in the job description and told to you during the interview. All managers have to have some knowledge of HR and do handle HR functions very frequently. I'm sorry that the job is not the way that you would like it to be.
Grow a pair and don't cry over a harmless word... Once again the commie anti racist police enforcement come in to save the poor sensitive adult.

Actually, I just tried to save the company of a potential litigation, which is, after all, one of the manager's responsibilities. Do you have a problem with the fact that I want to prevent workplace discrimination and hostility? Using derogatory communication at work puts the company at risk for litigation and should never be tolerated.
I didn't read every single thing posted but did you at least confront her personally first?
Why? This is a HR problem, not a personality problem.

Store managers handle all of the HR functions as well. This is listed in the job description and told to you during the interview. All managers have to have some knowledge of HR and do handle HR functions very frequently. I'm sorry that the job is not the way that you would like it to be.
You have just identified HR is part of the store manager's job. Then stop crying and get to managing.
I would like some feedback. I recently started employment as a manger at a company. I currently train at one location and then will be working at another location in a couple weeks. I am half African American and half Puerto Rican. I noticed some alarming things at work with one of the employees and wanted to know if I am overreacting, which I don't think I am. The manager hired her sibling (Hispanic) against the advice of the company. This sibling likes to make racist comments like black people are lazy, ghetto, and she hopes that they don't hire anymore of them to work at the store. Now keep in mind she said this to me with the assumption that I am not African American because I am very light toned with curly hair and don't appear to be African American at all. This is what truly appalled me though. She thinks it's funny to reenact a part of a movie. See the clip here.


She actually has an African American employee pulled back to go back through the front door, as if the door has a sensor to detect African American people, and then when the employee walks through she says "Niggah", just like in the clip. For one, why is she even using that word? Second, why is this movie clip so funny that she has to reenact it at work?

Now I found this really offensive and disturbing and I don't find it funny at all. Other employees says that she makes all kinds of jokes and has made this joke before. I brought it up to the manager, the sibling, in an e-mail and I never received a response. Since I didn't get a response after repeated follow up attempts, (we worked different shifts) I brought it up to my manager who is the manager of us both. I felt that is was unacceptable workplace behavior and no African American person should ever have to enter the store and be recognized by a fake sensor just so that they can be called a "Niggah"!

Me... I'd just tell that person that I have two nieces that are half black. Then I'd give that person my "stern" look clench my jaw, spit at their feet and walk off.
Grow a pair and don't cry over a harmless word... Once again the commie anti racist police enforcement come in to save the poor sensitive adult.
You are the type of guy we got rid of in our places of business in East Texas and west Louisiana. Had no trouble getting rid of your type.
What makes me the type of guy? I believe at solving problems at the lowest level possible and being really insensitive. People whine too much.

Lawsuits can be very costly to companies. Managers should always try to prevent this. If I can prevent a lawsuit by preventing the use of derogatory language in the workplace, then I will. There is nothing wrong with that and is actually a proactive step on my part. What is not offensive to one person, is offensive to another. Since we are all different, we should refrain from these types of jokes and comments in the workplace.
I would like some feedback. I recently started employment as a manger at a company. I currently train at one location and then will be working at another location in a couple weeks. I am half African American and half Puerto Rican. I noticed some alarming things at work with one of the employees and wanted to know if I am overreacting, which I don't think I am. The manager hired her sibling (Hispanic) against the advice of the company. This sibling likes to make racist comments like black people are lazy, ghetto, and she hopes that they don't hire anymore of them to work at the store. Now keep in mind she said this to me with the assumption that I am not African American because I am very light toned with curly hair and don't appear to be African American at all. This is what truly appalled me though. She thinks it's funny to reenact a part of a movie. See the clip here.


She actually has an African American employee pulled back to go back through the front door, as if the door has a sensor to detect African American people, and then when the employee walks through she says "Niggah", just like in the clip. For one, why is she even using that word? Second, why is this movie clip so funny that she has to reenact it at work?

Now I found this really offensive and disturbing and I don't find it funny at all. Other employees says that she makes all kinds of jokes and has made this joke before. I brought it up to the manager, the sibling, in an e-mail and I never received a response. Since I didn't get a response after repeated follow up attempts, (we worked different shifts) I brought it up to my manager who is the manager of us both. I felt that is was unacceptable workplace behavior and no African American person should ever have to enter the store and be recognized by a fake sensor just so that they can be called a "Niggah"!

Me... I'd just tell that person that I have two nieces that are half black. Then I'd give that person my "stern" look clench my jaw, spit at their feet and walk off.

Lol. Good one. I am getting a visual of this scenario playing out. I wish I could have done more but of course I had to keep my cool. I'm just glad the company agreed it was an issue and immediately addressed the issue. No one was fired in this situation which was not even the intention. The persons involved were addressed and hopefully they will think twice next time.
Grow a pair and don't cry over a harmless word... Once again the commie anti racist police enforcement come in to save the poor sensitive adult.

Actually, I just tried to save the company of a potential litigation, which is, after all, one of the manager's responsibilities. Do you have a problem with the fact that I want to prevent workplace discrimination and hostility? Using derogatory communication at work puts the company at risk for litigation and should never be tolerated.
I didn't read every single thing posted but did you at least confront her personally first?
Why? This is a HR problem, not a personality problem.

Store managers handle all of the HR functions as well. This is listed in the job description and told to you during the interview. All managers have to have some knowledge of HR and do handle HR functions very frequently. I'm sorry that the job is not the way that you would like it to be.
You have just identified HR is part of the store manager's job. Then stop crying and get to managing.

I did, I notified the company through the proper channels and the issue was taken care of. I am having no problems on my job and am doing very well. Again, you are more than welcome to apply if you are so interested in the position. Your comments are really appreciated.
All I'm saying is how much simpler is life if 2 adults can simply talk to each other and state the fact that it offends them or that they have concern for a lawsuit. That's all that I ask in situations like this. Children tell on each other. Adults solve things between themselves that are simple.
Grow a pair and don't cry over a harmless word... Once again the commie anti racist police enforcement come in to save the poor sensitive adult.

Actually, I just tried to save the company of a potential litigation, which is, after all, one of the manager's responsibilities. Do you have a problem with the fact that I want to prevent workplace discrimination and hostility? Using derogatory communication at work puts the company at risk for litigation and should never be tolerated.
I didn't read every single thing posted but did you at least confront her personally first?

I notified her manager and since her manager is her sister, she did nothing. I have stated to this employee that race is not a factor in determining how we will respect customers or other employees, and that we accept all people. I let her know that I didn't agree with her opinions, however, she was insistent on saying more derogatory things. She then went on to make the sensor joke which was the final straw for me. If she were my employee, (which she is not because I am leaving the store in one week to manage my own location), I would have seriously addressed her and written her up. When the manager did not address the issue, I notified my manager and it was taken care of. No one was fired and that was not the intention. The point is, the issue needed to be addressed because saying that you don't want black people in the store, and calling black people derogatory names can mean serious trouble for the company if someone were to complain or file a lawsuit. It is not a minor issue at all.
Last edited:
I would like some feedback. I recently started employment as a manger at a company. I currently train at one location and then will be working at another location in a couple weeks. I am half African American and half Puerto Rican. I noticed some alarming things at work with one of the employees and wanted to know if I am overreacting, which I don't think I am. The manager hired her sibling (Hispanic) against the advice of the company. This sibling likes to make racist comments like black people are lazy, ghetto, and she hopes that they don't hire anymore of them to work at the store. Now keep in mind she said this to me with the assumption that I am not African American because I am very light toned with curly hair and don't appear to be African American at all. This is what truly appalled me though. She thinks it's funny to reenact a part of a movie. See the clip here.


She actually has an African American employee pulled back to go back through the front door, as if the door has a sensor to detect African American people, and then when the employee walks through she says "Niggah", just like in the clip. For one, why is she even using that word? Second, why is this movie clip so funny that she has to reenact it at work?

Now I found this really offensive and disturbing and I don't find it funny at all. Other employees says that she makes all kinds of jokes and has made this joke before. I brought it up to the manager, the sibling, in an e-mail and I never received a response. Since I didn't get a response after repeated follow up attempts, (we worked different shifts) I brought it up to my manager who is the manager of us both. I felt that is was unacceptable workplace behavior and no African American person should ever have to enter the store and be recognized by a fake sensor just so that they can be called a "Niggah"!

Sue, sue, sue.

Hostile workplace, get the money.

Only thing that teaches them.
All I'm saying is how much simpler is life if 2 adults can simply talk to each other and state the fact that it offends them or that they have concern for a lawsuit. That's all that I ask in situations like this. Children tell on each other. Adults solve things between themselves that are simple.

Like I stated, she makes derogatory comments and jokes on a repeated basis. It is not my job to work things out with her. As a manager, it is my job to prevent and put a stop right away to workplace discrimination, harassment, hostility, and violence. When the company is facing a 2 million dollar discrimination lawsuit it is not going to funny, therefore I worked to prevent her comments and jokes from escalating. She now is very quiet at work ad focuses on her job, rather than her opinions. As a manager it is your job to handle any workplace issue. Managers cannot tell on others; that goes against the job role of being a manger if the first place. It is a manager's job to be involved in everything in the workplace. Like I said, if she was my personal employee I would have written her up no questions asked. She had opportunities to control herself at work and chose not to.
I would like some feedback. I recently started employment as a manger at a company. I currently train at one location and then will be working at another location in a couple weeks. I am half African American and half Puerto Rican. I noticed some alarming things at work with one of the employees and wanted to know if I am overreacting, which I don't think I am. The manager hired her sibling (Hispanic) against the advice of the company. This sibling likes to make racist comments like black people are lazy, ghetto, and she hopes that they don't hire anymore of them to work at the store. Now keep in mind she said this to me with the assumption that I am not African American because I am very light toned with curly hair and don't appear to be African American at all. This is what truly appalled me though. She thinks it's funny to reenact a part of a movie. See the clip here.


She actually has an African American employee pulled back to go back through the front door, as if the door has a sensor to detect African American people, and then when the employee walks through she says "Niggah", just like in the clip. For one, why is she even using that word? Second, why is this movie clip so funny that she has to reenact it at work?

Now I found this really offensive and disturbing and I don't find it funny at all. Other employees says that she makes all kinds of jokes and has made this joke before. I brought it up to the manager, the sibling, in an e-mail and I never received a response. Since I didn't get a response after repeated follow up attempts, (we worked different shifts) I brought it up to my manager who is the manager of us both. I felt that is was unacceptable workplace behavior and no African American person should ever have to enter the store and be recognized by a fake sensor just so that they can be called a "Niggah"!

Sue, sue, sue.

Hostile workplace, get the money.

Only thing that teaches them.

Exactly, people will sue over this type of thing which is exactly why I brought this matter up the proper persons. I don't understand what people don't understand about the fact that people are very sue happy these days and many are within their right to do so. If not for those that stand up would anyone even care about situations like this at all.

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