N.Y. Mayor Bloomberg bans 2-liter sodas with pizza delivery

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Have New Yorkers truly become so pathetic and incompetent that they can't make these decisions for themselves? Apparently so since they keep electing the nanny state to do it for them.

Amid New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s ban on big sodas — taking effect in March — are some details that may have been overlooked.

Say goodbye to that 2-liter soda with your pizza delivery, pitchers of soft drinks at your kid’s birthday party and some bottle-service mixers at your favorite nightclub, The New York Post reports.

The mayor’s new rules prohibit restaurants from serving or selling soda in containers larger than 16 ounces.

“It’s not fair. If you’re gonna tell me what to do, it’s no good,” Steve DiMaggio of Caruso’s in Brooklyn borough told The Post. “It’s gonna cost a lot more.”

N.Y. Mayor Bloomberg bans 2-liter sodas with pizza delivery: report - Washington Times
Bloomberg does not understand the concept of sharing. Next, a limit to the size of pizzas themselves. No one should be eating a pizza bigger than 6 inches.

One big bottle, many small glasses. He doesn't come close to understanding the concept.
I thought New Yorkers were savvy, bold and sassy.

Guess not.

No, they are not.... they're typical libs most of them, arrogant, totally full of themselves, always giving you the "I'm so much smarter than you" treatment then allowing the gubmint to snatch 60% of their earnings while dictating how much soda they can buy.

That's why I left that shithole in the early nineties.
I thought New Yorkers were savvy, bold and sassy.

Guess not.

No, they are not.... they're typical libs most of them, arrogant, totally full of themselves, always giving you the "I'm so much smarter than you" treatment then allowing the gubmint to snatch 60% of their earnings while dictating how much soda they can buy.

That's why I left that shithole in the early nineties.

Some of us stick it out here due to friends and more importantly, family.
A collection should be taken. All money to go to the first person to give Bloomberg a good solid kick in the nuts.

I bet that person would be an instant millionaire.
N.Y. Mayor Bloomberg bans 2-liter sodas with pizza delivery... Liberals are completely nuts.
Have New Yorkers truly become so pathetic and incompetent that they can't make these decisions for themselves? Apparently so since they keep electing the nanny state to do it for them.

Amid New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s ban on big sodas — taking effect in March — are some details that may have been overlooked.

Say goodbye to that 2-liter soda with your pizza delivery, pitchers of soft drinks at your kid’s birthday party and some bottle-service mixers at your favorite nightclub, The New York Post reports.

The mayor’s new rules prohibit restaurants from serving or selling soda in containers larger than 16 ounces.

“It’s not fair. If you’re gonna tell me what to do, it’s no good,” Steve DiMaggio of Caruso’s in Brooklyn borough told The Post. “It’s gonna cost a lot more.”

N.Y. Mayor Bloomberg bans 2-liter sodas with pizza delivery: report - Washington Times

WTF is going on in New York? even Iran isn't this crazy aboud banning 2 litres and sodas.:cuckoo:
I thought New Yorkers were savvy, bold and sassy.

Guess not.

No, they are not.... they're typical libs most of them, arrogant, totally full of themselves, always giving you the "I'm so much smarter than you" treatment then allowing the gubmint to snatch 60% of their earnings while dictating how much soda they can buy.

That's why I left that shithole in the early nineties.

Hey that's just like the smarter then everybody else Lib's on this Board!

But can I get a 30 round Mag. with that pie please?
I know liberals like to call themselves progressives because it sounds better than what they actually are.

They are truly regressive because they are doing their best to take this country down the same path that bought down many countries in history. Communism is a giant step backward. It means undoing all the freedom and liberty we have fought for over the years. It means going back to a dictatorship where the wealthy elite rule over desperate masses. They convince the useful idiots that it's a move forward and, for way too many people, it just means a government taking care of them. They believe that and have no clue what is really in store for all of us if we continue.

With all the laws seeking to control our behavior and health care, gun control, propaganda, spying on citizens, overtaxing us, legislating our every move and constant attempts to chip away at whats left of our freedoms, how can any intelligent person see that as moving forward?

Only an idiot would believe that a politician making a law will solve a problem?
This Bloomberg sure has one helluva oral fixation... he's obsessed with what people put in their mouths.
To show how much New Yorkers love Bloomberg, in 2008, they actually changed the city's term limits law which allowed Bloomberg to be elected to his third term.
I thought New Yorkers were savvy, bold and sassy.

Guess not.

No, they are not.... they're typical libs most of them, arrogant, totally full of themselves, always giving you the "I'm so much smarter than you" treatment then allowing the gubmint to snatch 60% of their earnings while dictating how much soda they can buy.

That's why I left that shithole in the early nineties.

And GOD forbid you live south of the Mason-Dixon Line...

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