N.Y. Mayor Bloomberg bans 2-liter sodas with pizza delivery

Bloomberg does not understand the concept of sharing. Next, a limit to the size of pizzas themselves. No one should be eating a pizza bigger than 6 inches.

One big bottle, many small glasses. He doesn't come close to understanding the concept.

When the communist boot is on the necks of the americans they will hardly care about how high your cholesterol count is. This is classic communist takeover and in the end game they enforce these type laws to control the people - they are doing it to your childrens lunches at school, now the Mayor of New York is telling the parents what they are allowed to drink. Look up Yuri Bemzenov on youtube and see him explain how the Soviets do it. Very informative.
I don't like Bloomberg, nor do I think he's done "a lot" of good for NYC.

But I do think his heart is in the right place - he has a vision of what he thinks NY should be, and he's pursuing that. To his credit, I think his personal wealth makes him somewhat immune to corruption - he's not bought and paid for, which can't be said for other NYC politicians.

I do think it's funny when people blame "the liberals" for Bloomberg - he's always been challenged from the left, not the right. He's had his name appear under the Republican Party each time he's ran - with the only real competition from his Democratic challengers. He's not a "liberal" in the NYC sense of the word.

I do not see how encouraging people to eat properly and be healthier is a bad thing. If you know anything about health and nutrition, you know just how bad sweet, carbonated drinks are for you, especially for children. You can order as many of the smaller bottles that you want. If this is restricted, I can see your point about a nanny state.

How is he encouraging people to eat better? It's a law not a choice, he is restricting not encouraging.

How much more does it cost to order smaller bottles, instead of a large one? Looks like he is wanting to separate the hard worker from his money, for what reason? None.

Actually he gets double the bottle deposit. And any money from that that is not redeemed gets put in the state's coffers.
Bloomberg does not understand the concept of sharing. Next, a limit to the size of pizzas themselves. No one should be eating a pizza bigger than 6 inches.

One big bottle, many small glasses. He doesn't come close to understanding the concept.

When the communist boot is on the necks of the americans they will hardly care about how high your cholesterol count is. This is classic communist takeover and in the end game they enforce these type laws to control the people - they are doing it to your childrens lunches at school, now the Mayor of New York is telling the parents what they are allowed to drink. Look up Yuri Bemzenov on youtube and see him explain how the Soviets do it. Very informative.

They dont want to spend a bunch of money on health care for Americans when the single payer system starts. Thats the govs money you know.
Next will be mandatory exercise or face a day in court.
Have New Yorkers truly become so pathetic and incompetent that they can't make these decisions for themselves? Apparently so since they keep electing the nanny state to do it for them.

Amid New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s ban on big sodas — taking effect in March — are some details that may have been overlooked.

Say goodbye to that 2-liter soda with your pizza delivery, pitchers of soft drinks at your kid’s birthday party and some bottle-service mixers at your favorite nightclub, The New York Post reports.

The mayor’s new rules prohibit restaurants from serving or selling soda in containers larger than 16 ounces.

“It’s not fair. If you’re gonna tell me what to do, it’s no good,” Steve DiMaggio of Caruso’s in Brooklyn borough told The Post. “It’s gonna cost a lot more.”

N.Y. Mayor Bloomberg bans 2-liter sodas with pizza delivery: report - Washington Times

WTF is going on in New York? even Iran isn't this crazy aboud banning 2 litres and sodas.:cuckoo:

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
C. S. Lewis

Bloomberg is termed out, his hand picked Health Council will dissolve and be gone. If he wasn't, there would be no end to his meddling in the most private of private lives.
I don't like Bloomberg, nor do I think he's done "a lot" of good for NYC.

But I do think his heart is in the right place - he has a vision of what he thinks NY should be, and he's pursuing that. To his credit, I think his personal wealth makes him somewhat immune to corruption - he's not bought and paid for, which can't be said for other NYC politicians.

I do think it's funny when people blame "the liberals" for Bloomberg - he's always been challenged from the left, not the right. He's had his name appear under the Republican Party each time he's ran - with the only real competition from his Democratic challengers. He's not a "liberal" in the NYC sense of the word.

I do not see how encouraging people to eat properly and be healthier is a bad thing. If you know anything about health and nutrition, you know just how bad sweet, carbonated drinks are for you, especially for children. You can order as many of the smaller bottles that you want. If this is restricted, I can see your point about a nanny state.

How is he encouraging people to eat better? It's a law not a choice, he is restricting not encouraging.

How much more does it cost to order smaller bottles, instead of a large one? Looks like he is wanting to separate the hard worker from his money, for what reason? None.

Laws like these point out how the education system is a failure, they can't educate people to eat or drink better, so they just ban it.

For my kids while growing up, we didn't buy soda, why, because it wasn't healthy and taught them it wasn't healthy. Imagine, we didn't need a law!

A 2 liter bottle costs $3.00. A six pack, which would give the equivalent amount of soda is $7.50 so we aren't talking pennies here. What you choose to do for your children is your business, but there is no indication that pizza is consumed ONLY by families with children. Nor is there any evidence that all pizzas ordered are eaten by one person at one time. A few friends ordering a pizza and a bottle of soda, which they will pour into individual glasses now has to spend $4.50 more just for a bottle of soda.
Sure, government is going to sway people away from obesity.
Just like they are going to encourage people to just say no to drugs.
And then pass a free Granny and Gramps dope law and less than a decade later prescription drug abuse is epidemic in the senior community.
Government sure is there to "help" folks.
So women cant how 2 liters of soda? i thought we are to let women decide what they want to do to their own bodies?
You know that Bloomberg isn't a "liberal", right?

All the "liberals" in NY voted for the other guy. Bloomberg was the Republican candidate each time he ran, not the Democratic one.

"Bloomberg, a lifelong member of the Democratic Party, decided to run for mayor as a member of the Republican Party ticket. ...In 2008, Bloomberg campaigned to change the city's term limits law and ran for his third term in 2009 as an Independent candidate"
Michael Bloomberg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sorry, he's just a Democrat who changed the symbol next to his name each time he runs.

You know that Bloomberg isn't a "liberal", right?

All the "liberals" in NY voted for the other guy. Bloomberg was the Republican candidate each time he ran, not the Democratic one.

"Bloomberg, a lifelong member of the Democratic Party, decided to run for mayor as a member of the Republican Party ticket. ...In 2008, Bloomberg campaigned to change the city's term limits law and ran for his third term in 2009 as an Independent candidate"
Michael Bloomberg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sorry, he's just a Democrat who changed the symbol next to his name each time he runs.


The only reason he ran as an "R" is that he wasnt the choice of the Machine NYC Democrats.

The fact he was able to win 3 times gives you an idea of how crappy the democratic candidates were/are.
For the most part, I like Bloomberg, and he's done a lot of good for NY. While his heart is in the right place, this ban is beyond stupid. While it does seem to be Constitutionally allowable, I would imagine that the citizens of NY can get this thing changed by threatening to vote out their city counsel members. I would imagine it's just a matter of time before that starts to happen.

I don't like Bloomberg, nor do I think he's done "a lot" of good for NYC.

But I do think his heart is in the right place - he has a vision of what he thinks NY should be, and he's pursuing that. To his credit, I think his personal wealth makes him somewhat immune to corruption - he's not bought and paid for, which can't be said for other NYC politicians.

I do think it's funny when people blame "the liberals" for Bloomberg - he's always been challenged from the left, not the right. He's had his name appear under the Republican Party each time he's ran - with the only real competition from his Democratic challengers. He's not a "liberal" in the NYC sense of the word.

I do not see how encouraging people to eat properly and be healthier is a bad thing. If you know anything about health and nutrition, you know just how bad sweet, carbonated drinks are for you, especially for children. You can order as many of the smaller bottles that you want. If this is restricted, I can see your point about a nanny state.

Ha, Liberals actually defending this!? They don't understand that freedom means the freedom to make bad choices.

Btw, if he truly wanted to "encourage" good health, why didn't he ban aspartame, GMO's, MSG, mercury, SSRI anti-depressants, nitrates, bromine-filled Gatorade, and fluoride water.

[ame=http://youtu.be/Obr1XqUPEII]Ex-KGB officer Yuri Bezmenov Explains United States Targeted Public Schools for Change - YouTube[/ame]

Yuri - an ex KGB agent teaches on how communists use war on junkfood to takeover a society. Shocking how close we are now, folks.... watch this and wake up....
I don't like Bloomberg, nor do I think he's done "a lot" of good for NYC.

But I do think his heart is in the right place - he has a vision of what he thinks NY should be, and he's pursuing that. To his credit, I think his personal wealth makes him somewhat immune to corruption - he's not bought and paid for, which can't be said for other NYC politicians.

I do think it's funny when people blame "the liberals" for Bloomberg - he's always been challenged from the left, not the right. He's had his name appear under the Republican Party each time he's ran - with the only real competition from his Democratic challengers. He's not a "liberal" in the NYC sense of the word.

I do not see how encouraging people to eat properly and be healthier is a bad thing. If you know anything about health and nutrition, you know just how bad sweet, carbonated drinks are for you, especially for children. You can order as many of the smaller bottles that you want. If this is restricted, I can see your point about a nanny state.

Ha, Liberals actually defending this!? They don't understand that freedom means the freedom to make bad choices.

Btw, if he truly wanted to "encourage" good health, why didn't he ban aspartame, GMO's, MSG, mercury, SSRI anti-depressants, nitrates, bromine-filled Gatorade, and fluoride water.


War on junkfood is stage four of a communist takeover of any nation. This is stage four for America and we are in big trouble here. See Yuri Bezmenov part 1 and part 2 video on this thread to see what they are really doing.
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You know that Bloomberg isn't a "liberal", right?

All the "liberals" in NY voted for the other guy. Bloomberg was the Republican candidate each time he ran, not the Democratic one.

I fail see what his party affiliation has to do with anything. You do realize that the only reason Bloomberg was the Republican candidate in 2001 was to avoid a crowded Democratic primary. He was a life long Democrat until he ran for mayor and was only a Republican for five or six years. He since became independent.

Regardless he's an elitist authoritarian who thinks he's a monarch, not a public servant. He isn't fit for his office.
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To his credit, I think his personal wealth makes him somewhat immune to corruption - he's not bought and paid for, which can't be said for other NYC politicians.

I thought billionaires were evil rich people who exploit the poor and middle class.
Bloomberg is one of those "producers" and "captains of industry" the right fawns over..

He came into office as a Republican. Guess no one remembers.
Have New Yorkers truly become so pathetic and incompetent that they can't make these decisions for themselves? Apparently so since they keep electing the nanny state to do it for them.

Amid New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s ban on big sodas — taking effect in March — are some details that may have been overlooked.

Say goodbye to that 2-liter soda with your pizza delivery, pitchers of soft drinks at your kid’s birthday party and some bottle-service mixers at your favorite nightclub, The New York Post reports.

The mayor’s new rules prohibit restaurants from serving or selling soda in containers larger than 16 ounces.

“It’s not fair. If you’re gonna tell me what to do, it’s no good,” Steve DiMaggio of Caruso’s in Brooklyn borough told The Post. “It’s gonna cost a lot more.”

N.Y. Mayor Bloomberg bans 2-liter sodas with pizza delivery: report - Washington Times

Good grief. Let people buy whatever they like!

Could I get an ArmaLite and three 30 round Mags. with that statement please?

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