NAACP accused of planning to intentionally Rob Black voters of their votes


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
What a convoluted plan..

Make it impossible, or nearly impossible, for people to vote in order to create "victims" to sue the State because they couldn't vote.

Why aren't they directing their energies to helping people get legally registered to vote?

NAACP Speaker s Alleged Remarks Let s Create Confusion During the Nov. 2014 Election By Deliberately Misleading Voters - Judicial Watch

According to a letter from a lawyer for the State of North Carolina to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a speaker at a recent NAACP conference in North Carolina urged audience members to mislead the NAACP’s own members into believing they do not need to register to vote in advance, or that they do not need to vote at their assigned polling place. Why? The letter alleges: To create confusion and animosity during the upcoming mid-term elections in North Carolina, and to use the evidence of that confusion in the ongoing litigation between Eric Holder’s Justice Department and North Carolina and to show that North Carolina’s election integrity laws are discriminatory. From the letter:

It is also our understanding that during the [NAACP conference], Rev. Barber urged those in attendance to take unregistered voters to vote during the Early Voting period and to engage in get-out-the vote activities that included transporting registered voters to vote in precincts in which they are not assigned to vote on Election Day, or words to that effect. The stated purpose for these activities, as I understand it, was to gather evidence for and thereby enhance plaintiffs prospects of success in the litigation involving [North Carolina’s Election Integrity Laws].

Judicial Watch has been actively involved in this sprawling North Carolina election litigation for the past two years. Judicial Watch has filed two amicus briefs in this case, one in 2013 and one in 2014, supporting North Carolina and election integrity. On both occasions, we were joined in our brief by our partner the Allied Educational Foundation and by local political activist Christina Merrill. We also gave oral arguments and submitted an expert witness report to the trial court explaining that no one is harmed by these election integrity laws, but rather, these laws prevent fraud and ensure all Americans are confident that election results are fair and honest.

If true, the fact that the NAACP’s leaders appear willing to risk the confusion and disenfranchisement of their own members in order to deceive a Court about common sense election integrity laws speaks volumes about the intellectual bankruptcy of the left’s arguments. The left’s weak arguments also explain why the U.S. Supreme Court, by a 7 to 2 vote, recently overruled the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals’ temporary injunction and held that North Carolina’s laws comply with federal law and should be used during the November 2014 election. The litigation between North Carolina and the DOJ is expected to proceed further in 2015.
Well it certainly is a way to use felons who cannot vote by making them appear to be people who should be able to vote but cannot because of a law I suppose. That said, Judicial Watch is so biased, I would need more to put a lot of stock in this being something more than one person's half-baked idea and an actual wider problem within the NAACP.
Well it certainly is a way to use felons who cannot vote by making them appear to be people who should be able to vote but cannot because of a law I suppose. That said, Judicial Watch is so biased, I would need more to put a lot of stock in this being something more than one person's half-baked idea and an actual wider problem within the NAACP.

I love how the left now claim that Judicial Watch is now biased, but when they were filing lawsuits against President Bush and his Admin, they were a "Public Watch Dog".
During an interview with Al Sharpton on his "Keeping It Real," radio show President Barack Obama said voter ID laws do not stop African-Americans from voting which is in stark contraindication to the many cases being pursued by his Justice Department that argue regularly many of the laws are a veiled attempt to diminish African-American turnout.
Obama said, "Keep in mind most of these laws are not preventing the the overwelimgly majority of folks who don't vote from voting. Most people do have and ID. Most people do have a drivers license. Most people can get to the polls."
"But the bottom line is, if less then half of our folks vote, these laws aren't preventing the other half from not voting," he added.
Well it certainly is a way to use felons who cannot vote by making them appear to be people who should be able to vote but cannot because of a law I suppose. That said, Judicial Watch is so biased, I would need more to put a lot of stock in this being something more than one person's half-baked idea and an actual wider problem within the NAACP.

I love how the left now claim that Judicial Watch is now biased, but when they were filing lawsuits against President Bush and his Admin, they were a "Public Watch Dog".

Hate to burst your bubble but Judicial Watch calls itself "...a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation"

About Judicial Watch - Judicial Watch
That said, Judicial Watch is so biased,...

Were they biased when they sued Bush? They joined the the fucking Sierra Club for a lawsuit against that Bush. How about when Judicial Watch sued for documents about Vice President Cheney's energy task support of Postal Workers? Biased then too?

Of course, their motto demonstrates clear bias..."because no one is above the law". Gosh, how 'right wing'!

So, stated differently, what the fuck are you talking about?
Judicial Watch has been actively involved in this sprawling North Carolina election litigation for the past two years. Judicial Watch has filed two amicus briefs in this case, one in 2013 and one in 2014, supporting North Carolina and election integrity. On both occasions, we were joined in our brief by our partner the Allied Educational Foundation and by local political activist Christina Merrill. We also gave oral arguments and submitted an expert witness report to the trial court explaining that no one is harmed by these election integrity laws, but rather, these laws prevent fraud and ensure all Americans are confident that election results are fair and honest.

If true, the fact that the NAACP’s leaders appear willing to risk the confusion and disenfranchisement of their own members in order to deceive a Court about common sense election integrity laws speaks volumes about the intellectual bankruptcy of the left’s arguments. The left’s weak arguments also explain why the U.S. Supreme Court, by a 7 to 2 vote, recently overruled the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals’ temporary injunction and held that North Carolina’s laws comply with federal law and should be used during the November 2014 election. The litigation between North Carolina and the DOJ is expected to proceed further in 2015.

It's a complicated issue. The NAACP is really for the promotion of SOME colored people for very specific agendas. What started out at as a good thing, as always it seems, has devolved into a political machine. Usually when you follow the money backwards, you find the root of the problem..

Let's just say that the liberal left, responsible for largely helping fund the NAACP, has a certain....agenda.....which blacks are not on board with at all as a majority. Keeping them home this midterm might actually be a strategy the left is after. Those crossover votes can be a real bitch..

A June 2013 Pew Research Center survey found that just 39 per cent of blacks support gay marriage initiatives, compared with 51 per cent of the larger population. Black pastors demand Eric Holder s IMPEACHMENT after gay marriage speech Daily Mail Online

And that number, almost certainly gotten in urban northern permissive areas is going to be much, much lower in more conservative states...many of which have contested, close Senate races going on..

So the funders of the NAACP may have sent out the orders to keep them home under the guise of making it look instead like they're "fighting for their rights"..

Just saying. This Agenda is quite pernicious and won't be stopped, come hell [literally] or high water.
That said, Judicial Watch is so biased,...

Were they biased when they sued Bush? They joined the the fucking Sierra Club for a lawsuit against that Bush. How about when Judicial Watch sued for documents about Vice President Cheney's energy task support of Postal Workers? Biased then too?

Of course, their motto demonstrates clear bias..."because no one is above the law". Gosh, how 'right wing'!

So, stated differently, what the fuck are you talking about?

They have a conservative bias. They admit that. You cannot. They are a coveservative group attacking a liberal group so I would need more evidence. If it were a liberal group attacking a conservative group, I would need more evidence. What you are ranting and raving about really is a non sequitur.
That said, Judicial Watch is so biased,...

Were they biased when they sued Bush? They joined the the fucking Sierra Club for a lawsuit against that Bush. How about when Judicial Watch sued for documents about Vice President Cheney's energy task support of Postal Workers? Biased then too?

Of course, their motto demonstrates clear bias..."because no one is above the law". Gosh, how 'right wing'!

So, stated differently, what the fuck are you talking about?

They have a conservative bias. They admit that. You cannot. They are a coveservative group attacking a liberal group so I would need more evidence. If it were a liberal group attacking a conservative group, I would need more evidence. What you are ranting and raving about really is a non sequitur.

So, "just so biased" is now only a "conservative" bias. I get it, you're back peddling. No problem, we've all done it. Just wondering if you felt the same when they attacked Bush and Cheney.
They have a conservative bias. They admit that. You cannot. They are a coveservative group attacking a liberal group so I would need more evidence. If it were a liberal group attacking a conservative group, I would need more evidence. What you are ranting and raving about really is a non sequitur.

This is a case of an uber-liberal agenda coverting attacking members of its own political party it knows are too conservative with respect to its MAIN Agenda. In other words, they're saying "you will love the albatross around your neck, or we will trick you into not voting and crossing over because of your conservative and strongly-held beliefs against that Agenda".

It's a silent attack. Looks like support on the surface. Maybe the white liberal "Agenda" money supporting the NAACP thinks black people aren't smart enough to figure out if someone is telling them not to vote, for any reason, they don't have their best interest in mind.

Which would be bigoted and prejudiced. Talk about ironic. Know your funders I guess is the lesson to take away from this one. It happens on the right too. It's what you get when you turn money into a philosophy/religion. Money can buy all manner of evil if the bidding goes high enough..
They have a conservative bias. They admit that. You cannot. They are a coveservative group attacking a liberal group so I would need more evidence. If it were a liberal group attacking a conservative group, I would need more evidence. What you are ranting and raving about really is a non sequitur.

This is a case of an uber-liberal agenda coverting attacking members of its own political party it knows are too conservative with respect to its MAIN Agenda. In other words, they're saying "you will love the albatross around your neck, or we will trick you into not voting and crossing over because of your conservative and strongly-held beliefs against that Agenda".

It's a silent attack. Looks like support on the surface. Maybe the white liberal "Agenda" money supporting the NAACP thinks black people aren't smart enough to figure out if someone is telling them not to vote, for any reason, they don't have their best interest in mind.

Which would be bigoted and prejudiced. Talk about ironic. Know your funders I guess is the lesson to take away from this one. It happens on the right too. It's what you get when you turn money into a philosophy/religion. Money can buy all manner of evil if the bidding goes high enough..

I just think local chapters of anything, when left to their own devices, might go off the reservation. Not willing to condemn the whole group because of some localized idiocy. It is the same as my stance on the Tea Party. Stupid people do stupid shit. That doesn't mean that everyone or even the majority should be tainted with it. If this were an edict from above or widespread, my position would change to reflect that.
What a convoluted plan..

Make it impossible, or nearly impossible, for people to vote in order to create "victims" to sue the State because they couldn't vote.

Why aren't they directing their energies to helping people get legally registered to vote?

NAACP Speaker s Alleged Remarks Let s Create Confusion During the Nov. 2014 Election By Deliberately Misleading Voters - Judicial Watch

According to a letter from a lawyer for the State of North Carolina to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a speaker at a recent NAACP conference in North Carolina urged audience members to mislead the NAACP’s own members into believing they do not need to register to vote in advance, or that they do not need to vote at their assigned polling place. Why? The letter alleges: To create confusion and animosity during the upcoming mid-term elections in North Carolina, and to use the evidence of that confusion in the ongoing litigation between Eric Holder’s Justice Department and North Carolina and to show that North Carolina’s election integrity laws are discriminatory. From the letter:

It is also our understanding that during the [NAACP conference], Rev. Barber urged those in attendance to take unregistered voters to vote during the Early Voting period and to engage in get-out-the vote activities that included transporting registered voters to vote in precincts in which they are not assigned to vote on Election Day, or words to that effect. The stated purpose for these activities, as I understand it, was to gather evidence for and thereby enhance plaintiffs prospects of success in the litigation involving [North Carolina’s Election Integrity Laws].

Judicial Watch has been actively involved in this sprawling North Carolina election litigation for the past two years. Judicial Watch has filed two amicus briefs in this case, one in 2013 and one in 2014, supporting North Carolina and election integrity. On both occasions, we were joined in our brief by our partner the Allied Educational Foundation and by local political activist Christina Merrill. We also gave oral arguments and submitted an expert witness report to the trial court explaining that no one is harmed by these election integrity laws, but rather, these laws prevent fraud and ensure all Americans are confident that election results are fair and honest.

If true, the fact that the NAACP’s leaders appear willing to risk the confusion and disenfranchisement of their own members in order to deceive a Court about common sense election integrity laws speaks volumes about the intellectual bankruptcy of the left’s arguments. The left’s weak arguments also explain why the U.S. Supreme Court, by a 7 to 2 vote, recently overruled the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals’ temporary injunction and held that North Carolina’s laws comply with federal law and should be used during the November 2014 election. The litigation between North Carolina and the DOJ is expected to proceed further in 2015.
The better question would be why is the Republican Party looking for a problem to their solution?

There is NO significant voter fraud going on today in existence. Period. Full-stop.
What a convoluted plan..

Make it impossible, or nearly impossible, for people to vote in order to create "victims" to sue the State because they couldn't vote.

Why aren't they directing their energies to helping people get legally registered to vote?

NAACP Speaker s Alleged Remarks Let s Create Confusion During the Nov. 2014 Election By Deliberately Misleading Voters - Judicial Watch

According to a letter from a lawyer for the State of North Carolina to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a speaker at a recent NAACP conference in North Carolina urged audience members to mislead the NAACP’s own members into believing they do not need to register to vote in advance, or that they do not need to vote at their assigned polling place. Why? The letter alleges: To create confusion and animosity during the upcoming mid-term elections in North Carolina, and to use the evidence of that confusion in the ongoing litigation between Eric Holder’s Justice Department and North Carolina and to show that North Carolina’s election integrity laws are discriminatory. From the letter:

It is also our understanding that during the [NAACP conference], Rev. Barber urged those in attendance to take unregistered voters to vote during the Early Voting period and to engage in get-out-the vote activities that included transporting registered voters to vote in precincts in which they are not assigned to vote on Election Day, or words to that effect. The stated purpose for these activities, as I understand it, was to gather evidence for and thereby enhance plaintiffs prospects of success in the litigation involving [North Carolina’s Election Integrity Laws].

Judicial Watch has been actively involved in this sprawling North Carolina election litigation for the past two years. Judicial Watch has filed two amicus briefs in this case, one in 2013 and one in 2014, supporting North Carolina and election integrity. On both occasions, we were joined in our brief by our partner the Allied Educational Foundation and by local political activist Christina Merrill. We also gave oral arguments and submitted an expert witness report to the trial court explaining that no one is harmed by these election integrity laws, but rather, these laws prevent fraud and ensure all Americans are confident that election results are fair and honest.

If true, the fact that the NAACP’s leaders appear willing to risk the confusion and disenfranchisement of their own members in order to deceive a Court about common sense election integrity laws speaks volumes about the intellectual bankruptcy of the left’s arguments. The left’s weak arguments also explain why the U.S. Supreme Court, by a 7 to 2 vote, recently overruled the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals’ temporary injunction and held that North Carolina’s laws comply with federal law and should be used during the November 2014 election. The litigation between North Carolina and the DOJ is expected to proceed further in 2015.
The better question would be why is the Republican Party looking for a problem to their solution?

There is NO significant voter fraud going on today in existence. Period. Full-stop.


[The better question would be why is the Republican Party looking for a problem to their solution?

There is NO significant voter fraud going on today in existence. Period. Full-stop.

Thousands of people registered to vote in two or more States. Illegals registered to vote. People voting multiple times. Campaign workers telling people to take ballots out of the trash and filling them out and casting them. 106% voter turn out in areas that absolutely no votes were cast for Republicans. And finally voting machines that won't let a person vote for a Republican candidate, and that includes the candidate himself.

Yeah.. No voter fraud.
Get with the program you racists!
If some random, anonymous negro on a message board says there is no voter fraud, then by golly you just have to accept it, you racists!
We have a lot of enemy's within

The Naacp should be disbanded they are filled with evil people
There is NO significant voter fraud going on today in existence. Period. Full-stop.

Setting aside the undercover and surveillance videos of social workers advising how to cheat, stuffing ballot boxes, and outright admitting to voter fraud, I wonder, how could you possibly know there is no voter fraud if IDs are not being checked?

A simple question.

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