NAACP admits to being snookered

WASHINGTON (AP) -- NAACP leaders are calling on the Obama administration to reconsider its ousting of a black Agriculture Department worker who was pushed out of her job over racially tinged remarks, reversing their previous criticism of the employee.

NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous said in a statement that the group was "snookered" into believing that USDA employee Shirley Sherrod expressed racist sentiments at a local NAACP meeting in Georgia earlier this year. Jealous said conservative activist Andrew Breitbart, whose website posted video of Sherrod's remarks, deceived millions of people by releasing only partial clips. He said the full video makes clear that Sherrod was telling a story of racial unity.

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President Obama should fire Vilsack who claims she was fired because someone might claim she is a racist. Fucktard.

I saw her on CNN earlier ravi. She said she got 3 phone calls from the white house on her way home asking her to resign.

The 3rd call told her to pull over and resign immediately.

Glenn Beck was on today giving the administration a TON OF CRAP over forcing her resignation...he said they didn't look at the context and shouldn't have asked for the resignation.

Wild were right earlier today when we were talking about this and you said we need the whole context.

you want the links to the lady's interview on CNN where she said that and the Beck show segment where he said it? I'll grab em up if you want.
No, but thanks...I saw the entire unedited video and it was as I suspected, right down to why the audience was cheering her on through her story.

It's funny...people really do seem to believe the worst of black people. Even other black people can sometimes be guilty of thinking the worst of each other. :(

lmao....from the person who constantly believes the worst in white conservatives, its all you do is bash the white conservatives

you're a closet racist, too you, if someone thinks something bad about "poor" black folk, its truly a horrendous thing, yet, you have no problem if people think that about white people...why can't you stop obsessing over the skin color and merely view the content of their character...libs like you are the ones who constantly bring up race
They were snookered by a Hack Media Company that edits words, spins news items, and basically lies until people begin believing it to actually being a credible news agency. It is a media arm of the Republican Party and needs to fall under the appropriate standards. It cannot be an actualy news agency because it has NO journalistic ethics, nor does it hold an standards of truth in what it reports.

You may have heard of it. It is called, ironically, FOX news.
I'd say it was thought based on racism. She harbored racist thoughts...though is racism really defined by a feeling of inferiority? :eusa_eh:

I do not believe she committed a racist act because in the end she realized she was in the wrong and rectified the situation. If she hadn't then I'd agree she had been racist in action. But if she hadn't we would have never heard her story...I suspected from the beginning that she was telling a story of how she overcame her own racial prejudice.

And absolutely not on her giving a testimonial describing her actions being racist.

IMO she is a big hearted woman and deserves kudos for overcoming her bad feelings toward the white farmer.

And I also give kudos for the farmer and his wife for coming foward and telling their side of the story.


thanks for proving me right some crow and apologize a15

she said it was not a racist act....i'll see if you can man up and apologize

Yes, she said it wasn't a racist act ... and she went on to say that had she not made amends then it would have been a racist act.

So here's your apology, Yurtie:

Fuck you.

Now get to the photoshop thread.

you are a truly a moron and you don't dictate where i post, dishonest hacks like you have no credibility with me

so if i commit a racist act and later make amends, then that makes the racist act not a racist act....

i steal from someone, but then later give it back, i never stole

thats rich :lol::lol:

thanks for proving me right some crow and apologize a15

she said it was not a racist act....i'll see if you can man up and apologize

Yes, she said it wasn't a racist act ... and she went on to say that had she not made amends then it would have been a racist act.

So here's your apology, Yurtie:

Fuck you.

Now get to the photoshop thread.

you are a truly a moron and you don't dictate where i post, dishonest hacks like you have no credibility with me

so if i commit a racist act and later make amends, then that makes the racist act not a racist act....

i steal from someone, but then later give it back, i never stole

thats rich :lol::lol:

Sure, I do. You just jumped over to the thread like I told you to.
Hey Yurt?

Are you going to admit that this was a dishonest hatchet job anytime in this thread?
Yes, she said it wasn't a racist act ... and she went on to say that had she not made amends then it would have been a racist act.

So here's your apology, Yurtie:

Fuck you.

Now get to the photoshop thread.

you are a truly a moron and you don't dictate where i post, dishonest hacks like you have no credibility with me

so if i commit a racist act and later make amends, then that makes the racist act not a racist act....

i steal from someone, but then later give it back, i never stole

thats rich :lol::lol:

Sure, I do. You just jumped over to the thread like I told you to.

nice try liar....i posted in that thread when you politely gave the link, it was before you demanded it...too bad your lies are catching up with you
Hey Yurt?

Are you going to admit that this was a dishonest hatchet job anytime in this thread?

why would i even bother discussing anything with a moron who believes that if i steal something and then later make amends for it, that i never stole anything

What's funnier then the NAACP being snookered, is that the White House was mega-snookered, cause their representative called Sherrod, according to her, 3x on her way home from work to resign; because this White House is intimidated by Fox news.
What a hoot and another 'total lameness badge' gets pinned on this administration's chest.
Andrew Breitbart, you prankster you.
Oh well, what goes down, comes round.

US government - SO professional.... "pull over to the side of the road and resign via Blackberry." I bet Rev Jackson and good ole AL help her file one heck of a lawsuit.

I bet Rev Jackson will not help her because she was talking down to black people. Obama probably fired here because she wasn't lending government money to Blacks.
Any comment on Breitbart and fox being pieces of shit for what they did ..

Oh dear god fox fans are idiots who swallow this crap all the time. They took parts of the tape they wanted to show and totally misrepresented everything.

The white house screwed up by actually believing fox. Enough with this crap. Didn't the acorn tape prove all they do is lie.

Damn Fox and breitbart sucks ass.
WOW, you are just MASSIVELY stupid

Dive con, stop me when I am wrong here.

Beitbart doctored a tape, showed exactly what they wanted to show and showed it. Fox put this out as factual...FACTUAL. They took something from a blog site (Breitbart) and the following people commented
Fox and Friends
The white house

all commented on it as if it were true. They all looked at what fox showed on their station and took it for fact and then commented on it.

FOX !!!!!!

Dispute any of this. I hope to God the white house will finally stop using anything fox says as truth. Stop being afraid of controversy and let fox lie and look like fools. Again.
This is the important point, I'd say.

FOX News has no credibility. Why anyone thinks they do mystifies me.
Here's the deal, Yurt ... this story is a prime example of a blatant hatchet job and of the media being extremely irresponsible and dishonest. You are a fuggin' piece of trash scumbag just like Breitbart for trying to run static in this thread.
Just to clear the air for all the morons in this thread.


When the woman didn't initially do everything she could for the white farmer because he was white and she believed he was trying to be superior to her, was that an act based on racism or a racist act, in your opinion?

And a follow up:

Was her giving a testimonial describing the event and how she eventually overcame her racism itself racist?
I'd say it was thought based on racism. She harbored racist thoughts...though is racism really defined by a feeling of inferiority? :eusa_eh:

I do not believe she committed a racist act because in the end she realized she was in the wrong and rectified the situation. If she hadn't then I'd agree she had been racist in action. But if she hadn't we would have never heard her story...I suspected from the beginning that she was telling a story of how she overcame her own racial prejudice.

And absolutely not on her giving a testimonial describing her actions being racist.

IMO she is a big hearted woman and deserves kudos for overcoming her bad feelings toward the white farmer.

And I also give kudos for the farmer and his wife for coming foward and telling their side of the story.


thanks for proving me right some crow and apologize a15

she said it was not a racist act....i'll see if you can man up and apologize
I never claimed she wasn't racist. I claimed she overcame her racism. You seem to think that is shameful. :eusa_eh:

I think your mind is nothing but a large echo chamber.
What she did back in 86 was racist. Her changing of her ways is a credit to her and her character. The couple she helped in 86 are very grateful for all she did and feel she went above and beyond to help them. I would not have used the NAACP as a forum to tell the story, they have a negative racist attitudes.

Briebart is an opportunist and should have been more careful in his posting, he should have had all the facts and didn't. He wanted to fan the flames against the NAACP. Stupid move, in the same vain as Rather in his eagerness for a scoop.

Obama administration mishandled the whole thing from the get go. They went into react mode and damn waiting for the facts to come out. The Obama administration saw this as an easy call to look like they were fair. They look really stupid.

The NAACP? A bunch of goons, it was a speech at one of their meetings and yet they condemned her without all the facts. More stupidity.

The bright side is she has her job back and hopefully all involved get smarter from this lesson, but I doubt any will.

Totally agree.

The USDA and NAACP were quick to throw this lady under the bus. They didn't get the whole story, but still threw her under that big assed bus.

Then. holy shit, they get the whole story and OOPPPSSS it was a story taken out of context and not true at all.

So instead of the NAACP and the USDA saying, Golly Gee, we made a very bad mistake and wish to extend our utmost apologies to Ms Sherrod and reinstate her, The NAACP then proceeds to blame FOX news, the Tea Party Briebart and probably Micky Mouse for their own lack of intelligence.

Typical. Jeeze.

You forgot to mention who took it out of context and who broadcasted it out of ontext.

I love how you missed that part. IT WAS FOX WHO LIED! AGAIN. They screwed up by actually believing fox woud show the truth!

The part I DIDN'T miss there Zona, was the fact that the NAACP and the USDA took this story as factual and didn't bother to investigate it before they threw Ms Sherrod under that big assed bus.

The other part I didn't miss was how quick they were to blame Fox, The Tea Party, MIckey MOuse, Robin Hood and anyone else they could think of for that fact.

Was this a factual story?? Nope. I think FOX screwed the pooch on this one.

Lets hope in future that the facts come out before people open big mouths and insert size 12's in same.
Here's the deal, Yurt ... this story is a prime example of a blatant hatchet job and of the media being extremely irresponsible and dishonest. You are a fuggin' piece of trash scumbag just like Breitbart for trying to run static in this thread.

the only one running static you champ

its not racism because she made amends....its not stealing because i made amends....its not killing because i made amends

its truly comical, you even agreed earlier it was a racist act, yet, when i told you that your fellow libs said it wasn't, you whined about me giving you the posts, i directed you to their posts, yet you were too lazy to read them, then you thought you would create a good gotcha moment and ask ravi specifically if what i said was true

-- and she said YES, yurt is right, and she showed it by saying it wasn't a racist act....instead of being honest and apologizing, you said fuck you, so you agreed with her

who is the hack here?
I'd say it was thought based on racism. She harbored racist thoughts...though is racism really defined by a feeling of inferiority? :eusa_eh:

I do not believe she committed a racist act because in the end she realized she was in the wrong and rectified the situation. If she hadn't then I'd agree she had been racist in action. But if she hadn't we would have never heard her story...I suspected from the beginning that she was telling a story of how she overcame her own racial prejudice.

And absolutely not on her giving a testimonial describing her actions being racist.

IMO she is a big hearted woman and deserves kudos for overcoming her bad feelings toward the white farmer.

And I also give kudos for the farmer and his wife for coming foward and telling their side of the story.


thanks for proving me right some crow and apologize a15

she said it was not a racist act....i'll see if you can man up and apologize
I never claimed she wasn't racist. I claimed she overcame her racism. You seem to think that is shameful. :eusa_eh:

I think your mind is nothing but a large echo chamber.

I do not believe she committed a racist act

^ your words
I'd say it was thought based on racism. She harbored racist thoughts...though is racism really defined by a feeling of inferiority? :eusa_eh:

I do not believe she committed a racist act because in the end she realized she was in the wrong and rectified the situation. If she hadn't then I'd agree she had been racist in action. But if she hadn't we would have never heard her story...I suspected from the beginning that she was telling a story of how she overcame her own racial prejudice.

And absolutely not on her giving a testimonial describing her actions being racist.

IMO she is a big hearted woman and deserves kudos for overcoming her bad feelings toward the white farmer.

And I also give kudos for the farmer and his wife for coming foward and telling their side of the story.


thanks for proving me right some crow and apologize a15

she said it was not a racist act....i'll see if you can man up and apologize
I never claimed she wasn't racist. I claimed she overcame her racism. You seem to think that is shameful. :eusa_eh:

I think your mind is nothing but a large echo chamber.

Most vacuums are, you know?
I saw her on CNN earlier ravi. She said she got 3 phone calls from the white house on her way home asking her to resign.

The 3rd call told her to pull over and resign immediately.

Glenn Beck was on today giving the administration a TON OF CRAP over forcing her resignation...he said they didn't look at the context and shouldn't have asked for the resignation.

Wild were right earlier today when we were talking about this and you said we need the whole context.

you want the links to the lady's interview on CNN where she said that and the Beck show segment where he said it? I'll grab em up if you want.
No, but thanks...I saw the entire unedited video and it was as I suspected, right down to why the audience was cheering her on through her story.

It's funny...people really do seem to believe the worst of black people. Even other black people can sometimes be guilty of thinking the worst of each other. :(

lmao....from the person who constantly believes the worst in white conservatives, its all you do is bash the white conservatives

you're a closet racist, too you, if someone thinks something bad about "poor" black folk, its truly a horrendous thing, yet, you have no problem if people think that about white people...why can't you stop obsessing over the skin color and merely view the content of their character...libs like you are the ones who constantly bring up race
I've never bashed a conservative. I actually am very fond of conservatives. Problem is, most of you that claim to be conservative are not actually conservative.

Nice little post, have just brought up race by claiming that there are only white conservatives. :lol:
Here's the deal, Yurt ... this story is a prime example of a blatant hatchet job and of the media being extremely irresponsible and dishonest. You are a fuggin' piece of trash scumbag just like Breitbart for trying to run static in this thread.

the only one running static you champ

its not racism because she made amends....its not stealing because i made amends....its not killing because i made amends

its truly comical, you even agreed earlier it was a racist act, yet, when i told you that your fellow libs said it wasn't, you whined about me giving you the posts, i directed you to their posts, yet you were too lazy to read them, then you thought you would create a good gotcha moment and ask ravi specifically if what i said was true

-- and she said YES, yurt is right, and she showed it by saying it wasn't a racist act....instead of being honest and apologizing, you said fuck you, so you agreed with her

who is the hack here?

You are the hack.

This shouldn't even be a story. She told a room full of people how she overcame her own racism, changed, and became a better person for it. A very admirable thing. Breitbart perverted that and Fox perpetuated it. And here you dishonestly focusing on the "negative" part of her testimony. Scumbag.

I'm not big on pundits but I dare you to watch this.

[ame=]YouTube - Rachel Maddow - Fox Assination (1) Kills Again - Shirley Sherrod[/ame]
Here's the deal, Yurt ... this story is a prime example of a blatant hatchet job and of the media being extremely irresponsible and dishonest. You are a fuggin' piece of trash scumbag just like Breitbart for trying to run static in this thread.

the only one running static you champ

its not racism because she made amends....its not stealing because i made amends....its not killing because i made amends

its truly comical, you even agreed earlier it was a racist act, yet, when i told you that your fellow libs said it wasn't, you whined about me giving you the posts, i directed you to their posts, yet you were too lazy to read them, then you thought you would create a good gotcha moment and ask ravi specifically if what i said was true

-- and she said YES, yurt is right, and she showed it by saying it wasn't a racist act....instead of being honest and apologizing, you said fuck you, so you agreed with her

who is the hack here?
He never said that and neither did I.

She helped the guy keep her house despite her initial racist thoughts.

You are a tool.
Here's the deal, Yurt ... this story is a prime example of a blatant hatchet job and of the media being extremely irresponsible and dishonest. You are a fuggin' piece of trash scumbag just like Breitbart for trying to run static in this thread.

This is how the media should have handled it Beck: Why Was Shirley Sherrod Ousted? - Video -

yeah I know Article its the psycho man but he did handle this specific story properly....let it run in the background and listen while your posting.

OH and go to freaking bed man!!!
Here's the deal, Yurt ... this story is a prime example of a blatant hatchet job and of the media being extremely irresponsible and dishonest. You are a fuggin' piece of trash scumbag just like Breitbart for trying to run static in this thread.

This is how the media should have handled it Beck: Why Was Shirley Sherrod Ousted? - Video -

yeah I know Article its the psycho man but he did handle this specific story properly....let it run in the background and listen while your posting.

OH and go to freaking bed man!!!

I watched it way back when you posted it and agreed that Beck was correct.

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