NAACP admits to being snookered

Art, you're usually a little more fair than this. You not to get your drink on or something. Ravi for one made it very clear that she didn't consider the comments as racist comments. Now granted , Ravi is a fucking idiot and in noway represents the mainstream of even the left wing radicals, but still you're claim was that no one said it wasn't racist, and that is incorrect.

The comments weren't racist. The comments were about how she overcame racism. The act of not doing everything she could for the white farmer was racist. Do you see the difference?

Yes that is different. So let me be clear Art, Ravi made her opinion known that the black woman did nothing wrong by not giving the white farmer all the help she could.

Ravi is a loon and a racist Art, and defending her would not aid your cause in anyway.
Another lie. What are you four? I usually skip over your posts but tell me, how often do you try to tell other posters whom they may agree with?
Just to clear the air for all the morons in this thread.


When the woman didn't initially do everything she could for the white farmer because he was white and she believed he was trying to be superior to her, was that an act based on racism or a racist act, in your opinion?

And a follow up:

Was her giving a testimonial describing the event and how she eventually overcame her racism itself racist?
What she did back in 86 was racist. Her changing of her ways is a credit to her and her character. The couple she helped in 86 are very grateful for all she did and feel she went above and beyond to help them. I would not have used the NAACP as a forum to tell the story, they have a negative racist attitudes.

Briebart is an opportunist and should have been more careful in his posting, he should have had all the facts and didn't. He wanted to fan the flames against the NAACP. Stupid move, in the same vain as Rather in his eagerness for a scoop.

Obama administration mishandled the whole thing from the get go. They went into react mode and damn waiting for the facts to come out. The Obama administration saw this as an easy call to look like they were fair. They look really stupid.

The NAACP? A bunch of goons, it was a speech at one of their meetings and yet they condemned her without all the facts. More stupidity.

The bright side is she has her job back and hopefully all involved get smarter from this lesson, but I doubt any will.
Just to clear the air for all the morons in this thread.


When the woman didn't initially do everything she could for the white farmer because he was white and she believed he was trying to be superior to her, was that an act based on racism or a racist act, in your opinion?

And a follow up:

Was her giving a testimonial describing the event and how she eventually overcame her racism itself racist?
I'd say it was thought based on racism. She harbored racist thoughts...though is racism really defined by a feeling of inferiority? :eusa_eh:

I do not believe she committed a racist act because in the end she realized she was in the wrong and rectified the situation. If she hadn't then I'd agree she had been racist in action. But if she hadn't we would have never heard her story...I suspected from the beginning that she was telling a story of how she overcame her own racial prejudice.

And absolutely not on her giving a testimonial describing her actions being racist.

IMO she is a big hearted woman and deserves kudos for overcoming her bad feelings toward the white farmer.

And I also give kudos for the farmer and his wife for coming foward and telling their side of the story.
Is racism like alcoholism? Your always in recovery?

So... am I to understand that the message of her speech was, you can atone for your racism? This message was directed at a NAACP meeting? What I heard was, poor is color blind, get the rich crackers.

Shirley Sherrod also said she signed off on $80 million worth of business & industry loans & not one dime went to black business because none of them came foreword asking for money to start a business or industry. Blacks have bad credit because of something as stupid as a cell phone they don't need & don't buy farms, business or homes they do need. She also said Blacks will sell their land they inherit for next to nothing because they don,t want to do hard work in the fields. Sherrod also said crime drives business out of black communities.

Funny isn't that what brought down the housing market & the world economy. I just love how the racist white people are always blamed for holding down the blacks. Shirley Sherrod once again confirmed a study by Freddie Mac, confirming earlier Federal Reserve and FDIC studies, contradicts race discrimination arguments for CRA. The study found that African-Americans with annual incomes of $65,000-$75,000 have on average worse credit records than whites making under $25,000. This showed that the difficulty in qualifying was not because of race but bad credit records. Accordingly, the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas entitled a paper "Red Lining or Red Herring?"

Shirley Sherrod said it was to bad there were not white people at this meeting to listed to them. Maybe if they changed their racist name from NAACP to NAAPP (National Association for the Advancement of Poor People) whites would come.
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What she did back in 86 was racist. Her changing of her ways is a credit to her and her character. The couple she helped in 86 are very grateful for all she did and feel she went above and beyond to help them. I would not have used the NAACP as a forum to tell the story, they have a negative racist attitudes.

Briebart is an opportunist and should have been more careful in his posting, he should have had all the facts and didn't. He wanted to fan the flames against the NAACP. Stupid move, in the same vain as Rather in his eagerness for a scoop.

Obama administration mishandled the whole thing from the get go. They went into react mode and damn waiting for the facts to come out. The Obama administration saw this as an easy call to look like they were fair. They look really stupid.

The NAACP? A bunch of goons, it was a speech at one of their meetings and yet they condemned her without all the facts. More stupidity.

The bright side is she has her job back and hopefully all involved get smarter from this lesson, but I doubt any will.

Totally agree.

The USDA and NAACP were quick to throw this lady under the bus. They didn't get the whole story, but still threw her under that big assed bus.

Then. holy shit, they get the whole story and OOPPPSSS it was a story taken out of context and not true at all.

So instead of the NAACP and the USDA saying, Golly Gee, we made a very bad mistake and wish to extend our utmost apologies to Ms Sherrod and reinstate her, The NAACP then proceeds to blame FOX news, the Tea Party Briebart and probably Micky Mouse for their own lack of intelligence.

Typical. Jeeze.
So they claim they went off half-cocked?? That should bolster their credibility.

Any comment on Breitbart and fox being pieces of shit for what they did ..

Oh dear god fox fans are idiots who swallow this crap all the time. They took parts of the tape they wanted to show and totally misrepresented everything.

The white house screwed up by actually believing fox. Enough with this crap. Didn't the acorn tape prove all they do is lie.

Damn Fox and breitbart sucks ass.
WOW, you are just MASSIVELY stupid

Dive con, stop me when I am wrong here.

Beitbart doctored a tape, showed exactly what they wanted to show and showed it. Fox put this out as factual...FACTUAL. They took something from a blog site (Breitbart) and the following people commented
Fox and Friends
The white house

all commented on it as if it were true. They all looked at what fox showed on their station and took it for fact and then commented on it.

FOX !!!!!!

Dispute any of this. I hope to God the white house will finally stop using anything fox says as truth. Stop being afraid of controversy and let fox lie and look like fools. Again.
What she did back in 86 was racist. Her changing of her ways is a credit to her and her character. The couple she helped in 86 are very grateful for all she did and feel she went above and beyond to help them. I would not have used the NAACP as a forum to tell the story, they have a negative racist attitudes.

Briebart is an opportunist and should have been more careful in his posting, he should have had all the facts and didn't. He wanted to fan the flames against the NAACP. Stupid move, in the same vain as Rather in his eagerness for a scoop.

Obama administration mishandled the whole thing from the get go. They went into react mode and damn waiting for the facts to come out. The Obama administration saw this as an easy call to look like they were fair. They look really stupid.

The NAACP? A bunch of goons, it was a speech at one of their meetings and yet they condemned her without all the facts. More stupidity.

The bright side is she has her job back and hopefully all involved get smarter from this lesson, but I doubt any will.

Totally agree.

The NAACO and the USDA were real quick to throw this lady under the bus. Funny how quickly people react to that little word, RACISM.

Of course once the TRUE facts came out the NAACP was quick to blame any and all for their stupidity in not checking out the story before they opened their big fat mouth and inserted that size 12 on in.

Of course they apologized and Ms Sherrod will probably get her job back with the USDA but of course the NAACP and USDA are blameless. It was all Fox, The Tea Party and Briebart.

Its always easy to blame others for your own ineptitude. Typical. Jeeze.

Typical. Jeeze
Uh huh.

Blatant hatchet job from Breitbart and your commentary amounts to "well she did do something racist" and "the liberals did it too" but you TOTALLY aren't a hack.

Yeah, sure. That's the ticket.


point to where i said the liberals did it too

you keep making this claim, but it is clear you have no concept of what it means

too bad you're projecting on the hack part, i understand though, it helps you sleep at night

wtf? where did i ever say that....or what in the world gave you that impression....the fact is, she committed a racist act and all the libs here are lying by claiming she never did, that the video was edited...that pure bullshit

no one ever claimed she never repented...trent lott repented and resigned, yet guess what, the same libs defending this lady still to this day bring up lott as an example of racism in the republican party
open your eyes divecon

That was easy.

you really shouldn't call anyone else a hack...

that is not a "they did it too"

that is pointing out HYPOCRISY a15...if you had any reading comprehension skills you would see my point is the libs lying about the racism and/or blowing it off because she admitted it, yet apologized for it.....the hypocrisy is that they still hold lott accountable for his racism, YET, do not hold this lady responsible for hers and call the whole thing a lie, a hatchet job, a conspiracy, a smear....

YET...lott's one statement caused him to resign and his apology has never been good enough for these same libs....

there is simply no "they did it too" because i am solely talking about the dems, no one else, hence, no one else could have done anything too

thanks for the laugh champ :lol:
What she did back in 86 was racist. Her changing of her ways is a credit to her and her character. The couple she helped in 86 are very grateful for all she did and feel she went above and beyond to help them. I would not have used the NAACP as a forum to tell the story, they have a negative racist attitudes.

Briebart is an opportunist and should have been more careful in his posting, he should have had all the facts and didn't. He wanted to fan the flames against the NAACP. Stupid move, in the same vain as Rather in his eagerness for a scoop.

Obama administration mishandled the whole thing from the get go. They went into react mode and damn waiting for the facts to come out. The Obama administration saw this as an easy call to look like they were fair. They look really stupid.

The NAACP? A bunch of goons, it was a speech at one of their meetings and yet they condemned her without all the facts. More stupidity.

The bright side is she has her job back and hopefully all involved get smarter from this lesson, but I doubt any will.

Totally agree.

The USDA and NAACP were quick to throw this lady under the bus. They didn't get the whole story, but still threw her under that big assed bus.

Then. holy shit, they get the whole story and OOPPPSSS it was a story taken out of context and not true at all.

So instead of the NAACP and the USDA saying, Golly Gee, we made a very bad mistake and wish to extend our utmost apologies to Ms Sherrod and reinstate her, The NAACP then proceeds to blame FOX news, the Tea Party Briebart and probably Micky Mouse for their own lack of intelligence.

Typical. Jeeze.

You forgot to mention who took it out of context and who broadcasted it out of ontext.

I love how you missed that part. IT WAS FOX WHO LIED! AGAIN. They screwed up by actually believing fox woud show the truth!
Any comment on Breitbart and fox being pieces of shit for what they did ..

Oh dear god fox fans are idiots who swallow this crap all the time. They took parts of the tape they wanted to show and totally misrepresented everything.

The white house screwed up by actually believing fox. Enough with this crap. Didn't the acorn tape prove all they do is lie.

Damn Fox and breitbart sucks ass.
WOW, you are just MASSIVELY stupid

Dive con, stop me when I am wrong here.

Beitbart doctored a tape, showed exactly what they wanted to show and showed it. Fox put this out as factual...FACTUAL. They took something from a blog site (Breitbart) and the following people commented
Fox and Friends
The white house

all commented on it as if it were true. They all looked at what fox showed on their station and took it for fact and then commented on it.

FOX !!!!!!

Dispute any of this. I hope to God the white house will finally stop using anything fox says as truth. Stop being afraid of controversy and let fox lie and look like fools. Again.

you're a was all over the media, yahoo had it etc...
Just to clear the air for all the morons in this thread.


When the woman didn't initially do everything she could for the white farmer because he was white and she believed he was trying to be superior to her, was that an act based on racism or a racist act, in your opinion?

And a follow up:

Was her giving a testimonial describing the event and how she eventually overcame her racism itself racist?
I'd say it was thought based on racism. She harbored racist thoughts...though is racism really defined by a feeling of inferiority? :eusa_eh:

I do not believe she committed a racist act because in the end she realized she was in the wrong and rectified the situation. If she hadn't then I'd agree she had been racist in action. But if she hadn't we would have never heard her story...I suspected from the beginning that she was telling a story of how she overcame her own racial prejudice.

And absolutely not on her giving a testimonial describing her actions being racist.

IMO she is a big hearted woman and deserves kudos for overcoming her bad feelings toward the white farmer.

And I also give kudos for the farmer and his wife for coming foward and telling their side of the story.


thanks for proving me right some crow and apologize a15

she said it was not a racist act....i'll see if you can man up and apologize
What she did back in 86 was racist. Her changing of her ways is a credit to her and her character. The couple she helped in 86 are very grateful for all she did and feel she went above and beyond to help them. I would not have used the NAACP as a forum to tell the story, they have a negative racist attitudes.

Briebart is an opportunist and should have been more careful in his posting, he should have had all the facts and didn't. He wanted to fan the flames against the NAACP. Stupid move, in the same vain as Rather in his eagerness for a scoop.

Obama administration mishandled the whole thing from the get go. They went into react mode and damn waiting for the facts to come out. The Obama administration saw this as an easy call to look like they were fair. They look really stupid.

The NAACP? A bunch of goons, it was a speech at one of their meetings and yet they condemned her without all the facts. More stupidity.

The bright side is she has her job back and hopefully all involved get smarter from this lesson, but I doubt any will.

Breitbart had all the facts...all of them. He simply race baited and fox ran with it as facts.

That is where this all started. the white house was wrong for actually believing the tripe Fox broadcast.
WOW, you are just MASSIVELY stupid

Dive con, stop me when I am wrong here.

Beitbart doctored a tape, showed exactly what they wanted to show and showed it. Fox put this out as factual...FACTUAL. They took something from a blog site (Breitbart) and the following people commented
Fox and Friends
The white house

all commented on it as if it were true. They all looked at what fox showed on their station and took it for fact and then commented on it.

FOX !!!!!!

Dispute any of this. I hope to God the white house will finally stop using anything fox says as truth. Stop being afraid of controversy and let fox lie and look like fools. Again.

you're a was all over the media, yahoo had it etc...

AFTER FOX broadcasted, stupid. They got it from their righty winged idiot Breitbart. There is no credibility at fox and at Breitbart. Period. None.
Yurt, of course, is a tool here.

How is it that he is a tool because you don't read what he is actually saying or making any attempt whatsoever to understand it? That's not his fault. His position is pretty clear and absolutely correct.

Personally, however, I am getting tired of hypocrisy arguments. Few people have the intellectual honesty to exam themselves and admit when they are actually being hypocritical, so it's pointless.

Yurt is running static in an effort to not admit the shamelessness of this hit piece and doing so by focusing on the fact that the act she committed in the story was racist. It's typical Yurt.

what is truly comical about your insane comments, is that you actually agree with me on the racism

but, since you're a left wing hack and have extreme personal animosity against me, you just have to make stuff up about dear ol' yurt

too bad, i thought you were better than this
Dive con, stop me when I am wrong here.

Beitbart doctored a tape, showed exactly what they wanted to show and showed it. Fox put this out as factual...FACTUAL. They took something from a blog site (Breitbart) and the following people commented
Fox and Friends
The white house

all commented on it as if it were true. They all looked at what fox showed on their station and took it for fact and then commented on it.

FOX !!!!!!

Dispute any of this. I hope to God the white house will finally stop using anything fox says as truth. Stop being afraid of controversy and let fox lie and look like fools. Again.

you're a was all over the media, yahoo had it etc...

AFTER FOX broadcasted, stupid. They got it from their righty winged idiot Breitbart. There is no credibility at fox and at Breitbart. Period. None.

how do you know they didn't get it from the same source as fox?

i await your proof
Just to clear the air for all the morons in this thread.


When the woman didn't initially do everything she could for the white farmer because he was white and she believed he was trying to be superior to her, was that an act based on racism or a racist act, in your opinion?

And a follow up:

Was her giving a testimonial describing the event and how she eventually overcame her racism itself racist?
I'd say it was thought based on racism. She harbored racist thoughts...though is racism really defined by a feeling of inferiority? :eusa_eh:

I do not believe she committed a racist act because in the end she realized she was in the wrong and rectified the situation. If she hadn't then I'd agree she had been racist in action. But if she hadn't we would have never heard her story...I suspected from the beginning that she was telling a story of how she overcame her own racial prejudice.

And absolutely not on her giving a testimonial describing her actions being racist.

IMO she is a big hearted woman and deserves kudos for overcoming her bad feelings toward the white farmer.

And I also give kudos for the farmer and his wife for coming foward and telling their side of the story.


thanks for proving me right some crow and apologize a15

she said it was not a racist act....i'll see if you can man up and apologize

Yes, she said it wasn't a racist act ... and she went on to say that had she not made amends then it would have been a racist act.

So here's your apology, Yurtie:

Fuck you.

Now get to the photoshop thread.
What she did back in 86 was racist. Her changing of her ways is a credit to her and her character. The couple she helped in 86 are very grateful for all she did and feel she went above and beyond to help them. I would not have used the NAACP as a forum to tell the story, they have a negative racist attitudes.

Briebart is an opportunist and should have been more careful in his posting, he should have had all the facts and didn't. He wanted to fan the flames against the NAACP. Stupid move, in the same vain as Rather in his eagerness for a scoop.

Obama administration mishandled the whole thing from the get go. They went into react mode and damn waiting for the facts to come out. The Obama administration saw this as an easy call to look like they were fair. They look really stupid.

The NAACP? A bunch of goons, it was a speech at one of their meetings and yet they condemned her without all the facts. More stupidity.

The bright side is she has her job back and hopefully all involved get smarter from this lesson, but I doubt any will.


The USDA and NAACP sure jumped the gun on this one. They threw this lady under the bus before they investigated the story. Just goes to show you how folks react to a charge of RACISM whether true or imagined.

Then they investigated and Golly Gee, OOOPPPSSS, they found it just wasn't true. The whole story was taken out of context. Next move, why blame Fox, The Tea Party, Briebart, Mickey MOuse, Robin Hood and anybody else they can think of.

Typical bs. Jeeze.

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