NAACP admits to being snookered

Here's the deal, Yurt ... this story is a prime example of a blatant hatchet job and of the media being extremely irresponsible and dishonest. You are a fuggin' piece of trash scumbag just like Breitbart for trying to run static in this thread.

the only one running static you champ

its not racism because she made amends....its not stealing because i made amends....its not killing because i made amends

its truly comical, you even agreed earlier it was a racist act, yet, when i told you that your fellow libs said it wasn't, you whined about me giving you the posts, i directed you to their posts, yet you were too lazy to read them, then you thought you would create a good gotcha moment and ask ravi specifically if what i said was true

-- and she said YES, yurt is right, and she showed it by saying it wasn't a racist act....instead of being honest and apologizing, you said fuck you, so you agreed with her

who is the hack here?
He never said that and neither did I.

She helped the guy keep her house despite her initial racist thoughts.

You are a tool.

you are a liar

I do not believe she committed a racist act

^your words....

if she didn't commit a racist act, then i am correct in saying that you said it was not racism...we ARE talking about the act you to apologize now?
No, but thanks...I saw the entire unedited video and it was as I suspected, right down to why the audience was cheering her on through her story.

It's funny...people really do seem to believe the worst of black people. Even other black people can sometimes be guilty of thinking the worst of each other. :(

lmao....from the person who constantly believes the worst in white conservatives, its all you do is bash the white conservatives

you're a closet racist, too you, if someone thinks something bad about "poor" black folk, its truly a horrendous thing, yet, you have no problem if people think that about white people...why can't you stop obsessing over the skin color and merely view the content of their character...libs like you are the ones who constantly bring up race
I've never bashed a conservative. I actually am very fond of conservatives. Problem is, most of you that claim to be conservative are not actually conservative.

Nice little post, have just brought up race by claiming that there are only white conservatives. :lol:


Yes, this isn't the first time Breitbart and his Big Government blog have been involved in deception. :eusa_whistle:

Did you recieve new information since last night? Because unless something has changed, you have no evidence that they are involved in deception.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- NAACP leaders are calling on the Obama administration to reconsider its ousting of a black Agriculture Department worker who was pushed out of her job over racially tinged remarks, reversing their previous criticism of the employee.

NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous said in a statement that the group was "snookered" into believing that USDA employee Shirley Sherrod expressed racist sentiments at a local NAACP meeting in Georgia earlier this year. Jealous said conservative activist Andrew Breitbart, whose website posted video of Sherrod's remarks, deceived millions of people by releasing only partial clips. He said the full video makes clear that Sherrod was telling a story of racial unity.

WEAR ABC 3 :: National News


President Obama should fire Vilsack who claims she was fired because someone might claim she is a racist. Fucktard.

hows come black people and people of the demonRat persuasion are so easily "snookered" that's something you rarely, if ever hear froma Republican. fool me once :lol::lol: shame on thee,, fool me twice :lol::lol::lol::lol: shame on me should be the demonRats mantra.. :eusa_whistle:
this is what it boils down to:

ravi and a15 believe the act was not racist because she made amends...hence, they believe that you can steal, but if you make amends, you never stole...

FACT: she initially did not help him the best she could, she sent him to one of his own...that person fucked up...then and only then did she help is entirely possible their situation would not have been as severe IF she helped them right away....unfortunately, we will never know because she committed a racist act

why this is so hard for many liberals to admit is a sad sign of the state of their party. they have believed for so long they hold the moral highground when it comes to racism, that they can't even see racism from the left at all....this is harmful to race relations in america, and until the left wakes up, this sad state will continue
the only one running static you champ

its not racism because she made amends....its not stealing because i made amends....its not killing because i made amends

its truly comical, you even agreed earlier it was a racist act, yet, when i told you that your fellow libs said it wasn't, you whined about me giving you the posts, i directed you to their posts, yet you were too lazy to read them, then you thought you would create a good gotcha moment and ask ravi specifically if what i said was true

-- and she said YES, yurt is right, and she showed it by saying it wasn't a racist act....instead of being honest and apologizing, you said fuck you, so you agreed with her

who is the hack here?
He never said that and neither did I.

She helped the guy keep her house despite her initial racist thoughts.

You are a tool.

you are a liar

I do not believe she committed a racist act
^your words....

if she didn't commit a racist act, then i am correct in saying that you said it was not racism...we ARE talking about the act you to apologize now?
Again, I did not say she wasn't racist. I said she didn't commit a racist act because in the end she helped the guy save his house.

Why do you keep claiming that I said she wasn't racist?
Dive con, stop me when I am wrong here.

Beitbart doctored a tape, showed exactly what they wanted to show and showed it. Fox put this out as factual...FACTUAL. They took something from a blog site (Breitbart) and the following people commented
Fox and Friends
The white house

all commented on it as if it were true. They all looked at what fox showed on their station and took it for fact and then commented on it.

FOX !!!!!!

Dispute any of this. I hope to God the white house will finally stop using anything fox says as truth. Stop being afraid of controversy and let fox lie and look like fools. Again.

you're a was all over the media, yahoo had it etc...

AFTER FOX broadcasted, stupid. They got it from their righty winged idiot Breitbart. There is no credibility at fox and at Breitbart. Period. None.

Fox didnt broadcast anything until after the administration forced her resignation. The second they did that, the issue became news and the video needed to be played. It's not their fault that the only people who had the full video was the NAACP and they hadnt released it.

Silly Fox for assuming that the NAACP would screen their own video before they made a stupid judgment.
this is what it boils down to:

ravi and a15 believe the act was not racist because she made amends...hence, they believe that you can steal, but if you make amends, you never stole...

FACT: she initially did not help him the best she could, she sent him to one of his own...that person fucked up...then and only then did she help is entirely possible their situation would not have been as severe IF she helped them right away....unfortunately, we will never know because she committed a racist act

why this is so hard for many liberals to admit is a sad sign of the state of their party. they have believed for so long they hold the moral highground when it comes to racism, that they can't even see racism from the left at all....this is harmful to race relations in america, and until the left wakes up, this sad state will continue
Art never agreed with what I said and you are misconstruing what I said.

How long have you been a liar, Yurt?
She IS a racist.... Along with the room full of people who cheered and laughed while she was talking about fucking over the white dude...

this is what it boils down to:

ravi and a15 believe the act was not racist because she made amends...hence, they believe that you can steal, but if you make amends, you never stole...

FACT: she initially did not help him the best she could, she sent him to one of his own...that person fucked up...then and only then did she help is entirely possible their situation would not have been as severe IF she helped them right away....unfortunately, we will never know because she committed a racist act

why this is so hard for many liberals to admit is a sad sign of the state of their party. they have believed for so long they hold the moral highground when it comes to racism, that they can't even see racism from the left at all....this is harmful to race relations in america, and until the left wakes up, this sad state will continue

Actually, I said that the act was racist ... to you. I said the act was racist but that her telling the story about it wasn't racist at all and that Breitbart is a scumbag.

And so are you.

So stop lying.
He never said that and neither did I.

She helped the guy keep her house despite her initial racist thoughts.

You are a tool.

you are a liar

I do not believe she committed a racist act
^your words....

if she didn't commit a racist act, then i am correct in saying that you said it was not racism...we ARE talking about the act you to apologize now?
Again, I did not say she wasn't racist. I said she didn't commit a racist act because in the end she helped the guy save his house.

Why do you keep claiming that I said she wasn't racist?

if the act isn't racist, then how can she be racist for committing it?

this is what you're saying: if someone steals from you, but then later makes amends for it....they never stole from you

do you not see the abosolute idiocy of what you're saying???
this is what it boils down to:

ravi and a15 believe the act was not racist because she made amends...hence, they believe that you can steal, but if you make amends, you never stole...

FACT: she initially did not help him the best she could, she sent him to one of his own...that person fucked up...then and only then did she help is entirely possible their situation would not have been as severe IF she helped them right away....unfortunately, we will never know because she committed a racist act

why this is so hard for many liberals to admit is a sad sign of the state of their party. they have believed for so long they hold the moral highground when it comes to racism, that they can't even see racism from the left at all....this is harmful to race relations in america, and until the left wakes up, this sad state will continue

Actually, I said that the act was racist ... to you. I said the act was racist but that her telling the story about it wasn't racist at all and that Breitbart is a scumbag.

And so are you.

So stop lying.

once again, you fail to read what i said....i previously stated that at first, you said it was racist act....then when ravi said it wasn't and i pointed out that she proved my point and asked for you apology, you told me to fuck off

you have yet to counter her and have done nothing but support her contention since....your actions speak louder than words champ
this is what it boils down to:

ravi and a15 believe the act was not racist because she made amends...hence, they believe that you can steal, but if you make amends, you never stole...

FACT: she initially did not help him the best she could, she sent him to one of his own...that person fucked up...then and only then did she help is entirely possible their situation would not have been as severe IF she helped them right away....unfortunately, we will never know because she committed a racist act

why this is so hard for many liberals to admit is a sad sign of the state of their party. they have believed for so long they hold the moral highground when it comes to racism, that they can't even see racism from the left at all....this is harmful to race relations in america, and until the left wakes up, this sad state will continue
Art never agreed with what I said and you are misconstruing what I said.

How long have you been a liar, Yurt?

Yes, she said it wasn't a racist act ... and she went on to say that had she not made amends then it would have been a racist act.

So here's your apology, Yurtie:

Fuck you.

perhaps you can show me where a15 actually disagreed with you and countered your claim....because all i see is him telling me to fuck off when i pointed out i was right that you said it wasn't racism and he further defends your position by explaining that you would have found it a racist act if she didn't make amends....

i await your proof
this is what it boils down to:

ravi and a15 believe the act was not racist because she made amends...hence, they believe that you can steal, but if you make amends, you never stole...

FACT: she initially did not help him the best she could, she sent him to one of his own...that person fucked up...then and only then did she help is entirely possible their situation would not have been as severe IF she helped them right away....unfortunately, we will never know because she committed a racist act

why this is so hard for many liberals to admit is a sad sign of the state of their party. they have believed for so long they hold the moral highground when it comes to racism, that they can't even see racism from the left at all....this is harmful to race relations in america, and until the left wakes up, this sad state will continue

Actually, I said that the act was racist ... to you. I said the act was racist but that her telling the story about it wasn't racist at all and that Breitbart is a scumbag.

And so are you.

So stop lying.

once again, you fail to read what i said....i previously stated that at first, you said it was racist act....then when ravi said it wasn't and i pointed out that she proved my point and asked for you apology, you told me to fuck off

you have yet to counter her and have done nothing but support her contention since....your actions speak louder than words champ

No, my words speak for themselves, liar.

I said it was racist and stand by it. She says that because she made amends then it wasn't racist to her. I never agreed with her. That's her opinion and I made mine clear several times in this thread.

Again ... stop lying, liar.

And fuck off.
This is the important point, I'd say.

FOX News has no credibility. Why anyone thinks they do mystifies me.

Because you haven't proven jack. You accusations are blatantly false since Fox didn't play anything until after the administration demanded her resignation.

Question is why? Why demand this womans resignation immediately and yet ignore and defend all the other stupid statements that are far worse by more important officials?

It couldn't possibly be because they knew what the full video showed and wanted to find fodder to attack their enemies while pretending to condemn such actions immediately could it? Nah!

There couldn't possibly be more to this than we already know. We can false blame Fox, so that's all we really needed.
this is what it boils down to:

ravi and a15 believe the act was not racist because she made amends...hence, they believe that you can steal, but if you make amends, you never stole...

FACT: she initially did not help him the best she could, she sent him to one of his own...that person fucked up...then and only then did she help is entirely possible their situation would not have been as severe IF she helped them right away....unfortunately, we will never know because she committed a racist act

why this is so hard for many liberals to admit is a sad sign of the state of their party. they have believed for so long they hold the moral highground when it comes to racism, that they can't even see racism from the left at all....this is harmful to race relations in america, and until the left wakes up, this sad state will continue
Art never agreed with what I said and you are misconstruing what I said.

How long have you been a liar, Yurt?

Yes, she said it wasn't a racist act ... and she went on to say that had she not made amends then it would have been a racist act.

So here's your apology, Yurtie:

Fuck you.

perhaps you can show me where a15 actually disagreed with you and countered your claim....because all i see is him telling me to fuck off when i pointed out i was right that you said it wasn't racism and he further defends your position by explaining that you would have found it a racist act if she didn't make amends....

i await your proof

I repeated her opinion to you, fucko.

I didn't say, "actually, Ravi is right and I agree that because she made amends the act wasn't racist."

It's pathetic that you have to lie like this.
Art never agreed with what I said and you are misconstruing what I said.

How long have you been a liar, Yurt?

Yes, she said it wasn't a racist act ... and she went on to say that had she not made amends then it would have been a racist act.

So here's your apology, Yurtie:

Fuck you.

perhaps you can show me where a15 actually disagreed with you and countered your claim....because all i see is him telling me to fuck off when i pointed out i was right that you said it wasn't racism and he further defends your position by explaining that you would have found it a racist act if she didn't make amends....

i await your proof

I repeated her opinion to you, fucko.

I didn't say, "actually, Ravi is right and I agree that because she made amends the act wasn't racist."

It's pathetic that you have to lie like this.

i will make it real simple for you, because that is obviously what it takes....

you first defended her and then told me to fuck here is your chance to counter ravi's point....

explain how ravi is wrong....
Yurt is a lying sack of shit.

Dont take anything he says for more than a pile of rat shit
Yurt is a lying sack of shit.

Dont take anything he says for more than a pile of rat shit

Can't actually deal with what he says so you go straight for the personal attack. What a shocker.

You really shouldn't bear false witness

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