NAACP admits to being snookered

Yes that is different. So let me be clear Art, Ravi made her opinion known that the black woman did nothing wrong by not giving the white farmer all the help she could.

Ravi is a loon and a racist Art, and defending her would not aid your cause in anyway.

Show me where Ravi said the woman did nothing wrong by not giving the white farmer all the help she could.

Art, it's late and honestly I don't remember which of the threads it was in, but I will find it for you sometime tomorrow if you wish. However, you KNOW Ravi is a fucking lunatic and says stupid things like that all the time. Hell fire man she opined that a father should be thrown in jail for something a mother did when he wasn't even in the picture. She's a god damned nut , and frankly if you can't acknowledge that well I will have lost respect for you my man.

Sorry but in the middle of something like this I'm not taking someone's word as to what she said. I can understand someone saying the comments weren't racists but not the act. I can also understand someone confusing or twisting a statement like that into "what she did wasn't racist." Show me she said that the act wasn't racist and I will gladly join the chorus in calling her an idiot for saying something that dumb.
Show me where Ravi said the woman did nothing wrong by not giving the white farmer all the help she could.

Art, it's late and honestly I don't remember which of the threads it was in, but I will find it for you sometime tomorrow if you wish. However, you KNOW Ravi is a fucking lunatic and says stupid things like that all the time. Hell fire man she opined that a father should be thrown in jail for something a mother did when he wasn't even in the picture. She's a god damned nut , and frankly if you can't acknowledge that well I will have lost respect for you my man.

Sorry but in the middle of something like this I'm not taking someone's word as to what she said. I can understand someone saying the comments weren't racists but not the act. I can also understand someone confusing or twisting a statement like that into "what she did wasn't racist." Show me she said that the act wasn't racist and I will gladly join the chorus in calling her an idiot for saying something that dumb.

As I said, I'm about the head to bed, but I will gladly find it for you tomorrow. Unfortunately, I have NO doubt that you will defend her. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and find it and post it.
I know you aren't calling me a liar.

Art, I have defended you over and over, I even said in THIS thread that that behavior was unusual for you, but yes in this case, you ARE being dishonest. the truth is you don't know if the man seen the whole video or not. You have no idea who edited the video. If it was he, yes he was dishonest, but innocent until proven guilty brother. Or did you not learn ANYTHING from this episode?

If he got it that way then he's dishonest for running with something and branding it "racist" without knowing the full context. And now he has egg on his face (again). Just like he did with the ACORN video.

Speaking of branding, I saw a blurb with Breitbart being interviewed, and that was the exact word he used in describing what the NAACP and others are attempting to do to the TPM...brand them as racists. Actually I think he was reading a quote from a lib who was encouraging such branding in an effort to stem their influence during this election season. I think in some odd way, his release of the video was in retaliation for those comments.
Art, I have defended you over and over, I even said in THIS thread that that behavior was unusual for you, but yes in this case, you ARE being dishonest. the truth is you don't know if the man seen the whole video or not. You have no idea who edited the video. If it was he, yes he was dishonest, but innocent until proven guilty brother. Or did you not learn ANYTHING from this episode?

If he got it that way then he's dishonest for running with something and branding it "racist" without knowing the full context. And now he has egg on his face (again). Just like he did with the ACORN video.

Egg on his face? Why ? He said from the beginning that his intention was to show that the NAACP has racism within it. I think all the audience members who were giggling as she told her story of not helping the white man as much as she could proved that they are there. Yes?


That he claims the video shows the NAACP has racism within it is a MAJOR part of his dishonesty. The lady was talking about how she learned from, and overcame her racism ... something that was very much made clear when you see the entire video and not the snippet put out by Breitbart.
Art, I have defended you over and over, I even said in THIS thread that that behavior was unusual for you, but yes in this case, you ARE being dishonest. the truth is you don't know if the man seen the whole video or not. You have no idea who edited the video. If it was he, yes he was dishonest, but innocent until proven guilty brother. Or did you not learn ANYTHING from this episode?

If he got it that way then he's dishonest for running with something and branding it "racist" without knowing the full context. And now he has egg on his face (again). Just like he did with the ACORN video.

Speaking of branding, I saw a blurb with Breitbart being interviewed, and that was the exact word he used in describing what the NAACP and others are attempting to do to the TPM...brand them as racists. Actually I think he was reading a quote from a lib who was encouraging such branding in an effort to stem their influence during this election season. I think in some odd way, his release of the video was in retaliation for those comments.

It was exactly that, he said those words exactly on Hannity. He released the video because of the claims of racism in the Tea Party by the NAACP. I notice by the way that no one has collected his $100K though.
Art, I have defended you over and over, I even said in THIS thread that that behavior was unusual for you, but yes in this case, you ARE being dishonest. the truth is you don't know if the man seen the whole video or not. You have no idea who edited the video. If it was he, yes he was dishonest, but innocent until proven guilty brother. Or did you not learn ANYTHING from this episode?

If he got it that way then he's dishonest for running with something and branding it "racist" without knowing the full context. And now he has egg on his face (again). Just like he did with the ACORN video.

Speaking of branding, I saw a blurb with Breitbart being interviewed, and that was the exact word he used in describing what the NAACP and others are attempting to do to the TPM...brand them as racists. Actually I think he was reading a quote from a lib who was encouraging such branding in an effort to stem their influence during this election season. I think in some odd way, his release of the video was in retaliation for those comments.

And as a result, he looks like a fool again and reminds us all why he is not a trusted source.
If he got it that way then he's dishonest for running with something and branding it "racist" without knowing the full context. And now he has egg on his face (again). Just like he did with the ACORN video.

Egg on his face? Why ? He said from the beginning that his intention was to show that the NAACP has racism within it. I think all the audience members who were giggling as she told her story of not helping the white man as much as she could proved that they are there. Yes?


That he claims the video shows the NAACP has racism within it is a MAJOR part of his dishonesty. The lady was talking about how she learned from, and overcame her racism ... something that was very much made clear when you see the entire video and not the snippet put out by Breitbart.
what about the audience reactions?
they sure do seem like they liked the idea that she wouldnt help the poor white farmer just because he was white
doesnt THAT show racism in the NAACP?
Egg on his face? Why ? He said from the beginning that his intention was to show that the NAACP has racism within it. I think all the audience members who were giggling as she told her story of not helping the white man as much as she could proved that they are there. Yes?


That he claims the video shows the NAACP has racism within it is a MAJOR part of his dishonesty. The lady was talking about how she learned from, and overcame her racism ... something that was very much made clear when you see the entire video and not the snippet put out by Breitbart.
what about the audience reactions?
they sure do seem like they liked the idea that she wouldnt help the poor white farmer just because he was white
doesnt THAT show racism in the NAACP?

My guess is that they were laughing at how silly her behavior was. I didn't hear any words of agreement coming from the crowd.

That he claims the video shows the NAACP has racism within it is a MAJOR part of his dishonesty. The lady was talking about how she learned from, and overcame her racism ... something that was very much made clear when you see the entire video and not the snippet put out by Breitbart.
what about the audience reactions?
they sure do seem like they liked the idea that she wouldnt help the poor white farmer just because he was white
doesnt THAT show racism in the NAACP?

My guess is that they were laughing at how silly her behavior was. I didn't hear any words of agreement coming from the crowd.
listen again then

That he claims the video shows the NAACP has racism within it is a MAJOR part of his dishonesty. The lady was talking about how she learned from, and overcame her racism ... something that was very much made clear when you see the entire video and not the snippet put out by Breitbart.
what about the audience reactions?
they sure do seem like they liked the idea that she wouldnt help the poor white farmer just because he was white
doesnt THAT show racism in the NAACP?

My guess is that they were laughing at how silly her behavior was. I didn't hear any words of agreement coming from the crowd.

Well then Art, I have no choice but to write you off as a fucking idiot partisan hack. I thought you were better than that, but Jesus Christ.

By the way. While perusing threads about this looking for Ravi's stupid comments I came across this from TM

The woman did nothing wrong in my opinion.

She is talking frankly about an internal struggle in which her better nature won out.

How sad that she is being punished for talking frankly about race and racism.

You willing to redeem yourself? My guess is no.

By the way , notice that SkyDancer thanked her for that post. Indicates there's two idiots right there who thought the woman did nothing wrong.
what about the audience reactions?
they sure do seem like they liked the idea that she wouldnt help the poor white farmer just because he was white
doesnt THAT show racism in the NAACP?

My guess is that they were laughing at how silly her behavior was. I didn't hear any words of agreement coming from the crowd.

Well then Art, I have no choice but to write you off as a fucking idiot partisan hack. I thought you were better than that, but Jesus Christ.

By the way. While perusing threads about this looking for Ravi's stupid comments I came across this from TM

The woman did nothing wrong in my opinion.

She is talking frankly about an internal struggle in which her better nature won out.

How sad that she is being punished for talking frankly about race and racism.

You willing to redeem yourself? My guess is no.

By the way , notice that SkyDancer thanked her for that post. Indicates there's two idiots right there who thought the woman did nothing wrong.

Sounds to me like TM is saying she did nothing wrong by talking about what she did in the past. It wouldn't shock me though if TM didn't think that not doing everything she could for the white farmer wasn't wrong but that's not what I am reading there.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- NAACP leaders are calling on the Obama administration to reconsider its ousting of a black Agriculture Department worker who was pushed out of her job over racially tinged remarks, reversing their previous criticism of the employee.

NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous said in a statement that the group was "snookered" into believing that USDA employee Shirley Sherrod expressed racist sentiments at a local NAACP meeting in Georgia earlier this year. Jealous said conservative activist Andrew Breitbart, whose website posted video of Sherrod's remarks, deceived millions of people by releasing only partial clips. He said the full video makes clear that Sherrod was telling a story of racial unity.

WEAR ABC 3 :: National News


President Obama should fire Vilsack who claims she was fired because someone might claim she is a racist. Fucktard.

I saw her on CNN earlier ravi. She said she got 3 phone calls from the white house on her way home asking her to resign.

The 3rd call told her to pull over and resign immediately.

Glenn Beck was on today giving the administration a TON OF CRAP over forcing her resignation...he said they didn't look at the context and shouldn't have asked for the resignation.

Wild were right earlier today when we were talking about this and you said we need the whole context.

you want the links to the lady's interview on CNN where she said that and the Beck show segment where he said it? I'll grab em up if you want.
No, but thanks...I saw the entire unedited video and it was as I suspected, right down to why the audience was cheering her on through her story.

It's funny...people really do seem to believe the worst of black people. Even other black people can sometimes be guilty of thinking the worst of each other. :(
So they claim they went off half-cocked?? That should bolster their credibility.

no... they acted appropriately based on the information received... the onus is on the people who engaged in deception.

but if you wish to feed your disdain for the NAACP, it's not like it will take much. :thup:

Unfortunately I have to agree with Sherry. They did go off half-cocked. Past events have left them overly-sensitive to any whiff of controversy and this is what happened.

At the same time it shouldn't be forgotten who did the "snookering" in the first place.
Yes, this isn't the first time Breitbart and his Big Government blog have been involved in deception. :eusa_whistle:
so she did admit she was racist and abused her power due to her it,

now, who claimed she had not repented? did brietbart say she was still doing this? did he or anyone claim she had just did this yesterday? how did it alter her admitted racist act?
so you dont want to forgive even after she repented?
and she rectified what she had done

wtf? where did i ever say that....or what in the world gave you that impression....the fact is, she committed a racist act and all the libs here are lying by claiming she never did, that the video was edited...that pure bullshit

no one ever claimed she never repented...trent lott repented and resigned, yet guess what, the same libs defending this lady still to this day bring up lott as an example of racism in the republican party

open your eyes divecon
She didn't commit a racist act. She overcame her racist thoughts.

Trent Lott repented? bwahahaha! Why are you even bringing him up? My God you're a freaking victim.
Woman gives testimonial on how she overcame her racism.

Breitbart cuts everything out except the part where she describes her racism.

I'd call that editing the fuck out of a video and turning it into a hit piece.

Even glenn-fuggin-beck called him out on the dishonesty of it.

are you sure breitbart was the one that did the editing?
i dont read his blog so i dont know how he is, but is it not possible that someone else edited it and sent it to him?
how about we wait to get ALL the facts before we assign blame here?

Breitbart is claiming the video was sent to him edited, but we can't expect the majority of libs to take him at his word.
Why would anyone take him at his word? His word is meaningless. He's released edited tapes before to smear black people.
are you sure breitbart was the one that did the editing?
i dont read his blog so i dont know how he is, but is it not possible that someone else edited it and sent it to him?
how about we wait to get ALL the facts before we assign blame here?

Breitbart is claiming the video was sent to him edited, but we can't expect the majority of libs to take him at his word.
Why would anyone take him at his word? His word is meaningless. He's released edited tapes before to smear black people.

i can't imagine why they'd believe him....

even if his tongue was notarized.

but i guess we can't expect rightwingnuts to understand that.
If you think that Breitbart didn't cut that to just show her saying she didn't do everything she could for the white farmer then I have some nice swampland in Florida you might be interested in purchasing.
hey, how about some PROOF first

someone gave the tape to him, why dont they come forward and say if they gave him the full tape or not
btw, the full tape came from the NAACP
so, the edited version had to have some connection to THEM

Let's say Breitbart did release the tape just the way he got it without the rest of the context.

That means he at best released a tape as an attack piece without verifying the context that the woman was speaking in and wound up with egg on his face after it comes to light that it was part of a testimonial on how she learned from her mistakes and overcame her racism.

The guy is a dishonest piece of trash.
And if this is true he is also a race baiter. IIRC in his original blog post on the subject he posted a picture of "the race card".
Art, you're usually a little more fair than this. You not to get your drink on or something. Ravi for one made it very clear that she didn't consider the comments as racist comments. Now granted , Ravi is a fucking idiot and in noway represents the mainstream of even the left wing radicals, but still you're claim was that no one said it wasn't racist, and that is incorrect.
Actually, I have claimed from the beginning that the woman was probably telling a story about how she overcame her racist attitude...but do go on lying, we expect it of you.

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