NAACP considers resolution decrying racist elements in tea-party movement

well dear I'm afraid that mold was broken wide open by the hateful lefties and the anti-war protesters during the Bush years.

probably no turning back now.

and I'll criticize him any way I want. thanks

Stupid fuck, the NAACP challenged the Tea Bastards to eliminate the racist pricks within their movement, they never said the Tea Bastards don't have a right to criticize the CINC, but you ugly fucks think your right to criticize makes you immune to being criticized, if you can't take it stop fucking dishing it out.

I'm okay with the NAACP making such a request.

Why is it so difficult to understand that there are some of us who would also like to see the NAACP denounce the racist people that speak for them and for their cause i.e. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, The NBPP etc.?


I am not okay with the NAACP making such a request. In my opinion, it is part of the orchestrated and organized effort to marginalize and demoniize the Tea Party movement and detract from the Tea Party stated agenda. Further, the NAACP are major hypocrites by demanding the Tea Partiers denounce racists in their midst when the NAACP feels no responsibility to do the same within their own organization.

The Tea Parties are not registered organizations with a central leadership. The Tea Partiers do not solicit racists for speakers, have no racist elements to their agenda, and there apparently is no video evidence of the accusations that self-righteous, hypocritical critics level against the Tea Partiers. The Tea Parties are not about ANY social issues, including racism, but are strictly about fiscal and constitutional integrity issues. Why should they be required to denounce something that has nothing to do with them when the NAACP is not required to denounce the same thing when it has everything to do with them?
well neither have I so I have nothing to worry about. and if someone did, that is their problem, not mine or yours or the rights or the lefts.
I don't go around telling other how they should act. not my job. not like the left and the NAACP believe it is theirs.

It's the NAACP's historic job to counter racism and support civil rights. If the Tea Party wants to behave badly, they'll have to take the consequences. They won't be considered very seriously.

Here's a video:
Think Progress VIDEO: Yes, there is racism in the Tea Party movement.

I am still waiting for someone to prove to me that the people in that video and others like it and other pictures of people holding racist signs are in fact, conservatives and/or members of the tea party.

These kinds of things prove nothing except that some idiots are willing to stand up and make racist statements.

I denounce each of the racist statements made in that video, but prove to me that these people are conservatives or hold the views of the tea party. For all we know they may be Democrats attempting to smear good people who happen to disagree with their politics.


Please! You think they are there to look pretty? They are members of of the Tea Party. If the Tea Party did not approve of those signs, they should ask them to leave of remove the signs. THEY DID NEITHER!
It's the NAACP's historic job to counter racism and support civil rights. If the Tea Party wants to behave badly, they'll have to take the consequences. They won't be considered very seriously.

Here's a video:
Think Progress VIDEO: Yes, there is racism in the Tea Party movement.

I am still waiting for someone to prove to me that the people in that video and others like it and other pictures of people holding racist signs are in fact, conservatives and/or members of the tea party.

These kinds of things prove nothing except that some idiots are willing to stand up and make racist statements.

I denounce each of the racist statements made in that video, but prove to me that these people are conservatives or hold the views of the tea party. For all we know they may be Democrats attempting to smear good people who happen to disagree with their politics.


Please! You think they are there to look pretty? They are members of of the Tea Party. If the Tea Party did not approve of those signs, they should ask them to leave of remove the signs. THEY DID NEITHER!

How do you know they didn't? Were you there? No, you were not there.

We had 'plants' show up at our Tea Parties here too. They were asked to put away their objectionable signs and they refused. They refused to give their names. Nobody among the Tea Partiers had ever seen them before or knew who they were. They moved around to position themselves in front of cameras every chance they got though. Eventually they were made to feel so unwelcome they left.

Had there been any general announcement 'denouncing the racists' or whatever, however, you can be damn sure that would have shown up on Youtube or the blogs along with unrelated photos supporting Obama and company and accusing the Tea Partiers of suppressing free speech.

We bent over backwards to ensure that there would be no foundation for any accusations of hate speech or racism. The very few Tea Partiers who showed up with signs that were objectionable were asked to put them away. They all did.

I honestly don't know what's in it for you people who don't care what the Tea Partiers actually stand for or why you refuse to look at or discuss the issues. Why is it so important to you to destroy or discredit the Tea Partiers.

Do you get paid to do that? Is there some kind of reward? I know why the Obama Administration hates the Tea Partiers, but I am honestly trying to understand what is so terrifying about an organization as non racist and non threatening as the Tea Party movement is to the rest of you.
Each time the Tea Party has a rally, the racist signs are obvious. How dare a Black Man become President!
How many Tea Party rallies have you been to?

Or are you instead relying solely on the picture the media wants to portray?
You want to see fair and balanced despite the NAACP guy using the Democrat playbook to filiibuster any issue to death they can't defend?

YouTube - Project 21's Borelli Debates NAACP's Shelton on Tea Party "Racism"

Thank you for that video. I appreciate hearing both sides of the discussion.

If the NAACP had come out and denounced the racism that has become evident in the NBPP and asked the leaders of the Tea Party Movement (those who are speaking at the events) to come out and publicly denounce the racist signs and statements that are coming from within their events, I would actually be praising the NAACP's efforts in this.

I agree that the leaders of the Tea Party should be denouncing the signs and racism in their midst. I've been saying that for months, in fact, the reason that I have not even investigated when an event is in my area and participated is that they won't.

To me it doesn't seem like the NAACP really cares about the racism at the Tea Party Events, they are more concerned about shooting down the anti-tax, smaller government message of the Tea Party, by playing the race card.

Each time the Tea Party has a rally, the racist signs are obvious. How dare a Black Man become President!
How many Tea Party rallies have you been to?

Or are you instead relying solely on the picture the media wants to portray?

Well everyone is talking about must have happened.

They wouldn't lie:hmpf:
Each time the Tea Party has a rally, the racist signs are obvious. How dare a Black Man become President!

I have not been to a Tea Party Rally. I can only assume that your statement is correct, based on the appearance that you have in fact been to at least one.

However, how can I be certain that the "people" that are holding those signs actually support the real message of the Tea Party?

So far, the left has not convinced that they are.

Stupid fuck, the NAACP challenged the Tea Bastards to eliminate the racist pricks within their movement, they never said the Tea Bastards don't have a right to criticize the CINC, but you ugly fucks think your right to criticize makes you immune to being criticized, if you can't take it stop fucking dishing it out.

I'm okay with the NAACP making such a request.

Why is it so difficult to understand that there are some of us who would also like to see the NAACP denounce the racist people that speak for them and for their cause i.e. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, The NBPP etc.?


I am not okay with the NAACP making such a request. In my opinion, it is part of the orchestrated and organized effort to marginalize and demoniize the Tea Party movement and detract from the Tea Party stated agenda. Further, the NAACP are major hypocrites by demanding the Tea Partiers denounce racists in their midst when the NAACP feels no responsibility to do the same within their own organization.

The Tea Parties are not registered organizations with a central leadership. The Tea Partiers do not solicit racists for speakers, have no racist elements to their agenda, and there apparently is no video evidence of the accusations that self-righteous, hypocritical critics level against the Tea Partiers. The Tea Parties are not about ANY social issues, including racism, but are strictly about fiscal and constitutional integrity issues. Why should they be required to denounce something that has nothing to do with them when the NAACP is not required to denounce the same thing when it has everything to do with them?

Did you not read the second paragraph of my post?

Why would you have any problem with the Tea Party Speakers and/or leaders coming out and denouncing any racism within their midst?

Fox is anything but fair and balanced.

The fact is that I support many of the core goals of the tea party movement, not as a black American -- but as an American. Let me be very clear about what I agree with and what I find intolerable. I do not support those who hate my president because he is a black man -- and that kind of hatred is often displayed on racially charged and denigrating signs at tea party rallies. I do not support those who spew racial venom, especially when incendiary words come from leaders within the movement, as they did last week from Mark Williams, national spokesman for the Tea Party Express. And I abhor and reject anyone who would spit upon or yell racial epithets at an esteemed public servant such as Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), and other black members of Congress, as tea party supporters reportedly have done.

I wrote a commentary for the Root suggesting that blacks may want to give the tea party movement a second look on substance and perhaps even emulate it. We should, I argued, start our own tea party as a way to protest the historic loss of black wealth since 2007. This did not go over well. How could I take those racist people seriously, some asked.

Well, I don't take racists seriously. I am alarmed by the racial animus and incivility that continues to build among our citizenry -- on all sides. But such voices do not represent the entire tea party movement. And it's the movement's ideas I take seriously.

To really move forward, we don't need provocative proclamations and condemnations. We need the NAACP and the tea party leadership alike to come up with tangible solutions, ideas that lessen some of the economic and social pain we are all experiencing.

So why can't black Americans have a tea party movement of our own? That is, why can't we get energized by politicians and proposals that would put people back to work and reduce the burden of taxes? I am all for social programs that feed and help people in rough times, but we need to do more than keep heads above water.

I don't think anyone at a Tea Party proclaimed that they hated Obama because he's black.

Equating Nazi signs with racism is just about all you have. Nazi signs are supposed to be equating a person to fascism not race. And it seems that nobody can really say that those displaying those signs were even actual members.

Black Americans can join the Tea Party and do....but the MSM won't report it.

Nope. Except for Fox News, you have to go to the Canadian or European press to get the information from the MSM:

Black Activists Condemn NAACP Resolution Against Tea Party Movement
by Bob Parks Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Washington, DC – As the NAACP plans to use their group’s prestige to bash the tea party movement, members of the Project 21 black leadership network are urging delegates at the NAACP’s national convention not to turn the NAACP into a pawn for progressive political bosses.

“As a frequent speaker at tea party rallies around the country, I can assure the NAACP that the tea party movement’s concerns are about President Obama’s policies and not his race,” said Project 21 fellow Deneen Borelli. “I’m deeply concerned that the NAACP is being used as a political tool to do the dirty work of the progressive movement. Instead of criticizing tea parties, the NAACP would be better served denouncing the racist comments made by a member of the New Black Panther Party and their voter intimidation outside a Philadelphia polling place in the last presidential election.”

According to a report in the Kansas City Star, the NAACP, which is conducting its 101st annual convention in that city, will take up a resolution as early as Tuesday to urge “all people of good will to repudiate the racism of Tea Parties, and to stand in opposition to its drive to push our country back to the pre-civil rights era.”

Kansas City NAACP chapter president Anita Russell said the tea party movement is “really not about limited government.” The resolution reportedly dwells on “explicitly racist behavior” that relies upon anecdotal posters opposing President Obama and allegations of the use of racial epithets by tea party participants.

Project 21’s Borelli added: “I urge the delegates to read the Contract from America – a list of policy objectives for Congress that was developed by tea party members nationwide. These objectives are clearly about limited government and liberty. In fact, the NAACP should be very concerned Obama’s cap-and-trade energy policy will lead to higher energy prices and higher unemployment – particularly among poor and minority households.”
More here:
Black Activists Condemn NAACP Resolution Against Tea Party Movement

I've posted this before, but some must have missed it:
[ame=]YouTube - Montage of Project 21 Members Denounce NAACP on "Beck"[/ame]
Each time the Tea Party has a rally, the racist signs are obvious. How dare a Black Man become President!
How many Tea Party rallies have you been to?

Or are you instead relying solely on the picture the media wants to portray?

Well everyone is talking about must have happened.

They wouldn't lie:hmpf:

The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn't so.

-- Ronald Reagan
Each time the Tea Party has a rally, the racist signs are obvious. How dare a Black Man become President!

I have not been to a Tea Party Rally. I can only assume that your statement is correct, based on the appearance that you have in fact been to at least one.

However, how can I be certain that the "people" that are holding those signs actually support the real message of the Tea Party?

So far, the left has not convinced that they are.


You mean them stamping their feet and insisting isn't sufficient proof? :eek:
It's the NAACP's historic job to counter racism and support civil rights. If the Tea Party wants to behave badly, they'll have to take the consequences. They won't be considered very seriously.

Here's a video:
Think Progress VIDEO: Yes, there is racism in the Tea Party movement.

I am still waiting for someone to prove to me that the people in that video and others like it and other pictures of people holding racist signs are in fact, conservatives and/or members of the tea party.

These kinds of things prove nothing except that some idiots are willing to stand up and make racist statements.

I denounce each of the racist statements made in that video, but prove to me that these people are conservatives or hold the views of the tea party. For all we know they may be Democrats attempting to smear good people who happen to disagree with their politics.


Please! You think they are there to look pretty? They are members of of the Tea Party. If the Tea Party did not approve of those signs, they should ask them to leave of remove the signs. THEY DID NEITHER!

No, I think there may be hateful elements from your side of the spectrum that are there to smear the name of the Tea Party. I am not sure either way. I am told that there are racists signs being displayed at these rallies. What I have not been convinced of is that those who hold them are actually supportive of the tea party message or if they are not liars that only want to smear good people or a combination of both.

By the way, there has been at least one post by a member here who says that he/she was at an event where they asked people carrying those signs to remove them. Some did, some refused and attempted to get in front of cameras. The later set are ones that I am very suspicious of being leftist who want to smear good people.


PS: I don't remember who the poster was, but it may have been earlier in this very thread. If they are still reading this thread, they should speak up.

Edit: Geez, next post after the one I quoted has FF speaking up to that fact. I thought it was FF, but could not remember. I'm not convinced either way, but I refuse to take leftwing accusations as gospel.
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Each time the Tea Party has a rally, the racist signs are obvious. How dare a Black Man become President!

I have not been to a Tea Party Rally. I can only assume that your statement is correct, based on the appearance that you have in fact been to at least one.

However, how can I be certain that the "people" that are holding those signs actually support the real message of the Tea Party?

So far, the left has not convinced that they are.


You mean them stamping their feet and insisting isn't sufficient proof? :eek:

You forgot the "holier than thou" attitude and the cursing that came along with it.

Did you not read the second paragraph of my post?

Why would you have any problem with the Tea Party Speakers and/or leaders coming out and denouncing any racism within their midst?


Because their enemies would then just use that as evidence th Tea Partiers admit that there IS racism within their midst and Immie, I've been to a number of Tea Party events, and I'm in close contact with people in other states, and there is not racism within their midst. That does not mean there are no racists present, but racists present are NOT Tea Partiers. Every group I've heard of is going out of their way to ensure there is no basis for that kind of criticism.

To acquiesce to the self-righteous and hypocritical demands of their critics is just to play into their hands and detract from the message of the Tea Party that has nothing to do with ANY social issues of any kind.'

And it will be used against them. By denouncing non-existent racist in their midst they will be accused of admitting there are racists in their midst. And any such statements will be used dishonestly on leftwing websites with non related pictures accusing the Tea Partiers of denying free speech or something.

Those who hate the Tea Parties don't give a damn whether they're racist or not. They want them to be. They want to have justification for hating them. The Tea Partiers are wise not to play their game.

As Glenn Beck said, he will be happy to help the haters denounce racism within the Tea Party if they will just show him who is racist or show evidence that there is racism. Planted or photoshopped pictures or claims made by people who have no evidence or even witnesses of any kind to back them up just won't cut it.

The Tea Partiers would be idiots to play into the hands of those who are doing their damndest to deflect the goals of the Tea Partiers by demonizing them, falsely accusing them, and trying to draw them into unrelated discussions.

It's sort of like some trolls here on USMB operate.
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Did you not read the second paragraph of my post?

Why would you have any problem with the Tea Party Speakers and/or leaders coming out and denouncing any racism within their midst?


Because their enemies would then just use that as evidence th Tea Partiers admit that there IS racism within their midst and Immie, I've been to a number of Tea Party events, and I'm in close contact with people in other states, and there is not racism within their midst. That does not mean there are no racists present, but racists present are NOT Tea Partiers. Every group I've heard of is going out of their way to ensure there is no basis for that kind of criticism.

To acquiesce to the self-righteous and hypocritical demands of their critics is just to play into their hands and detract from the message of the Tea Party that has nothing to do with ANY social issues of any kind.'

And it will be used against them. By denouncing non-existent racist in their midst they will be accused of admitting there are racists in their midst. And any such statements will be used dishonestly on leftwing websites with non related pictures accusing the Tea Partiers of denying free speech or something.

Those who hate the Tea Parties don't give a damn whether they're racist or not. They want them to be. They want to have justification for hating them. The Tea Partiers are wise not to play their game.

As Glenn Beck said, he will be happy to help the haters denounce racism within the Tea Party if they will just show him who is racist or show evidence that there is racism. Planted or photoshopped pictures or claims made by people who have no evidence or even witnesses of any kind to back them up just won't cut it.

The Tea Partiers would be idiots to play into the hands of those who are doing their damndest to deflect the goals of the Tea Partiers by demonizing them, falsely accusing them, and trying to draw them into unrelated discussions.

It's sort of like some trolls here on USMB operate.

So Teabaggers should let the racists within their ranks steal the attention and sabotage their "movement" all in the best interests of not giving the "liberals" ammunition against it so as a result Teabaggers will deny the racists within ranks when clear evidence is in their faces. Wake up idiot, stop pretending as if the reports of racism within the ranks of the TeaBaggers is a myth, it has already been pointed out and proven and your continued denial of what is obvious and plainly visible will be the downfall of the Tea Baggers.
Did you not read the second paragraph of my post?

Why would you have any problem with the Tea Party Speakers and/or leaders coming out and denouncing any racism within their midst?


Because their enemies would then just use that as evidence th Tea Partiers admit that there IS racism within their midst and Immie, I've been to a number of Tea Party events, and I'm in close contact with people in other states, and there is not racism within their midst. That does not mean there are no racists present, but racists present are NOT Tea Partiers. Every group I've heard of is going out of their way to ensure there is no basis for that kind of criticism.

To acquiesce to the self-righteous and hypocritical demands of their critics is just to play into their hands and detract from the message of the Tea Party that has nothing to do with ANY social issues of any kind.'

And it will be used against them. By denouncing non-existent racist in their midst they will be accused of admitting there are racists in their midst. And any such statements will be used dishonestly on leftwing websites with non related pictures accusing the Tea Partiers of denying free speech or something.

Those who hate the Tea Parties don't give a damn whether they're racist or not. They want them to be. They want to have justification for hating them. The Tea Partiers are wise not to play their game.

As Glenn Beck said, he will be happy to help the haters denounce racism within the Tea Party if they will just show him who is racist or show evidence that there is racism. Planted or photoshopped pictures or claims made by people who have no evidence or even witnesses of any kind to back them up just won't cut it.

The Tea Partiers would be idiots to play into the hands of those who are doing their damndest to deflect the goals of the Tea Partiers by demonizing them, falsely accusing them, and trying to draw them into unrelated discussions.

It's sort of like some trolls here on USMB operate.

I have to say that as long as that is the attitude, I will have nothing to do with the Tea Party Movement. If they do not have the balls to stand up to the racists on the perimeter of the rally and say, "Get the hell out of here, we do not support your hatred." And do so publicly. Then I cannot in good conscience state that I support the movement.

It's not accurate to say that NONE of the Tea Partiers hate Obama. Unless, you're the Almighty, no one can say that.

The rhetoric of the Tea Party is intensely anti-Obama.

The Tea Party may have some legitimate concerns shared by most Americans but they sometimes present them in a most inflammatory way.

Being honest about what Obama is doing tends to inflammatory anyway.

If weren't for all of the people that are lying for him and lying to wouldn't be so.

Having to admit to supporting his destructive policies has a way of setting some Democrats off.
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Did you not read the second paragraph of my post?

Why would you have any problem with the Tea Party Speakers and/or leaders coming out and denouncing any racism within their midst?


Because their enemies would then just use that as evidence th Tea Partiers admit that there IS racism within their midst and Immie, I've been to a number of Tea Party events, and I'm in close contact with people in other states, and there is not racism within their midst. That does not mean there are no racists present, but racists present are NOT Tea Partiers. Every group I've heard of is going out of their way to ensure there is no basis for that kind of criticism.

To acquiesce to the self-righteous and hypocritical demands of their critics is just to play into their hands and detract from the message of the Tea Party that has nothing to do with ANY social issues of any kind.'

And it will be used against them. By denouncing non-existent racist in their midst they will be accused of admitting there are racists in their midst. And any such statements will be used dishonestly on leftwing websites with non related pictures accusing the Tea Partiers of denying free speech or something.

Those who hate the Tea Parties don't give a damn whether they're racist or not. They want them to be. They want to have justification for hating them. The Tea Partiers are wise not to play their game.

As Glenn Beck said, he will be happy to help the haters denounce racism within the Tea Party if they will just show him who is racist or show evidence that there is racism. Planted or photoshopped pictures or claims made by people who have no evidence or even witnesses of any kind to back them up just won't cut it.

The Tea Partiers would be idiots to play into the hands of those who are doing their damndest to deflect the goals of the Tea Partiers by demonizing them, falsely accusing them, and trying to draw them into unrelated discussions.

It's sort of like some trolls here on USMB operate.

I have to say that as long as that is the attitude, I will have nothing to do with the Tea Party Movement. If they do not have the balls to stand up to the racists on the perimeter of the rally and say, "Get the hell out of here, we do not support your hatred." And do so publicly. Then I cannot in good conscience state that I support the movement.


Well that's your prerogative. I think you're still not hearing what I'm saying though. The Tea Partiers DO self police their rallies and gatherings and they do inform those who do not respect their policies that they are not welcome. But do you honestly think that if they called attention to the very few, if any, leftwing plants on the permimeters, that their enemies would not find a way to use that against them?

I ignore the trolls here on USMB too, because childish attention is what they are seeking. I won't play that game.

And you should understand that the Tea Partiers are not cowards but are rather demonstrating integrity by not playing that game too.
It's the NAACP's historic job to counter racism and support civil rights. If the Tea Party wants to behave badly, they'll have to take the consequences. They won't be considered very seriously.

Here's a video:
Think Progress VIDEO: Yes, there is racism in the Tea Party movement.

I am still waiting for someone to prove to me that the people in that video and others like it and other pictures of people holding racist signs are in fact, conservatives and/or members of the tea party.

These kinds of things prove nothing except that some idiots are willing to stand up and make racist statements.

I denounce each of the racist statements made in that video, but prove to me that these people are conservatives or hold the views of the tea party. For all we know they may be Democrats attempting to smear good people who happen to disagree with their politics.


Please! You think they are there to look pretty? They are members of of the Tea Party. If the Tea Party did not approve of those signs, they should ask them to leave of remove the signs. THEY DID NEITHER!

If I was a member of the Tea Party and some bozo was holding racist signs that would reflect negatively on our whole group I would ask them to remove them.

Don't let the fringe speak for the whole. That's what the NAACP is asking for.
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Here's a new editorial:

Since when has it become racist to point out racism in America? That's where this country finds itself, as many purporting to want a color-blind nation refuse to admit that not everyone shares their dream.
Case in point, the beat-down the NAACP has been receiving for having the audacity to point out the obvious: that racists have been infiltrating tea-party movement gatherings because any criticism of America's first black president gives them a buzz.

A resolution passed by the NAACP at its national convention this week didn't say being a tea-party member was equivalent to being a racist. It asked the movement to condemn the extremists too frequently seen at its meetings who carry racist signs and make bigoted comments.

To make its point, the resolution was accompanied by photographs taken at tea-party gatherings, including one of a young white man holding a sign with a drawing of a thick-lipped character and the words "Obamanomics Monkey See Monkey Spend."

Another photograph was of a baseball-capped man in a shirt that looked like the flag of Texas, who carried a sign that said "Congress = Slave Owner. Taxpayer = Niggar." Is that type of sentiment to be dismissed as merely patriotic fervor over high taxes?

If the tea-partiers truly want to change America for the better, they will act on the NAACP's charge and work harder to make sure that no one - regardless of skin color, religion, or country of origin - would feel unwelcome. Racism shouldn't be denied; it should be confronted.

Read more:
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Read more: Editorial: Racist brew leaves bad taste | Philadelphia Inquirer | 07/16/2010
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