NAACP considers resolution decrying racist elements in tea-party movement

Just don't refer to the President by a disparaging racial slur and expect respect for it.

pfeeesh. whatever.
I lived through the Bush years. I saw the RESPECT THE LEFT HAS so I worry not.

Bush was criticised plenty. Nobody called him a ******.

well neither have I so I have nothing to worry about. and if someone did, that is their problem, not mine or yours or the rights or the lefts.
I don't go around telling other how they should act. not my job. not like the left and the NAACP believe it is theirs.
pfeeesh. whatever.
I lived through the Bush years. I saw the RESPECT THE LEFT HAS so I worry not.

Bush was criticised plenty. Nobody called him a ******.

well neither have I so I have nothing to worry about. and if someone did, that is their problem, not mine or yours or the rights or the lefts.
I don't go around telling other how they should act. not my job. not like the left and the NAACP believe it is theirs.

It's the NAACP's historic job to counter racism and support civil rights. If the Tea Party wants to behave badly, they'll have to take the consequences. They won't be considered very seriously.

Here's a video:
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Bush was criticised plenty. Nobody called him a ******.

well neither have I so I have nothing to worry about. and if someone did, that is their problem, not mine or yours or the rights or the lefts.
I don't go around telling other how they should act. not my job. not like the left and the NAACP believe it is theirs.

It's the NAACP's historic job to counter racism and support civil rights. If the Tea Party wants to behave badly, they'll have to take the consequences. They won't be considered very seriously.

you know what, that was just a real load of crap.
when the naacp changes it's name to INCLUDE all people, then I'll give a shit what they say. and as I said earlier. you all calling us ALL racist has become a joke now. it's like the little boy who cried WOLF all the time. shame really, but that is just how it is.
You object to the term 'colored people' in their name? That was the term used in 1909 when they were founded. I still remember it's use in my lifetime.
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You object to the term 'colored people' in their name? That was the term used in 1909 when they were founded. I still remember it's use in my lifetime.

When i was young I was taught not to use the term "black" because it was offensive. Negro or Colored was the prefered term
By the late 60s the required term was "black"

Since then.... "Afro-American" "Person of Color" and now "African American" were suggested
It is curious that the NAACP keep their historic name instead of updating it. I doubt any of us think of African Americans as 'colored' anymore.
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Hey dipshit, you're the one that made the claim that those posters were racist. so you obviously think "monkey see, monkey do" references black folk.

Did you even look at the poster - like, look at the little "negro" monkey faces portrayed on it? Are you really this dense? Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but you abuse the privilege.:lol:

Nice deflection but since the vast majority of Kenyan citizens are black, your statement is very very weak. Weaker, if that is possible, then your cajones.

Apparently you have no brain.

Apparently you have no balls.

Negro monkey faces? That's a stretch even for you.

So you discount Kenya's minorities. How white of you.

So, once again you deflect with ad hominum by deflecting with a nonsequiter on Kenya's minorities as if that is what was meant by the poster. You are either very dishonest for very stupid. I'm not going to lay any wagers.
What was racist about that sign? Are you suggesting all Kenyans are black? I think Ryan Hall among other white Kenyans would disagree.

Nice. But dishonest. Do you seriously think those sign-holders were thinking of white Kenyans or, lets be blunt - even thought there was any such thing as whites in Kenya?

The subtle racism of the Birfers is that that sort of conspiracy would never (has never) evolved around a white president, and when it has (McCain) it lost steam.

Why? Every Birfer "fact" has been countered. Yet a small but vocal portion of the public - continue to believe it and, what isn't so good for the Tea-Party movement is that the Birfers have attached themselves to it.

Is the Birfer movement racism in the guise of "legitimate constitutional concern"? I tend to think so.

I don't know what a "birfer " is, I'm guessing it's just a childish play on the word birther. Fact is there are some fringe idiots that believe Obama is a Kenyan. They may be mistaken but that doesn't make them racist, you stupid fuck!

Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't make those "fringe idiots" racist. Maybe for many it's simply fear - fear that a black man is in power. Ultimate bogeyman for some.

However, your claim would have a whole lot more credibility when you can show me another president, or even presidential candidate that has had his legitimacy so scrutinized and continues to be despite clear evidence to the contrary. Just one. John McCain, after all, was born in Panama and after a small turbulance, that accusation of legitimacy dropped out of sight and his birth certificate accepted.

At a time when his policies should be critically examined and argued, focus remains on his legitimacy, attempts continue to be made to protray him as a radical terroristic black panther sort of dude and his wife as a racist as well - simply for talking in any sort of way that acknowledges race. The fact that it endures, rather than dies down (unlike former presidents) speaks of a hidden fear that can't be directly confronted in instead comes out in these sorts of attacks.

As for fringe....polls vary, but from 10 - 24 percent of Americans believe Obama was not born in Hawaii. One poll, in 2009 had 58% of GOP believing he was born in Kenya.

There are people so anxious to find racism in anything related to the Obama administration it borders on irrational and knee-jerk. Perhaps it is the pent-up accumulation of years of Affirmative Action inequities (whether real or percieved) and enforced political correctness. Whatever. You are incapable of acknowledging that racism might exist in the Tea Party movement just as it does in the NAACP, and you are incapable of realizing that not every speech or talk directed to or about a racial or ethnic minority, is racist.
Who the hell is Jessie Lee Peterson except a white loving, frustrated freed slave that thanked whites for slavery, if he wants to be on the plantation thats his personal biz and Louis Farrakhan is *NOT* a racist, thats right, I said it, the NAACP is not racist, president after president of the country has also spoken before the NAACP, and its award called the Springarn Medal is named after a white Jew who was a *REPUBLICAN* to boot, now why would a so called racist organization do that for?

I get back from vacation in France with my wife, login read my PMs and get referred to this thread full of retarded Tea Bagger supporters who don't know what the hell they're talking as always, you Tea Baggers make me laugh with your "party like its 1776" dumb talk when the dumb chick who made the statement would have been an ordinary housewife with no right to vote and a husband who sleeps with slave women while she plays the good slavemaster's wife. In 1776 only the rich landowning whites had any power, not the turds in Tea Baggers who are hijacking the original Boston Tea Party with whom they share nothing.

yea your butt buddy Louie aint a racist....GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK.....and why in the hell did you not fucking stay in France you dumb sonofabitch......oh and hey Chuckie....for the hundredth aint no fucking Conservative.....if you would not have uttered that nonsense in your ridiculous post.....

Now you know damn and good and well that only a racist would EVER criticize His Holiness The Chosen One.

The left has lost all credibility in their use of the word racist. Their reckless use of it, in defence to critisisms of the president, is weak, childish, and pathetic at best. And before you morons label me... No I am NOT a birther.

I don't know how weak, childish, or pathetic it is, but I definitely do see it as DESPERATE. :) It's really all they've got to defend this President in some of the stuff he does.

I do get really tired of anybody who dares to criticize or caracature this President being called a racist when those criticizng or caracaturing a white President are defended as exercizing their right to free speech.

If people are not racist and are serious about eliminating racism, then they'll agree that a black President is after all just a President and is as fair game for criticism, ridicule, or caracature as any other President. To single him out as somehow untouchable is racist. And to read into almost all caracatures or symbols used to spoof or caracature him as racist symbols is also racist. There is no evidence those doing the criticism are associating black people with those same images. But it is an absolute certainty that those criticizing the criticsm are associating black people with certain images.

So who are the racists here?

Who is singling him out as untouchable? He is not. And I would happily join in in criticizing some of his policies or actions that I disagree with.

Yet more and more of the criticism seems to center around aspects of race - he was born in Kenya, he is a usurper, he is a radical black militant, he is a racist because the Black Panther case was dropped - note - not one of those people in hysterics over it, has said - lets see what the facts are, lets see what the commission says - no, sans evidence, Obama and Holder are labeled racist. Accusations of "racism" are being thrown around like accusations of "witch" in Salem at the end of the 17th century - and with as little rationality.

If Obama's wife has the audacity to speak at the NAACP, about problems particular to black children she gets labeled a racist. Unlike any of her predessers, there is an expectation (and a double standard) that she must clearly articulate all races in any endeavor she undertakes or speech she gives.

Who is the racist here?
The left has lost all credibility in their use of the word racist. Their reckless use of it, in defence to critisisms of the president, is weak, childish, and pathetic at best. And before you morons label me... No I am NOT a birther.

I don't know how weak, childish, or pathetic it is, but I definitely do see it as DESPERATE. :) It's really all they've got to defend this President in some of the stuff he does.

I do get really tired of anybody who dares to criticize or caracature this President being called a racist when those criticizng or caracaturing a white President are defended as exercizing their right to free speech.

If people are not racist and are serious about eliminating racism, then they'll agree that a black President is after all just a President and is as fair game for criticism, ridicule, or caracature as any other President. To single him out as somehow untouchable is racist. And to read into almost all caracatures or symbols used to spoof or caracature him as racist symbols is also racist. There is no evidence those doing the criticism are associating black people with those same images. But it is an absolute certainty that those criticizing the criticsm are associating black people with certain images.

So who are the racists here?

Who is singling him out as untouchable? He is not. And I would happily join in in criticizing some of his policies or actions that I disagree with.

Yet more and more of the criticism seems to center around aspects of race - he was born in Kenya, he is a usurper, he is a radical black militant, he is a racist because the Black Panther case was dropped - note - not one of those people in hysterics over it, has said - lets see what the facts are, lets see what the commission says - no, sans evidence, Obama and Holder are labeled racist. Accusations of "racism" are being thrown around like accusations of "witch" in Salem at the end of the 17th century - and with as little rationality.

If Obama's wife has the audacity to speak at the NAACP, about problems particular to black children she gets labeled a racist. Unlike any of her predessers, there is an expectation (and a double standard) that she must clearly articulate all races in any endeavor she undertakes or speech she gives.

Who is the racist here?

it is clearly you who is the racist, and obama of course.
Oh but it was just fine and dandy when the ANTI-WAR nutjobs carried signs of Bush as Hitler.

you people are a JOKE JOKE JOKE.


When did I ever say that people who compared Bush to Hitler were right and or ever stated that I condone that act? I'm not liberal nor "Republican" conservative, i occupy my own space politically and don't ally myself extremist retards.

yea...thats why you have called yourself and even have it written by your avatar ..."Right of Center True Conservative".....which the posters here have proved time and again how full of shit you ALWAYS defend the left....and NEVER defend anything even remotely are just full of shit Chuckie....
I ridicule the left and right equally, especially the left slightly more so and the idiots who compared Bush to Hitler were *NOT* all Democrats, liberals and lefties either, people on both sides ridiculed Bush, get the facts straight, when you deal with the Bass there is no spinning allowed.
:lol:....oh give me a fucking break.....:lol:....are you actually saying this with posters around who know you? ridicule the left and right EQUALLY?....and the left a little more?......:lol:.....since when Chuckie?".....
If these fucking Tea Bastards are such good patriots and defenders of the Constitution why don't they quit acting like pussies carrying signs and enlist in the military and do the things that real defenders and patriots of the Constitution do?

many of them already have dipshit....
You object to the term 'colored people' in their name? That was the term used in 1909 when they were founded. I still remember it's use in my lifetime.

When i was young I was taught not to use the term "black" because it was offensive. Negro or Colored was the prefered term
By the late 60s the required term was "black"

Since then.... "Afro-American" "Person of Color" and now "African American" were suggested

"African-American" is Politically correct bullshit as well as ALL this nationality in front of American shit is a dividing tactic.....if we are all Americans then i dont need to know what ethnicity you are....its not important....we are Americans.....period....

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