NAACP considers resolution decrying racist elements in tea-party movement

You did specify child molesters - close enough.


Now, let's wait for Immie's Denunciation.
There has been no hesitation. The Racist meme is a false one promoted by the Progressives. The burden of proof lies with those making the accusations. The Tea Party is not required to Prove Its Innocence.

I posted a link to PJM with an analysis of the Thinkprogress smear job. It clearly delineates the false nature of the accusations. An innocent person or organization should not have to waste time and resources defending himself/itself from such bogosity.

Then tell me. Why the hesitation to denounce racism?

I didn't even say that racism within its ranks needs to be denounced. Simply denounce white supremacy. Period. Whether it is in your ranks or not, denounce racism world wide.

Don't play games with it. Don't give me this bullshit that saying you do not approve of the people holding signs at your rallies means that you admit that people within your ranks are racist. That is horseshit. This is a free country. Anyone who cares to go to your rallies for any reason can attend and there is not a damned thing you can do about it.

Your refusal to denounce it only strengthens the feeling that you condone it. Quietly saying, "go away" is not sufficient.


Well how about you getting up and denouncing wife beating in your house? Why would you hesitate to publicly announce that you are officially denouncing that?

Why should the Tea Party that is not about race, has nothing to do with race issues or any other social issues, have to acquiesce to anybody's demand about what they denounce?

Should they have to denounce jay walking?
Poor table manners?
Bank robbers?
Child molesters?
Tax cheaters?
Animal abuse?
Enter 'sin' of your choice here____________________.

If the NAACP orders your club or church or whatever to denounce all those things, would you feel obligated to do so? Especially when it accused you of having them in your midst?

Can't you see how that is race baiting? How it is a poorly veiled attempt to get the Tea Partiers to admit they are racist? How it opens the door to continue those accusations?

Then tell me. Why the hesitation to denounce racism?

I didn't even say that racism within its ranks needs to be denounced. Simply denounce white supremacy. Period. Whether it is in your ranks or not, denounce racism world wide.

Don't play games with it. Don't give me this bullshit that saying you do not approve of the people holding signs at your rallies means that you admit that people within your ranks are racist. That is horseshit. This is a free country. Anyone who cares to go to your rallies for any reason can attend and there is not a damned thing you can do about it.

Your refusal to denounce it only strengthens the feeling that you condone it. Quietly saying, "go away" is not sufficient.


Why haven't you loudly denounced pedophilia?

Should we assume that the lack of such a denunciation makes you a pedophile?

You have both lost it.

It is not even worth continuing this discussion, if this is the path you are going to take.

I'm losing faith in the Tea Party Movement very quickly.

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Then tell me. Why the hesitation to denounce racism?

I didn't even say that racism within its ranks needs to be denounced. Simply denounce white supremacy. Period. Whether it is in your ranks or not, denounce racism world wide.

Don't play games with it. Don't give me this bullshit that saying you do not approve of the people holding signs at your rallies means that you admit that people within your ranks are racist. That is horseshit. This is a free country. Anyone who cares to go to your rallies for any reason can attend and there is not a damned thing you can do about it.

Your refusal to denounce it only strengthens the feeling that you condone it. Quietly saying, "go away" is not sufficient.


Well how about you getting up and denouncing wife beating in your house? Why would you hesitate to publicly announce that you are officially denouncing that?

Why should the Tea Party that is not about race, has nothing to do with race issues or any other social issues, have to acquiesce to anybody's demand about what they denounce?

Should they have to denounce jay walking?
Poor table manners?
Bank robbers?
Child molesters?
Tax cheaters?
Animal abuse?
Enter 'sin' of your choice here____________________.

If the NAACP orders your club or church or whatever to denounce all those things, would you feel obligated to do so? Especially when it accused you of having them in your midst?

Can't you see how that is race baiting? How it is a poorly veiled attempt to get the Tea Partiers to admit they are racist? How it opens the door to continue those accusations?

You have lost it.

It is not even worth continuing this discussion, if this is the path you are going to take.

I'm losing faith in the Tea Party Movement very quickly.


Immie, please. I appreciate that you are sincere and I'm not ragging on you. I am trying to get you to see the Tea Partier's position on this.

Boedicca came up with a good illustration there.

If the NAACP accused you of having pedophiles in your group, and could provide no credible evidence that such existed, would you agree to their demand to denounce the pedophiles in your group?

Can you see that denouncing that would be the same as admitting that you have pedophilies in your group?

The Tea Partiers are not about racism. And they are refusing to let the NAACP or anybody else make them about racism.

You mean well. But you are asking them to admit that they are racist when there is no credible evidence anywhere that this is the case.
I have not been to a Tea Party Rally. I can only assume that your statement is correct, based on the appearance that you have in fact been to at least one.

However, how can I be certain that the "people" that are holding those signs actually support the real message of the Tea Party?

So far, the left has not convinced that they are.


You mean them stamping their feet and insisting isn't sufficient proof? :eek:

You forgot the "holier than thou" attitude and the cursing that came along with it.

Man, it's hard to resist such stunning and masterful displays of logic, isn't it? :lol:
Then tell me. Why the hesitation to denounce racism?

I didn't even say that racism within its ranks needs to be denounced. Simply denounce white supremacy. Period. Whether it is in your ranks or not, denounce racism world wide.

Don't play games with it. Don't give me this bullshit that saying you do not approve of the people holding signs at your rallies means that you admit that people within your ranks are racist. That is horseshit. This is a free country. Anyone who cares to go to your rallies for any reason can attend and there is not a damned thing you can do about it.

Your refusal to denounce it only strengthens the feeling that you condone it. Quietly saying, "go away" is not sufficient.


Well how about you getting up and denouncing wife beating in your house? Why would you hesitate to publicly announce that you are officially denouncing that?

Why should the Tea Party that is not about race, has nothing to do with race issues or any other social issues, have to acquiesce to anybody's demand about what they denounce?

Should they have to denounce jay walking?
Poor table manners?
Bank robbers?
Child molesters?
Tax cheaters?
Animal abuse?
Enter 'sin' of your choice here____________________.

If the NAACP orders your club or church or whatever to denounce all those things, would you feel obligated to do so? Especially when it accused you of having them in your midst?

Can't you see how that is race baiting? How it is a poorly veiled attempt to get the Tea Partiers to admit they are racist? How it opens the door to continue those accusations?

Then tell me. Why the hesitation to denounce racism?

I didn't even say that racism within its ranks needs to be denounced. Simply denounce white supremacy. Period. Whether it is in your ranks or not, denounce racism world wide.

Don't play games with it. Don't give me this bullshit that saying you do not approve of the people holding signs at your rallies means that you admit that people within your ranks are racist. That is horseshit. This is a free country. Anyone who cares to go to your rallies for any reason can attend and there is not a damned thing you can do about it.

Your refusal to denounce it only strengthens the feeling that you condone it. Quietly saying, "go away" is not sufficient.


Why haven't you loudly denounced pedophilia?

Should we assume that the lack of such a denunciation makes you a pedophile?

You have both lost it.

It is not even worth continuing this discussion, if this is the path you are going to take.

I'm losing faith in the Tea Party Movement very quickly.


Condolences on your inability to think logically and understand the faux nature of the leftwing "tea party racism" meme and the dishonest rhetorical game that insists that people prove their innocence.
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Well how about you getting up and denouncing wife beating in your house? Why would you hesitate to publicly announce that you are officially denouncing that?

Why should the Tea Party that is not about race, has nothing to do with race issues or any other social issues, have to acquiesce to anybody's demand about what they denounce?

Should they have to denounce jay walking?
Poor table manners?
Bank robbers?
Child molesters?
Tax cheaters?
Animal abuse?
Enter 'sin' of your choice here____________________.

If the NAACP orders your club or church or whatever to denounce all those things, would you feel obligated to do so? Especially when it accused you of having them in your midst?

Can't you see how that is race baiting? How it is a poorly veiled attempt to get the Tea Partiers to admit they are racist? How it opens the door to continue those accusations?

You have lost it.

It is not even worth continuing this discussion, if this is the path you are going to take.

I'm losing faith in the Tea Party Movement very quickly.


Immie, please. I appreciate that you are sincere and I'm not ragging on you. I am trying to get you to see the Tea Partier's position on this.

Boedicca came up with a good illustration there.

If the NAACP accused you of having pedophiles in your group, and could provide no credible evidence that such existed, would you agree to their demand to denounce the pedophiles in your group?

Can you see that denouncing that would be the same as admitting that you have pedophilies in your group?

The Tea Partiers are not about racism. And they are refusing to let the NAACP or anybody else make them about racism.

You mean well. But you are asking them to admit that they are racist when there is no credible evidence anywhere that this is the case.

I would denounce pedophiles in general as well as in my group, should there be any. If I knew of a pedophile in my midst, I would not hesitate to denounce him.

I have not said that the tea party movement had anything to do with racism. I do not believe that is the motivation for the vast majority of those who are involved in the tea party, although there may be some who see this movement as a way to advance their own agendas since no one pays any attention at all the the KKK.

That is why I feel it is ever so important to let everyone know that you are opposed to racism in all forms. There is nothing wrong with pointing out the moron with a sign comparing President Obama to a monkey and saying that person does not represent the beliefs of the Tea Party.

The reason many of the old codgers in the South didn't want to give the same rights to blacks that everyone else had was the fear that once in a position of power they would abuse it.

Here we are on the verge of proving we are a post-racial nation and Obama is busy turning the tide against whites in America.

In the words of Department of Justice whistle-blower J. Christian Adams:

[T]here is an open and pervasive hostility within the DOJ towards using the voting laws to protect all races. Instead, the laws are viewed by many in the DOJ -- particularly by the political leadership, such as Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandes -- only as tools to protect national racial minorities and increase their voter turnout.

American Thinker: Free at Last: Endgame of Liberal Racism
You guys want to hear what real hate speech sounds like. Check out the video on this site. And there is also a link to Tea Partiers comments for a comparison.

Stop the Haters: FreedomWorks responds | Tabitha Hale

This was people calling in to protest the firing of a voice over actor on a Geico commercial when he used his position to slur a conservative activist group in a very offensive way.
You guys want to hear what real hate speech sounds like. Check out the video on this site. And there is also a link to Tea Partiers comments for a comparison.

Stop the Haters: FreedomWorks responds | Tabitha Hale

This was people calling in to protest the firing of a voice over actor on a Geico commercial when he used his position to slur a conservative activist group in a very offensive way.

I wonder if that last "lady" in that video, was TDM. It would not surprise me one bit.

Most of the Negros drafted into service in WWII were kept behind the "lines" doing menial work. They were not trusted.

Who is that a picture of in your avatar?

Pierre Elliot Trudeau, our greatest Prime Minister - PM from 1968 - 1984. He repatriated our Constitution from Britain against the wishes of Conservatives and he gave us our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Truely a great man.
NAACP considers resolution decrying racist elements in tea-party movement -

The NAACP is pulling the race card on The Tea Party movement.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People will propose a resolution this week condemning racism within the tea party movement.

The resolution, scheduled for a vote as early as Tuesday by delegates attending the annual NAACP convention in Kansas City, calls upon “all people of good will to repudiate the racism of the Tea Parties, and to stand in opposition to its drive to push our country back to the pre-civil rights era.”

NAACP leaders said the resolution was necessary to make people aware of what they believe is a racist element within the tea party movement.

“I think a lot of people are not taking the tea party movement seriously, and we need to take it seriously,” said Anita Russell, head of the Kansas City chapter of the NAACP. “We need to realize it’s really not about limited government.”

Russell said she was “pretty certain” the resolution would pass.

Read more: NAACP considers resolution decrying racist elements in tea-party movement -

Yes the National Association for the Advancement of Coddled [thanks Michele Malkin] People are using the most divisive weapon they can come up with, and don't realize we don't care anymore. The country is on to them.
Most of the Negros drafted into service in WWII were kept behind the "lines" doing menial work. They were not trusted.

Who is that a picture of in your avatar?

Pierre Elliot Trudeau, our greatest Prime Minister - PM from 1968 - 1984. He repatriated our Constitution from Britain against the wishes of Conservatives and he gave us our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Truely a great man.

if he knew what you were and are he would spit in your face asshole....
Who is that a picture of in your avatar?

Pierre Elliot Trudeau, our greatest Prime Minister - PM from 1968 - 1984. He repatriated our Constitution from Britain against the wishes of Conservatives and he gave us our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Truely a great man.

if he knew what you were and are he would spit in your face asshole....

No, I have heard rumors that Trudeau was a pedophile himself, I'm sure he and Yukon would be best buds.

You are a disgusting waste of human flesh, scum, and obviosuly obsessed with homosexuality and all of the perverse associations with it. I'm quite certain that, based on CornHole's posting history, you and "it" would get along quite well.

You are a disgusting waste of human flesh, scum, and obviosuly obsessed with homosexuality and all of the perverse associations with it. I'm quite certain that, based on CornHole's posting history, you and "it" would get along quite well.

A pedophile looking down on gays? :cuckoo:
On 7/13/10, Hilary Shelton (Senior Vice President for Advocacy for the NAACP) said he's never been to a Tea Party because he was 'afraid to go'.

On 7/16/10, Hilary Shelton said he was at the health care reform Tea Party rally to monitor. Which is it?

The Fox News Channel is the only cable news outlet that's given any kind of significant attention to the New Black Panthers controversy, as well as the Tea Party smear attempt by the NAACP.

Read more: | Exposing Liberal Media Bias

[ame=]YouTube - Hilary Shelton, NAACP: Which is it?[/ame]

You are a disgusting waste of human flesh, scum, and obviosuly obsessed with homosexuality and all of the perverse associations with it. I'm quite certain that, based on CornHole's posting history, you and "it" would get along quite well.

i never talk about gays asshole.........if there is any disgusting piece of shit here ....its you.... your the Pedophile here fuckhead......and a lier on top of that....why did you not answer ABS when he asked you a few questions about you saying you served in Vietnam? many REAL Vets here to get that lie going?......your lower than a worm as far as land dwellers go ....fucking Barnacles have more Sentience....

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