NAACP endorses gay marriage

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People passed the resolution at its board meeting in Miami "as a continuation of its historic commitment to equal protection under the law," the organization said.

"Civil marriage is a civil right and a matter of civil law. The NAACP's support for marriage equality is deeply rooted in the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution and equal protection of all people," Benjamin Todd Jealous, President and CEO of the NAACP, said in a statement.

If the NAACP were truly were concerned about equal protection under the law, they would oppose the taking of the life of pre-born babies, especially in the black community where many pre-born babies of African heritage are slaughtered.

And of course if they were truly about civil rights, they would have never supported the Democratic Party, the party of slavery, the party of Jim Crow, the party that started the Ku Klux Klan, the party that always has and always will oppose the civil rights of citizens for the foreseeable future.

That they now base so-called civil rights based on perverted and self-destructive behavior practices just further proves them to not be worthy of recognition as a civil rights organization.
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The NAACP began with a membership of three white men and a number of more radical blacks from the Niagara movement. Both organizations remained distinct with overlapping memberships. William Howard Taft's policies, then Woodrow Wilson's policies (they rank #2 and #3 of most racist presidents, only surmounted by Andrew Jackson) began to radicalize the NAACP and drive it from any consideration by the growing anti-segregationist politics of the Republican and Democratic white leaderships.

I am surprised that it supports universal marriage when the black community is the most opposed racially to the concept.

But then again the organization called all Tea Party members racist, when in fact it is probably as racist more or less as the NAACP.

Here's the interactive history straight from the NAACP.
The NAACP has always been a joke, this is just another line to make thinking people laugh at them.
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People passed the resolution at its board meeting in Miami "as a continuation of its historic commitment to equal protection under the law," the organization said.

"Civil marriage is a civil right and a matter of civil law. The NAACP's support for marriage equality is deeply rooted in the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution and equal protection of all people," Benjamin Todd Jealous, President and CEO of the NAACP, said in a statement.

If the NAACP were truly were concerned about equal protection under the law, they would oppose the taking of the life of pre-born babies, especially in the black community where many pre-born babies of African heritage are slaughtered.

And of course if they were truly about civil rights, they would have never supported the Democratic Party, the party of slavery, the party of Jim Crow, the party that started the Ku Klux Klan, the party that always has and always will oppose the civil rights of citizens for the forseeable future.

That they now base so-called civil rights based on perverted and self-destructive behavior practices just further proves them to not be worthy of recognition as a civil rights organization.

And it is legal for fetuses to be aborted in this country. The decision to abort is between the woman, the man and their moral beliefs. I don't give a fuck how many babies are aborted, it's not my problem.

How will gay marriage hurt you?
Salt Jones said:
And it is legal for fetuses to be aborted in this country.

So? Slavery was legal in this country too. Just because politicians make policies and judicial oligarchs can make a ruling now matter how flawed it is, it doesn't mean they are right, especially when groups of people are denied their civil rights. Pre-born children ought not be denied their civil rights any less than African slaves were. Might does not make right.

Salt Jones said:
How will gay marriage hurt you?

They will use gay marriage to take away my rights, right to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly. They will use “hate-crime” laws to deny me my freedoms. They will sue me or my church if we don’t comply with their requests to wed. They will sue and imprison me if I don’t comply with their requests (e.g., if I was a photographer and they insisted I photograph their wedding). So I am to become a slave to the dictates of others who wish to infringe on my conscience? Heaven forbid.

Some existing examples. There is a case in Sweden where a pastor was imprisoned for “hate speech” for warning about the sins of the immorality Sweden was “tolerating” (he was later acquitted on appeal). Brazil considered a law that would have imprisoned pastors for two to five years for preaching homosexuality is a sin.

In Canada, a pastor faced British Columbia’s so-called “Human Rights Tribunal” for placing a “hateful” ad in a newspaper. A Kamloops, BC City Councillor was fined $1000 for saying homosexuality was "not normal and not natural.'' An Alberta pastor was fined $7,000 and ordered to publicly apologize by the so-called “Alberta Human Rights Commission” to speaking out against homosexuality.

Don’t think it couldn’t happen here? Catholic Charities are being told they have to permit homosexuals to adopt. With a choice to either stand by their convictions or deny their convictions and succumb to political tyranny, they chose to stand by and opt out, so the radical homosexual activists and tyrannical government entities ended up hurting needy children by their misguided agenda. Religious rights for doctors are under attack as seen where a lesbian couple sued doctors who by their convictions refused to artificial inseminate this couple.

Tyranny and religious persecution against the church is a great threat to society and our freedoms. What was only thought of as happening in strictly totalitarian and anti-Christian countries such as China and North Korea and numerous Muslim countries is rapidly approaching the United States.
Salt Jones said:
And it is legal for fetuses to be aborted in this country.

So? Slavery was legal in this country too. Just because politicians make policies and judicial oligarchs can make a ruling now matter how flawed it is, it doesn't mean they are right, especially when groups of people are denied their civil rights. Pre-born children ought not be denied their civil rights any less than African slaves were. Might does not make right.

Salt Jones said:
How will gay marriage hurt you?

They will use gay marriage to take away my rights, right to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly. They will use “hate-crime” laws to deny me my freedoms. They will sue me or my church if we don’t comply with their requests to wed. They will sue and imprison me if I don’t comply with their requests (e.g., if I was a photographer and they insisted I photograph their wedding). So I am to become a slave to the dictates of others who wish to infringe on my conscience? Heaven forbid.

Some existing examples. There is a case in Sweden where a pastor was imprisoned for “hate speech” for warning about the sins of the immorality Sweden was “tolerating” (he was later acquitted on appeal). Brazil considered a law that would have imprisoned pastors for two to five years for preaching homosexuality is a sin.

In Canada, a pastor faced British Columbia’s so-called “Human Rights Tribunal” for placing a “hateful” ad in a newspaper. A Kamloops, BC City Councillor was fined $1000 for saying homosexuality was "not normal and not natural.'' An Alberta pastor was fined $7,000 and ordered to publicly apologize by the so-called “Alberta Human Rights Commission” to speaking out against homosexuality.

Don’t think it couldn’t happen here? Catholic Charities are being told they have to permit homosexuals to adopt. With a choice to either stand by their convictions or deny their convictions and succumb to political tyranny, they chose to stand by and opt out, so the radical homosexual activists and tyrannical government entities ended up hurting needy children by their misguided agenda. Religious rights for doctors are under attack as seen where a lesbian couple sued doctors who by their convictions refused to artificial inseminate this couple.

Tyranny and religious persecution against the church is a great threat to society and our freedoms. What was only thought of as happening in strictly totalitarian and anti-Christian countries such as China and North Korea and numerous Muslim countries is rapidly approaching the United States.

Slippery slope fallacy.
And it is legal for fetuses to be aborted in this country. The decision to abort is between the woman, the man and their moral beliefs. I don't give a fuck how many babies are aborted, it's not my problem.

It IS your problem.
I mean the NAALCP endorses Obama....Humm if Obama had not said what he said, do you think NAACP would have came out for gay marriage?

The nation's largest civil rights group, the NAACP, endorsed gay marriage on Saturday, giving a boost to the movement to legalize same-sex nuptials despite reservations expressed by some black ministers.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People passed the resolution at its board meeting in Miami "as a continuation of its historic commitment to equal protection under the law," the organization said.

"Civil marriage is a civil right and a matter of civil law. The NAACP's support for marriage equality is deeply rooted in the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution and equal protection of all people," Benjamin Todd Jealous, President and CEO of the NAACP, said in a statement.
Civil rights group NAACP endorses gay marriage | Reuters
I'm sorry the NAACP is so divisive lately. They're calling all Tea Party attenders racists, too. Sad state of affairs to divide a nation in such a deceitful, lying way.

This country was founded on racism and the races have been divided since day one.
And it is legal for fetuses to be aborted in this country. The decision to abort is between the woman, the man and their moral beliefs. I don't give a fuck how many babies are aborted, it's not my problem.

It IS your problem.

You can't read? It is not his problem. It is not my problem. It is not your problem.

It is between a woman and her doctor.
It IS your problem.

You can't read? It is not his problem. It is not my problem. It is not your problem.


Oh yes it is.

Okay, now your record is just stuck.

You couldn't pick any of these women out of a proverbial line-up. You've never spoken to them. You are no relation to them. It is NONE of your business, and certainly not your problem.

Unless your nickname is "The Impregnator," this has not a damn thing to do with you.
Salt Jones said:
And it is legal for fetuses to be aborted in this country.

So? Slavery was legal in this country too. Just because politicians make policies and judicial oligarchs can make a ruling now matter how flawed it is, it doesn't mean they are right, especially when groups of people are denied their civil rights. Pre-born children ought not be denied their civil rights any less than African slaves were. Might does not make right.

Salt Jones said:
How will gay marriage hurt you?

They will use gay marriage to take away my rights, right to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly. They will use “hate-crime” laws to deny me my freedoms. They will sue me or my church if we don’t comply with their requests to wed. They will sue and imprison me if I don’t comply with their requests (e.g., if I was a photographer and they insisted I photograph their wedding). So I am to become a slave to the dictates of others who wish to infringe on my conscience? Heaven forbid.

Some existing examples. There is a case in Sweden where a pastor was imprisoned for “hate speech” for warning about the sins of the immorality Sweden was “tolerating” (he was later acquitted on appeal). Brazil considered a law that would have imprisoned pastors for two to five years for preaching homosexuality is a sin.

In Canada, a pastor faced British Columbia’s so-called “Human Rights Tribunal” for placing a “hateful” ad in a newspaper. A Kamloops, BC City Councillor was fined $1000 for saying homosexuality was "not normal and not natural.'' An Alberta pastor was fined $7,000 and ordered to publicly apologize by the so-called “Alberta Human Rights Commission” to speaking out against homosexuality.

Don’t think it couldn’t happen here? Catholic Charities are being told they have to permit homosexuals to adopt. With a choice to either stand by their convictions or deny their convictions and succumb to political tyranny, they chose to stand by and opt out, so the radical homosexual activists and tyrannical government entities ended up hurting needy children by their misguided agenda. Religious rights for doctors are under attack as seen where a lesbian couple sued doctors who by their convictions refused to artificial inseminate this couple.

Tyranny and religious persecution against the church is a great threat to society and our freedoms. What was only thought of as happening in strictly totalitarian and anti-Christian countries such as China and North Korea and numerous Muslim countries is rapidly approaching the United States.

Slippery slope fallacy.
Yep, legalize gay marriage and the next thing you know they'll be having kids right and left.

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