NAACP endorses gay marriage

I disagree. I know MANY black voters that voted for O in 08 and will vote for Romney now.

Where do you folks get your information?

I haven't met an Obama voter from 2008 of ANY Color yet who has told me he's voting for Romney.

I know a few McCain voters - not to mention myself- who aren't going to vote for the Weird Mormon Robot.

If anyone has a risk of getting less votes, it's Romney. Let's not forget, the main reason McCain got the nomination is the same reason Santorum did so well. He's not Romney.

You mean President Romney.
After all the endless bigoted bullshit you've posted over and over and over, do you really think anything you say is to be taken seriously on the matter? You made your views irrelevant long ago, bigot.

And yet here you are, following me around like a retarded puppy..

I disagree. I know MANY black voters that voted for O in 08 and will vote for Romney now.

Where do you folks get your information?

I haven't met an Obama voter from 2008 of ANY Color yet who has told me he's voting for Romney.

I know a few McCain voters - not to mention myself- who aren't going to vote for the Weird Mormon Robot.

If anyone has a risk of getting less votes, it's Romney. Let's not forget, the main reason McCain got the nomination is the same reason Santorum did so well. He's not Romney.

This tells us pretty much everything we already figured about your weak social life.
I disagree. I know MANY black voters that voted for O in 08 and will vote for Romney now.

Where do you folks get your information?

I haven't met an Obama voter from 2008 of ANY Color yet who has told me he's voting for Romney.

I know a few McCain voters - not to mention myself- who aren't going to vote for the Weird Mormon Robot.

If anyone has a risk of getting less votes, it's Romney. Let's not forget, the main reason McCain got the nomination is the same reason Santorum did so well. He's not Romney.

You mean President Romney.

Um, no, I don't. Romney's not going to win.

I saw a pretty interesting statistic yesterday...

Mitt, We Hardly Know You | Via Meadia

According to the study, a full 82 percent of respondents said they knew “little” or “nothing” about Mormonism, and researchers found that feeding them even a couple sentences of basic information about the church’s beliefs had the ability to swing wide swaths of the electorate in terms of their support for Romney.[/QUOTE]

If short, Americans just don't know how fucking crazy Mormons are... Yet.

When they find out, buh-bye Romney.

The reality, though, is that voters won't be given the same evenhanded summaries of Mormon belief that these survey respondents got. Over the next six months, Americans are going to receive a widely-amplified education on Mormonism, and the curriculum — along with the few tidbits of information that penetrate the public consciousness — will depend largely on he teachers: Namely, the news media.

The parts of Mormonism that will become the subjects of front-page features and network newscasts will likely dovetail with the broader stories that are dominating headlines. For example, if a Trayvon Martin-like tragedy gets national attention in October, people may walk into the voting booth thinking about Mormonism's complicated legacy on race. If the mommy wars flare up again, Americans might learn more about Mormon teachings on family. And any rogue political surrogate has the power to go on CNN and launch into a viral, off-message rant that throws a spotlight on some esoteric LDS doctrine or practice.
I disagree. I know MANY black voters that voted for O in 08 and will vote for Romney now.

Where do you folks get your information?

I haven't met an Obama voter from 2008 of ANY Color yet who has told me he's voting for Romney.

I know a few McCain voters - not to mention myself- who aren't going to vote for the Weird Mormon Robot.

If anyone has a risk of getting less votes, it's Romney. Let's not forget, the main reason McCain got the nomination is the same reason Santorum did so well. He's not Romney.

This tells us pretty much everything we already figured about your weak social life.

Oh, I thought that was you stalking me in the bushes... The neighbors have been complaining.

We can apply it to this board.

Is there ONE person here who voted for Obama in 2008 who is now going to vote for Romney?


There is one person who voted for McCain who won't vote for him.. namely me.
I haven't met an Obama voter from 2008 of ANY Color yet who has told me he's voting for Romney.

I know a few McCain voters - not to mention myself- who aren't going to vote for the Weird Mormon Robot.

If anyone has a risk of getting less votes, it's Romney. Let's not forget, the main reason McCain got the nomination is the same reason Santorum did so well. He's not Romney.

This tells us pretty much everything we already figured about your weak social life.

Oh, I thought that was you stalking me in the bushes... The neighbors have been complaining.

We can apply it to this board.

Is there ONE person here who voted for Obama in 2008 who is now going to vote for Romney?


There is one person who voted for McCain who won't vote for him.. namely me.

So you went from a RINO to a full fledged Democrat. Just means you went from straight laced lies to bold face lies.
There is one person who voted for McCain who won't vote for him.. namely me.

So you went from a RINO to a full fledged Democrat. Just means you went from straight laced lies to bold face lies.

To Paraphrase Ronald Reagan, I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me.

The GOP I joined was one that trumpted balanced budgets and living within its means. It's not one that gives trillions in tax cuts to rich Douchebags and runs up trillions in debt.

The one I joined believed in Freedom. The one that exists now wants to impose religious stupidity on the rest of us, even if we don't belong to that religion.

The one I joined was one that believed in strong national defense. It's not the one that saw Government and War as a big business oppurtunity for contractors.

Despite what Jake thinks, Romney is not the guy who is going to return the GOP to sanity. I thought McCain might, but even he couldn't escape the gravitational pull of the crazies like you.
This tells us pretty much everything we already figured about your weak social life.

Oh, I thought that was you stalking me in the bushes... The neighbors have been complaining.

We can apply it to this board.

Is there ONE person here who voted for Obama in 2008 who is now going to vote for Romney?


There is one person who voted for McCain who won't vote for him.. namely me.

So you went from a RINO to a full fledged Democrat. Just means you went from straight laced lies to bold face lies.

TGG is the full fledged RINO, a far right wack who wants to pretend he is mainstream and understands the American narrative. How foolish of him.
I disagree. I know MANY black voters that voted for O in 08 and will vote for Romney now.

Where do you folks get your information?

I haven't met an Obama voter from 2008 of ANY Color yet who has told me he's voting for Romney.

I know a few McCain voters - not to mention myself- who aren't going to vote for the Weird Mormon Robot.

If anyone has a risk of getting less votes, it's Romney. Let's not forget, the main reason McCain got the nomination is the same reason Santorum did so well. He's not Romney.

I don't know why anyone takes you seriously. you are a bigot, a Jew hater, you hate Mormons and religion generally, you're a conspiracy loon, nut job, who thinks big corporations are out to destroy the middle class which makes no sense, You also think Blacks are out calling white people "crackers" which I've never heard any say and I've grown up, went to school and until recently I've lived in Detroit my whole life and Im still there almost every day and have never heard anyone use that term. You’re a loon and a bigot, thats the bottom line. Where do people like you come from? I actually think its mental illness:cuckoo:
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JoeB may be all of those things, but you are even worse, you are a neo-con.
JoeB may be all of those things, but you are even worse, you are a neo-con.

Please... you're a little kid who thinks he knows something get over yourself

Your failings in discussion, particularly Iraq, have discredited anything else you say.

When I think of all the American patriots who have given everything for America, and then listen to a doosh like you drone on . . .

Normally gays are extremely shunned in the black community. It's practically taboo.

I guess none of that matters when they receive their marching orders from Black Jesus.

Normally gays are extremely shunned in the black community. It's practically taboo.

I guess none of that matters when they receive their marching orders from Black Jesus.

Sokar is really an Obama fluffer and is just trying to act manly. Fail.
JoeB may be all of those things, but you are even worse, you are a neo-con.

Please... you're a little kid who thinks he knows something get over yourself

Your failings in discussion, particularly Iraq, have discredited anything else you say.

When I think of all the American patriots who have given everything for America, and then listen to a doosh like you drone on . . .

:( Poor kid.

Normally gays are extremely shunned in the black community. It's practically taboo.

I guess none of that matters when they receive their marching orders from Black Jesus.

Sokar is really an Obama fluffer and is just trying to act manly. Fail.

Oh, absolutely.

Secretly I think Obama is the greatest president to ever walk on the water of the face of Earth.
Please... you're a little kid who thinks he knows something get over yourself

Your failings in discussion, particularly Iraq, have discredited anything else you say.

When I think of all the American patriots who have given everything for America, and then listen to a doosh like you drone on . . .

Poor kid.

Absolutely delusional. A wrecked morale and damaged capacity of our military, which will take a decade to rebuild; a weakened economy; and war criminals living in government retirement.

American cannot afford you guys ever again. You had your chance and failed.
The goals of the black civil rights movement have largely been met. So the organization is really irrelevant. Therefore they have to find things to keep them in business and this is where it leads.

only a white ignornant person would make this comment
Cheese Louise, Ducks. I don't think he ever even considered that the NAACP have decided squarely against equality and now are pushing for universal dominance. I think you should cut him some slack. ;)

Gays may think marriage is their fight for civil rights. Not too many black people think so though. Most of them are insulted that behavior is equated with race and the argument trivializes the black struggle. So did obama, in 2004. Obama in 2004: 'I Don't Think Marriage Is a Civil Right' | The Weekly Standard

Talk to black people, see how they feel. There's a reason why same sex marriage is defeated in black districts by double digit margins. The large opinion is that obama is comfortable with the black vote. Maybe too comfortable. Now he's after the money gays can bring to his campaign. Black people can generally spot a phony a mile away.

Here is further explanation.

I don't see black people flocking to Romney in droves. I see them sitting home instead.

Normally gays are extremely shunned in the black community. It's practically taboo.

I guess none of that matters when they receive their marching orders from Black Jesus.

Sokar is really an Obama fluffer and is just trying to act manly. Fail.

Oh, absolutely.

Secretly I think Obama is the greatest president to ever walk on the water of the face of Earth.

Sure, but Michelle has Michael Turner ass (see Atl Falcons). BHO NEEDS a fluffer!
I disagree. I know MANY black voters that voted for O in 08 and will vote for Romney now.

Where do you folks get your information?

I haven't met an Obama voter from 2008 of ANY Color yet who has told me he's voting for Romney.

I know a few McCain voters - not to mention myself- who aren't going to vote for the Weird Mormon Robot.

If anyone has a risk of getting less votes, it's Romney. Let's not forget, the main reason McCain got the nomination is the same reason Santorum did so well. He's not Romney.

Romney hasn't even gotten the nomination yet. People have NO IDEA the vetting that will go on after that.

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