NAACP endorses gay marriage


Normally gays are extremely shunned in the black community. It's practically taboo.

I guess none of that matters when they receive their marching orders from Black Jesus.

Sokar is really an Obama fluffer and is just trying to act manly. Fail.

Oh, absolutely.

Secretly I think Obama is the greatest president to ever walk on the water of the face of Earth.

Secretly, I think it's great that you have a hot avatar, cuz you won't make it far with posts like that one.
I disagree. I know MANY black voters that voted for O in 08 and will vote for Romney now.

Where do you folks get your information?

I haven't met an Obama voter from 2008 of ANY Color yet who has told me he's voting for Romney.

I know a few McCain voters - not to mention myself- who aren't going to vote for the Weird Mormon Robot.

If anyone has a risk of getting less votes, it's Romney. Let's not forget, the main reason McCain got the nomination is the same reason Santorum did so well. He's not Romney.

Romney hasn't even gotten the nomination yet. People have NO IDEA the vetting that will go on after that.

Shouldn't they vett the guy who already, you know, HAS the job? Just sayin...
I haven't met an Obama voter from 2008 of ANY Color yet who has told me he's voting for Romney.

I know a few McCain voters - not to mention myself- who aren't going to vote for the Weird Mormon Robot.

If anyone has a risk of getting less votes, it's Romney. Let's not forget, the main reason McCain got the nomination is the same reason Santorum did so well. He's not Romney.

Romney hasn't even gotten the nomination yet. People have NO IDEA the vetting that will go on after that.

Shouldn't they vett the guy who already, you know, HAS the job? Just sayin...

God, it's a stupid day on the board today. I really should go back to bed.
Right after he delivers yours from the government, Squire?

BDBoop's will be either her dividend check or her trust fund or pay check.

Unlike you, she works for a living.,
To Paraphrase Ronald Reagan, I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me. .

Bull-fucking-shit. The GOP was NEVER out there in far, far lefty land where you sit chanting passages from your book of Marx. You didn't lose your mind, you never had one to begin with (among other things).
Unko, take your pills, dude.

The party has move so far to strangeville on the far right that Reagan could not run in a primary today and win,
Unko, take your pills, dude.

The party has move so far to strangeville on the far right that Reagan could not run in a primary today and win,

You've said this so many times. Too bad there's not an ounce of truth to it. How many conservatives have you come across here that are Reagan bashing? You're living in your own world Jake, AS USUAL. (Just like the psychopath you are).
Unko, take your pills, dude.

The party has move so far to strangeville on the far right that Reagan could not run in a primary today and win,

I don't blame you for being embarrassed, but just accept the fact that you are a lefty and be done with it. Embrace your inner Marxist, go live in a tent in the middle of a city, rape women at night, brutalize the homeless, shit on police cars, and generally whine about reality instead of living in it like a civilized person. You know it's what you really want. Be sure to get video of a police officer giving you the beating you deserve so you can post it on youtube and pretend to be a hero for it. Just follow joeBullshit around, he'll show you the ropes.
I don't know why anyone takes you seriously. you are a bigot, a Jew hater, you hate Mormons and religion generally, you're a conspiracy loon, nut job, who thinks big corporations are out to destroy the middle class which makes no sense, You also think Blacks are out calling white people "crackers" which I've never heard any say and I've grown up, went to school and until recently I've lived in Detroit my whole life and Im still there almost every day and have never heard anyone use that term. You’re a loon and a bigot, thats the bottom line. Where do people like you come from? I actually think its mental illness:cuckoo:

Wow, guy, I'm starting to get the feeling you don't like me...

But thanks for showing you couldn't answer the point. That you guys have yet to show us any Obama voters who just love Romney right now.

By the way, dislike of Zionist Apartheid is not a hatred of Jews. Most American Jews are pretty embarrassed about Israel's antics, which is why Obama got 78% of the Jewish vote last time and will probably do as well this time.

Yes, I hate cults started by child-molesting con artists. Why don't you?

And, yes, corporations are out to destroy the middle class, not because it makes sense, but because they want to enrich themselves. It is incredibly stupid, but the problem with being a herd animal is that you run with the herd. I think you should know that better than anyone, Lemming boy.

I hear black folks use "cracker" all the time. Some publically

Now go back and squeeeeel like a pig, boy.
To Paraphrase Ronald Reagan, I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me. .

Bull-fucking-shit. The GOP was NEVER out there in far, far lefty land where you sit chanting passages from your book of Marx. You didn't lose your mind, you never had one to begin with (among other things).

And once again, Unko can't get past the first sentence, where I clearly explained my point.

To review. Reagan was for -

Immigration reform- he gave Amnesty to 3 million Illegals.
He raised taxes after he cut them.
He appointed moderates to the Supreme Court
He ran a union once himself and solicited union support. (He was the last Republican actually endorsed by some unions).
He worked with the religious right nutbags, but he wasn't one of them.
He even was friendly with gay folks in Hollywood like Rock Hudson.

He'd never get suport in today's far out whacked GOP which seems to be running on the fumes of its hate of an America that has changed.
Funny how you far left extremists have taken to trying (with pathetic transparency) to evoke Reagan in an attempt to give yourselves legitimacy.
Funny how you far left extremists have taken to trying (with pathetic transparency) to evoke Reagan in an attempt to give yourselves legitimacy.

Funny how you think Reagan was this thing Rush Drugballs says he was... instead of the guy who was actually president from 1981 to 1989.

I voted for Reagan twice, campaigned for him, etc.

He was not a whack like yourself and Gatsby. He was a pragmatic politician who didn't let idealogy stop him from doing what needed to be done.

The ironic thing about Romney is that he was more moderate than even Reagan was, but he has to pretend to be a whack in order to get the whacks behind him.

Which is why he'll lose.

Then maybe we can get about the business of making the GOP a sensible party again.
I voted for Reagan twice, campaigned for him, etc. .

You can give up the silly lies, douchebag. No one is buying it, comrade.

Yawn, I don't think enough about your intellectual capacity to really care what you think.

The sad thing is, a tiny hateful little turd like you is the base Republican voter these days, which is why it's going the way of the Whigs.

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